MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2193 foreign aid

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The half-god of Pangu Town has a strong overall strength. Even the ordinary demigod is in the middle and upper levels of all the demigods in the face of God. However, on the top half-god, it will not reach the peak.

Because Pangu Town is coming too early!

Like the moon god, the Amazon tiger **** and other gods, have stepped into the true God from the top half god.

Other forces, but there are quite a number of demigods, standing on the dividing line between the demigod and the true god, even the partial magical power of the true god, just did not completely step into the true God.

Like the holy magic mountain, there are several people who are half-step true gods!


With Qi Ying's variable, it provided a powerful Hongmeng Lingbao to the half **** of Pangu Town.

Qi Ying refining the best of Hongmeng Lingbao, to a certain extent, can compare the artifact power.


Other forces can naturally give artifacts to the lower half of God.

The artifacts of the Holy Mountain, but there are so many pieces, in fact, very suitable for the use of the demigod!

And those half-step true gods of the Holy Mountain have already been able to exert a lot of power of artifacts.

"Defense, special kind of Hongmen Lingbao, how much do you refine? What are the characteristics?" Fei Man asked directly to Qi Ying, "You contributed these refining treasures, we can The contenders compete for a competitive advantage!"

"Oh, no."

Qi Yingyi raised his hand.

"Well? What do you mean by this?" Fei Mang blinked. "Is this time, I still want to hide? I don't believe that you only refined the attacking Hongmeng Lingbao, and did not refine the defense. And special classes!"

"No, no, you have questions?"

Qi Ying did not have a good air.


He really didn't make a few pieces! After all, the defensive class and the special class of Hongmeng Lingbao are more costly materials and have longer refining time. Qi Ying has refining a few pieces and the quality is relatively average.

Naga God also came over. "Qi Ying, I know that you have some grievances in your heart. But the enemy is currently, you should not only consider private grievances, you must put the overall situation in front, understand?"

"I said no, I don't want to repeat it."

Qi Ying is cold and cold.


Naga screamed in anger and looked back at the burning of the sea god. "The gods of your human race, you take care of it."

The burning sea **** frowned and asked Qi Yingdao. "You really did not refine the defensive class of Hongmeng Lingbao?"

Qi Ying shrugged. "There are some, but only the former Hongmeng Lingbao, and later refining is only the middle and the lower products of the Hongmeng Lingbao. When it comes to the effect, it is not a semi-artifact like this! The artifact is paradoxical."

"Well, that's it."

The sea **** sighed.

Since Qi Ying does not have such a Hongmeng Lingbao, they can't force it.


It is to discuss which two gods to play.

Qi Ying is too lazy to participate in it. After all, he is only a new demigod. Although he has defeated the Nine Snakes and Difeng, he is considered to be relying on Hongmeng Lingbao and the rules of battle to win. The real combat power is not strong, and naturally he is not considering it. .

"You are the new half-god swordsman of the Western Pan Dynasty, isn't the snow knife strong?"

"They are just two new gods. Although refining and absorbing the power of God, they are not very familiar with the battle of God."

"I think"

The gods began to pick one by one for those powerful demigods.

Take this opportunity.

Qi Ying slipped to the Heluo world.

"Taiyi, the two predecessors of Emperor Jun, the dispute between the leaders, do you have any thoughts?"

Qi Ying smiled and asked.

Emperor Jun glanced at Qi Ying. "Our Heluo World has no interest in this kind of thing. What's more, we don't even have a half-god in the Heluo world. There are two trials that can't participate at all."

"Would you like, I will lend you two?"

Qi Ying smiled lightly.

"Oh?" Too one eyelid lifted, "Can it still be like this?"

"The rules only say that each force sent a half god, did not say that you can not ask for foreign aid!" Qi Yingxiao smiled, "Well, you please ask me to be your foreign aid!"

"Then you are just a person. Two trials!" Di Jun said with a sigh, suddenly realized what, "two trials, one person twice?"

"The reaction is pretty fast!"

Qi Ying haha ​​laughed.

Taiyi, Emperor Jun looked at each other.

They have no interest in the struggle of the lords, but the survival of the Heluo world is also related to their lives and deaths.

This time, the Hedgehog, if they can get the position of the lord, they can get more information.

More critical is.

Because there is no demigod in the world of Heluo, this time there is no half-god to return to the lower bounds to investigate the assassination of the hedgehog.

If they want to return to the lower bounds as true God, they have to apply to the lord.

Simply not as good as yourself!

"It's a good idea." Taiyi thought for a moment and said, "Then come to be our foreign aid! But you will have nothing to offer. Say, what do you want from us?"

Qi Ying heard a smile.

Both of them are the supreme gods of the ancient world.

The body naturally has a lot of secrets.

"I want to know something about the First Age, which is more detailed than what you told me before."

Qi Ying said.

"Oh, no problem." Emperor Jun immediately promised, "However, we can't tell you directly. You have to wait for two contests to help us win the position of the lord!"

"A word is fixed."

Qi Ying reached out.

Taiyi, Di Jun looked at each other, and then each and Qi Ying hit the palm.

Although they have never seen Qi Ying’s shot, they know that Qi Ying’s role as a refining and refining world may be weak. If it is given time, it is the existence of the highest **** level!

The supreme god, placed in the plane of God, is the Lord of God.

How many gods have been born in the whole face of God? No one knows, but surely one hand counts.

Even if it is the current Taiyi, Emperor Jun, not the Lord of God, in order to break the fate, they paid a heavy price, and now the strength has not recovered to the peak.

After half an hour.

The battle of the lords has finally begun!

The battle of the true God, naturally to the end, all forces have sent the strongest demigod to participate in the first match.

"Qi Ying?"

"Qi Ying, how have you passed?"

The gods of the Pangu world are strange, how did Qi Ying play? They sent out, "Minota Taos", one of the half-god gods of Pangu Town!

Qi Ying turned back and smiled.. "I am not a Pantheon in Pangu World. It is a foreign aid for Heluo World!"


"Can it still be like this?"

The gods of the heavens, when they hear this, are all a glimpse.

Then many gods began to oppose.

"How can I still do this?"

"Please ask for foreign aid? There can't be such a rule!"

At this time.

A voice suddenly sounded.

"In the previous rules, it did not say that the various forces could not ask for foreign aid. Let this be called Qi Ying, and come to fight."