MTL - The Defeated Dragon-Chapter 1001 barrier

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? "Restraint my anger, little water dragon, otherwise I will invite Leo back." Liszt did not like this evil thought. I did not expect that the small water dragon who had been wronged before would also breed evil thoughts, and this evil thought It's about the same as Leo's evil thoughts.

I have to say that classifying Elemental Dragons as evil dragons is a very wise induction.

"Yoohoo!" Hearing Leo's name, the little water dragon shook noticeably, and then held back his anger, and did not dare to show evil again.

Liszt then looked at Etnia, who had white lips: "How are you feeling now, has the superman collapsed?"

Etnia breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, Your Majesty cut off in time, otherwise I would really get sucked by the little water dragon ... I thought that with the strong physique of the mermaid, I could supply the little water dragon pair. The super-magic draw, I did not expect that the little water dragon was born so powerful. "

That powerful and engulfing ability scared Etnia now with a lingering fear, which shows that the power gap between the mermaid and the dragon is also a super-magic creature.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't expect the little water dragon to have such a strong ability to devour, of course, it may have something to do with you not recovering to the best state." Liszt mildly said, "Going back to rest well, the body is more important than anything, first Keep your body healthy before you do anything. "

"Understand, Your Majesty." Etnia smiled wryly. "It's just that our mermaid is afraid that there is no way to help His Highness cultivate a little water dragon. Its gorging ability is not enough for a mermaid."

"Well, I'll cultivate it slowly, don't worry."


The mermaid couldn't handle the swallowing of the little water dragon, and Liszt didn't dare to let A Ke to provide the super-magic of water at all. In case where A Ke hurt, this was not what he wanted to see.

However, A Ke, who was informed of the situation, said: "Brother, the mermaids can't provide magic. That's because the little water dragons devour not only super monsters, but also their unique super monsters that make up the body. Just like the tail of the flame dragon bird Feathers are a special form of soul and magic. "

"It should be like this, but unfortunately there is no treasure like the feather of the Phoenix, which can accelerate the growth of the small water dragon."

"Ake can do it." The Siren Wizard laughed. "Brother don't forget what Ake has been studying recently, it is exactly the soul element. Ake can completely refine the soul element with the power of the cursed dragon. Combined with water-based super magic to promote the growth of small water dragons. "

"Is this all right?"

"Um." Ah Ke nodded earnestly. "And Ah Ke also found a secret, a message about the dragon knight of the consummation period."

Lister frowned suddenly. "Oh, hurry up."

He judged very early that once the dragon knight has reached its completion, it will necessarily involve spiritual cultivation, but there is no clue or clue. Unexpectedly, Acut has recently discovered clues in this regard by studying the cursed dragon.

"The dragon knight, or dragon, is standing at the peak of power. But this peak of power still has limitations, exactly a kind of cricket ... Ake calls it a barrier, and the dragon knight will face the barrier in the full period. You ca n’t go any further. "

"Barriers?" Liszt didn't understand.

A Ke continued to explain: "My brother has seen the dragon of the demon net. He should know that it exists and is not bound by the fixed time and space now. A Ke thinks that it is a dragon that transcends the barriers. This barrier may be material, spiritual , The dividing line between magic. "

The Dragon of the Demon Net is no longer in the material world, nor in the material boundary, nor in the world outside the material.

However, it traverses all the world, from the material world to the material boundary, to the world beyond the material, all have its figure.

The barriers that Acut refers to are the boundaries between such materials, or the boundaries between magical powers, or the boundaries between spirits. The barriers broken by the dragon of the magic net are obviously the boundaries between materials.

"Three materials, spirit, and magic are the foundation of the world. Once you break the barriers of this foundation, you will surpass the peak of power. So Acut believes that the next practice system of the knight of the element dragon is the barrier of magic; the metal dragon The next training system for knights and gem dragon knights is a physical barrier. "

"What about the Divine Dragon?" Liszt asked.

"The words of the invisible dragon are obviously also material barriers; the dusk dragon is not clear, and the meaning of time is not clear; the emerald dragon is a dream and soul, which should break the spiritual barrier; the smoke dragon represents destiny, what is destiny Nor is it clear; Fairy Dragon represents life and is hard to say. "

"So, if the cursed dragon goes any further, it will also break the mental barrier?"

"It may be like this ... Of course, the above barrier information is just a guess at the moment, whether such a barrier exists or not remains to be verified."

Regarding the barriers, Ah Ke can only guess at present.

So for Liszt's next question.

Regarding "The fire dragon knight breaks the magic barrier, will it become a water dragon knight", "the invisible dragon knight will break the barrier, will it become the next magic net dragon", "is the cursed dragon already breaking the mental barrier to pollute the sea?" , "Which dragon has been evolved by breaking the barriers" and so on, all can not be answered.


Barriers are just a concept for the time being, even if Liszt is fascinated by this, he has named the "Knights of the Knights" for the dragon knight's next practice system. It still cannot represent whether the barriers really exist, and whether the barrier knights are a feasible practice prospect.

The topic returned to the supply of super-magic, A Ke soon designed a set of super-magic fusion of soul elements, and then provide the super-magic in person.

Let the little water dragon absorb it.

When the magic array is well-arranged and stimulated, Acut continuously draws the magic in the magic net with the incarnation of the water element, and then increases to a super-magic through the unicorn Charlie. Liszt opened the restrictions on the small water dragon. The small water dragon yelled and absorbed.

There are no restrictions, but the supply of magic is always sufficient, and Ako is very relaxed from beginning to end, and there is no physical overdraft like the mermaid.

Absorb for ten minutes.

The magic little water dragon suddenly made a "yo roar", and sent out a series of "snoring" emotions. It could no longer absorb more super-magic ~ ~ Its spirit was drowsy for a while, and the magic power was retracted to Liszt's kidneys. In the middle of the day, he started to sleep and digest this big meal.

"This plan is good. The little water dragon will come to devour it two or three times, and it will probably be cultivated ... by the way, is the soul element refined by the power of the cursed dragon enough?"

"It's enough for two or three times, but it doesn't matter. If it isn't enough, go to the bottom with the mermaids to catch a batch of devil." It is very easy to say that the engraving of a devil's tower alone is very easy-once covered by a ghost The devil of the sea seemed to her some magical material.

"Well, it's better not to go to the Devil's Sea without being fully prepared. This time I just encountered a tower of devil. If there are more devil, it will still be dangerous."

A moment nodded: "I understand."

Liszt rubbed his carved blue hair: "Remember, this is just a small water dragon, and its growth is not more important than your safety."

A moment narrowed his eyes like a kitten and enjoyed: "Hee hee, brother, A moment is now in the sea, better than the dragon knight!"

Read The Duke's Passion