MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2249 Disaster start

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! The bones of the whole body seemed to be broken, but the body was hit by that blow and was not cut off.

Qi Ying was a little surprised, he thought that the blow would definitely turn himself into a fly ash!

"It's you?!"

Qi Ying suddenly realized what, looked at his arm and found the sword-shaped lines above, which became very dark.

Just now, it was the nine-day mysterious woman who blocked a fatal blow for herself! However, she is estimated to be close to collapse, and she can only hide herself in the form of Xuanyuanjian.

"You have a good rest!"

Qi Ying quickly condensed the bones of his body and fainted his right arm.

Then, the body shape flashed and hid into the new universe!

He has no other choice. If he stays in the same place and then cuts an axe by the old man in the white robe, it is estimated that he really wants to kill his life. The sharp axe seems to contain the magical power of the earth. Xuanyuanjian is already a strong artifact. Can't stand a blow.

"Too horror, is he really Pangu?"

Qi Ying has never felt such a strong force. Although, the white youth "dismissed from the husband" may be stronger than the old man in white robes, but the white youth "dismissed from the husband" has never really been shot, and Qi Ying received the white robe old man's Attack, far beyond the purple night god, the strength of the eternal god!

Is it really Pangu?

Qi Ying can't imagine, there are people, so strong.

at this time.

Qi Ying heard a tear.

Looking up, it was the new universe that opened a hole, a figure, flying out of that hole.

White hair dances, white robe hunting, white whiskers flying - it is the guy who used to call Pangu! His hand, also holding the handle "opening axe."

"It turns out that you are hiding here!" The old man in the white robe snorted. "I said, how can the purple night and yongyao die, and I found a guy who is enough to create the world! I remember that when I had this ability, On the two emperors of 'Di Jun' and 'Taiyi', your strength seems to reach their original level! Purple night and eternal glory, death is not bad."

"Do you know the things of 'Emperor' and 'Taiyi'?!"

Qi Ying has big eyes.

It is not surprising to know that Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

But what is strange is that the old man in white robes knows that Emperor Jun and Taiyi can create the world!

"I said, I am Pangu, I am omnipotent." The old man in white robe grinned. "Do you really think that Emperor Jun and Taiyi used their own skills to escape the fate? It is not mine. Helping! But they did not disappoint me, created a complete big world, haha!"


Qi Ying, this can be said to be really a little panic.

Is this person really Pangu? Can be Pangu, there is no reason to do these things!

"Your world, I will accept it unceremoniously." The old man in white robes raised his hand and axe. "You give me your world and your life!"

Another axe to pull out!

Qi Ying’s hole shrinks.

This axe, he can have time to hide!

But he can't hide, because once he hides, the sharp edge of the axe is enough to destroy the human world behind!

There are many people who care about Qi Yu and other Qi Ying, Qi Ying can not retreat, can only rely on the body to resist, North Ming extremely cold body to the extreme.

"It’s ridiculous, Chiyou is not my enemy. Do you practice the methods of Chiyou’s men and try to counter me?”

The white robe old man's eyes are full of contempt!

Just at this moment!

A colorful pagoda suddenly fell from the sky!

The white robe old man and the sharp axe were directly sealed in the colorful pagoda.


The colorful pagodas shrank sharply and then began to tremble.

The Qihua, who appeared in the void, quickly received the hand from the tower, and meditated on the head and sweated, and suppressed the white robe.

at last.

The tower is no longer trembled.

Qi Yingfei came to Qihua and looked excited.. "Seal?"

Qi Hua opened his eyes, and some said weakly.. "The seal... but there is a big problem."

"what is the problem?"

Qi Ying asked.

Qi Hua lightly coughed and said: "His strength is far more than the idle god. Even if it is the tower, you can't completely seal him. It is estimated that the tower can only trap him for a while, but he can't be permanently Banned! Once he breaks out, it will cause terrible damage to the outside world. I am afraid that the entire new universe will not be able to resist his full attack."

“Is this?” Qi Ying’s look changed. “How long can it be sealed?”

Qihua shook his head.. "I don't know, but it's definitely more than a hundred years! I suggest returning to the plane of God. He has sealed it. Even if he is in the position of God, I can't continue to use the banned power of the tower. He can't get out of trouble too. It can also maximize the time he broke out."

"You can only do this."

Qi Ying sighed and left the new universe with Qihua.

They turned back to the hedgehog's lair, but the thing that surprised Qi Ying appeared.

I saw it.

There was a huge hedgehog before, and it was full of hedgehog nests of hedgehog eggs. Now it is empty and nothing is left! Only the bare rock wall, and a large number of scattered hedgehog egg shells.

"Where did they go?"

Qi Yingxin, suddenly had a bad guess.



After opening the channel back to Pangu World, Qi Ying found something that shocked him.

In the Pangu world, a large number of hedgehogs suddenly poured into the world. These hedgehogs are constantly absorbing the origins of the Pangu world. Even the gods of Pangu world are shooting at the fastest speed to eliminate the hedgehog, but the number of hedgehogs is too much. , caused a lot of damage to the Pangu world itself.

"Don't be idle, hurry to hunt the hedgehog!"

Naga God is far from the English channel.

"Oops, it may not just be the Pangu world, the other worlds have the same situation? These hedgehogs are pouring into the world at once, and it is likely to be a devastating blow to these worlds!"

Qi Ying's look changed.

It seems that the disaster has finally begun to happen.



Three figures, standing in the air.

These three figures, two are men's appearance, one is a woman's appearance.

"I didn't expect Pangu to turn over the ship in the gutter. This is a great opportunity for us!" A feminine man smiled coldly. "The little dolls have gone to the world to make waves, and the gods are completely dragged. We just took the opportunity to reach detachment!"

Another strong man blinked. "The detachment? You said it is light, do you know how to detach? Pangu this guy, the tone is very strict, never asked us to cooperate with him, but never tell us the specific method of detachment It is impossible to simply plunder the power of the source. There is no way to detach it. Only Pangu knows the specific situation. I think we have to go to the rescue."

Read The Duke's Passion