MTL - The Decade of Deep Love-Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

After all, Jiang Wenxu is still young. When a career is successful, it is inevitable that some men have a common problem. They are looking at the pot in the bowl. They think that the red flag at home does not fall outside the flag. However, Jiang Wenxu forgot to live with him is also a man who is even more gentle and arrogant, in addition to the indulgence based on love initiative, other persistent insistence is not understood by Jiang Wenxu.

He Zhishu forcibly suppressed the nausea and nausea after the meal, and sat in front of the bright and bright balcony shimmered by the sun. He just looked at the oxidized blackened silver ring on his finger, and the corner of his eye was slightly moistened.

All the feelings in these fourteen years are just that? Or is it that it is easy to make people together, but it is difficult to be rich?

He Zhishu has never been so consciously aware that he is regretting, regretting not decades of desperate love, but that he should not give up his pursuit for love. Should not lower the bottom line into the dust, should not give up as a man can also go out to open up the world's wish.

Jiang Wenxu left the house for a day and left. It is said that the supervisor called him to say that a big list was in trouble. Just saying that when I finished, I will come back sooner.

He Zhishu only gave Jiang Wenxu a heavy blue silk cashmere scarf, and then waved his hand with a smile: "Don't be silly, I know that you are not afraid of cold, but the body can't stand the cold wind."

Jiang Wenxu also cooperated with the pro-intimate face of the book, and no longer mentions Ai Ziyu, and the thoughts of the car are out of the door.

He knows that Jiang Wenxu left from the balcony and sighed a little and gave Ai Ziyu a call. Someone immediately answered: "Doctor Ai, is it convenient now?"

"Come on, I am on duty today, there is surgery in the afternoon, it will be good to come early."

"Well, I am in trouble." He Zhishu dialed a long, smashed bangs, thinking that he could only come back and cut short hair.

Ai Ziyu had a pause and then had no connection with the treatment: "Let's cool down today, wear more clothes."

He knows a book, and reacted and said thank you. I am afraid that the impact of Ai Ziyu’s work on the book will not change much.

It was really cold outside, and the cold air spurred the nose deep into the respiratory tract. He knows that there is a habit. He doesn't like to wear a mask. When he doesn't like it, he doesn't know what it is.

Ai Ziyu still has several patients there, and he sits quietly waiting. Unconsciously, I looked at the desperate sorrow that the couple led a child who was diagnosed with leukemia crying in the office. He Zhishu was somewhat distressed.

If his parents are there, he will certainly feel bad... even if he is a child who is already filthy.

"What do you want?" I don't know how long Ai Ziyu called him, and there was a bit of smile in his voice: "Can your down jacket be taken off? Rent it?"

He Zhishu doesn't feel hot, but too heavy clothes are troublesome. Then smiled and took off his clothes and sat on the chair opposite Ai Ziyu's desk.

Ai Ziyu originally wanted to tease him. He did not want to talk too much about the treatment. He couldn’t be too nervous when he talked about the long neck of He Zhishu. He didn’t control it. He didn’t read it. That's the hickey.

He knows that he did not notice that he looked down at the cover of the latest magazine at the corner of the table, thinking that he had not booked the magazines for a long time.

Ai Ziyu also reacted back. He knew that he was a doctor who didn’t care too much. He gathered his horror and crossed his fingers and looked at He Zhishu seriously: "You will get chemotherapy tomorrow..."

Ai Ziyu is a young doctor with a very academic level. When talking about treatment and illness, she is objective and does not have personal emotions. The more I heard the more I heard, the more I felt cold, and my heart was cold.

"You are still young, I will do my best. You can't give up on yourself." Ai Ziyu finished, and finally made up for such a comforting sentence.

He Zhishu wanted to answer the phone and it rang. It was Jiang Wenxu’s playing. He used to let Jiang Wenxu wait for a long time and immediately connected.

"I don't come back at night, don't worry about trouble yourself, eat well."

The volume of the microphone is not small, and the silent indoor sound waves are far away. He Zhishu’s awkward rushing Ai Ziyu smiled and walked outside the door while licking the low volume.

Ai Ziyu turned the Parker pen around the finger and looked at the two pots of orchids. No one knew what he was thinking.

After a few minutes, He Zhishu came back and smiled apologetically: "I mute my phone this time... sorry."

"You are gay?" Ai Ziyu felt that his brain had been eaten by the dog. It was not a small person, and he should not know what to say.

He knows that he is stunned and smiles: "That is me..." Roommate. Did not finish, was interrupted.

"You have a hickey on your neck, more than one place."

He knows the conditional reflexes and pulls the collar, and then immediately realizes how embarrassing this action is. For a long time, he sighed and used a gentle joke attitude to find a way for both sides: "Is the hospital still dying gay?"

Ai Ziyu shook his head, some sad and inexplicably hate it: "I don't care about this kind of sex. But I don't know what is going on between you. First, do you think your body can still live?" Ai Ziyu It’s not a fool. It’s a trace that shows the possession of life and desire.

"The second is the most important thing. What is your relationship? From your examination to confirming treatment now, you are always yourself..."

"Doctor," He Zhishu interrupted him, his tone was a bit cold: "I didn't tell him, I am afraid he is sad, no problem?"

He Zhishu did not like someone to comment on him and Jiang Wenxu, but he did not have a reasonable attitude to defend Jiang Wenxu. It is only so uninteresting to interrupt a topic.

Ai Ziyu was still busy in the afternoon, and asked about a time tomorrow to let He Zhishu come again.

He Zhishu coughed twice, and the bones were painful. He wants people to talk about lies, fearing that the excuse of how disgusting can be made seamless. If Jiang Wenxu can still love him so much, he will never endure this. When he hurts, he will cry. He will instruct the man to go to the water to pour the medicine, and the last words must be reserved. I can’t go anymore. Bring people to the side.

Can't be. So in addition to enduring myself, trying not to be irritating, there is no other way.