MTL - The Decade of Deep Love-Chapter 7

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Chapter VII

The Mercedes-Benz s600 stuck to the black film and stopped at the roadside. He knew that Jiang Wenxu was not there. When he saw no one, he would go home directly.

No one at home. He knows that he has changed his shoes and sat on the sofa before he even thought about listening to the key to open the door.

Jiang Wenxu’s departure this morning is the more he is not the taste. As long as he thinks about the quiet day, he does not know who he is outside. He is not comfortable. In particular, Jiang Wenxu deeply understands the man's bad nature. He went out to play and asked for fun, but he couldn't tolerate anything from the outside. New friends have let him not believe.

Jiang Wenxu thought for a long time that he should go back and read the book of He Zhishu. Even after so many years, he had already tired of the untidy water-like character of He Zhishu, and he was annoyed that there was no extra pattern in the bed, but he I knew clearly that he didn't want to play until the end but lost the He Zhishu. It’s just that he didn’t expect him to leave the door in the morning.

"Who is the person who sent you back?" Jiang Wenxu looked gloomy: "Is this cold day cold and not your cold?"

He knows the temple: "Friends."

"Send the flower?" Jiang Wenxu slammed the door: "Where the friends I met told me about the introduction."

"He is a doctor, I am going to prescribe medicine." He Zhishu took off the down jacket and slowly folded it around, and did not see any mood swings.

Jiang Wenxu sneered: "I don't ask what kind of doctor is so simple. I ask you, what medicine do you prescribe?"

He didn't ask if you were sick? How long has it been? Is it often sick to go to the hospital and get familiar with the doctor? He looked at you coldly with suspicion, and asked your medicine.

He knows how to laugh: "It fell in the car." He finally felt the funny feeling of this relationship. He looked up at Jiang Wenxu's eyes: "Do not worry, the doctor is all good, young and golden, gentle and careful, just The only thing is not good, I will not enter his eyes."

Jiang Wenxu has been tempering outside for so many years, but he has never been willing to hide his temper from the He Zhishu. His eyes are red, and he goes to the Hezhishu collar: "Don't tell Laozi you." I dare to hold this kind of mind!"

"Thinking about this kind of thing is the most difficult to guess, I can't see it. So I said that you don't know whether it's true or not, and it doesn't make sense to ask." He Zhishu couldn't push Jiang Wenxu's hand, and his red face looked like it. The paleness is also pleasing to the eye.

"How long have I not gone home, you are lonely and become this virtue? How did you not see that you are so unwilling to be lonely?" Jiang Wenxu pushed He Zhishu down on the sofa, staring at him with a condescending, insulting.

He knows that the words are less gentle, but he has never been obedient to the temper, and he has struggled to open the sentence: "I used to see you, how?? Scared you?"

Jiang Wenxu slaps a fan in the past, and the time of a little reaction is not given to He Zhishu.

He knows a little embarrassed, and the pain on his face has not heard it, but he hears the sound in his head, but he is conscious but does not know where to fly.

They lived with two men. They used to be annoyed before. However, Jiang Wenxu has always had a sense of strength, they wear light and anger, and most often they are slamming into the bed.

This is the first time that He Zhishu was beaten by Jiang Wenxu.

Jiang Wenxu's suspicion and possessiveness at this time made He Zhishu not satisfied at all. He only felt chilling. Because he knows that Jiang Wenxu has little to do with the monopoly and feelings of a gadget. Left is just that my things are broken and I don't want to touch them.

Jiang Wenxu loved him at that time and often used to be jealous. He used to wear cute, obviously a wild wolf that was difficult to tame. He pretended to be a loyal dog and waited for him to greet him with a tail. At that time, Jiang Wenxu’s grievances, the eyes of the steamy and his eyes, the sound of the right fear and frankness: "I am jealous... don't be with him, you ignore me..."

When you really care, you won’t be as angry as yin and yang.

Read The Duke's Passion