MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 16 shouldn't

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Fang Li raised his eyes in a daze.

In the darkness, Xie Huai's eyes were gloomy and red, staring at him as if he was about to devour his flesh, his hot palm pressed against his wrist, and his knuckles rattled fiercely.

In the past, the man who always looked cold and indifferent, even in the face of thousands of demon cultivators, was calm, but now he was like a cruel beast, and the biting chill permeated Fang Li, making Fang Li's hairs stand on end.

This was the first time he felt Xie Huai's undisguised killing intent so clearly and so closely.

He really wanted to kill him.

Fang Li held his breath and remained motionless.

Faced with a beast that is on the verge of losing control and ready to tear you apart at any time, the first thing to do is not to provoke him further.

If he fights with Xie Huai now, whether he dies or Xie Huai dies, or dies together... It's not the result he wants.

He just knew that it was too dangerous to see Xie Huai during an attack, so he avoided seeing him before, but it has been seven days and seven nights, why is Xie Huai still in this state? Fang Li couldn't stop thinking about what went wrong, his expression froze slightly, he seemed to find out where his mistake was, he missed a very small detail - a very small detail.

Although Xie Huai in the original book seems to have controlled the impact of the attack, he did not waver in the face of Yan Sui, but after Yan Sui got angry, he still had a relationship with Xie Huai every time. Forcing love... that is to say, although Xie Huai didn't seem to need it, Yan Sui actually helped Xie Huai through the attack period, and didn't let this state last for too long.

I was too deeply influenced by the original book, and the book focused on how strong Xie Huai's willpower was, as if it was 'easy' to restrain the outbreak of love gu. Because of his trust in Xie Huai, Fang Li subconsciously had an illusion. For Xie Huai, it's nothing at all, it's useless, just endure it.

But it now appears that this is not the case.

It's just because Xie Huai is a person who has always been indifferent and never shows his fragility and pain in front of others. For example, he didn't change his face when he broke every bone of him and abolished his cultivation. , wouldn't it hurt?

Fang Li suddenly felt very guilty, because his momentary mistake made Xie Huaisheng endure it for seven more days...

The suzerain of the Hehuan sect said that once the love gu attacks, without the help of the master to ease it, life would be worse than death.

There are only two ways to relieve it: one is to hate what Xie Huai did to Xie Huai, and the other is to use the master's own blood.

Fang Li did not hesitate to choose the second option.

But the problem now is... Fang Li is afraid that if he moves, Xie Huai will come out with a killer...

Moreover, how can we convince Xie Huai, let Xie Huai believe that a demon who forced him to imprison him and feed him love voodoo, under such circumstances, did not have the slightest thought of him, but simply wanted to help him through the seizure period...

Well, let's just kill him.

The system was anxious at first, then an accident, and then Buddhist, and began to persuade Fang Li.

[System: At this point, why not just follow the plot? You can see that it is quite difficult for him, but now it will be a matter of course... Wu Qi just close his eyes, just treat him as a woman. 】

[Fang Li: It's that simple, I'll give you my body, you come and go? 】

[System embarrassment: I don't have the function of manipulating the host's body, and I didn't have this function when it was set at the factory. 】

[Fang Li: You mean, if you have this function, you plan to use it? 】

[The system quickly said: I didn't mean that! How could I think so! 】

[Fang Li said coolly: You don't even want to do it, why do you still want me to do it? Don't you know what you don't want, don't do it to others? 】

[System: ...] Isn't Xie Huai the heartthrob that everyone loves? How you say this seems to be a big loss...

The system couldn't help but fell into confusion again. In fact, it had thought carefully before, hoping that the host would take a fancy to Xie Huai everywhere, and then obediently follow the next plot without urging him, but it found that it was wrong , I hope the host will take a look at it, it is probably impossible in this life, the system sighed sadly.

Fang Li exchanged words with the system and calmed down. It's useless to be anxious now, and even if he knew this in advance, what should come will still come.

Can't escape.

Xie Huaisheng was tortured for seven days, and he came in suddenly just now, why didn't he fall into gasoline with Huo Huozi? It must have irritated him, but I believe that with Xie Huai's willpower and his hard-hearted heart, he will soon regain his senses, and then he will be able to communicate 'friendly'.

Fang Li simply lay back in a relaxed and natural posture, trying to make him let go of his guard slowly without irritating him.

Xie Huai held Fang Li's wrist tightly, lowered his head slightly, and stared at the pale man in front of him with red eyes.

He didn't remember how long he had been up and down in the darkness. At first he vaguely knew the passage of time, but later he couldn't tell the difference between day and night. He didn't have the energy to distinguish everything around him. The strangeness that came seemed to turn him into another person completely, another strange and evil self...

The endless deep sea submerged him bit by bit, the night was cold and silent, every trace of change was so clear to the bone, even if he was crushed over and over again from the soul to the bones, none of that subsided at all.

Endless, no escape.

Not letting himself make a sound, not changing his expression, not moving his body, he is like a lifeless stone statue, sinking quietly in hell... This is the only thing he can do.

He is waiting for... the arrival of the perpetrator.

He thought, it should be soon.

If that's what you're about, if that's what you want to see, then you'll show up.

Every minute and every second seems to be endlessly long, Xie Huai told himself time and time again, soon, soon... But until he couldn't remember the time, couldn't distinguish everything, his consciousness gradually became chaotic, and his sanity almost collapsed. No one came either.

He will not come.

When Xie Huai realized this, he felt extremely ridiculous.

That person did not hesitate to lower his figure to please him, pretending to be affectionate and paralyzing him, he exhausted all means... and finally fed himself this so-called thing that could 'make him like him'.

Now his goal has been achieved, but he doesn't appear anymore.

Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

Or is it that the devil just likes to play with people's hearts, wanting to see himself bewitched by him and in pain because of him?

It seems that apart from this, there is no other reason.

But I actually believed him, thinking that he liked me.

I was deceived again.

This man is the only one in this world who can deceive him again and again.

Xie Huai's eyes were full of blood, and the cold murderous intent seemed to be real, as if he wanted to use his eyes to cut this **** liar into pieces...

Even if the appearance of this person has an unprecedented attraction for him, it is tempting him to approach...

It's like the spring breeze wrinkled the sea, the soft light dispelled the darkness, and the warmth melted the glacier. Just take a step forward and get closer, you can get rid of this endless purgatory and get reborn in bliss.

Xie Huai lowered his head very slowly, his eyes became darker and darker.

This is all as you would expect, right?

Xie Huai's hand slowly tightened, looking at the person in front of him showing a trace of pain, but he didn't intend to let go, nor did he feel sorry for it, is it painful...but it's just such a little bit of pain, it's not worth everything I've experienced Mention.

This person has always been arrogant and extravagant, always with a lazy and casual appearance...sometimes people forget that he is a cold-blooded and cruel devil, and only think of him as a dandy, expensive and romantic.

He used such a disguise to hide his cruelest heart, innocent and cruel like a child...

Xie Huai's knuckles were so hard that they turned white, and the corners of his lips slowly curved into a cold arc, wondering how long he would endure.

Should you be angry?

As long as you make the slightest move, I will strike first and kill you.

In the silent and dark darkness, there is only a very light breath, showing the passage of time.

once, once, once...

The pale man frowned in pain, his eyes were surprised and confused, he came back to his senses after a while, endured the pain, and looked at him with innocent and pure eyes...

He didn't move, just lay there quietly.

Xie Huaineng felt the thin wrist bones in the palm of his hand trembling and slowly relaxing, cautiously, as if he was afraid of angering him.

Not only did this person not move or resist, but he appeared in front of him in a... defenseless posture.

It was as if the prey gave up resistance, waited for the fate to come, and offered itself as a sacrifice.

Let yourself do what you want.

He looked at himself motionless, his eyes were extremely clean, without any desires or desires... Although he didn't say a word, he was telling himself with his eyes that he had no malice.

However, I have malice.

The last string of sanity snapped.

The darkness in Xie Huai's eyes deepened, and in the cold bloodthirsty killing intent, it seemed that something else, more terrifying and dangerous, had been mixed in...

Do you know what it means to use such a posture to face the current me...?

Or do you already like me enough to manipulate all this by any means, just to offer yourself?

Xie Huai has no time to think about whether this idea is more absurd and ridiculous than before.

He just stared at the person in front of him.

Fang Li breathed very slowly, very lightly.

When facing a beast that wants to kill you, running away, dodging, resisting... are all very dangerous behaviors.

So he just worked hard, looked directly at Xie Huai, and desperately hinted with his eyes that it was just a misunderstanding! We have something to talk about!

But Xie Huai is obviously not a good fool, and he must be holding back his anger. He kept his eyes motionless and opened his eyes. Because he opened his eyes for too long, his eyes were sore that they were about to cry. Xie Huai still showed no signs of easing up...

Fang Li felt that he might make a mistake this time.

It's all because he trusted Xie Huai too much, so he didn't come to check the next day, which led to this situation.

If she were Xie Huai, she would also be angry.

Fang Lishu was convinced.

The completed real world is full of crises, full of pitfalls, and what I have is just a book of brainless little yellow mosquitoes, which is indeed quite difficult. I just don't know if I'm dead, the system can find the second host smoothly, I hope the system can continue to be optimistic...

Fang Li thought further and further away, his eyes began to become a little loose...

Suddenly, a burning kiss fell on the lips.

Fang Li suddenly opened his eyes wide.

For a moment, the brain shut down and went blank.

What kind of development is this?

Xie Huai is willing to touch himself? What is this doing? Isn't he disgusting? !

Because I was too shocked, the tears that had been rolling in my eyes for a long time just now finally flowed down. Although it was just a helpless physiological reaction caused by keeping my eyes open for too long, the crying was a bit embarrassing, and it didn't fit the human design. Fang Li was embarrassed closed his eyes.

But the man who restrained him didn't want him to evade, the **** smell filled his lips and teeth, Fang Li trembled in pain, and the fingers that landed on his neck tightened slowly, strangling his throat, making him He is having trouble breathing...

Could it be that Xie Huai is not kissing himself, but intends to kill himself in this way?

Literally eating its own flesh?

Wait, with your own blood, Xie Huai should be fine, right? Fang Li calmed down in an instant, it seemed that there was no unparalleled road, Xie Huai also drank his own blood without opening his mouth, and passed the attack period by accident.

I just need to be patient for a while, and it will be fine...

Xie Huai's red eyes looked at the person in front of him. The pale man was not as lazy and reckless as before. He was aggrieved and pitiful. Tears flowed down the corners of his eyes, slid over his fragile and delicate face, and disappeared along his temples... He It seems that because of embarrassment, he refused to open his eyes again, only trembling slightly...

It seems to be tempting him, giving and taking.

Xie Huai's Adam's apple rolled down.

Thoughts never before appeared uncontrollably.

Fang Li was almost out of breath, but he was very calm and patiently waiting for the opportunity.

Let the time pass quietly...

Finally, Xie Huai seemed to loosen a little, like a wild beast decided that the prey would no longer resist, and slowly, the killing intent disappeared, the guard was relaxed, and there was a little bit more enjoyment...

That’s right, this time—

Fang Li quietly moved his hand to his side, and opened Xie Huai with a sudden palm!

As long as you go out, don't be afraid that Xie Huai will chase him out, this place is all his people!

Xie Huai was suddenly pushed away, his eyes darkened, but he didn't chase after him, his body shook slightly and he didn't move again, only the back of his hand with his sleeves half covered and the veins bulging showed his restraint.

Fang Li had long since disappeared.

The chill poured in from the open door, blowing away the strong atmosphere in the room. He could clearly feel that everything that shouldn't be there receded like a tide, and that strange and terrifying self gradually disappeared. After waking up from that nightmare, everything is slowly returning to normal... But the sweetness of that kiss just now seems to still linger between her lips and teeth, lingering for a long time...

It was something he had never tasted before.

Compared with the endless seven days and seven nights of hell, what made him feel more struggling at this moment was——

He doesn't regret it, even...

Some nostalgia.

Xie Huai raised his hand to cover his eyes, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and he smiled with a strange arc.

good go.

If you don't go, you may not know what I will do.

It was the first time in his heart that such a dirty thought came to his mind...

Is it just because of being influenced by foreign objects?

I'm afraid not necessarily...

Although his rationality told him that this was a cold-blooded and ruthless monster, they were irreconcilable; but his emotions told him that this person was not what he appeared to be, and they didn't have to be.

At that moment emotion **** reason.

Nothing in this world can manipulate people's hearts, and the body is just an empty carrier, no matter how many excuses and reasons there are... When all external influences are gone, he can no longer deceive himself.

He doesn't hate that guy...

Xie Huai knew he shouldn't be like this, but the fact is that he fell in love with this devil.

Read The Duke's Passion