MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 41 nine years

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Fang Li closed his eyes tightly, his eyelashes trembling uncontrollably, as if he was trapped in a dream.

Intermittent memories kept pouring into my mind, and those memories passed by like a revolving lantern, not so much as memories, but rather as some unconscious pictures...

About a quarter of an hour passed.

Fang Li's frowning eyebrows gradually calmed down, and he opened his eyes.

It appears that the mission was successful.

He propped himself up and sat up from the bed, looking around, there was a large mahogany bed under him, a landscape screen in front of him, and a calming incense mist was enveloping from the incense burner beside the bed...

He stretched out his hands and looked at them. They were thin and slender hands, slightly pale, and looked not in good health.

Fang Li was thoughtful, combined with those unconscious fragments just now, his new body seems to be a fool...

What kind of body did the system choose for itself?

It's not stupid and sick, is it?

Fang Li closed his eyes and recalled the memory in his mind, after a little analysis, he quickly figured out what was going on.

His current body is that of a young master from a rich family. Because he was fond of playing when he was young, he accidentally fell into a cave. Who knows that luck is bad... No, it should be said that luck is too good. A piece of Wannian Mountain Essence Jade, if a cultivator obtains such a treasure, it is a peerless spiritual treasure to assist in cultivation, but if a mortal who has not practiced at all obtains it, he will not be able to absorb and digest such a powerful spiritual power, and will only explode and die.

Fortunately, this child was born with different meridians from ordinary people. It is an extremely rare hidden celestial spirit body. This kind of celestial spirit body is invisible and difficult to detect on the surface, but in fact, the meridians are far more resilient than ordinary people, and they are born to accommodate more than ordinary people. With a lot more spiritual power, he didn't die immediately after absorbing the Wannian Mountain Essence Jade.

A peerless genius who possesses the body of a heavenly spirit, and accidentally obtained the Wannian Mountain Essence Jade. He should have opened the script of Long Aotian, but it is true that he stood at the pinnacle of his life at the beginning.

Naihe—he is just a six-year-old child who has never practiced and has a mental insufficiency.

His soul was too fragile, powerful spiritual power poured into his body in an instant, although he didn't directly explode and die, but it washed away his three souls and seven souls, causing him to be seriously ill after returning. When you wake up again, you will be a fool.

For the past ten years, he has been in a daze, stupid and stupid. The spiritual power of Wannian Mountain Essence Jade is in his body. Because it has never been absorbed and digested, it is purely supported by the strength of the body of the heavenly spirit. It has been slowly consuming all these years. It's his body that looks so sick.

If this continues, sooner or later he will die.

Before he entered this body, his last ray of soul just disappeared, and this body became an empty shell.

The system chose to give this body to itself, and it should have been well thought out.

When I came to this world, I descended directly on Yan Sui, inherited everything that belonged to Yan Sui, and retained part of the power of the soul after death. Today, he still has the powerful soul of the peak of distraction, which can be regarded as his own accomplishment. The mission pays off.

He possesses such a powerful soul power, and is proficient in cultivation methods. It is only a matter of time before he absorbs the spiritual power of the Wannian Mountain Essence Jade in his body, and he also has the body of a heavenly spirit. At the peak of distraction, the future is limitless.

The system has indeed fulfilled its promise, as long as the task is completed, it will choose the most suitable body for itself.

With this body, I can have the power to protect myself in the fairy world, and live a carefree life. I don't have to worry about those worries in this life. It's not bad to be a rich young master who lives leisurely.

The system has a heart.

Thinking that the mission is completed and the system is gone, I feel a little nostalgic.

However, now the world should be able to run on its own.

Fang Li lazily stood up.

He pushed the door out.

In the courtyard outside, there were two little girls who were eating melon seeds and chatting in the shade. When they saw Fang Li coming out, they stood up with a smile and said to Fang Li, "Master, are you hungry?"

Although Young Master Fang is stupid and has an IQ like that of a three-year-old child, Fang's parents feel that it was their negligence that caused the child to have an accident. Out of guilt these years, they treat him like an eyeball. Because he was stupid and neglected him, so the servants at home would not neglect him.

In the past, if he was hungry, he would go out by himself, so the girl who served him asked this question.

Eldest Young Master Fang didn't quite understand other words, but the word 'hungry' happened to be understandable.

Fang Li nodded, he was indeed a bit hungry.

This body doesn't know how to cultivate, and it suffers from unabsorbable spiritual power all year round. It suffers from severe internal friction, and it is easy to get hungry quickly.

The girl immediately smiled and said: "Master, wait a moment, I'll go and prepare food right away. If you're bored, let Huang Tao play with you for a while."

Huang Tao was a little girl wearing a goose-yellow skirt, she approached with a smile and said, "Master, what do you want to play with? Let's throw stones, shall we?"

Fang Li rolled his eyes and let out a 'hmm'.

He knelt down and threw stones with the little girl, not to mention, he didn't use mana, but just used ordinary people's tricks, and almost lost to this little girl.

The warm sun was setting on his body, the girls in the courtyard were laughing, the breeze was blowing gently, everything was peaceful, beautiful and real, Fang Li couldn't help squinting his eyes.

He knew that the world would be fine.

Not long after, the girl who went out before came back with a lunch box.

There were exquisite meals in the lunch box, although they were all home-cooked dishes eaten by ordinary people, but Fang Li just took a look, and his appetite was whetted, and he sat comfortably in the sun to eat.

Not long after he was full, Fang Li stretched lazily, and let the girl beside him wipe his mouth and straighten his messed up clothes.

Then get up and go outside.

I just woke up, and I don't know what happened after the first battle that day, whether Xie Huai has become the most famous person in the world like the original book... He has many curious things, but since he is a fool, it is inconvenient to ask directly, so as not to scare him other people.

Just go out and look around and you will know.

The girl thought that he was just wandering around aimlessly as before, and the family had experience, so no one stopped him, but just went out with him.

Anyway, Hualin Town is just that big, and the Fang family is the richest man in the town. Everyone knows Young Master Fang, so even if they go out for a walk, nothing unexpected will happen.

Fang Li walked out following his memory and came to the street of Hualin Town.

This is a wealthy town, the streets are crowded with people, so lively, Fang Li remembers that there is a teahouse in the town, generally speaking, this is the place with the best information.

Sure enough, after walking for a short time, I saw the teahouse, and there were people sitting in twos and threes.

Fang Li was dressed in a sky-blue brocade robe with a jade pendant around his waist. He strolled in leisurely, turned his eyes, and found a seat to sit down.

The girl behind him is very experienced, took out the money and gave it to Xiaoer, and said with a smile: "Give our young master a pot of the best Biluochun."

Xiao Er replied with a smile, yes, the Fang family is rich, and they want the best in everything.

Xiao Er couldn't help but look at Fang Li again.

Everyone in Hualin Town knows that Young Master Fang had an accident when he was a child. He was a fool. Treating this son as a treasure, the shrewd and capable second young lady is also like protecting a calf, not allowing anyone to bully his brother, so even a fool can live a leisurely and prosperous life.

A life like them, which is clear and clear, but mediocre and busy, is not as good as this carefree fool.

And although Master Fang is a fool, he is really good-looking. Even though he has been ill for a long time and looks a little pale, his eyebrows and eyes are very delicate, he is always quiet and not noisy, and he likes to rush when he is fine. People smile, their smiles are pure and clean, and people can't hate them, but they are the mascots of the town!

Fang Li sat lazily in the teahouse, playing with the teacup with his fingertips, while the girl next to him peeled peanuts for him.

The voice of the storyteller ahead is loud.

It was exactly what Yuyi-jun said about killing the devil.

"It is said that nine years ago, Lord Yuyi killed the demon with a single sword on Fuqiu Mountain. The sword was like a thunderbolt covering the sun. The demon he killed had no power to fight back. The entire demon cultivator in Fuqiu Mountain was suppressed. , Seeing the death of the demon head, he immediately scattered like birds and beasts..."

Fang Li was slightly taken aback.

nine years?

Has it been so long? What happened to the system? It took so long to choose a body for myself?

If the system was not gone, Fang Li decided to ask.

Fortunately, this is not an important thing.

He settled down and continued to listen.

"When the members of the Ten Thousand Immortals League went to Mount Fuqiu, they happened to see the scene where Lord Yuyi killed the devil. It is said that Lord Yuyi was so red-eyed that day. It can be seen that he hated the devil very much. After killing the devil, I also collapsed to the ground exhausted, and it is said that after going back, I fell into a coma for a full month before waking up!"

Someone below asked: "Is it so exaggerated? Old Zhou, you have to pay attention to logic when you tell stories. Your meridians have been broken, and you can still be so powerful now? Killing people with their heads covered and not daring to take risks?"

The storyteller glared: "Where is this exaggeration? This is the internal news from Yun Jian Que! I found out with great difficulty. It is said that after the people from Yun Jian Que rescued Yu Yi Jun, they almost thought that Yu Yi Jun From now on, I will become a useless person, I never thought that Lord Yuyi is worthy of being Lord Yuyi, so he can break through and stand up, he is the number one person in the world, and he deserves his name!"

Fang Li frowned and pursed his lips.

Others don't believe this, but he actually believed Xie Huai's ferocious appearance when he saw it with his own eyes... I don't want Xie Huai to go so far in order to get rid of control, and he still hurt him, and I feel guilty and uneasy.

After a while, he sighed lightly.

Fortunately, Xie Huai was just like in the book, not only succeeded in rebuilding, but also became the number one person in the world...

He is still the Lord Yuyi who is admired by the world, and he is just a silly young master who lives in a daze, and there will be no intersections in the future, presumably Xie Huai will not come to seek revenge on him.

The storyteller paused for a moment, then said impassionedly: "The first thing Yuyi-jun did after he successfully rebuilt was to hunt down and kill Du Meng! Tsk tsk tsk, Yuyi-jun is indeed a man who cares about all the people in the world. The light of the righteous way that I am responsible for, I just killed the demon king and was seriously injured. Before I can fully recover, I went to chase and kill the remnants of Fuqiu Mountain, vowing to kill all the evil spirits in the world, such a spirit of sacrificing life , is really a role model for my generation!"

"I think back then, Du Meng was the second largest devil next to Yan Sui. Who knew that he was not only Yu Yi-jun's opponent, but he was killed and ran away. If he hadn't escaped so quickly, he might have died by Yu Yi-jun's sword a long time ago. Get off! Nine years have passed, let alone return to his Extreme Heaven Sect, and he still dares not even risk his head, and he still doesn't know where he is hiding in that mountain corner!"

Fang Li applauded along with everyone.

well said.

But what surprised Fang Li was that Du Meng didn't bother Xie Huai? In the original book, Du Meng was killed because he pestered Xie Huai endlessly... Why did you hear that Du Meng didn't go to Xie Huai at all, but Xie Huai took the initiative to chase and kill him?

Unexpectedly, it was a blessing in disguise. Although the hunted ran around, they accidentally saved their lives...

Fang Li was thoughtful.

It seems that everything is the same as I imagined at the beginning. The fate of the protagonist Xie Huai is the foundation of the existence of this world. The life and death of some supporting characters are not important. Du Meng and Wu Yimei are not dead... Now nine years have passed , the original plot of this world has long since ended, but it still exists, presumably it has been completely stabilized.

How to develop after that, there is no original work to follow, but let nature take its course.

Mr. Storyteller took a sip of tea, showing reverence, and said: "But the most admirable thing for everyone is not only that Lord Yuyi killed the devil and put an end to the evil in the fairy world, but that he has done all these things. Afterwards, he still garrisoned Fuqiu Mountain alone for nine years...Personally suppressed the devil's resentful soul in Fuqiu Mountain, so that the devil would never be able to reincarnate and never harm the world again!

This is the real fearless spirit of caring for the world and sacrificing oneself for the common people! "

Fang Li: "Cough cough cough cough—"

This is choking on peanuts.

The girl at the side turned pale with shock when she saw this, and quickly patted Fang Li on the back and gave him water.

Fang Li regained his composure with difficulty, with a complicated expression on his face.

The front is okay, although it is a bit different from the facts, but it is probably still the same... Why did you start messing around here?

Although he and Xie Huai have some grudges, but death is like a lamp going out, and those things in the past are gone. Xie Huai is such a bright and broad-minded person, how could he be so boring, and still stay on Fuqiu Mountain to suppress himself, to let I will never be reborn.

And how can there be any remnant souls that need to be suppressed? The remnant soul of the deity is right in front of you...

However, if Xie Huai didn't want to suppress himself, why didn't he go back to Yunjian Que and stay alone in Fuqiu Mountain?

Fang Li was a little puzzled.

It seems that a lot has happened in the past nine years...

But as long as he knows that Xie Huai is still fine, just like in the original book, he has nothing to worry about.

Fang Li lay there leisurely.

His seat was chosen very well, just enough to be exposed to the sun, and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep.

Waking up dimly, she found that the storyteller had left, and the people in the teahouse below started chatting.

"Have you heard? It is said that there is a treasure left by the Demon Lord in Qifeng Valley!"

"I know that many sects are going there recently, and they all want to get a share."

"It's not normal if you don't think about it, it's the treasure of the Demon Lord, who wouldn't be jealous."

"Nine years ago, the devil was so powerful, he ruled the way of the devil, and the world bowed his head. I don't know how many treasures he collected. It is said that high-grade spirit stones are piled up into mountains, and rare spirit treasures are thrown on the ground."

"I really don't know how many good things there should be in the treasure left by the devil. Even if I take a look at it, I will have no regrets in this life!"

Fang Li drooped his eyelids lazily, after thinking for a while, he remembered what was going on, there is something left behind by Yan Sui in Qifeng Valley.

At the beginning, those demon cultivators under Yan Sui sent him things all day long to please Han Sui, such as countless panaceas, magic tools, spirit stones, and spoils of the unification of the demonic way, so much that Han Sui's storage magic weapons could not be put down. , so except for some important items that will be carried with you, most of them will be thrown in Qifeng Valley.

Didn't even look at it afterward.

Nine years ago, I died in Fuqiu Mountain, and all the demon cultivators under him were scattered. After so many years, the news came out now, which is really slow enough.

After spending a day outside, I know everything I need to know.

Fang Li got up and went home.

It was already late when he came home. As soon as he entered the house, a girl in a water-blue dress with a sweet smile greeted her. Seeing him, the girl's eyes lit up, and she came to hold his hand and smiled. Said: "Brother, you are finally back! We are just waiting for you to have dinner together!"

As he spoke, he took Fang Li's hand and walked into the house.

This is his younger sister, the second miss of the Fang family—Fang Qiongyi.

Fang Li entered the room, and there was a middle-aged man with a kind face and rich clothes sitting in the room. It was his father Fang Mingyuan, and beside him with an elegant expression and a gentle smile was his mother Xin Ruiyan.

Fang Mingyuan saw the children coming in, and Fang Li said cheerfully, "Li'er went out again today?"

He knew that his stupid son would not answer him, so he just asked casually, and then said to Fang Qiongyi who was at the side: "How old is a girl, don't cling to your brother all day, sit down and eat."

Xin Ruiyan looked at the two children with a smile, and when they sat down, she stretched out her hand to pick up some food for Fang Li, and said softly, "Li'er, eat more, you have lost weight recently."

Fang Qiongyi hurriedly raised her bowl, pursed her mouth, "Mother, where's mine?"

Xin Ruiyan glared at her angrily: "How old are you, can't you eat by yourself?"

Fang Qiongyi made a face, then went to eat by herself.

Fang Mingyuan looked at his silly son lovingly. Although he ate a lot every day, he was still getting thinner and thinner. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sighed, his mind was heavy, and he concealed the worry in his eyes.

Fang Li happily started to eat, being a fool was really relaxing and joyful, and he didn't need to deliberately pretend to deal with it.

It was a joy to eat a meal.

Parents are at the side, sister is at the side, caring, laughing and making noise...

Fang Li lowered his eyes, showing a look of nostalgia. He never thought that he would still have today... a family reunion and a meal like this.

Everything in this world is fine.

All his efforts are not in vain.

very nice.


After dinner, Fang Li returned to his room.

He sat cross-legged and looked inside his dantian, and began to absorb the spiritual power in his body.

Because of the powerful control of the soul, these originally irritable spiritual powers became obedient in an instant, and quickly turned into trickles, warming the dry meridians little by little.

In the past few days, apart from eating, Fang Li is doing seclusion.

Because his body is a fool, he acts without rules at all, so no one cares if he doesn't go out.

Seven days passed.

That night Fang Li suddenly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a stream of light in his eyes. After these days of recuperation, his body is much better than before, but after so many years of accumulation, his body is like a rusty machine. Haste makes waste, and it has to be digested slowly. Only by laying a good foundation can it be convenient for later promotion.

Fang Li got off the bed.

The footsteps are strong, no longer vain, although this body looks sick, but it is different from the exhausted oil and lamps when we are tired, but it is actually a vibrant body, and it is only a matter of time before it returns to normal.

Fang Li was in a good mood and was about to take a rest when his ears moved suddenly and he heard a sound coming from the backyard.

He frowned slightly, pushed the door out, jumped up to the roof, and headed towards the backyard, and saw two demon cultivators sneaking in over the wall...

One demon was carrying a knife, and the other was carrying a pestle.

The demon cultivator with a knife said: "It is said that the Fang family in Hualin Town is quite rich, but I think it is not bad."

The demon cultivator with the pestle on his back said: "After all, you are a wealthy household in a small place, what do you expect to do?"

The demon cultivator with a knife said: "Although there should be nothing good in these ordinary people's homes, it's okay to take away the money from killing people and go to a brothel to have fun."

The demon cultivator with the pestle on his back said: "This place is very close to Qifeng Valley, let's not delay too long, otherwise it will be bad if we miss something."

The two of them were talking and were about to go inside when they suddenly felt a strong wind blowing past their ears. Moxiu, who was holding a knife, felt a chill on the side of his neck. He turned his head suddenly, only to see a leaf like a blade, deeply stuck into his mouth. Behind the courtyard wall!

The knife-handling devil's face suddenly changed, and the hairs all over his body stood up. It can make a fragile dead leaf penetrate into the stone wall. It needs spiritual power to stay attached to it. At least it must be an Jindan stage monk. I haven't heard of it There are monks in this family!

The two were on guard, and looked up in panic.

I saw a pale and sickly young man standing there under the big tree in front of him. His figure was thin, his clothes looked very loose, and his expression was lazy and casual. He was looking at them with a smile...

The two demon cultivators broke out in cold sweat, and they were just waiting for someone to do it on a whim, and they were going to rob a house, and they could meet masters?

Fang Li covered his hands with long sleeves and put them behind his back. He looked at the two of them playfully, and said slowly: "Where does this junior who doesn't know the heights of the world dare to covet the things of this seat?"

The two looked at Fang Li nervously, and one of them recognized Fang Li: "You, you are not the Fang family..."

When he said this, his voice stopped abruptly, and his face turned pale.

They had observed it before they came, and they all recognized the members of the Fang family. This person is clearly the silly young master of the Fang family! how is this possible?

Fang Li twitched his lips jokingly, and helped him finish the rest of the sentence: "The Fang family's silly young master, right?"

The two looked more and more frightened, and their bodies were covered in cold sweat.

They made a mistake!

Everyone said that the young master of the Fang family was a fool, but looking at it now, how could he look like a fool at all? He is clearly a formidable big demon cultivator! You know, at least a Nascent Soul cultivator is required to seize the house!

Therefore, Eldest Young Master Fang has actually been taken away by the Great Demon Cultivator, and the Fang Family has long been in his pocket, but he and others accidentally broke in by mistake. Naturally, he offended the Great Demon Cultivator!

Mo Dao always eats the weak and the strong, and even dares to covet the meat in the mouth of the big devil, he deserves to be killed.

The two immediately changed their expressions and apologized again and again: "We didn't know that the Fang family belonged to your Excellency, so we accidentally broke in by mistake. Let's leave now and never disturb!"

With that said, he took a step back cautiously.

Seeing that Fang Li didn't intend to stop them, the two took a deep breath, turned over from the courtyard wall again, and ran away without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Fang Li watched the two leave with cool eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up.

And on the inn a hundred meters away—

The man in white looked at this scene indifferently.

I just accidentally saw two demon cultivators, about to enter a house to commit murder, and was about to kill those two demon cultivators, but suddenly a young man appeared, with a sleepy and cold look, with a lazy and wanton expression , In a few words, those two demon cultivators were startled away.

Xie Huai couldn't help but take another look.

His eyes fell on the pale face of the other party, looking at those lazy and casual eyes, which seemed to be sly and playful.

Suddenly there was a feeling of palpitation, and he squeezed the teacup in his hand tightly.

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