MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2221 First-line life

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! Qi Ying asked. "Can the resources of each world disappear from the air! They just change the form of existence, and the total amount of chaos is constant."

Snow nodded nodly and said: "Everything is conserved. Your understanding in this respect is correct. But think about it, the world you see, the material and energy inside are also conserved. Why do you go to destruction again and again? You have to see the inner laws of things!"


Qi Ying snorted.

In my mind, I quickly recovered from the billions of years I observed in the phalanx.

Then, Qi Ying’s eyes brightened. “The meaning of the majesty is that the total amount is conserved, but the form of existence is changing. The so-called destruction and end of the world is actually a world that has developed to a certain level and becomes too disordered. , was broken back to the beginning of the stage. The catastrophe of the era is similar?"

In the world of Qi Ying observation.

Life comes from nothing, then to nothing, then to there.

All along, it is a cycle that never stops.

In a sense, the world has never ended, but has changed the form of existence.

“Do you say that our world is also...”

Qi Ying looked at the snow without pity, and looked straight into the other's eyes.

Snow nodded and nodded, and said: "Why did the eclipse of the first era appear? Because the Pangu world has developed to that stage, the existence of a large number of gods has made the world more and more unstable, so fate has become The detached person, because only the fate can destroy those gods! And the eclipse of the second era, why has it become a gas transport? Because in the second era, air transport is the mainstream of practice, only the air transport is detached, can produce a great destruction! In order to let the world be destroyed and welcome new life. Everything is self-protection in the Pangu world!"

"What about this time?"

Qi Ying took a deep breath.

Snow's view of no pity, for Qi Ying, think about it, it is acceptable!

After all, as a possession of the world, Qi Ying can understand that heaven and earth have their own will, and can influence all of their operations through the will.

"This time, I am afraid that the reaction made by Pangu World will be more intense than ever before. Moreover, it is not only the Pangu world... I fear that other worlds, that is, all the worlds born in chaos, will be involved in this wave. !"

Snow said no pity.

Qi Ying was slightly shocked. Rao knew that the era of the Third Age was a catastrophe. There will be a thing of God's plane, but Snow has no pity. It is said that all the worlds born in chaos will be involved in this catastrophe. Still let him have a certain vibration.

Then Qi Ying asked. "That's what you are prepared to deal with this era of annihilation!"

Snow without pity did not answer immediately.

Instead, looking up at the sky, for a long time, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and once again said. "Qi Ying, you know, who is the winner of the second era?"

Qi Ying is somewhat puzzled.

If you really want to talk about it, the winner of the Second Era is air transport!

After all, the air transport is the eclipse of the second era, free from the shackles of the Pangu world, truly immortal.

"It is a gas transport."

Qi Ying said.

Snow did not pity but shook his head, shaking his head while affirming Qi Ying’s words. "Yes, it is a gas transport. But this air transport should not be a detachment, it is the world that finally chose him!"

"I don't understand what it means in my words?"

Qi Ying Shen channel.

Snow has no pity to fall back to Qi Ying. "You should have a coffin on your body! The **** that gave birth to the drought!"


Qi Ying did not know the snow without any pity. After all, Jiang Yan and Xue had no cooperation, and Xue had no pity to know a lot about himself. It was normal.

At this time.

Snow raised his hand without pity.

La la la la la!

Three black scorpions came out from behind the snow without pity.

Every black scorpion has a certain difference, but the same thing is that the black scorpion pulled by the Kowloon chain exudes a sinister death.


Qi Ying’s mind was moved, and the fourth black scorpion also flew out.

Today's ghouls purgatory do not need the maintenance of black scorpions, but also through the world's own rules, the normal operation, this black sputum, but a bit ribs.

"Do these four black scorpions have the same origin?"

Qi Ying asked.

Snow has no pity. "What do you think?"

Then, the snow is no pity. "At the time of the first era, the four zombie kings were born between heaven and earth. The drought, the will, the win, the post Qing! And the original creatures, gods, saints are different, these four zombies The king is a existence that is not recognized by the heavens and the earth. The power they possess makes the heavens and the earth feel the fear--so the four zombie kings are destroyed by fate."


Qi Ying has long known about the four zombie kings.

Just from the snow, there is no pity here, Qi Ying knows that the original four zombie kings were actually destroyed by fate.

"However, the four kings of zombies, born from the heavens and the earth, can't be completely destroyed by the will of the heavens and the earth, so their inheritance was greatly promoted in the second era." Snow continued without pity, " This time, destroying the four zombie kings is the 'air transport'!"


Qi Ying nodded.

Since Heaven and Earth once destroyed the fate of the four zombie ancestors, it is reasonable to let the air transport destroy the inheritance of the four zombie ancestors.


The ancestors of the four zombies that should have been extinct were actually reborn in the Third Age.

What is going on here?

"You should also want to know why the inheritance of the four zombie kings will reappear? Haha!" Snow said with no pity, "I will tell you - because the person who was supposed to be a "gas", I gave up the opportunity to become a 'gas transport' and gave the post of the detachment to the later 'gas transport'! Therefore, the gas transport disobeyed the will of the heavens and the earth, and the robbing of the eclipse left the person with a glimmer of life - and That line of life is the inheritance of the four zombies that were secretly preserved."


Qi Ying was surprised again.

Then he asked again. "That, how did you know this secret? And, look at the situation... Your Majesty has gathered the inheritors of the four zombie ancestors!"

The four black scorpions represent the inheritance of the drought, the vassal, the win, and the post.

Although the black otters of the droughts and floods are here, the droughts and droughts have long since left, and the other three black scorpions are in the snow, no pity, is not representative, the snow is no pity and the inheritors of the other three zombie ancestors have either contact Or is there a very special relationship?

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