MTL - The Defeated Dragon-Chapter 10 Peanut field fertilization conference

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The breeding of the genus larvae requires a lot of nutrients. The peanut fields are so poor, which restricts the development of the larvae. It also leads to the concentration of nutrients. In addition to the central part of the field, the peanut seedlings in other places are almost dead.

The method of treatment is very simple, just fertilize the peanut field.

Liszt recalled his knowledge of farming and said to Old George.

"Old George, I will explain you a few things. First, mobilize the farmers to go to the place to pick up firewood, dry grass, and set fire to the burning of the remaining ash. Second, launch the young farmers to go to the pond to dig, as long as the bottom of the pond That layer of mud. Third, let the children pick up the feces, no matter what the feces, they pick up."

The Lord’s commander, Old George did not have any doubts: “A good lord, the old George must complete the orders of the adults.”

Waiting for the old George to run away with his legs.

Liszt also said to Gao Ertai: "Gao Ertai, the fat of the peanuts is not enough. You go to the town to organize and let all the farmers pick up the droppings... Well, then, in the name of the Administrative Officer. Acquired the manure and ordered a copper plate for the basket of manure."

Copper, silver, gold and dragon coins are the universal currency of the world.

However, the gold, silver and copper coins issued between different empires, kingdoms and the Grand Duchy are different. Liszt’s copper plate is the currency of the Grand Duchy of Sapphire. A copper plate can buy about four boxes of black bread, one for enough adults to eat for a few days.

One silver coin can be exchanged for one hundred copper plates, and one gold coin can be exchanged for one hundred silver coins.

As for the Dragon Coin, the full name is Sapphire Dragon Coin, which is the jewel coin with the magic of the only sapphire dragon in the Grand Duchy. It can be exchanged for 10,000 gold coins, which is a magic item.

Gao Ertai heard the words and couldn’t help but complain: "Wow, Liszt, why do you have to pay such a high price to buy dirty manure, and the feces do not make any sense except the smelly nose."

"No, the manure is very useful. You just want to release it. By the way, find a place to accumulate feces, preferably a wasteland away from the wind." Liszt understands the value of manure. In the absence of chemical fertilizers, the elves are not enough. The best source of fertilizer for farming is feces.

As a landlord, the landlord who owns all the land of the flower town, Liszt wants to plant a lot of fields, and the fertilizer must be sufficient. And he doesn't want his own town. The streets are filled with feces and urine. This kind of environment is simply trampling on civilization.

He is prepared to buy manure for a long time, for composting, and for sanitation - promoting toilets is temporarily impossible. Buying manure is the most cost-effective.

"But the price is too high. A copper plate should buy ten baskets. No, you should buy twenty baskets."

"You can do it, Gao Ertai teacher." Liszt's tone, slightly with some sternness.

Gao Ertai stopped complaining and spread his hand: "As you wish."


This year, the lord is the authority.

Liszt’s order was issued. No one dared to push the shackles, so the paperwork and the farmers were very quick. The mud, manure and ash that he wanted had accumulated in the peanuts.

"Very good, old George, now you bring people to mix these things together, then dig a hole beside the root of each peanut seedling, sprinkle these things a little, then bury them. Then pour some water, more weeding I believe that the peanut seed will recover soon."

Riding on the fire dragon, Liszt is willing to direct the farmers of the peanuts to fertilize the peanut fields.

As a lord, he naturally does not work by himself - the aristocratic system does not allow him, he is not willing.

The total area of ​​peanut fields is about one hundred acres, about ten football fields, or seven or eight primary schools. There are a total of 23 households with a total of 92 people.

Ninety-two serfs removed the children who could not work, plus the serfs transferred from the town, a total of 120 people, busy working.

“Mr. Galthai, what is the total population of the flower town?”

"Amount, sorry, Liszt, I have been in town for too short a time, but I haven't sorted it out." Gao Ertai couldn't figure it out. He turned and asked a paperworker. "You have lived in the town for many years, you know how many." How many people are there? More than a thousand people?"

"I don't know, adults." Xiao Yan shook his head.

Galthai looked at another instrument.

The little donkey shook his head.

Ever since, no one in the entire flower town knows how many people there are in the town. Liszt is very speechless. Is the town of flowers a forgotten town? Is the administrative officer of Coral Island not counting it once? The former political officer has never counted the population once?

"With a thorough census, a lord can't figure out the population under his control. It's really speechless."

Thinking this way, he has already told him: "Mr. Galthai, organize the staff, take the time to arrange the census, I have to figure out how many households, how many people, the names and family relationships of each person, and their occupations and Age, gender, and marriage."

"This has to be busy, Liszt, you know, there are too few officials in the town. We don't have a finance officer, no defense officer, no legal officer, no diplomat. In fact, there are no government officials. I should. It’s your advisor, not the town’s administrative officer.”

In a noble territory, civil servants are basically headed by consultants, who administer government officials, financial officers, defense officers, legal officers and diplomats.

The military officer is the head of the knight and governs the Knights.

There is no doubt that Galthai is the fallen knight of the Lord, the lowest level of the aristocracy, still aristocratic, he followed Liszt and wanted to be a consultant. Another knight teacher, Marcus, no doubt should be the head of the knight... As for the flower town, can you afford the Knights, and say.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gao Ertai, the flower town is in vain, my castle is waiting for the rise. You will manage the affairs of the flower town for me and complete the census."

The authority of the consultant is too big. Liszt does not want to hand it over to Gao Ertai. He is not afraid of being overhead, but Gao Ertai is full of brain and aristocratic system. He is not grounded and can't keep up with his development ideas.

"Well, Liszt, you are an adult, and with the idea of ​​a qualified lord, I will follow your orders." Galthai gave a one-handed gift, showing his nobility, no hurry.


For three days, peanuts are fertilizing in the heat, this is a farming conference. One hundred mu of land was soon applied with organic fertilizer that mixed pond mud, manure and ash.

Especially in the middle of the field, several times the fertilizer was applied.

Liszt also came here to command for three days. When everything was done, he could only wait and wait for the peanut field to turn better.

"I can do everything, I hope the task will be completed soon." He is not a tangled person. After the work is done, he quickly transferred to other territorial affairs.

The most important thing is the elf bug.