MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 25 bridal chamber

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Fang Li just felt that the atmosphere tonight was very good, so he said something casually. He didn't expect Xie Huai to pay attention to him, but Xie Huai not only ignored him, but also asked such a proposition.

Fang Li was stunned for a moment.

But after he thought about it, he didn't need to panic at all, he is a domineering demon, and he did things like robbery, no matter how you look at it, it was all set by scumbags... If it was a real couple, such a proposition, Naturally, I have to cheer up, lest I make a mistake in the answer.

But he didn't have such troubles at all, he was only afraid that he answered correctly... Heh, I don't know whose life I'm going to get for this proposition.

I'm sure you'll never want to ask questions again.

Fang Li thought of this, and decided to carry out his scumbag setup to the end.

He approached Xie Huai slightly, looked at him ambiguously, and said in a frivolous tone, "Who doesn't love the most beautiful woman in the world like Yu Yijun? This deity is naturally not exempt."

Look, I just love your face! It's so superficial and shameless.

After Fang Li finished speaking, he looked at Xie Huai confidently.

Don't be afraid that he won't be angry.

Xie Huai looked deeply into Fang Li's eyes.

In fact, before that, he did consider this possibility. People in the world are superficial, and there are many people who love his appearance. He has long been accustomed to it. But he felt that Fang Li was not like this, so he asked this question.

But what he didn't expect was that Fang Li admitted it directly.

The man looked at him frivolously, with a hint of sly complacency in his eyes, and a hint of provocation... Xie Huai was very familiar with it. Whenever this man wanted to hide his true intentions and tried to cover himself with lies, he would be Such an expression...

He was lying to him again.

Then it's not because of his appearance that he likes him.


Xie Huai pressed the corner of his lips.

Fang Li brazenly published the scumbag declaration, and waited for Xie Huai to shake his sleeves away, or give himself a cold face, but Xie Huai actually smiled, although it was only fleeting, he soon returned to his indifferent appearance, but only The flash of beauty at that moment made the entire Liuguang lake lose its color, and Fang Li lost his mind for a while...

Wait, why is Xie Huai laughing?

Could it be that this is the so-called laughing outrageously?

Fang Li was a little surprised and uncertain.

Xie Huai looked at Fang Li, and said lightly: "The oiran has also seen it, when does your lord intend to leave."

Fang Li looked at Xie Huai vigilantly, and saw that his expression was calm and calm... Xie Huai said in his heart that the city is indeed very deep, and after suffering such a humiliation, he could not bear to be expressionless.

Although it was a bit regretful that he couldn't see Xie Huai being irritated, Fang Li was in a good mood when he thought that he had succeeded in pulling away the hatred.

Wu Yimei stood silently in the distance, clenched the hand hanging by her side.

He looked at Fang Li and Xie Huai together, the picturesque scenery, they really looked like a couple of gods and gods, but all of this was fake after all, if the Lord continued to indulge in it, how would he get out...

Wu Yimei was very worried.

The cruise ship sailed away from Liuguang Lake, Fang Li stepped on the ground.

It was already late at night, but Baihuazhou was still brightly lit, crowded with people, and bustling like a city that never sleeps.

Fang Li casually followed the flow of people. He didn't know where he was. There was a sea of ​​people here. He looked up and saw that the queue was hundreds of meters long. Is this a popular attraction?

When Fang Li was in doubt, someone immediately came to answer.

The buddy in a green coat and a bamboo basket on his back happily strolled up to Fang Li, glanced at him and Xie Huai, and immediately praised: "Young master and Taoist couple are really a couple, but come to our lover to seek marriage Yes? Our lover's marriage is very efficacious, and lovers who come here will not be dissatisfied, you really came to the right place!"

Lover crossing?

Fang Li thought for a moment, then remembered, there is such a place.

Not only is it one of the most famous scenic spots in Baihuazhou, but it is also a well-known sanctuary for lovers in the fairy world. Every year, an endless stream of lovers come here.

Fang Li swept his gaze and found that the people in front of the queue were indeed in pairs, men and women, men and women, so he and Xie Huai were not too abrupt.

But he and Xie Huai are not real couples...

Fang Li started thinking about leaving.

The clerk took out a sign from the bamboo basket, stuffed it into Fang Li's hand, and said with a lively smile: "This concentric talisman only needs three spirit stones, and you can have a dream that will last forever. To be fooled is to ask for a good omen in the future, and it is extremely cost-effective~"

Oh, it's just a sales pitch.

Isn't three spirit stones money?

Fang Li was not interested in joining the fun, turned his head and found that Xie Huai pursed his lips tightly, with a cold face...

Fang Li's eyes couldn't help but move.

I was so busy listening to the buddy just now that I didn't notice Xie Huai's displeasure. Now that I think about it, he is being regarded as a demon head and a Taoist companion, and he also said to have a dream of never leaving. Could this be a good sign? This is simply a nightmare!

What the guy said didn't matter to me, but Xie Huai's words pierced his heart.

Although I don't want to ask for marriage or sweet dreams... But if I can get Xie Huai's hatred with just three spirit stones, that would be a really good deal.

The buddy continued to sell: "Our marriage here is the most efficacious. You are innocent. Don't you really think about it?"

Fang Li's lips curled up suddenly, he took out three spirit stones from his bosom, and smiled lightly: "Okay."

The clerk was overjoyed, and told them about the concentric talisman and the way to enter a dream. He happily sold it to other lovers. Seeing his basket full of concentric talismans, the profit was small but the sales were quick. He made a lot of money this night.

Fang Li rubbed the concentric talisman in his hand, the white stone talisman felt cold to the touch, but the workmanship was a bit rough, it looked like a mass-produced thing...

He turned his head and approached Xie Huai's ear, and teased softly in a playful voice: "Since you have become a deity, you can't escape from this deity for life, so if you want a marriage with Mr. Yuyi, the deity looks good..."

I said just now that I was just looking at his face, but now I have the audacity to ask for a long-term marriage, so that he will not be able to escape from me for life... It is simply too scumbag, people and gods are all angry with scumbags, I am not afraid of Xie Huai and not angry.

As for this sweet dream in the lover's is ecstasy for a lover, but it is another matter for an enemy.

Fang Li suddenly reached out and touched Xie Huai's ear, tore off a strand of his hair, and then tore off a strand of his own hair, and wrapped them around the concentric talisman.

After finishing all this, Fang Li smiled coolly: "I will see today whether this lover's ferry is a vain name, if I am not satisfied, I will set fire to this place, so that they can no longer do business. "

Xie Huai pursed his lips and looked at Fang Li.

He has heard of the place of Lover's Crossing for a long time, but it's just a place to sell beautiful dreams, and it's not really possible to find a marriage in the past, but lovers like to come to this place, after all, they just want to find a place to go when the love is strong.

Xie Huai devoted himself to cultivating the Tao and never put his mind on these meaningless things.

Not to mention, he came with such a devil.

But when Fang Li stretched out his hand to touch his ear, then lowered his head and lowered his eyes, pinching his hair with his thin fingertips, carefully and earnestly entangled the concentric talisman... That gesture was pious and gentle...

He suddenly couldn't say no.

The majestic demon king is invincible.

But only in the word of love, it is so humble that it is pitiful. No matter how cruel the words are, every action can't deceive people...

After all, I can't respond to your feelings.

But if all you want is a dream...

Xie Huai's eyes sank.

Fang Li tied the concentric talismans of the two of them according to the man's instructions. After saying those shameless words, he looked up and saw Xie Huai's jaw tense, showing a hint of nervousness.

Hey, Xie Huai has always been indifferent and expressionless all the year round, this is the first time he saw Xie Huai nervous!

It seems that I guessed it right.

Fang Li proudly raised the corners of his lips, flicked his sleeves, and said, "Let's go."


There are so many people here!

Fang Li stood there with a blank expression. They had been queuing for almost two hours. Why are there so many people in front? !

The majestic Demon Lord still has to line up here.

Fang Li thought of giving up more than once, but every time he turned his head to look at Xie Huai, he felt that he could persevere a little longer. Since he wanted Xie Huai to hate him, would it be okay if he had no patience at all?

He has changed a lot of plots in the early stage, so he can only make up for them in these places.

deepen the hostile relationship with each other.

After another hour or so, it was finally their turn.

Fang Li stood in front of the lover's ferry. It is said that as long as he enters here with a concentric talisman, he can enter the same dream with his lover and spend a lifetime together. The corners of her lips curled up: "Mr. Yuyi, are you ready?"

Without waiting for Xie Huai's answer, he took a step forward, and the two of them stepped into the white mist together.

I couldn't see anything in the white mist, and my feet were light and light, as if wandering away. After a while, Fang Li gradually regained his senses. He blinked and found himself in a strange room.

And Xie Huai was gone.

Fang Li wanted to get up and check the environment, but he found that he couldn't control his body. After thinking for a while, he knew what was going on with this beautiful dream.

This place should be a kind of fantasy, the characters and plots in it are all set, and I am just possessed by one of the characters, which is equivalent to watching a holographic movie from the first perspective.

It's nice not to have to do it yourself.

Fang Li immediately stopped struggling and decided to watch the show with peace of mind.

Probably because the protagonist was in place and the story started, the man sitting on the bed stood up. He was wearing a heavy red wedding dress, opened the door and walked out.

The servants outside immediately bowed and said, "My lord, the guests are all here."

Fang Li nodded, and he heard himself say: "Okay, I will go now."

It turns out that he is still a prince.

He came to the banquet hall in front of him. The hall was very luxurious with red and gold decorations. It was already full of various guests. Seeing him coming, the guests all smiled and said hello: "The prince is here."

He came to the seat in the middle of the hall and sat down, raised his wine glass and respected from a distance: "Today is the day of my king's great joy, and you will not return if you are not drunk."

Everyone congratulated.

Fang Li watched himself drinking one cup after another, thinking that the prince has a good capacity for alcohol, and then looked at himself and everyone.

Perhaps everyone was a little drunk.

A young man dressed in brocade clothes came over and sighed: "Uncle Wang, in fact, even if you really like him, you can just accept him as a favorite in the palace. Why do you have to marry him as a regular wife? Brother Huang will not be happy if he finds out. very."

"A man of unknown background is the wife of the dignified King Li. No one would believe it!" The young man thought it was absurd, and he didn't dare to talk too much on weekdays, so he said it now with the help of alcohol.

Fang Li heard his voice change, and said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, from now on he will be your elder, show me some respect, if I hear you say these words again, I will throw you into the army Try it."

The young man shuddered when he heard the words, and woke up from the wine. He knew that he had said something wrong, and apologized repeatedly.

Fang Li was thoughtful, these words contained a lot of information, it seemed that the bride he married was not only a man, but also very unpopular...

Because of such an interruption, he also stopped drinking, thinking that his wife was still waiting for him, and left here straight away.

Fang Li felt the urgency in his heart, and found it more and more interesting. It is not unusual to watch a holographic movie. The most rare thing is that he can actually feel the state of mind of the character, feel his emotions and desires, it is really like living a lifetime in a dream.

This Valentine's Crossing does have something...

No wonder it is so famous and there is an endless stream of tourists.

He ignored the hustle and bustle outside, and left the house full of guests, just to see the man and wife he wanted to marry sooner, even if he disobeyed the emperor.

Red lanterns were hung outside the wedding room, the surroundings were quiet, and the servants in the courtyard had already retreated.

He strode forward and pushed open the door.

Red silk was hung everywhere in the room, a festive color, a man was sitting upright on the bed, the flames on the red candles flickered slightly, reflecting the charming colors in the room.

The wedding night in the bridal chamber.

Perhaps in front of the one he loves, even the decisive prince is gentle and cautious at this moment. He walked slowly to the man and called softly, "Ma'am."

Then use the beam to provoke the opponent's hijab.

A face as cold as a fairy appeared in front of him.

Fang Li was immediately happy.

It really was Xie Huai.

Tangtang Yuyi Jun is in his dream, not to mention marrying himself, the big devil, but obediently wearing a hijab to be his wife... I don't know how he feels at this moment? Are you afraid that you want to kill yourself now?

Wonderful. Wonderful.

It was a worthwhile trip.

Fang Li wanted to reward that guy with a few more spirit stones.

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