MTL - The Defeated Dragon-Chapter 1057 New inspiration

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The laboratory was quiet.

After handing over the notes to Liszt, Acu said a few points of attention, and let Liszt quietly read, and she continued to take Lucy and Ruth to experiment.

Time has passed by, and for Liszt, this summary note written by A Ke himself is the most obscure book he has read in recent years. However, he reads more seriously than ever, not only reading word by word, but also looking back from time to time.

The content of the note is not much, about 30,000 words, but he read it for three hours. It wasn't until the sky outside the window darkened that I closed the notebook suddenly and spit out a spit of gas.

Close your eyes and lean back.

Think quietly about what's in your notes.

This content is Aki's summary of all barrier-related research in the past one or two years, and analyzes the basis for the existence of barriers from three levels: magic, material, and spiritual. It describes the existence of barriers in an abstract way, and at the same time proposes the analysis and assumption of the possibility of touching the barriers.

"Starting with magic is the cultivation method that I am most likely to touch the barriers at the moment. I devoured the incarnation of the Phoenix, possessed a super-magic fire attribute fight, and Leo also possessed a super-magic fire attribute magic. I and Leo performed dragon Cavalier cultivation is the easiest way to break the magic barrier. "

Barriers are a very abstract concept.

However, it is not difficult to understand. Liszt's summary of A Ke's notes can be metaphorically described as "a deeper understanding of breaking the inherent concepts."

As an example on Earth, the ancients might have thought that matter was made up of tiny particles. Then, modern scientists rely on microscopy and other means to obtain a "concept" of molecules, which they think are the smallest substances. Then scientists discovered the "concept" of atoms, thinking that atoms were the smallest matter.

Molecules and atoms were a kind of barrier for scientists of that era.

However, modern scientists have discovered this "concept" of quark, and believe that quark is the smallest substance. So scientists broke the atomic barrier and quark became the new barrier.

Liszt thought for a moment in his mind, and then sighed slightly: "So the barriers of magic are the essence of magic formation, and Ah Ke let me start from this aspect and go back to the process of magic formation ... But what can I do to trace the magic? What kind of cultivation method can the Dragon Knight use to trace back the magic? "

After thinking for a long time, I can't figure it out.

He stood up: "A moment, I go out and turn around, and some content needs time to digest."

"Well, my brother doesn't need to worry, there is still a lot of time." A Ke in turn comforted Liszt not to worry, and in the past, Liszt often made her not a workaholic.


Leaving the Firefire Mage Tower, Liszt directly rode on the invisible Long Bud, tearing the space to the endless volcano group, and then Leo called out from a volcano.

One person, one dragon slowly soaring in the sky.

Liszt shared the information about the barriers he got with Leo-the dragon's IQ is not lower than that of people, and Leo also hopes that he can go further and become a stronger dragon, so it is very cooperative in the practice of barriers Liszt's decision.

"Liszt, most of my dragon magic comes from volcanoes, and the magic of volcanoes comes from a steady stream of flames and lava. Will the barriers be in the volcano?"

"The barrier is not a fixed object, it is a state, a cognition, an essence, but your words remind me that where the volcanic super-magic came from, this may be seen as the existence of a barrier ... no. In the triangle theory, matter and spirit will become magic at any time. The volcanic super-magic may be transformed from magma and other materials without involving barriers. "

"Maybe your thoughts have been frustrated. I am the flame, and the flame is me. You said that the fire dragon was born from a volcano, and it will turn into a volcano after death. Then the volcano gave me support, why is the barrier of fire magic magic, Will not be among the volcanoes? "Leo asked.

"Barriers have nothing to do with your birth. There are so many dragons in history, but it seems that only the dragon of the magic net has broken them."

"I want to be the first fire dragon to break the barriers!"

"I hope so too."

"Then go to the volcano!"

When the mind is united and connected, the problems that each other thinks about are actually the problems of their own thinking. Therefore, the few thoughts flashing in my mind were directly expressed as one person and one dragon flying out of the cloud and rushing towards a volcanic crater with smoke.

"Liszt, we bathed in the volcano for ten and a half months, and we may be able to touch the barriers of the magic of fire!"

"Don't make trouble, it will soon be the founding ceremony of the Kingdom of Fire. I need to rush back as soon as possible."

"What does the human nation value?"

"Without a kingdom, where's the dragon water that makes you take any medicine?"

"Just leave those ants to work for us. You are the king and I am the dragon. We just need to enjoy all this. Whoever dares to refuse the offering will destroy everyone!" Although Leo was suppressed by Liszt's heart, it was still essentially It's hard to hide the color of a dragon.

"Come with you down a circle, and then I need to set off immediately, this is not to be discussed. But you can soak in the magma yourself, and slowly find the barriers of fire magic."

"Of course I do."

One person and one dragon in magic form merge into the lava of the volcano. Volcanic supermages are being produced here at any time, but the production rate is very slow and cannot keep up with the speed of Leo's absorption.

However, this time Leo did not absorb the rare volcanic super monster, but carefully observed the birth of the volcanic super monster.

Liszt is also observing carefully. Since he devoured the Phoenix to obtain the Phoenix incarnation, he can swim freely in the magma and the flames. He has not really experienced the magma carefully-every time he enters and exits the magma, he is in a hurry. Love the magma environment.

This is not the sensation of disappearing five sensations in lava in a hot spring and relying on magical induction. It is tantamount to claustrophoby for human beings.

However, sinking his heart to observe, he gradually found it interesting in the magma.

"I didn't feel a decrease in the magma material, but the volcanic super-magic appeared like this ~ ~ Is it that the weight changed too little when the matter was transformed into magic, or did the volcanic super-magic come from the transformation of matter? He focused and thought about the difference.

Relying on the existence of the magic eye, he has a clear understanding of the transformation between matter and magic.

Especially when riding Leo's longan trajectory, he can clearly see that even a piece of mud can be broken down into soil magic under special circumstances.

And how the magic of soil magic forms stones and soil is also vivid.

Fire and fire attribute magic; seawater and water attribute magic; breeze and wind attribute magic; ice cube and parallel attribute magic; lightning and lightning attribute magic are always changing ... only light attribute magic and dark attribute magic, rarely observed Conversion to matter is more like a special state of inactive magic.

"Magma, flames ..."

"Volcano Super Demon ..."

Vaguely, Liszt felt he had grasped a vital inspiration.

Read The Duke's Passion