MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 101 Master in charge of ancient martial arts

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"Li Tian?" The moment Xu Xiu saw Li Tian, ​​she was completely shocked. Her first reaction was how did she meet Li Tian here? Did Li Tian come to her or Li Tian? Sweet blind date address is also selected here?

Li Tian was also stunned for a while, then she reacted and took out her ID card and put it in front of Xu Xiu: "Did you get the certificate?"

"You..." Xu Xiu opened her mouth and was speechless, but her eyes suddenly turned red: "Today, no matter who comes on a blind date, will you take these things out?"

Xu Xiu couldn't help but want to stand up and pour hot water on her face. If this is the case, what is her persistence for seven years?

Li Tian's sudden silence made Xu Xiu's mood even worse.

"No matter who is going on a blind date today, I will tell her 'sorry, I have someone I like.'" Li Tian smiled bitterly: "I thought I said I was going on a blind date, you will be a little bit The reaction, I didn't expect ... you actually want to go."

Xu Xiu was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"Idiot?! I said I like you! I like you, do you understand?! Seven years, I have liked you for seven years. I have everything, but I have lost the courage to say love." Li Tian said, but suddenly smiled, as if relieved, after all, she saw Xu Xiu silently taking out her documents and hers. put a piece.

"I love you. I have saved everything, including the courage I have accumulated over seven years." Her tone was trembling: " it okay to stay with me? I'm not willing to be your colleague for life, can you leave me a spot in your account book? It's cheap, just a few dollars. , I've already saved up."

Li Tian's wallet always has a banknote that no one can understand. After all, it is common for her to go out and scan the code in this era, but it is confusing for her to go out with cash.

"This is my first salary. At that time, I confessed to you that you said you would not marry a poor ghost, and I have saved it until now." Li Tian was very angry, but also very grateful, then If Xu Xiu hadn't said that, she would have been a small broker with dead wages all her life.

I will never become a gold medal broker in the industry, nor will she start a business when she is in a downturn, and she will not have such achievements as she is now. Squeeze into the wealthy. Otherwise, in such a huge circle, how could she, a little assistant, do things so easily just by relying on her contacts back then.

It's a pity that An Junfeng was too cunning a few years ago, and she had to be forced to be an agent, otherwise she is now a hero in the market.

Of course, with An Junfeng blocking the door before, and then countless second-generation struggles, Li Tian's road to entrepreneurship is actually more difficult than her brain. Now that she has gone so far, in addition to her own efforts, An Junfeng is also secretly helping. Otherwise, the competition in the shopping mall in S province is so fierce, and after Li Tian became an assistant, all the affairs of her company were left to the people below. .

Xu Xiu glared at her: "When did I say you were a poor ghost?"

"You, you obviously..." Li Tian was stunned, yes... It was not Xu Xiu who said it to her in person back then. People's nonsense, otherwise they wouldn't have missed seven years abruptly.

"Hey, it's alright. Let's not talk about the past. Since the object of your blind date is me today, is it time to fulfill your promise? How about going to get the certificate? Let me experience a It feels like marrying a wealthy family."

Xu Xiu wanted to tease her for a while, but when she saw the anticipation and nervousness in Li Tian's eyes, she nodded without hesitation: "Let's go."

Seven years ago, there was no legalization of same-sex marriage in China. At that time, what came out of the closet may be the underestimation of career and the indifference of relatives.

But seven years later, some children of the same **** will be soy sauce, and never say anything disapproving, after all, no one has the right to blame another person's emotions.

The speed of the two of them getting the certificate was not much slower than that of An Junfeng. After receiving the certificate, Li Tian stood at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau so excited that he was almost speechless.

Xu Xiu couldn't help laughing: "What's wrong?"

"I, pinch me. I'm afraid I'm living in a dream." Li Tian's voice trembled so badly that Xu Xiu burst into laughter.

Xu Xiu didn't pinch Li Tian, ​​but held her hand: "I won't pinch you, if this is a dream, won't we both wake up. Let's dream like this for a lifetime. ."

"Okay!" Li Tian thought about it excitedly, suddenly stopped and took out her mobile phone and said to Xu Xiu, "Come here! I want to tell the world that you are mine!"

I wanted to call her childish, but Xu Xiu inexplicably complied.

Taking pictures of a group of nine palaces, Li Tian excitedly posted on Weibo.

There was an uproar on the Internet for a while, and Xu Xiu Li Tian once again crushed Luo Xuange to become the number one trending search.

Pills: Holy crap, I determined seven years ago that these two had an affair. See it now. Come true!

Mike: Are they not enemies in the industry? How did you come together? Is it that I know too little, or is the world changing too fast?

Luo Xuange v: Congratulations! I didn't expect that the marriage lady I found for you on the dog food website was my agent...

Jiang Yihanv: It's really fast, Mr. An got the certificate yesterday, and you will follow up today. Alas, the dog food network is right. I just made a post too, maybe I can see my wedding news tomorrow 23333

An Ruoshui v: My sister-in-law is very nice, with a sweet voice and good temperament.

Xu Ruv: The money is ready, Mr. An ordered us to skip work to celebrate.

Looking at the bright big v and what they said, the netizens suddenly collapsed.

Qiliang: Mr. An got married, and the object was found on the dog food online...

Erha next door: Oh my god, it’s not the straight man cancer I scolded.

Sunny smile: I also called and scolded me that day. It sounds like Mr. An.

Tired: Do you still have the original post? Find it out and see, I don't believe it, I don't believe it! I actually called my male god, scolded him, and blocked him.

Weak burst: Ma Ma, don't ask me why I cry. I lost your future son-in-law! !

Addicted to you: Original post found. The basic information such as height, age, photos, etc. are all right with Mr. An. The words on the remarks and messages seem to be too meticulous now.

Original post: [Can cook, can make money, no lace news, no ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend, so far no crush. It's not that nobody likes me, it's that I didn't have those plans before.

At present, there is no plan to buy a house or a car, and the salary card will not be handed over to the other half because there is no salary card. If I do get married, I hope to treat my family like my own. 】

Desolate people: Can cook and make money! Properly, I am Mr. An! No ex-girlfriend, no ex-boyfriend, no crush! This is my boss! It's not that no one likes it, it's that there was no plan for that before! Ah...I believe it! Mr. An, I believe it now, can I still give you a chance?

I'm making a fool of myself, you're after the aftermath: there is an old house with ancestral assets, and Mr. An's family has an old house, it's no secret! ! Why didn't I think of it at the beginning, why should I go with the flow to ridicule 'straight men's cancer'. At present, I have no plans to buy a house or a car, ah, ah, I have too many houses and cars to count, so I really don't need to buy them. The salary card will not be handed over to the other half because there is none! No, no, I don't despise you! Mr. An, please divorce! Give us another chance!

Three views are reorganized by me: If I get married, I hope to treat my family like my own relatives. There seems to be only one younger sister, An Ruoshui, in Mr. An's family. Omg! There was once an opportunity to be relatives with the goddess, but I missed it! Mama, I'm going to recreate it. wow~

When there was a lot of noise on the Internet, the Feng family didn't notice these news. After all, no matter how much they love the Internet on weekdays, they can't take care of their mobile phones and computers these days.

The old man is gone, the one who should cry and who should secretly calculate has already come up with a small abacus.

Feng Qianling took the time to find Faxiao and asked him if he could return the car to An Junfeng. After all, on the first day we met, he had a drink with others and took the other party's car.

Feng Qianling didn't know what brand the car was, but it was a car anyway, and it could sell for a lot of money even if it was a piece of junk. She felt sorry for An Junfeng.

When Feng Qianling went to find Faxiao, she was surprised to hear Faxiao's confession, Feng Qianling was stunned and refused.

I grew up crying and cried for a while, and finally said that I wanted a car, and let the **** come and pick it up in person.

Feng Qianling didn't know how to tell An Junfeng, nor how to explain it to An Ruoshui.

At this moment, An Ruoshui had arrived at the hotel and woke up after finding An Junfeng. Although An Junfeng has sobered up, he still feels a little confused.

Looking at the place where he was staying, An Junfeng suddenly sat up in shock: "My An's has closed down?!"


An Ruoshui couldn't help her forehead: "What did you dream about?"

"I dreamed that Xu Hao swallowed my company and tied me up. My god, I don't dare to think about it." An Junfeng also understood where he was now and what happened. So talking about Xu Hao was a lot easier.

An Ruoshui poured a glass of water for An Junfeng and handed it to An Junfeng: "An's is fine, and Li Tian and Xu Xiu have just received their certificates."

"Isn't that sooner or later? They all know that Xu Xiu likes Li Tian, ​​and Li Tian has a crush on Xu Xiu, but neither of them dares to take the first step." An Junfeng smiled He smiled, very happy for the two of them.

An Ruoshui's next sentence made him unable to laugh: "Your favorite car lost when you had a drink with someone last night."

"Which one?" An Junfeng's mind was a little confused, he didn't know which car it was, let alone as a car lover, every car in the family was his favorite.

An Ruoshui held back her laughter, and said to him with a very sympathetic and regretful expression: "It took three years to invite more than 40 designers to build which precious car. The car that is only driven out on major occasions such as holidays."

"..." An Junfeng slapped his forehead, he did drive that car out on his birthday yesterday, why did he lose to others?

"Who did I lose to?" An Junfeng jumped up from the bed, walked back and forth in the room, and quickly gave a high five with a smile: "It's okay, I just left a verbal promise, There is no legal benefit. Inform the assistant to get the car back, and if the other party doesn't give it, he will sue directly. Go through legal procedures to get it back."

Master Luo was stunned when he heard it, no wonder everyone said that there is no profit or business.

A person like An Junfeng, who does not keep faith and seeks for his own benefit, would have been cast aside by the martial arts eight hundred years ago.

But Luo Xuange didn't think there was anything wrong, it was quite in line with their demonic style of behavior.

"Where are you going now?" Sitting in the car, Luo Xuange found out that this was not the way home, so she asked An Ruoshui in confusion.

An Ruoshui said: "Go to Guwu to get a place in the inner door. After everything is settled, it will be much easier to do business abroad in the future."

"Oh." Master Luo sighed, he really did not expect the influence of ancient martial arts in this world to be on a global scale.

"Don't be surprised, most of the supporters of ancient martial arts are from some aristocratic families. Now the advanced science advocated by the research team and the return of ancient martial arts to the ancestors of chivalry are facing each other. What's more, there are people in Gu Wu who started to use drugs to increase their strength, and for Gu Wu, it is just an empty shelf.

"But it's different now." An Junfeng interjected appropriately: "We Xiaoluo have become Guwu disciples, I believe Xiaoluo will definitely lead Guwu to a new peak."

Luo Xuange chuckled, she didn't like Gu Wu, after all, she destroyed the sect left by her own Phantom Cult, and sometimes she even wanted to destroy Gu Wu and re-create her own Phantom Cult.

But in this era, I am afraid that it cannot be allowed, and it is suspected of deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors.

Soon arrived at the foot of Guwu Mountain, but Luo Xuange found Gu Xunxue meditating cross-legged under the tree at the foot of the mountain. After the car stopped, Gu Xunxue opened his eyes to look at them, casually hooked his lips and smiled: "Sure enough coming."

"Yeah. It's a fool not to take advantage of it." An Junfeng took out his outer disciple card: "It's time to replace it with a new one."

Gu Xunxue knows his excitement. It's like studying in kindergarten for more than 20 years. Suddenly someone tells you that you can go to the first grade. This kind of excitement is not experienced by outsiders. of.

An Junfeng followed Gu Xunxue up the mountain steps and looked back at her sister: "Hurry up and follow."

Master Luo stretched out his hand to take his wife into his arms, and said to An Junfeng, "We can fly."

"..." An Junfeng was sulking, unable to get out, and looked at Luo Xuange with a sinister smile.

Gu Xunxue, who was on the side, felt hairy when she saw it, but Luo Xuange didn't react at all. To her, An Junfeng's threat was like a child playing a house, although her eyes There is a hidden prestige in her, but as the leader of the demon sect that has passed through a pool of blood, she completely ignores this prestige.

After An Junfeng and Gu Xunxue left, Luo Xuange did not rush to take An Ruoshui directly to the top of the mountain, but asked, "Would you like to go for a walk in the mountains?"

"Okay." It is rare for An Ruoshui to take a rest. Now his brother's affairs are basically resolved, An's troubles are also being dealt with, his lover is by his side, and his family is complete. Take a walk slowly.

Walking into the mountain forest with Luo Xuange, Luo Xuange introduced her to this place, An Ruoshui was stunned after hearing it, then quickly reacted and said with a smile: "I almost forgot, it used to be here It's your territory."

"Actually, the name written on the tablet of the founder of ancient martial arts..." Luo Xuange was about to say it, suddenly An Ruoshui hugged her tightly, pointed to the grass not far away and shouted : "There are snakes!"

Luo Xuange followed An Ruoshui and pointed to the place and looked over, there was indeed a little cyan snake hidden, she reached out and patted An Ruoshui's back soothingly, and whispered: "Not afraid, not afraid, there is I am here."

He broke off a branch and shot at the snake, only to see a small snake pinned to the ground and unable to move.

Luo Xuange continued to comfort softly: "Okay, the snake is dead. Don't be afraid."

An Ruoshui didn't expect Luo Xuange to kill the snake directly, but she didn't have a heart attack. She glanced at the snake and whispered, "Let's go out. I'm afraid we will meet again later. to these little things."

They are wrong.

There is no need to kill these lives just because they enjoy the scenery.

Luo Xuange nodded, although An Ruoshui had a small worm on her body, and ordinary poisons dared not approach, but An Ruoshui wanted to leave, but she did not hold back.

Hold An Ruoshui tightly and jumped up on the spot. When they stood firm on the top of the mountain, An Junfeng came up panting and sweating profusely, leaning on a thick wooden stick .

Looking back at Gu Xunxue, he seemed to be walking in the back garden of his house very leisurely.

Gu Xunxue patted An Junfeng on the shoulder: "It's time to exercise. Don't let Madam look down on you."

"..." If this person was just a small internet celebrity, An Junfeng would immediately explode, but now he doesn't dare, this person is the only elder of Gu Wu at present, he is just an outsider Little disciple, endure it!

"Okay, report to the patriarch first." Gu Xunxue suddenly took the elder's stance, stunned An Junfeng, and nodded, "Okay, I'll go right away. ."

"Wait a minute, go and get the disciple's clothes and put them on." Gu Xunxue was wearing Gu Wu's elder clothes, which was more mature than the previous disciple's decoration.

After a while, she seemed to think of something again, and said to Luo Xuange: "You will come over later. The patriarch wants to talk to you."

Luo Xuange suddenly took An Ruoshui's hand and glanced at Gu Xunxue, Gu Xunxue suddenly chuckled and said, "Come over together."

It just so happened that the past few days in Guwu have not been peaceful. Although some of the scum has been cleaned up, there are still some hidden deep inside, and the relationship with the research team is closer, she can understand Luo Xuange concerns.

An Ruoshui was less nervous this time, so she felt very ashamed that Luo Xuange suddenly pulled her hand to show her affection.

When An Junfeng went to get the disciple uniform, Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui went to meet the patriarch.

When the patriarch saw Luo Xuange, he looked at the two of them carefully, before asking Luo Xuange for a while, "Can you talk alone."

"Xiao Luo, then I'll go out first. Miss Gu is outside, you don't have to worry about me." An Ruoshui said goodbye to Luo Xuange and left, but before An Ruoshui turned around, Luo Xuange suddenly She grabbed it, looked directly at the patriarch and said, "Just say it. No matter what you said, I will tell her later anyway."

"..." The patriarch said that he was old and did not want to eat this dog food.

An Ruoshui's ears turned red again. This guy is getting more and more unaware of how to restrain himself. I really don't know if Luo Xuange will say some amazing things in public when it is made public.

"It doesn't matter. Come with me." The patriarch led the two of them to the ancestral hall, took some things there, and then took the two to a relatively remote and secret cave.

This place looks too gloomy. If Luo Xuange was not by his side, An Ruoshui would have left in fear.

"Wait a minute." The patriarch took out a stone from the ancestral hall on the stone tablet outside the cave, and soon there were several sounds in the cave, and the patriarch looked at the two: "Okay, Come with me."

An Ruoshui doesn't know why, but Luo Xuange is very familiar with this. After all, she researched it herself. She put the stone on the stone tablet, and after entering the cave, the secret passage of the mechanism inside will not be able to. is triggered.

Now that the patriarch takes them in, there may be some treasures hidden inside.

Luo Xuange also stretched out his hand and took An Ruoshui into his arms.

"Don't be afraid, it's very safe here." Luo Xuange comforted her softly, even if there were dangers here, she was confident to take An Ruoping out safely.

The patriarch didn't care much, after all, he still had a big thing in his heart.

Luo Xuange took two steps back in disbelief, shook his head and denied: "How is that possible."

"Looking at you, do you know these murals?" The patriarch's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Luo Xuange was silent, looking at the murals here wholeheartedly. The people, flowers, insects, and even a sword in an inconspicuous corner can evoke her memories of her previous life. .

"Luo Xuange, tell me. Who the **** are you!" The patriarch asked Luo Xuange as if he had seen through everything.

Luo Xuange reached out and touched the murals: "Who am I?"

She sneered and said nothing.

Quietly read all the murals here, and finally got rid of the sneer at the corner of the mouth, wiping away the tears that I don't know when.

"I am the master here! The great devil eight hundred years ago, Luo Xuange!"

The patriarch has already made this guess, and the outside world has confirmed that Guwu is a famous and decent family, but every patriarch will be brought here before he takes office, and then he will teach the rules of the ancient martial arts by word of mouth.

The patriarch thought that the senior would let him **** the strong to help the weak and justice, but the previous patriarch left a few words to him before his death, which also made him understand that the existence of Gu Wu has nothing to do with the outside world. noble.

"I originally wanted to pass the position of the patriarch to A Xue, but that child's ambition is not there. Now in the entire ancient martial arts, only you can take on this important task, but I sent someone to investigate, and it turned out to be I don't know where your kung fu came from. Looking at your painting skills on the reality show, it is exactly the same as the records in our clan. Looking at the five-grain fish you made a few days ago, I have I made some guesses. I wanted to test you today, but I didn't expect you to admit it."

Luo Xuange did not speak, silently watching the patriarch waiting for the next.

The patriarch didn't know whether he was happy or disappointed, and asked Luo Xuange: "I think your peerless martial arts won't be passed down, it's better to inherit my ancient martial arts school and pass those down to revitalize my ancient martial arts. ."

"I am the leader of the Phantom Sect in this life, and even if I die, this seat is still the leader of the Phantom Sect. This seat doesn't like the position of the ancient Wu Patriarch." Luo Xuange can lower his posture and go forward Disguising, but not going to be the leader of another sect, this is her stubbornness and her pride.

The patriarch was stunned for a moment, then immediately changed his words: "As long as you want, the ancient martial arts can be replaced with you."

Outsiders don’t know the existence of ancient martial arts, but the patriarch knows that Princess Xuanyang knows things like a god, and knows that even if the magic sect is powerful, it can’t resist the fear of the common people in later generations. Therefore, when he retired, he disbanded the Demon Sect, and then reappeared in front of the world with a new face.


There is no ruler who doesn’t like to support their forces, there is no common people who don’t like sects with myths and legends, and there is no chivalrous person who can resist the temptation of ‘doing the way for heaven, being famous and upright’.

Because of this, the Phantom Cult can be preserved in this way in the long history.

Luo Xuange didn't know this, she only knew that Gu Wu was the sect created by the Phantom Sect after the original owner went to her world and destroyed her. The Dharma was passed on to the ancient Wu people.

The patriarch Guwu looked at her weakly: "Look at this again."

When she came out, she would definitely not be ignorant.

And the words above are all written in the shadow of the Phantom Cult, and people who are not in the Phantom Cult can't decipher it for their entire lives.

In order to protect the Phantom Cult, it had to be changed and kept in the name of the righteous way.

There are a lot of inner strength and mental methods that she has never practiced before.

Thinking of the paintings collected by wealthy businessmen, Luo Xuange suddenly felt that there was no need to find them, after all, Xuanyang had the foresight to record all these things.

An Ruoshui saw Luo Xuange's face change, she stepped forward and asked carefully: "What's wrong?"

"No problem." Luo Xuange carefully closed the book, looked at the patriarch and said, "I agree with what you said. Gu Wu doesn't need to be changed, it's pretty good now. ."

After all, borrowing the name of the ancient martial arts can make her phantom sect pass on forever, which is not a shame for the ancestors of the sect.

An Ruoshui looked at the patriarch and Luo Xuange for unknown reasons, and did not understand why Luo Xuange suddenly agreed. After all, when Luo Xuange mentioned Gu Wu, he always looked disdainful or contemptuous .

Although there are occasional admirations, they are not as emotional as they are now, and there are even hidden gratitude in their eyes.

The patriarch is not as nervous as before, but he still looked at An Ruoshui carefully. He wanted to reveal Luo Xuange's true identity, but after hearing what Luo Xuange said, no matter what it was They will tell An Ruoshui, he thinks that maybe An Ruoshui already knows Luo Xuange's true identity.

Looking at An Ruoshui's expression now, she might have known in advance.

"I'll go out and help that kid arrange the identity of the inner disciple, you can do whatever you want." The patriarch was in awe of Luo Xuange, but he wasn't from that era. Like the cultists, they were completely convinced of the leader, and they didn't have the sense of crisis that the leader would take his life at any time.

So the patriarch has been with him for a long time, even if he knows that Luo Xuange is the real master, he can't suddenly bend over and be small, pretending to be a grandson to someone who looks young.

After the patriarch left, An Ruoshui walked up to Luo Xuange who was watching the mural: "You really decided to take over the position of the patriarch?"

"Well, because I just learned something." Luo Xuange handed An Ruoshui which ancient book to explain to An Ruoshui.

After An Ruoshui understood, Luo Xuange asked in a low voice, "So, you won't object to me taking over the patriarch's seat, right?"

"Well." Of course An Ruoshui wouldn't stop it, Luo Xuange just got back what belonged to him.

Luo Xuange looked around here again, and then smiled: "This cave is very troublesome to build, but it is also the strongest, otherwise it will not survive for eight hundred years, the mechanism here The secret passage should still be useful, and there must be a lot of gold and silver jewelry hidden in it. Be careful, this place is regarded as a forbidden place by the ancient martial arts, and there are often some people who are overconfident and want to come over to find out. Therefore, there should be left here. The bones of those people. Even if the patriarch knows about it, he will not remove them, not to mention that it is difficult to answer the outside world when he brings out the bones. Based on the rules handed down from his ancestors, he will not clean up the bones in the cave. After all, the more bones, the better The richer the cave is. It's a vigilance and a temptation for later people."

Luo Xuange's remarks put An Ruoshui in an abyss, for fear that he would be buried here if he was not careful.

Luo Xuange saw her nervous and fearful appearance, worried and helpless, and stepped forward to reassure: "Don't be afraid, the patriarch dares to stay here, he will make sure that there is no threat to us here. And , even if there is... I can take you away safely."

An Ruoshui still has fear in her heart. After all, Luo Xuange said that there are bones left here, her fear of death dissipated, and her fear of ghosts and gods rose again. He used to be an atheist, but after seeing the people who passed through, An Ruoshui's atheism began to shake. Later, she met Luo Xuange and learned that the other party was a soul-piercing person, and her atheism was completely gone. Now she is in awe of those things that you can't see or touch. After all, those things may really exist.

"Why don't we go out first. We shouldn't have been in here for a long time, it's not good for us to stay for a long time." Luo Xuange made an excuse at will, after all, both of them have internal strength, There's no such thing as a long-term stay, as she said.

Wait for An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange to go out along the path they entered, standing outside the cave, An Ruoshui squinted a little, after all, the light inside and outside the cave made her eyes a little hard to adapt.

When An Ruoshui was about to hold Luo Xuange's hand, she found that Luo Xuange had left her and walked towards the stone tablet.

An Ruoshui followed curiously and saw some strange symbols on the stone tablet. She wanted to ask Luo Xuange what those meant, but Luo Xuange saw her curious and explained in advance .

"These are some warnings to those who trespass in caves. I hope they will cherish life and not die inside."

An Ruoshui laughed out loud at her explanation, but she didn't expect the cold-faced and serious demon leader, when he said these words, unexpectedly cute.

Luo Xuange was relieved when she saw that she was no longer afraid. An Ruoshui is going to shoot that movie soon. The storyline in it is too depressing. She hopes to give her more happy memories before An Ruoshui participates in the filming, so that An Ruoshui will not really enter the movie. Can't get out.

"Let's go. Let's go and see how big brother's affairs are going." Luo Xuange took off the stone left by the patriarch, which was regarded as the key to open the cave, after all, there is no This small stone is difficult for those who go in to get out.

After An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange left, suddenly someone quietly came out from the dark, standing in front of the stone tablet and thinking deeply.

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