MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 104 well aware

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Xu Xiu looked at her and sneered: "What's the matter? Have you been stunned before?"

"No, Sister Xu. I'm talking about perverts, not wild wolves." Kong Ran always felt that this village was strange and different from the mountain village she remembered.

Xu Xiu reassured her: "Maybe she just arrived in an unfamiliar place, I'm not familiar with it yet. If you want to open up, there is nothing here. These villagers are very friendly."

"I know, but..." Kong Ran thought about it, and found that he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

In the end, she shook her head helplessly: "Anyway, Sister Xu, you should be careful. There are no absolute good or bad people in this world, you are always right to be on guard."

"Yes, yes, I remember. Go and give Xiaoluo something to eat. She is about to end the first game, and she is in a hurry to eat breakfast in the morning, and she does not know if she is really full No.

Kong Ran suddenly smiled and said, "Sister Xu is still worried that she is not full. Didn't she always emphasize that artists should control their bodies?"

"I have to stay here for a while, the environment is tough, most of her dramas are fight dramas, there is no need to control her diet." Xu Xiu is not ignorant The artist loses weight.

What's more, Luo Xuange's figure is currently in line with the public's eyes, and Xu Xiu will not let her make more changes, so as to avoid adverse effects.

Luo Xuange, who was filming, glanced at Xu Xiu from the corner of his eyes, and found that Kong Ran was no longer around Xu Xiu, and Xu Xiu was about to leave.

She was stunned for a moment, suddenly Zhang Yiyun called to stop, the director was stunned and immediately stopped shooting.

Zhang Yiyun came up to Luo Xuange and said, "Young man, you can't afford to think about other things when you are working."

Luo Xuange was shocked by this, Zhang Yiyun seemed to see what she was thinking, she smiled: "What kind of mind-reading skills do I know, I just figured it out. It's just every character. You're stunned when you shouldn't be stunned. Did you not analyze the character thoroughly, or did you just think about something else?"

"I, I'm sorry!" For the first time, Master Luo blushed. She was indeed fascinated by Xu Xiu's departure, but being pointed out so directly, Luo Xuange's face It was embarrassing for a while.

Zhang Yiyun chuckled: "It's nothing, next time you have to be more careful."

The director understood and a new round of shooting started again.

Although Luo Xuange was thinking about Xu Xiu this time, she didn't get distracted to think about other things.

When the scene is over, Luo Xuange plans to go to Xu Xiu immediately.

Kong Ran brought the food, but saw Luo Xuange hurriedly leaving, she hurriedly shouted: "Hey, where are you going?"

"Where is Sister Xu? Where is she?" Luo Xuange did not take the food from Kong Ran, but asked her about Xu Xiu's location.

Kong Ran shook his head: "I don't know. You should go back to rest. After all, it's okay for her to stay now. You don't have to watch over you all the time."

"Then I'll go find her." Luo Xuange always felt that something was wrong, and after talking to Kong Ran, he left in a panic.

After Luo Xuange entered the village, a woman suddenly rushed out, standing in front of Luo Xuange with blood on her forehead, squeaking and muttering, and kept pointing her finger at a Dilapidated old house.

"Don't worry, I'll go take a look." Luo Xuange walked away from the woman and trotted into the room, only to see Xu Xiu holding a wooden stick in his hand, stepping on one with one foot. On a man with a bruised face.

When Luo Xuange came in, Xu Xiu was stunned, then threw the stick in his hand in embarrassment and smiled: "Finished?"

"Help, help..."

The man saw Luo Xuange as if he had seen a savior, and began to wailing hoping to attract Luo Xuange's attention, but Xu Xiu suddenly stepped on him with more force: "Noisy! Hurry up and shut up! !"

The man stopped chirping, and then the woman at the door ran over and knelt in front of Xu Xiu, as if begging her to let the man go.

Xu Xiu frowned, then raised her foot and kicked the man fiercely: "Don't let me see you next time."

The man shivered slightly and crawled to the side.

Xu Xiu took out a tissue and handed it to the woman: "Just now, thank you. I'm really sorry."

Luo Xuange looked at Xu Xiu for unknown reasons, as if he didn't understand what Xu Xiu was doing.

Leaving the small shabby house, Xu Xiu found a well and got some water to wash her hands.

"I planned to go back to the room to plan the next itinerary, but I was stopped by the man halfway through. After some pulling, his wooden stick wanted to hit me, but was stopped by the woman. The wound on the head was beaten by the man." Xu Xiu washed his hands and explained to Luo Xuange what had just happened: "I then grabbed the stick and dragged the man in and beat it up. Later, the woman guessed that I was afraid that I would kill his man. That's why I brought you here."

Luo Xuange couldn't understand, that woman wanted to save both Xu Xiu and the man, why is this?

Xu Xiu sneered: "Okay, you don't care about these things. You can't control it, no one has come over these years. We have to stay here for three to five months, and the villagers can't Stuck."

"Why?" Luo Xuange didn't understand this. Xu Xiu knew there was something wrong with the village, but she kept it from herself and Kong Ran, so that everyone felt this The village is fine.

"You are a big disciple of Guwu, let alone one or two villagers. You are not a match for all of them. So if you live alone, everyone is very relieved. The others It’s all two people and three people who go in and out at the same time, and no accident will happen. So, it doesn’t matter whether you know about it or not.”

"In case..."

"There is no contingency." Xu Xiu said with a smile: "This group of people filmed here a few years ago, and they all know the details. Kong Ran is a silly girl. You definitely won't be able to bear it. You don't seem like someone who can bear this kind of thing, so there's no need for you to get involved.

Luo Xuange was suddenly silent, so... the whole crew was actually just hiding the two newcomers from themselves and Kong Ran.

Xu Xiu smiled relieved: "Anyway, you have seen it today, the evil in this place does not exist for one or two days. Every household in the whole village is bought from outside. Your daughter-in-law. If you dare to make trouble, they dare to fight with you. Not only here, but also in the villages that came all the way. But the villagers also know that we outsiders can’t be provoked, after all, we can bring them There are a lot of benefits, they can't mess with us. The one I met today is an outsider who moved here a year ago, and his mind is still unclear. So you don't need to worry about other aspects. Filming well, after three or five months, you will be able to left."

Xu Xiu saw that Luo Xuange was silent, she raised her hand and patted Luo Xuange's shoulder: "If you really don't want to open up, I'll help you look carefully next time you take the show. We won't take the scenes of such local shooting."

Luo Xuange was silent, Xu Xiu thought that this guy's stubborn temper was coming up again, she suddenly turned cold: "You want to take care of me and not stop you, but you want to Think about the pros and cons. The vast majority of women here have taken root here, and even if you were willing to rescue them, they wouldn't go with you. Instead, they'd beat you up and hurt you."

Luo Xuange shook his head: "I didn't want to get involved in this."

So here are all human traffickers? Did she raise bugs with these people? Hurting bad guys shouldn't be a violation of An Ruoshui's rules.

Master Luo was so worried that his brows were almost knotted.

"Okay, don't worry about them. Every year, people from above will come over. Those who are willing to leave will still follow." Xu Xiu said just to appease Luo Xuan Ge, because everyone knew it, was abducted here, and it was difficult for those women to leave.

No matter how the people above come to investigate, they may not even see the faces of those women.

Sometimes even if I saw it, the abducted woman had a child, or was too frightened and tortured, and she had long lost her ability to think and became as dull as a wooden man.

Luo Xuange nodded slightly after hearing Xu Xiu's words, and Xu Xiu was relieved.

"By the way, since you know it now. Kong Ran will take care of him more." After Xu Xiu finished speaking, he signaled Luo Xuange to hurry up to film. Going to the studio and provoking public anger is not easy.

Luo Xuange nodded clearly, and also mocked in his heart that he thought of people in this world too simply.

Xu Xiu, like Li Tian, ​​is an agent with seven years of experience and has been here before.

Even Kong Ran could see that something was wrong with the people in the village, how could Xu Xiu not see it at all.

So she still underestimated the world and Xu Xiu.

Luo Xuange returned to the studio, Kong Ran rushed over immediately: "Where have you been? Have you found Sister Xu?"


"Oh, that's fine. Come on over. The director just asked me to find you." Kong Ran said it deliberately.

Luo Xuange understood this, walked over to the director quickly, apologized respectfully, and promised that there would be no further delay in the future, the director's originally angry face slowly eased Finally, he smiled and said, "It's alright. I'm not used to it when I first came here. If you don't understand anything, ask more questions. This is a good thing."

Luo Xuange quickly responded with a smile, and finally started a new round of shooting.

There was no accident in Luo Xuange this time. The whole crew, from the director to the ordinary staff, had a little more affection for Luo Xuange.

After all, the scene just now was quite difficult, and even the director was ready for a few more scenes. Unexpectedly, Luo Xuange did a great job unexpectedly.

The morning shooting was over. During the break, Luo Xuange did not remove her makeup and change her clothes. The watermelon that the crew bought from the villagers.

"Xuange, there's something I've always wanted to ask you. I just don't know if I should ask." Kong Ran also came to Luo Xuange with a piece of watermelon and squatted there. I couldn't stop talking while eating.

Luo Xuange raised her eyebrows and glanced at her: "You shouldn't ask."

"Hey, you don't even know what I'm asking." Kong Ran looked up at her, Luo Xuange's expression remained the same, nibbling on the melon calmly.

"You're really not curious about what I want to ask?" Kong Ran didn't give up and continued.

Luo Xuange ignored her, silently finished eating the melon, took the script and flipped through it at will.

Kong Ran saw that Luo Xuange didn't respond, she suddenly became frustrated and muttered: "Why don't you follow the routine at all."

Luo Xuange chuckled lightly, as the leader of the demon sect, she can control her curiosity even though she has it. After all, the world is very particular, the more you know, the less you get. In the end, you may even lose your life.

Kong Ran lost interest in asking again, pouted and took two more pieces of melon, and handed it to Luo Xuange, but Luo Xuange shook his head and refused.

"Don't eat it, keep it for the heat."

Kong Ran suddenly forgot about Luo Xuange's intentional targeting of her, and said with a smile: "Xuange, I know you are the best."

"Well." Luo Xuange turned over the script, and automatically rehearsed the scenes described in the script in his mind.

So those people can easily find the sense of drama when they are filming together, but she needs to think about it slowly by herself.

Zhang Yiyun had already taken off her costume at this time. After all, it was too hot today, and she didn't mind the trouble of changing it. She just wanted to be cooler now.

Slowly walking to Luo Xuange's side, Kong Ran immediately moved to the stool when he saw it, Zhang Yiyun nodded and smiled at her, Kong Ran suddenly fell into his own nymphomaniac.

Luo Xuange knew that Zhang Yiyun was coming, but did not immediately look up to say hello to the other party, but continued to be in the script.

Without changing it, he hurriedly ate a piece of watermelon and continued to study the script, which no veteran artist present could do.

Zhang Yiyun coughed softly, Luo Xuange also raised her head, and then said in surprise: "Senior, why are you here?"

"Well, I see you here alone. Come and accompany you." Zhang Yiyun glanced at her script, and wrote a lot of content notes with a pen on it, some of which belonged to others Zhang Yiyun asked with interest: "Who made these annotations for you?"

"I'm fortunate enough to know Senior Xu Ru. I came to the crew for a few days, and she took time to help me read the script." Luo Xuange answered honestly, although this role is played in her true colors, her acting has always been It's acting, she can't really kill and fight in the play, and she can't figure out the minds of other people in the play, after all, not everyone has the same brain as her, it is best to let Xu Ru help her analyze other roles, so as to be better to perform a play.

Zhang Yiyun didn't know what she was thinking. Seeing these things in the script, she smiled and said, "Xu Ru is a good child. You have a good relationship with her?"

"Yeah. She's Xiao... She is the only actress that screenwriter Xiao praised before her death. I admire her very much." Luo Xuange wanted to say 'she is Xiaomeng's sister , so I have a good relationship with her. ’ But after thinking that the relationship between Xu Ru and Meng Xiaomeng is not well known, she immediately changed her mind.

Zhang Yiyun was stunned for a while, and then said regretfully: "It's that person. It's a pity that he is talented at such a young age, but he can't get out of the prison that he drew."

"Well, but her "Blind Heart" is about to start filming, starring An Ruoshui and Wang Gaoyi. Senior Xu Qian also starred."

Luo Xuange mentioned it casually, Zhang Yiyun was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "An Ruoshui, Wang Gaoyi and Gao Yi can still look forward to it, but I didn't expect Xu Qian to also take over the role. play."

"Well..." What Luo Xuange said is not a secret, these officials have been confirmed, and even Anshi Entertainment has released the latest cast list yesterday, but these people are busy with their own careers, I got up early in the morning to pack my luggage, hurried the road all morning, and got to know the new environment in the afternoon, so I didn’t have time to pay too much attention to the news that exploded on the Internet.

"Okay, it's getting late. I'm going to put on makeup and change clothes. You can also go and touch up your makeup." After dawdling again, while he got up, he urged Luo Xuange by the way.

Luo Xuange got up immediately, straightened his clothes, and then said to Kong Ran: "The afternoon's scene is not important, if you are tired, go back to have a rest first. Also, and Sister Xu said, if you can go back, follow her. You can leave me alone here."

"Huh?" If it were an ordinary person, he would have mistakenly thought that Luo Xuange wanted to drive the assistant away, but Kong Ran could hear that Luo Xuange really didn't want her to suffer here.

Kong Ran was stunned for a while, and was about to tell Luo Xuange that she was not afraid of suffering, and when she could stay, Luo Xuange had already been called away by the makeup artist.

After a while, Xu Xiu came over and watched Kong Ran stand there in a daze. She coughed softly to make Kong Ran recover.

"What are you doing?" Xu Xiu asked.

Kong Ran was startled and hurriedly replied, "Sister Xu, she just asked me to go back with you."

"Well. I'll come and call you when I leave." Xu Xiu didn't ask why, and didn't stop her objecting, as if she knew about it early on.

Kong Ran was a little confused by the attitude of the two, isn't it normal to stay as an assistant to take care of the artist?

How can an artist suffer and suffer here, why should she go back to rest?

I don't know if Sister Xu was stimulated, how could she agree to take her away?

"Actually, I don't need to..."

"Okay. Come back with me. An artist has just arrived in the company, and I haven't found an assistant yet. You can go over and help for a few days." Xu Xiu said and left.

Kong Ran pouted, looking for an excuse to take dim sum, the big An Shi will have one less assistant?

Xu Xiu didn't mind doing me a favor and being a favored man.

"Then, how long does your friend Xu take to go back?" Although Kong Ran didn't want to leave, he had to obey his boss's arrangement, so he gave up his wish to stay and asked when Xu Xiu would leave. .

Xu Xiu shook her head: "The day after tomorrow at the latest."

In An's, An Junfeng looked at the artist who had finally ' dug' over, he made a cup of coffee for the other party, and asked in a familiar tone: "Why, now you are willing to come to me for development already?"

"Yeah, I just don't know if Mr. An can take it in." The woman spoke with a seductive look in her eyes.

An Junfeng looked at his former classmate and couldn't help but smile: "You need to change your temper! She is a well-behaved girl, how can she fool around with you."

"Hehehe, you can't say it like that. What do you mean by a well-behaved girl, but I'm just a fool?" The woman picked up the brewed coffee and took a sip in disgust said: "Tsk, the craftsmanship has regressed."

"...Jiang Yingying, can you not owe you so much. Speak well, we are still friends."

"That's not good. You men, you like my tone and tone. I can't change this problem." Jiang Yingying's lips curled into a smile like a glamorous flower, but once someone If you believe her smile, then there should be a place for the poison hidden in her flower.

An Junfeng was so choked that she had nothing to say. After the two were silent together, Jiang Yingying took the lead: "Are you really married?"

Jiang Yingying nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, yes, it is true. Even if it is false, in order to block Yoyo's mouth, you have to pull someone to get the certificate quickly. An An is a liar, fooling the public."

An Junfeng was speechless again, took out some snacks from the cabinet and brought them to Jiang Yingying: "I knew you would come today, so I prepared it in advance. It's interesting enough."

Voices, eat your food and talk less!

Jiang Yingying nodded and looked at An Junfeng with admiration: "Xiao Anzi has become more obedient, and you all know that she is starting to honor her sister."

"..." An Junfeng smiled with a smile on his face.

If you ask who this daring woman is, she is Jiang Haixi's best friend, and the top business leaders got interested in the entertainment circle a few days ago.

I took a few characters from Jiang Haixi, unlocked new skills unexpectedly, and suddenly became popular. .

In addition, she has the status of a female president, and fans have more favorable impression of her.

Although he looks evil, he has a very free and easy personality, so he is also very popular.

The original contract was with Luo Xuange's original brokerage company. Later, it was discovered that Jiang Yihan, Meng Xiaomeng, Luo Xuange, Bai Liu and others had all left slowly. She suddenly felt boring, and she was going to leave, but unfortunately the contract was tied and she couldn't get out of it, and the agent acted as a monster in front of her again.

"What's your plan next?" An Junfeng sat here chatting with her, and by the way asked this sister what plans she has in the future.

Jiang Yingying was silent for a while, then she quickly laughed and said, "What's the hurry, sister, I haven't had enough fun yet."

"Then you can play slowly. I'm not polite about things in the shopping mall. I made a contract with Boss Wu first, and you can play in the circle again in the second half of the year. These are You don’t have to worry about the trivial things.”

An Junfeng was talking to her with a smile on her face, and suddenly Jiang Yingying said, "What did you say kid?"

"Hey, Uncle Jiang said it. Either marry yourself or bring one back. Lest he will worry about your affairs when he is old, I will press you in the business field, you After entering the circle, it is estimated that many people have received news from Uncle Jiang, sister, the road behind you is not easy to walk." An Junfeng said sympathetically.

Jiang Yingying said with emotion after being silent for a while: "I'm not working hard, let the old man not worry."

"It's been ten years since your hard work, and you're going to be three years old. You should let go of that and be honest." He glanced at him impatiently: "Don't live like an old mother all day, shut up quickly. Also! Remember, sister, I'm twenty-eight this year! It's still early for the third year."

Let's get something fresh here?" An Junfeng said with a gun and a stick, which made Jiang Yingying lose her mind to continue talking with him.

As soon as she patted the table, Jiang Yingying got up and said with a smile: "I have never cared about the past, my sister. When I was young and ignorant, it was my willfulness that caused them to separate. Now I am back. Now, I just want to come and play in the circle, and I have absolutely no intention of disturbing. You can rest assured."

"I'm really worried about you, sister. However, no matter what you are going to do, you need to tell me anything. I can't guarantee anything else. I'll call you sister, these two words Call it real."

"Oh, the little mouth is sweet enough. I'll let you, Old Wu Na's business sister, work hard. I'll go first, and let me know when I come back." Jiang Yingying's nose was slightly sour, But with a charming smile: "Sister, I'll go first."

An Junfeng was about to get up to send her off, but when she saw Jiang Yingying wave her hand, he clearly did not follow: "Come and play more when you have time."

After Jiang Yingying left, An Ruoshui entered the president's office.

Before An Junfeng could speak, An Ruoshui asked, "Brother, why is Sister Ying Ying here?"

"She? Come here to hurt me. Do you have something to do with me?" An Junfeng's words were full of disgust, but there was a smile in his eyes, which showed that he and Jiang Yingying were also mutual. Lost the habit.

After laughing, An Junfeng asked, "The older you are, the warmer your heart is. Tell me, what are you doing here?"

"I heard from Director Jiang that Xu Hao discussed with him about wanting to appear in "Blind Heart", but Director Jiang thought he was more suitable for Wang Gaoyi, so he talked with Xu Hao about breaking up." An Ruoshui frowned. Feeling sad, An Junfeng patted her on the shoulder comfortingly: "I will handle this matter. Director Jiang is notoriously stubborn, and he can't persuade anyone if he doesn't want to be replaced. Looking at the faces of the investors. Xu Hao has just returned to China, the company's development is still under observation, and he wants to reach out to the entertainment industry, which is hard to figure out."

"I came to you because I didn't understand. Xu Hao publicly said that he would quit the entertainment industry, and now he is making trouble with Director Jiang. I'm afraid the purpose is not simple."

An Junfeng's silence made An Ruoshui feel flustered, but after a while he smiled and comforted An Ruoshui: "Actually, we might as well not know about this matter, and we should keep it unchanged. It is no longer the battlefield in his memory. No matter how powerful he is abroad, when he arrives on my site, the strong dragons can't overwhelm the local snakes. In the past, Xu An and Zhang were three-legged, and then An Zhang and Zhang were fighting each other. Zhang Mingzhong left a dead end, but let him work in An's, these are just to buy people's hearts.

Now the Xu family is developing overseas, and the entire s province is my An family's dominance.

I have cooperated with some friends in the business field for so many years, and I have gone from being on the verge of bankruptcy to the present. They all know what strength I am An Junfeng.

Although Xu Hao is shrewd in overseas business, he does not understand some old feelings in China.

Don't worry about this. Recently, you go to film and pay attention to Xiao Luo, don't let him stare and make some noise. "

"Brother, are you worried that he wants to attack me?" An Ruoshui frowned slightly.

An Junfeng nodded: "Not only that, but Xiaoluo can also be involved. I am afraid that the reputation of An's Entertainment will plummet, so pay attention during this time."

"I see. Brother, don't be too tired. Pay attention to your body." An Ruoshui is worried about his brother. Although his brother has always been strong, he is too busy in business. , An shi has encountered too many things recently, and she is worried that her eldest brother will break down her body.

The next morning, Luo Xuange got up before dawn.

Acting in front of the camera makes a big difference.

I have been lucky enough to ignore this problem. Now, with the increasing difficulty of the script, some of Luo Xuange's shortcomings in acting skills are gradually revealed.

Luo Xuange always does whatever she wants, but once she does it, she must do her best, she is never willing to be left behind by others.

When Zhang Yiyun and others came to the set, Luo Xuange was ready, and she had already kept in mind what she was going to shoot today.

"Young people are full of energy." Zhang Yiyun was very optimistic about Luo Xuange, and was talking to the director with a smile.

The director also nodded his head. For such a diligent and motivated artist, he said that if the other party lacks acting skills, just because of this brute force, he will still prefer Luo Xuan if he has opportunities for cooperation in the future Song.

I am afraid of those who are talented but pretentious, and slowly exhaust their talents.

What's more, Luo Xuange is not without acting skills, but is a rookie emerging in the entertainment industry. Her acting skills are well known to everyone, although some parts are a bit inconsistent with the number of acting skills, But these later stages will be handled just fine.

Luo Xuange smiled and nodded at him, which surprised everyone in the crew. After all, when Luo Xuange was not filming, he often had a cold face. There are quite a few criticisms, but An Ruoshui said in his early years that he wanted to pour all his expressions into the characters and give them new souls and life.

So for some actors who are expressive in the play and ignore everyone outside the play, as long as that person's acting skills are excellent, this kind of thing will not be sprayed or blackened, but will be magnified by the media. Promote praise.

Of course, some people have imitated An Ruoshui's way, but because of lack of acting skills, they were sprayed directly into the snow.

Luo Xuange went to a resting place to sit down, but did not really rest, but began to read other people's scripts, thinking and researching while watching.

Zhang Yiyun saw her actions in her eyes, and when Luo Xuange frowned slightly, she stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong? Are you in trouble?"

"No, I just can't understand it here." Luo Xuange naturally knew that Zhang Yiyun came to help her on purpose, so she asked politely now.

Zhang Yiyun took a look and saw that it was a supporting role. There were not many scenes, but the role was very important, so the director invited powerful actors to appear.

But the scene is relatively late, so the senior hasn't come yet.

"This is about the old servant who devoted his life diligently to the master's family, but he didn't expect to find that his father died at the hands of the master's family when he was young, and his The son and wife were also mutilated by the unworthy descendants of the master's family. But at this time, he still remains with the master's family, why? Didn't he avenge the hatred of killing his father and taking his wife? Even the son was killed."

There is a **** scene here. The reason why this old servant is diligent towards the master is not for the sake of the family, but for the master he admired from childhood to old age.


Zhang Yiyun looked at Luo Xuange in surprise, Luo Xuange couldn't understand such a simple plot and content?

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Luo Xuange was stared at by her at a loss, did she ask something that shouldn't be asked?

Zhang Yiyun suddenly smiled: "Maybe you will understand later, let's familiarize yourself with the script first."

Master Luo looked at the script with great effort, and then nodded unable to do so, which was not in line with her inner thoughts. He has been in the master's house, but he has been oppressed for many years. Why did he finally have the ability to take revenge, but he still let the master go, and even finally died in the court's eagle's hands instead of the master.

If she can't figure it out, she can't figure it out, the leader Luo frowned, I really hope that An Ruoshui can be by her side at this moment, because no matter when An Ruoshui will not despise her for being stupid, encounter these people who can't figure it out An Ruoshui could always guess something, and then slowly tell her the correct solution.

At this moment, she was stunned in place, knowing that the makeup artist came to call someone, Luo Xuange reluctantly put down the script and left with the makeup artist.

The author has something to say: Ah... I received the first long comment in my life today.

I decided to make a copy tomorrow, paste it in my room, and read it every half hour! !

Special thanks to Zhu Yeqing, because I can't write too many words, so I can't write a thank you letter of 3,000 words to you. Thousands of words turned into one sentence, people love you, or what?

Read Ultimate Level 1