MTL - The Deity of War-v6 Chapter 2177 Bead of Chaos

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! The emperor took the dragon and the heavenly people and directly occupied this vast land.

Two large rivers pass through the land.

The Tianzu settled down along the places where the two large rivers passed.

The dragons broke into the river.

In the place where the big river runs into the sea.

After lying on the beach, I said to the emperor on the side. "I really didn't expect that there would be a day when the Celestials occupied such a large site."

"This is just a starting point."

The emperor said.

Afterwards, I asked the emperor. "I have always been very curious. Do you belong to the Wanzu, or belong to the original living spirit? If you are a primitive creature, why do you want to grow with the Tianzu and the Dragon? If you belong to the Wanzu, why is it primitive? The breath of life is so strong?"

The emperor shook his head and looked at the sky, no words.

What can he say?

After telling, have you ever been the master of heaven and earth?

Do not.

The ruler has already died.

He is an emperor and is determined to establish a strong family under the sun.

The power of the husband is not enough. When the ruler disappears, the emperor understands that he can be strong without leaving the group.

The dragon is the darling of the emperor.

and so.

The power of the gods from Raytheon was all given to the dragons.

As for the Tianzu, the Emperor did not want to manage it, but later he liked the Tianzu, because the Tianzu was like the most loved child afterwards, bringing endless happiness to the family.

The dragons are getting stronger in the day.

In particular, the cyan dragon that got the power of the source has grown to the level of the gods.


The thing that caused the emperor's headache also appeared.

The Tianzu has been multiplied too much, and the dragon's ability to multiply has also become stronger.

The dragons were limited to internal reproduction at the beginning, and the reproductive speed was very slow! However, after the dragon began to communicate with other races, there was no barrier, and a large number of descendants were born, greatly expanding the number of dragons.

Not to mention the Tianzu.

The vast amount of land that was originally taken from Raytheon was estimated to be more than a decade old.

as well as.

The Lei family has appeared again.

The Lei family gave birth to a new **** and wanted to get back here.

The emperor did not rush to attack the devil's gods this time.

"As long as the Lei family exists, the will of the heavens and the earth will let the Lei people give birth to the gods. Instead of constantly letting the new Lei gods challenge me, it is better to turn them into their own use..."

Huang Si said.

of course.

It is not an easy task to conquer the Lei family!

There must be a plan to perfectly integrate the Lei people.


Every **** in Pangu Town got the Qimeng Hongmeng Lingbao.

Of course, they also paid a lot of price, including a large number of "Chaos of Chaos" and rare materials.

The Pearl of Chaos is a relatively common currency in the face of God, or there is too little thing in the constant value of God's plane. It can only be used as a currency equivalent.

The so-called chaos beads refer to the beads of chaotic gas.

When the gods absorb the chaotic gas, they can choose not to absorb the chaotic gas into the source, but use special means to condense into the beads of chaos and save them.


An ordinary demigod, practicing all three days, can condense a chaotic pearl.

A true **** can only condense a few beads of chaos in one day.

Qi Ying, on this one-off transaction alone, got tens of thousands of chaos beads! And countless rare materials.

To know.

The Hongmeng Lingbao provided by Qi Ying is too precious.

A product of the second stream of Hong Meng Ling Bao, has been priced by Qi Ying as a thousand beads of chaos.

Shangpin Erliu Hongmeng Lingbao, the best second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao, the price is even higher... Of course, they do have these values ​​too! After all, the top half artifacts are also worth the value of nearly a thousand chaotic beads, and Qi Ying's second-class Hong Meng Ling Bao can compare the top half artifacts.

The entire Pangu Town was crushed by Qi Ying.

Qi Ying is naturally rich.

With so many beads of chaos, he can save a lot of time to absorb the beads of chaos!

Qi Ying directly put a hundred beads of chaos into the new universe.

did not expect.

The rate at which the origin absorbs the beads of chaos is very fast.

Almost equal to the quarter of the face of God, you can thoroughly refine a chaotic bead.


Qi Ying’s cultivation speed has been improved invisibly.

"There can only be another wave of defensive Hongmen Lingbao next time. After all, the demand is limited. Second-rate Hongmen Lingbao has enough two or three pieces, not too much! But one The tens of thousands of chaotic beads, this is equivalent to a chaotic gas that a half-god can practice for a hundred years! What powerful power can I give to my origin?"

Qi Ying’s current situation reminds him of the time when he had just stepped into the road of cultivation.

The origin of today is like a bottomless pit.

At the beginning, his dark left hand was also a bottomless pit! Absorbed countless power.


The dark left hand is not really a bottomless pit.

At the time of his complete awakening, Qi Ying got a real inheritance and flew into the sky.

Now the truth is also true.

After the power of the origin is accumulated to a certain extent, the origin will also change qualitatively, and Qi Ying will have super powerful strength at that time.

As for Pangu Town, the gods are all looking forward to the alliance.

I don't know, when the Pangu Town collective will be upgraded, will it scare other people.


This time, it is an opportunity for Pangu Town to change the pattern of God's position.

"I am afraid that the Holy Devils have deliberately set up various traps, and have done their best to organize the alliances of the heavens. In the end, they have to give us a wedding in Pangu Town!"

The red war **** laughed.

Qi Ying and Yue Shen walked side by side at the end of the team.

"I want to build the armor, it is best to be light and at the same time, to ensure a strong defense. In terms of attributes, I have a lot of 'moonstone' and 'star stone' here. If it is used as a material, I believe it can be refined. Hong Meng Ling Bao."

Luna is telling Qi Ying about her next refining demand for Hongmen Lingbao.

This time, she only got a piece of Qiying Hongmen Lingbao from Qiying, which is not very suitable for her. It is not particularly satisfactory. She wants Qiying to customize a set of defense and attack for her. The best second-rate Hong Meng Ling Bao.


Qi Ying Hongmen Lingbao, the best of Qi Ying refining, has touched the level of artifacts in power.

Nowadays, the number of artifacts is very small. Even if there is a part, the power is not as good as the artifacts of those times. Many real gods use only half artifacts.

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