MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2189 End of life

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"The eclipse of the first era is fate, the eclipse of the second era, is the air transport?"

"It does make sense!"

"The gods in the Pangu world, things that are not understood, are people in the Heluo world clear?"

"I think things are very embarrassing. Even if people in Heluo World know these things, why not just tell us directly, but choose to tell Qi Ying?"

For a time, the gods of the Pangu world have been talking about it.

Many people still have doubts.

"The price I paid will naturally make them tempted and say something." Qi Ying said faintly, a look of calmness.

At this time.

After the sacred **** from Xipangu Shen Shendao.. "That, what you said, there is something about the third detached person,"

This is what the gods care most about.

The third person who is detached is seriously related to the future fate of the Pangu world.

In today's Pangu world, in the face of the era of catastrophe, there is no ability to resist, it is really unknown.

The last era of the catastrophe, it has already let Pangu world fall apart.

"The true God of Heluo World, telling me about the third detachment, that is, this detached person will be born within 10,000 years of the Pangu world, but it will not be born in the Pangu world. And will be born in the face of God!"

Qi is shocked.

"What? It will be born in 10,000 years?"

"The 10,000 years of the Pangu world is only a hundred years of the face of God. Is it so fast?"

"What is the basis for this speculation?"

"Qi Ying, you don't want to confuse people, it's sensational!"

"If there is a detachment, then, who is the detached person? Who was it? The last time it was a gas transport, the last time it was a fate, what would it be this time?"

Pangu world gods are awesome.

For the third detachment, they were completely unprepared.

"I just conveyed the information I got. As for the authenticity of the one, I can't fully guarantee it. But I think that this news is enough to cause us to pay attention. The birth of the detached person will not be without warning, definitely It will be with our gods. He must get enough power to complete the detachment!"

Qi Ying said slowly.

The faces of the gods are all serious.

A careful analysis, Qi Ying's words, there are some reasons.

such as.

The detached person will be born in the face of God.

In the first era, fate is against the gods, saints, and one hand, even if it is a powerful **** such as the white tiger, it is difficult to resist under the fate. The fateful detachment also took a long time. After accumulating enough deep power, it suddenly provoked and killed many gods, and thus carried out detachment, which caused the era of the first era.

If the eclipse of the second era is air transport, it is similar to the way of fateful detachment. It has been accumulating strength and has been gaining strength from the struggles of many forces in the Pangu world, and finally destroying the gods and letting the power reach the peak. of.

Then, look at it now, if you want to be detached, you must start with the gods.

Where are the gods of the Pangu world?

Just in the plane of God!

Fighting God said coldly that there is a speculation that the gods are not willing to think about it. "According to Qi Ying, maybe, the detached person is already hidden among us, or is coming soon!"


The gods sucked in the air.

For the third detached person to be born, this is definitely a big problem that they will face!

Regardless of whether the third era of catastrophe will destroy the Pangu world, the third person who is detached will come to kill and kill them, just as the fate of the past and the things that the air transport did.


Speaking of things, Qi Ying also breathed a sigh of relief.

Emperor Jun, Taiyi, should not lie to themselves. They were already in the supreme state when they were in the first era.

Put it in the present position of God, it is estimated to be the level of God!

Even the current Emperor Jun and Taiyi, the feeling of giving Qi Ying is also unfathomable. It is even deeper than the current first battle of the Pangu world.


In Qi Ying’s heart, there is another worry in faintness.

Since the third detached person will come to the position of God to shoot his goal, will it be just the Pangu world?

Everything is unknown.

The news brought back by Qi Ying made the gods feel heavy.

But at present, it is the alliance of the heavens. It is a period in which strength needs to be demonstrated. They cannot let other forces see their depression, and they all rekindle their spirits, talking and laughing.

More and more forces have come to the Los Angeles Canyon.

In the two days, there have been a lot of demigods and gods.

On the third day of the Pangu Township to Panyu Town.

"The people of the Holy Mountain are coming!"

"Holy Mountain? They are coming!"

"When I finally waited for the Holy Mountain, I must ask, what is the purpose of this candle festival?"

In the voice of everyone's arguments.

A team of dark devils walked into the canyon.

"That, that's good!"

Qi Ying saw a burly, four-eyed, six-armed unicorn demon in the center of the Holy Mountain. The breath that came from the original world in the Pangu world was almost exactly the same, but it was just the beginning. It was not hindered by the obstacles of the world, so the feeling brought to Qi Ying was not very obvious. This time, Qi Ying felt the dignified oppression of grace from a long distance.

Sure enough, it is the true **** of the number in the face of God!

"It is said that the ultimate devil's grace, I found a good match for myself!"

Qi Ying laughed at himself.

As if on my own practice, I have been in trouble.

When I was not on the road to practice, I became the opposite of Wang’s famous family.

When you are only a small practitioner, you have to face countless embarrassments than your own strong practitioners.

By now, it has been with the gods in the same ranks.

The opponents who are caught in the lower bounds are actually one of the most powerful true gods!

On the one hand, the real Wushen aligns with Ying. "When we recruited you from the lower bounds, it was grace to send us a trouble in Pangu Town, saying that we left the demigod in the lower bound, contrary to the Convention of the Divine Plane." In the unilateral treaty, the existence of the gods in each world should come to the position of God and not stay in the lower bound, so as not to break the balance of all circles."

"Well, I know this too."

Qi Ying nodded.

Since the appearance of God's plane, the worlds that could not be connected together have become in contact with each other.

It is normal to have disputes between the various worlds and even wars.

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