MTL - The Defeated Dragon-Chapter 1037 Reef city

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? Moths blaze at the fire, which tastes wonderful.

The good news came just after the New Year's Day, this time the good news from the invisible Long Bud. When Liszt was busy interpersonal entertainment during the New Year's Eve, he was idle in the world outside the material-since the establishment of the magic teleportation array, it is no longer afraid to get lost.

Very unexpectedly, it found a natural node. After opening it, it found that it actually came to the west coast of Flame Island, an island reef area.

It also remembers that Liszt has always wanted to open more teleportation arrays on the island of flames and build the island of flames into a convenient transportation network. There is no doubt that this is a very valuable natural node that can connect the west coast of the island of flames to the transportation network.

So Liszt followed Bud here happily, examining the environment here.

The tide of the sea kept beating against the reef, and the blue sky and blue sky made him feel a sense of pride: "In this situation, I just want to chant a poem ... Front to the stone to the east to watch the sea. Water and mountains, mountains Island shrew. There are trees, rich grass ... "

The poem is not in harmony with the scenery here.

There are no trees in the reef area, nor is it in the East China Sea and the West China Sea. It is about 100 meters offshore. Standing on the reef, you can overlook the coastline. There is a stretch of sandy beach with no end. The sand is white and clean. Occasionally, there are one or two trees similar to cocoa.

Further away, there are sparse bushes, and the land is mostly gravel, which is not suitable for farming.

The water and soil in the northwest half of the entire Flame Island is not as good as the southeast, and there are few dense virgin jungles, more like the scenery of grasslands and Gobi. The magicians of the magic guild have researched here for a long time, and the rainfall is significantly less than that in the southeast, especially in the winter when it is very dry.

"Although the northwestern half is not livable, it does not mean that there is no land suitable for cultivation. There are several river basins that can still be developed into a land of fish and rice. The terrain is relatively flat and suitable for grazing. . "

Therefore, it is necessary to build a large city on the east coast.

In the future, a magical teleportation array will be built to communicate with other areas of the Flame Island, which is undoubtedly the most suitable here.

"Bad, you are free to fly here for a while, I will go to the sea to inspect the underwater environment of the reef area, and see what is special here, which will create a natural node." Liszt said, calling out early A small water dragon attached to both kidneys.

Water doesn't have a suitable dragon's nest. He can't absorb super magical water every day, so his body develops very slowly and can't see growth.

Unlike Leo, the super-magic brewed by the volcano used to go through the day.

"Yo shout!" After flying out, Walter landed directly on the water, looking around curiously.

Immediately, Liszt rode up, connected his mind and soul, and instantly submerged into the sea, searching for every special sign of the bottom of the sea.

All natural nodes may have a relationship with the super-magic.

Or simply have a relationship with the dragon-the dragon is the source of most super-magic.

The magic eye is cast.

Synchronized with Walter, soon the vision was replaced by the vision of the water dragon. Every stream of water in the sea was revealed in the eyes, strengthening the simple magic eye several times. This is the same as the Longan trajectory of Fire Dragon Rio, Liszt is too lazy to rename it, and still calls it Longan trajectory.

Elemental dragons can synchronize with the magic eyes, and invisible dragons can also be used. Only metal dragons, gem dragons, and bone dragons are not compatible with magic eyes.

The longan trajectory kept glancing.

I swept through every underwater reef, but found no signs of magic, not even a sea monster: "Natural nodes are between the reef area, not below the sea surface. Node, what happened. "

After searching back and forth carefully, he still could not find any clues related to magic power, and he could only declare that the search failed-this natural node has no dragon treasure.

Perhaps it was only some time in ancient times that the super-magic wave caused by the big fight between dragons caused natural nodes.

Before that, there were several natural nodes and nothing could be found.

"Just call the reef natural node, and plan to build a reef city here ..." Li Si named the lower reef city and took back the small water dragon water.

Ride on Invisible Dragon Bud and leave here for Mermaid City.

He wants to instruct the mermaids to drive a group of fish ugly races to build a city in Reef City. At present, the marine aquaculture industry is not prosperous enough, and many fish ugly races have nothing to do, so simply let them participate in the construction of the city, and consume their energy that has nowhere to vent, so as not to waste.

"Your Majesty, the water here is very good, and the fish school is very rich. It is a natural fishing ground," said the mermaid lost marquis-cocorich.

"You found a school of fish?"

"Yes, I feel that there are huge schools of fish lingering around, just in the nearby sea."

"This is a good thing. It ’s more appropriate to build a reef city here. Now the Marquis of Salt Waters is in charge of Mermaid City, and you are in charge of the reef city here. Build the city into half of the sea and half of the land. In the future here is the east The central city on the coast. "

"Your Majesty, as you wish." Coco Rich nodded and agreed.

Although the era of the mermaids has passed, the seven of them, as surviving mermaids, wish to purify the sea. But this does not mean that they have no desire, especially the magic guild is helping them to develop potion that can stimulate fertility.

Let them have the possibility of multiplying their lives. Hope will also arise, and they have their own needs for power and status, and even the mermaids are still secretly competing.

At present, the fugitive Marquis-Viswindi has entered into a mermaid heart contract with Aker, and has become the big steward of Anchor Island-Marine Laboratory, in charge of marine experimental content, and began to follow the magic research line.

The Marquis of Onishi-Etnia, as the oldest of the mermaids, mainly held the Liszt undersea assistant position and was responsible for protecting Liszt's undersea travel.

Saltwater Marquis-Brubosi is in charge of Mermaid City, and Liszt has consulted with her and asked her to give the heart of the mermaid to Emily-as a dragon knight on the sea, it is not a pity that water, so Li Si The special talent gave Emily a contract to the mermaid heart, one more life-saving skills.

Fisherman Marquis-Gulwig belongs to the field, and her temporary duties are interesting. Lister deliberately instructed her to take the sea route to bring the dragon turtles of Dragon Turtle Island and the lightning dragon turtles of Heima Island to the Flame Islands ~ ~ Thunder dragon turtles are super dragon beasts, and ordinary dragon turtles are also advanced Warcraft has great value.

Lost Marquis-Coco Rich is about to head Reef City.

There are only Marquis Tibides and Marquis-Sarivara of the Trench. These two mermaids, Liszt, are preparing to send them to the Island of the Soul to protect it. As the only gateway to the flame kingdom at present, the importance of the island of soul is self-evident.

"Well, Coco Rich, when are you planning to travel around the legendary mainland offshore, when are you going to start?" Liszt asked.

"The Marquis of Etnia believes that this spring is a very suitable season. One year is enough for us to cruise the entire offshore waters of the legendary continent. Take a look to see if there are any similar mermaids, or if there are subordinate races such as Naga and Yuug ... How prosperous the sea was in the past, and the sea is lonely today. "

There was a lot of cocoa in Richter's tone.

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