MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2233 Zhou Yi's deduction

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! Taiyi, for Qihua, holds great hope.

Qi Ying also looked at Qihua, full of smiles.

The following gods are all staring at Qihua, to see how he will be deduced!

There is no amount of light.

Qi Hua smiled and said, "Who can lift me up... I can't seem to stand up..."


A lot of gods, almost vomiting blood on the spot!

They can feel from the breath, and the Qi is weak.

But I don't know, Qi Qi is weak, and I can't even stand up.

Qi Ying also had no choice but to smile, then turned out a chair, helped Qihua, sat up.

"You two, come and carry Qihua!"

Qi Ying casually pointed to two half gods in the crowd.

These two demigods had to come over and use the shoulders to resist the chair, just like lifting the sedan chair, so that Qihua sat in a chair.

"If you want to deduct the 'Hedgehog Nest', I have to walk the path you have traveled before, and I will have the greatest help for my deduction!" Qi Hua said, "And, let me play, I still Need a set of equipment..."

The equipment needed for Qihua is the Eight Diagrams.

When the people present are present, only Qi Ying can refine. Fortunately, Qi Ying has been prepared to take out a gossip-level gossip array directly for Qihua.


The gods set off.

Leave Thunder and re-enter the road they have been to before.

This time, it takes a long time.

Along with their re-launch, some of the gods in Pangu Town also joined the ranks of the coalition forces.

The entire god's plane, almost a small half of the gods, are in the coalition team.

Other gods are going back to the lower bounds and going to destroy the hedgehog of the lower bound.


The hedgehog nest.

The white-bearded old man who is inspecting the hatching of each hedgehog egg suddenly becomes angry.

"Really awful... The children who sent them, so many have been eradicated? No, the next thing to send, must be more secret, to secretly refine the power of the source ... can not be found." White whiskers The old man paced back and forth, "I can't do it, I can only use 'they'!"

The eyes of the white-bearer are swaying to the hedgehog.

Under the wings on the back of the hedgehog, there is a translucent abdominal cavity.

Through the translucent body, you can see this abdomen, there are several figures, from these figures, the power of the source is extracted.


A mirror appeared on the wall above the hedgehog's nest.

On the mirror, an image suddenly appeared.

The image on the mirror shows that the coalition of the gods of the heavens is in a certain direction, surrounded by a weak youth sitting in a chair.

"Well? How is it possible? Can they find it here?"

The white-bearded old man was shocked.

Since the treasure has been warned, it is very likely that the gods of this time have found his place.


The white-bearded old man soon sneered.

"The **** of the plane of God, what is it... I keep you, just to fatten you, when the waves are cut, you are so anxious to die? It’s too lively and impatient. Ah! Haha!"

The white-bearded old man has a pair of eyes.

His plan, in the face of God, has not been known for many years.

Never lose it!


"Qihua, have you really found the hedgehog nest? We have already re-routed the previous roads in the past two months! You actually continue to go back? Are you kidding us!"

Finally, the devil can't help but drink.

Qi Ying glanced at the ultimate demon god.. "Do you have any opinions? If you suspect that the route provided by Qihua is not allowed, you will find out the hedgehog nest yourself!"

"You!" Finally, the demon **** smiled coldly and said, "Qi Ying, your teeth are not useful! Look, how many of these gods are suspected of homogenization? He let us walk again and again, It can also be understood as collecting more information to confirm the location. But this is the third time, what is the situation? There is no explanation!"

"Do you want to explain?"

Qihua suddenly opened.

"Not that I want to explain, it is the gods of the whole heavens, they must explain!"

Finally, the demon god, pull the tiger skin to make a big banner, let all the gods come to their side, to be strong.

Qi Hua smiled.

"Then I will explain to you - that is, the place where the hedgehog nest is located, we have actually been there. It was only the place where the hedgehog nest was not found at the time! This time I calculated it with "Book of Changes", as long as I arrived again. The location of the hedgehog nest will be able to feel. When the time is three hundred feet, can you find the nest of the hedgehog?"


This explanation is all about silence.

People don't particularly believe in Qihua, but apart from Qihua, others are not reliable.

At this time.

It’s too bright.. “I think Qihua said it’s good.”

Qi Ying also nodded and said, "I think so too!"

The deduction of both of them has reached the point where the rumors are extremely deep. It is reasonable to find the hedgehog nest! But nothing, only to let them have doubts about their own deduction.


The route from Qihua’s performance is the same as them!

However, Qihua can be induced by Zhouyi when passing through the nest of the hedgehog.

Qi Ying and Tai Yi, but not this ability.

It is equivalent to crossing Baoshan without entering!

just now.

The three routes they played were coincidentally.

Explain that the hope of finding a hedgehog nest this time is enormous.

"But I have to give you a vaccination in advance." Qi Ying looked around and said, "Once we find the hedgehog nest, we, people, may face great danger! If we don't, we will not be able to The opponents facing the enemy, how much can escape, how much to escape. Do not be self-righteous, blindly fighting!"

Qi Yingxin, have a hunch.

In the hedgehog nest, there is absolutely a strong presence.


The hedgehogs that appear are very good.

But it can make the hedgehog appear in the lower bound, and can hide the huge hedgehog nest, and let the existence of the hedgehog continue to be born... How strong will it be? Qi Ying himself is not clear, but understands that such existence, the level of uncertainty, has exceeded their perception.

Moreover, there is a high probability that it will be related to the third detachment!


After finding the hedgehog nest.

The guy who appeared is enough to kill any gods present. What should I do?

as well as.

The death of the gods will undoubtedly exacerbate the destruction of each world, and it is related to the plane of God, and it is likely to produce great changes.

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