MTL - The Defeated Dragon-Chapter 1090 Liszt wants to kill me

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Golden yellow copper dragon, gray-white gray iron dragon, black red fire dragon.

Under the command of Liszt, the three-headed giant dragon quickly rushed to the six dragon knights who fled. Especially the mountain bronze dragon, as an indestructible magic metal producer, its way of fighting has always been simple and straightforward - rushing past the impact, no bells and whistles.


The dragon collided with the dragon, and the dragon spurt and the dragon smacked. Only one face, the six dragon knights of the Iron Ridge-Eagle Kingdom Alliance had to be dispersed.

Leo and other three-headed dragons also hang a little bit of injury.

The leader of the coalition is the Xilong Knight of the Iron Ridge Kingdom - Durafu, the son of the child, directly transferred to the faucet: "You, and the war and retreat, our six dragon knights, enough to cover the entire sea!"

"It's a good thing, Liszt is strong, and can't make up for the fact that he doesn't have the help of a dragon knight!" Emerald Jewel Dragon Knight - Akas Phnom Penh Agave, the interface should be, he is also the dragon knight of the Iron Ridge Kingdom.

The remaining four dragon knights.

They are the Ruby Dragon Knight of Iron Ridge - Rudolf Morning Glory, and the Dragon King of the Eagle Kingdom - Tracy Bloody, Lead Dragon Knight - Warren Fuchsia, Emerald Dragon Knight - Figo Iris, have turned the faucet and responded to the call of Duflav.

Just ready to regroup, rushing to the mountain copper dragon, fire dragon and gray iron dragon, suddenly saw the dark blue dragon that had never appeared in the intelligence before, and the wings flashed numerous hail and lightning.

It is the magic of the rich dragon, the magic that is released.

Although not fine enough, after the improvement of Liszt, the royal sapphire Long Ruiz has already understood the basic magic release principle. Re-arrangement of magic particles to form magic runes, so that their magic attack power is straightened and become more aggressive.

This indiscriminate attack on the face of the pocket makes the Dragon Knight of the Steel League Allied Forces unprepared, and the newly formed formation has to be dispersed again.

"Mata, Leo, Orne, continue to impact, completely scatter their formation!"



"Oh oh!"

Three tyrants and dragons responded, and the three powerful dragons, in spite of the minor injuries that were smashed by the dragon fighting when they collided, hit the past again. Such an attack basically does not threaten the Dragon Knight, but it is very good to interfere with the Dragon Knights' position and disrupt their joint efforts to release the Dragon Fighting Cheats.

"Ritz, avoiding Marta, they are now attacking the Emerald Dragon Knight!" Liszt, who was secretly looking for an assassination opportunity, continued to use the dragon's heart code.

Jumping high above the battlefield, he can view the entire battle process and then accurately issue instructions.

Ryze did not practice with Liszt for a long time, but this did not prevent it from strictly implementing Liszt's orders at the moment - as a high-intelligence creature, it is very clear about the current situation.


Double-winged fans, in the magical spray of countless basic forms, Ritz opened the dragon's mouth again, and the laser dragon reappears, like the lightsaber, which directly stabs the amethyst dragon.

The Emerald Dragon Knight hurriedly evaded, and Ritz followed his actions, continuing to release the laser dragon and magic attack.

Soon, Fei Ge and his dragon were separated from the close contact of the Steel and the Red Army. At this time, Liszt suddenly saw a chance to assassinate.

"Walter, Connor, entangled in the amethyst dragon!"

"Mata, Leo, Owen, don't cherish your physical strength, and resist a few attacks and drag me to the other five dragons!"

"Emily, you also attack the Emerald Dragon Knight, pay attention to cutting the battlefield, don't let the purple jewel dragon shorten the distance from other dragons!"

"As you wish!" Emily took a deep breath and gradually plumped her chest, her eyes shining like a glimmer of light.

She looked at the purple sapphire dragon that was dodging the laser dragon, and suddenly drove the light emerald dragon to start diving: "Ethan, this is your first battle with me, you have been waiting for me like me!"


The light emerald dragon makes a deafening sound of dragons.

The battlefield was almost white in a while, with more than a dozen dragons and eight dragon knights, performing a collision between the peaks of power in the sky. It is a pity that it is far from the island of the soul, and no onlookers can peek into the battle of the dragon and the dragon - almost never had such a brilliant battle of dragons.

At least in the northeast of the legendary mainland, it never happened.

The battle of the Dragon Slayer between the five and six dragons is already the limit. This is the first time for a dozen dragons.

"Damn, Liszt is crazy!" The leader of the coalition led to control the Sidron's dodge while frowning. "He wants to do something, want to lose both, and the six dragon knights dare to fight!"

The idea of ​​a shot in the plan and Liszt’s inability to intercept was completely different, but there was no time for Dulav to think about why. Three powerful dragons bring too much pressure to them. This is not a general dragon, but a top dragon.

Fire Dragon is not yet a grown-up, but the body is already huge. As a dragon of the dragon series, the combat power has always been the crown of most dragons.

The mountain bronze dragon Mata is a magic metal dragon. The mountain copper produced is indestructible, and it can be imagined that its body is strong.

Gray Iron Owen, also a relatively powerful metal dragon.

What's more, there is also a dragon that casts a crazy spell. The Royal Sapphire Dragon is called the magic metal dragon in the gem dragon. It can almost be used as a dragon magician. Perhaps the ability to fight in front is not outstanding, but it interferes with the power of the battlefield. It is really terrible.

The dragon may not need to guard against the magic of the imaginary, but the dragon knight on the dragon's table can't resist the flesh and can only avoid the magic by driving the dragon. This invisibly greatly increases the burden of using the Dragon Fighting Cheats and has a huge impact on the cooperation between the Dragon Knights.

There is no dragon code between different dragons. They can only coordinate from words and actions. However, the hail, heavy rain, lightning, and rocks in the sky can't be heard or seen between them. They can only sense each other. .

The key is.

Liszt's dragon is also showing the atmosphere of the dragon, disturbing the dragon and dragon's induction.

"Collection, gather with me, we gather to break through!" Dulav flirted, trying to convey his instructions from the huge noise.

But the sound of the dragons and the huge tsunami that Water Dragon Walter constantly caused on the periphery directly covered the sound.

Even if they can't completely cover up, these dragon knights can't give feedback in time.

The steel knight’s dragon knight formation was completely chaotic, especially by Emily’s frontal challenge, and the Ritz magic blessing, Conrad and Water’s distant purple dragon knights, Figo Iris, and none. The head flies left to avoid the right flash and was forced to leave the dragon knight formation far away.

Just at this time.

Liszt turned to Acao and said: "A moment, ready to seal the position, you can see where I am, pay attention to the location of my attack, and the position where the Emerald Dragon Knight may evade."

"My brother is relieved, just an ordinary dragon knight, A-car will completely block it with super magic magic." A carved a confident smile, "the true meaning of space magic, but not only Bard can master it, A-Chun and Charlie can cut space as well."


The unicorn Charlie under the seat snorted and echoed the rhetoric of A.

"So, let's do it!" Liszt's eyes swayed, driving the invisible Longbad to slam through the material boundary, quietly approaching the amethyst dragon knight who was being suppressed by Emily.

The five-meter-long Thunder's wrath dragon gun, the tip of the gun flashed with a touch of cold light, as if the poisonous snake swallowed the letter, looking for the flaws of the purple jewel dragon knight.


Feeling the tingling sensation of Mang’s back, the heart of the amethyst dragon rider Figo suddenly shrank, and the soul seemed to be frozen in an instant: “No, Liszt wants to kill me!”

. Nine-day god

Read The Duke's Passion