MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2217 Confuse

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The power of the nine-headed serpent was blocked by the shield.

Just as Difeng wanted to spray another wave, a figure didn't know when it appeared on his head.

again and again!

That figure, a gentle step.

A skull of Difeng directly bursts open, scales, and blood splashes everywhere with the flesh inside.


"Who, attacking Difeng adults?!"

The Nine Snakes, as well as several other demigods, were shocked.

Someone, come here without their awareness? And directly slammed a skull of Difeng!

That is the head of Difeng!

I thought about it that year.

The gods of Opus, including the king of the gods, Jupiter, besieged the embankment together.

As a result, the gods were beaten by Difeng, and even Jupiter was defeated by Difeng for a period of time.

In a certain period of the first era, Difeng was once a common god, the sorrowful existence! Even later, the emperor revived, the strength is not as good as before, but it is in the case of the suppression of the position of God, and in the lower bound, with the body of the gods Difeng, the combat power of the embankment, is absolutely in all demigods, the most The existence of terror.

But this is such a powerful Difeng, even here, was directly exploding a skull?

The eyes of the gods, staring at the splash of flesh and blood, a figure of **** blood, and then, all eyes are worried, eyes have been.

It was Qi Ying!


Difeng screamed and turned into a human form.

Qi Ying, standing in front of Difeng.

"Qi Ying, you dare..." Difeng witnessed a split, he was blown a head, the power of loss, but permanent! This loss of a skull, and the power of the loss of the source, will not be added later. For Difeng, even if the human form of the body was broken seven or eight times, it was not as good as breaking a skull to hurt him.


Qi Ying straight cut the road.


Difeng's eyes spurt.

“Hmmm?” Qi Ying snorted, and there was a shadow of a short sword in his hand. “Die Feng, would you like to teach me the power of ‘killing God’?”

This is the case.

The **** of the **** is directly extinguished!

The other four demigods, scared their legs to soften the next half!

They once witnessed the battle of Qi Ying in the Yingying Gorge, and the massacre at that time left an indelible impression on them.

In the Yingying Canyon, Qi Ying kills half-god, like a dog!

Now in the lower bounds, Qi Ying has also slammed a head of Difeng, and Difeng is still a daring and daring look. Until now, even if it is complete, it has not been said.

"Not fast yet?!"

Qi Ying gave another one.

This is the next.

Finally, they were scared and scared.

Difeng, nine snakes, and so on, together with the five gods, all disappeared and disappeared.

When they retired, Jianzu removed the shield formed by Jianhai. Qi Ying only smiled and greeted the three of them. "Zu Shi, teacher, Yue Er! You really have set off a lot of storms!"

"Ah, Qi Ying, I just scared me!"

Solitary, and now I am still worried.

Jianzu still smiled lightly.. "But a little bit of wave, what is the storm?"

Qi Yueer laughed happily, and suddenly rushed to Qi Ying.. "Ah, father, you can count it back! I miss you all the month!"

"Taro, do you miss me, or do you want me to make scallions?!"

Qi Ying took a picture of Qi Yue's back.

"I think, I want to."

Qi Yueer spit out his tongue.

Several people met, but also some old, Qi Ying also learned about the sword ancestors, solitary, and the current situation of the month.


Some time ago, the sword ancestor went to the dark side and took away the month and the solitary.

However, Jianzu took them away, not just playing, but trying to help the moon and the solitary, get the crystallization of the source and become a god.

"Fang Shen has become a **** not long ago, and the moon can't fall behind. It must also become a god." Jianzu pityfully stroked the head of Qi Yueer. "The few pieces of the original source that were obtained before are not big enough, and the moon is used up." No effect. This time, the origin of the crystal, will definitely help the moon to become a god."

Qi Ying quickly said: "Zu Shi, you get the crystallization of the origin, grow your own cultivation is just fine. If the source crystallizes to the repairer, the probability of becoming a **** is not very big, it is very likely to be wasted. Yueer and the teacher become gods. Opportunity, I can find it by myself."

"Oh, I am willing!"

Jianzu said with a little dissatisfaction.

Qi Yueer spit out his tongue and said: "Father, my grandfather hurts me, let me enjoy the good intentions of my founder! After I become a god, can I help my ancestors find more sources of crystallization?"


Qi Ying sighed.

In fact, he did not feel that the sword ancestors had crystallized the moon.

It’s just that his heart has always been uneasy—that is, the third detached person, knowing that the detached person always targets the gods who have the power of the source. If the moon becomes a god, it may become a target. .

and so.

Qi Ying does not want to make his friends and relatives quickly become gods.

But that's just worrying. It's not reasonable to let go of the opportunity to become a god.

"So be it!"

Qi Ying thought about it, said.

At the same time, I am determined to make sure that no matter what the third person is, I must protect my loved ones and friends! Don't let them get hurt.


"Naga, the great man, Qi Ying is really deceiving too much! He is connected with the sword ancestors of Xipangu, and the hard-working students have taken away the source crystal from our hands!"

Difeng had a nose and a tear, and cried to the will of Naga God in the Pangu world.

Half-god, no one can manage Qi Ying, Di Feng can only hope for the Naga God.

The will of Naga God sinks a little, but it shakes his head. "This time, I can't give you the title."


Difeng is puzzled. You must know that although Qi Ying is now in a high position, Naga is one of the two leaders of Dongpangu. How is the right to speak far more than Qi Ying?

Moreover, this matter is what they are supposed to be! It is Qi Ying and Jian Zu, robbing the origin of their goal.

"Titfeng, I learned from the Witch God that this time Qi Ying went out and refining a group of very powerful Hongmeng Lingbao, which were specially tailored for the gods of Pangu Town..." Naga God sighs "In this period, we still better not offend Qi Ying, so as not to suffer losses when trading Hongmeng Lingbao! Of course, we will not always be angry with him. After Hongmen Lingbao arrives, Qi Ying will be in Pangu Town. The value is greatly reduced!"

Read The Duke's Passion