MTL - The Defeated Dragon-Chapter 1099 Dragon shaped stone carving

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There is a legend in this world. There is a Muglagain Mountain in the center of the legendary continent. There is a magical transmission to the moon on the top of the mountain.

Whoever can climb the top of Mullah Göttingen and light up the magical transmission array will be able to grasp the endless wealth above the moon.

There are also legends that do not fall into the glory of the empire, the descendants of the magician who returned to the Earth from the moon, so they can build the most powerful empire of the legendary continent - there are also saying that they are the guardian knights of the ancient moon empires, the devil After the guide disappeared, the knight was king.

The word "Mura Gaoding" in the language of the moon, its meaning is "the guardian of the moonlight."

Mullah Göttingen is located at the junction of the Glorious Empire, the Blue Dragon Empire and the Kingdom of the Ice Kingdom. No one knows how high the mountain is, because no one can climb the top of the mountain. Even a dragon knight who can fly at a height of 10,000 meters can't.

It is said that the halfway up the mountain has already exceeded the height of 10,000 meters. There are huge storms blowing all the year round, even if the dragon knight will be destroyed by the storm.

Therefore, the legend of thousands of years is here, but no dragon knight has come to the top of Mula Gaoding Mountain.

Liszt suppressed his excitement and said calmly: "A moment, if I have not guessed wrong, here is the Mulagading Mountain. The flying magic circle under our feet is the transmission to the moon."

"Mura Gaoding Mountain actually exists. Brother, does this mean that there will be humans on the moon?"

"It is very likely that I did not believe in the legend before, but it turns out that the legend can exist, or it has its roots."

This is a fantasy world. Humans do not need to deliberately fabricate various myths. The dragons, elves, wizards, and dragon knights are themselves part of the myth. So since a large number of legends have been proven to exist, there is something unbelievable on the moon.

After all, even a dragon called the moon dragon, maybe it came from the moon.

If there is a dragon on the moon, it means that there are creatures, so living human beings is taken for granted.

"A moment, do you think this moon is transmitting, can you complete the repair and start, and then send us to the moon?" Is there a human on the moon, without much guesswork, repair the transmission array, you can naturally understand .

A moment looked at the drawings in his hand and quietly pondered for a moment: "Everything, Acha is currently holding too little information, and the research on this transmission array is too shallow. I can’t make any judgment for the time being... Study here for a while and thoroughly study the transmission matrix."

"Let's go, study first." Liszt nodded.

There is expectation and disappointment in my heart. I thought I could find a group of treasures left by the ancient wizards. The result is only a possible moon transmission array.

But this does not prevent him from continuing to ride the invisible Lombard and sweeping the snow on the top of the mountain platform.

The blizzard of the sky is still falling, not cleaned up in time, and will soon be covered by the transmission array, which makes him think of a way.

"Go, Bud, let's go to Rio!"

Returning to the Sun and Moon Valley requires the help of Bud, otherwise Liszt and Acha can't open the natural nodes here. Passing through the natural nodes and entering the world outside the material, one person and one dragon did not return to the Sun and Moon Star Palace, but found the natural nodes of the natural disaster volcano.

Step through and come to the boundless volcano.

Leo is taking advantage of the volcanic super-magic of the natural disaster volcano. After Liszt sees it, there is no nonsense: "Leo, I need a batch of your fire dragon super demon, rest assured, just borrowed and used it, used up Will return it to you, there will be no more wear and tear."

"Oh oh!" Leo was reluctant.

"hurry up!"

"Oh oh."

In the end, Leo spit out a group of volcanoes, and Liszt was placed in a container made of volcanic glass. Return to the top of Mulagading and release the Fire Dragon Super Devil. Each area prevents a little volcano from super-magic, forming a magical little dragon to fly freely.

These magical small fire dragons constantly release heat, melting the snow and evaporating, forming a mist.

Slightly obstructing the view, but the ground is no longer snow, A moment only need to release a little wind magic, you can blow away the fog, and then the vision becomes very clear.

"If your brother is busy, go ahead and do it. Azerbaijan is going to do research on the top of the mountain these days."

"Can the magic signal be accepted?"

"Can it?"

"That's right, there is something to be connected with the magic platform." Liszt said, driving the invisible Lombard to prepare to vacate the natural node, but this time Bard slipped at his feet.


One person and one dragon almost fell on the ground and fell a dog to eat.

Bud was annoyed, and Liszt noticed that at Bart’s feet, he broke a piece of rock. When the rock is broken, it reveals a black hole.

"Don't move, Bud."

He turned over to the dragon, walked to the front of the hole, looked down and found that it was a stone staircase leading to the depths of the ground. A moment also rode on the unicorn Charlie and looked at Liszt with his own words: "Brother, this tunnel should be part of the magic array."

"I will first explore and explore."

"Be careful and dangerous."

"Nothing, there are not many things in this world that can hurt me, not to mention the remains left many years ago." Liszt is not arrogant, but the power of destiny is not early warning. On the contrary, there is a faint thread that is implicated in the tunnel. Let him feel that this is also part of the "Relics Entrance" reward.

"A moment with his brother to go down." A moment is not at ease.

"That line, go down together." Liszt smiled and took A's small hand, and led the unicorn behind him to check his disdainful "squeaky" nose.

The stone steps are curved and not narrow.

Liszt and Azhe each held a hand-held magic tube, and the strong light illuminated the passage, and there were some intermittent runes on the wall.

"A moment, what do these mean?"

"A lot of magical runes built by the magicians of the ancient Moon Empire have been eliminated. Now the magician uses the latest structure of runes... Brother looks at this rune, which means 'radiation', can The magic is radiated; this rune is 'acceleration', which speeds up the magic..."

Walking along the way, almost all the magical runes engraved on the walls, many have been eliminated, and occasionally some are still in use today.

"What did the ancient magicians do for them, is it part of the transmission?"

"It shouldn't be. These runes have no trace of magical invasion. They should be pure stone carvings, and there is no direct connection with the transmission array."

Walk around and say that the passage is probably extended to a depth of three kilometers, and there is a break in the middle, and there is a deep crack in the bottom. In addition to this, there is nothing special about the passage. After three kilometers, the view suddenly becomes clear and has come from the passage to a huge hall.

The hall is full of a football field.

The central position is an altar-like stone pillar connected to the top of the cave. Around the altar, one hundred and eight colored dragon-shaped stone carvings are arranged in a circle, arching the altar pillar.

"These stone carvings..." Liszt opened his mouth. "Every one represents a dragon? Acha, you also see if there are no repeated dragon-shaped stone carvings."


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