MTL - The Defeated Dragon-Chapter 1075 Royal blue

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Under the name of the Royal Arcane Academy, there is a magic laboratory named "Natural Source". This laboratory does not adopt the chief arcanist system, but a system similar to a scientific research institute.

Natural Source Lab focuses on the development of magic plants, and it is divided into several research groups. Magic beans, magic wheat, magic melons, magic eggplants, magic peppers, magic ginseng, magic urns, magic oranges, magic pears, magic sunflowers, and deformed trees. Each type of magic plant has a corresponding research group, which specializes in how to plant.

According to the different environmental needs of different magic plants, the Natural Source Laboratory has branch laboratories in many cities on the Flame Island, and plans to have special plantations.

Even on the Black Horse Island of the Sapphire Principality, there are branch laboratories of the Natural Source Laboratory-there are several kinds of magic plants cultivated in the early days.

However, it has been four or five years since the cultivation of Mo Zhi, and no fruit has been harvested.

Magic plants are big trees cultivated by natural magic. Even legumes such as magic beans will grow like fruit trees. This process takes ten years to begin to bear fruit. In another ten years, the production of magic bean tree gradually increases; until 40 years later, it enters the fruit-rich period.

Theoretically, in the fruit period, only one tree can produce 50,000 kilograms of magic beans with magic power, and a magic bean tree can survive for hundreds of years.

I do n’t know whether the era of the moon empire relied on this kind of magic plant to provide food. At least the sun empire in Mafa mainland must have eaten magic plant food-the magicians in Mafa mainland should have developed into druids, and the magic of the legendary continent There are big differences between divisions.

It is a pity that the theory is the theory. The cultivation of magic beans in the kingdom of flames grows more slowly than expected, and it seems that they are not well adapted to the environment here. The magic beans cultivated on Heima Island for four or five years, let alone grow into a big tree, what it looks like is just a small tree with a crooked neck.

The same is true of other magic plants.

At the beginning, A-Ke studied the growth cycle of Mo Zhi, and Liszt was once discouraged--when he was counting on Mo Zhi to provide food, he was 50 or 60 years old.

However, when the Flame Kingdom was ready for the founding of the nation, in order to create the foundation of eternity, and the enthusiasm of the magicians for natural magic, he resumed vigorously supporting the research of Mozhi. Under this condition, the Natural Source Lab was integrated and independent from the Magic Guild, and recently named the Royal Arcane Academy.

"The planting of the magic plant is inseparable from the arcanist. The planting efficiency of ordinary arcanists is not high. It is most suitable to cultivate by a special druid ... I do n’t know if I can find some blood of the sons of the sun after the Mafa continent is opened. To develop into a specialized farming race. "

The existing clues seem to indicate that the sons of the sun on the land of Mafa seem to have died.

Although the old tanner Phil of the tannery shop was forced to breed by the arcanists, the territory had a lot of sun descendants, but it took a long time for these sun descendants to grow up and bloom.

Relying on the back of Grey Iron Dragon Orn, Liszt looked at the dense forest around him and said with emotion: "It's too long for 10,000 years, only for the day and night!"


The journey with Orn is not in a hurry.

According to the memory provided by Orn, it was originally born west of the Eagle Kingdom, about the place where it was connected with the Kingdom of Blast Furnace. The childhood memories were mostly vague and I didn't know where I came from. But before it reached adulthood, it met the first gray iron duke, Piaget II Jomulan, who was still the Marquis.

Er Qiao Mulan is a kind of flower. It is worth mentioning that after the fall of the Grey Iron Principality, Duke Piero changed his surname to Grey Iron, and his son Pi Ford led the family back to the eagle kingdom and restored Er Qiao Mulan Last name.

The first Grand Duke of Grey Iron was far more attractive than his grandchildren.

At a young age, he became a knight in the sky with a full level, and then met the gray iron iron dragon on the poaching, just like love at first sight between people, and love at first sight between people and dragons. Orne and Pioque fell in love at first sight, and soon after half a push to complete the battle of the soul.

The story is not bumpy, there are no heroes to save the dragon, or lively scenes such as life and death, separation of life and justice.

But Pioke and Orn lived smartly, traveled and fought around, and did not create the Grey Iron Principality until their later years.

Not long after Pioke died, Orne became the "Gray King" guarding the Grey Iron Principality.

"This is a dragon that pays attention to companionship. A journey that says to walk away is better than running in by any means." Feeling that Orn's heart knot began to loosen, he couldn't help but observe and summarize-he never gave up Author of "The Complete Handbook of Listron's Knight Cultivation".

Different dragons practice differently.

If it is an ordinary dragon knight, only by finding the most perfect cultivation method can you achieve success. He is usually forced to perfection by external force, and it is such willfulness to have the help of fate. But in order for their offspring to ride the dragon smoothly, we still need to sum up the experience.

"Hello!" Orne signaled something coquettish, and it wanted to take the medicine.

"Red Dragon Water is temporarily unavailable. There are only some common potions, and I will do it." Liszt took out a handful of common potions and threw them to Orne.

Orn swallowed the potion and made a pleasant roar, and did not complain because it was not Red Dragon Water.

For it, potions are secondary, and being able to travel the Quartet with their knights is enough-focusing on spiritual feelings, not material feelings.

and so.

All the way west.

When he arrived in the former Grey Iron Principality, which had been revoked and re-incorporated into the Eagle Kingdom, into the familiar environment of Orn, in his spiritual world, Liszt's figure was completely clear, and became a flesh and blood existence ~ ~ That is.

The knot was lifted, and the soul was successfully branded. At this moment, Liszt officially became a gray iron knight of the successful period.

At the same time, in his feelings, one of the threads of fate surrounding him suddenly flashed. Ningshen moved this thread of destiny, and soon felt the source of the thread of destiny, involving a dragon and a dragon waiting for himself.

"This is the power of destiny. If you follow the trend, you can enjoy the results."

He retracted his attention to the power of destiny and reconnected with Orn's mind: "Go on Orn, I feel a dragon in the distance, waiting to join the Kingdom of Fire."


Orn was a little upset. He didn't like Liszt thinking about other dragons at this time.

But the branding of the mind has been successful, and if it doesn't like it, it can't resist Liszt's decision. Shake his wings, fly high, and fly under the guidance of Liszt to the southwest wild forest.

The earth has entered the mountains from the plains.

The terrain is getting more and more precipitous. There are rushing rivers and towering peaks, as if flying into a hundred thousand mountains. Various birds of warcraft hovered in mid-air, and the dense forest revealed the dense light of magic feedback. This is a paradise for World of Warcraft, without human interference.

"Did you see that, Orn!"


"It's right there, just behind the snowy mountain. Turn it over and you can see it. I've felt it more and more clearly. It's a beautiful gem dragon ... strong magic and strength. This feeling ... yes, it's a royal sapphire dragon! "


I pushed my friend to leave the masterpiece "Tiger King", the young man wore sackcloth, and the snow drove the black dragon. This river and lake had wine, swords, and stories.

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