MTL - The Day I Played with Ronaldo-Chapter 6 Training alone

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Ronaldo is the greatest football player in history. Maradona is also a football genius, but his skills have not given football a lasting shock like Ronaldo. ——Avilange

It was late at night, and all the lights were on.

The administrative building is still lit at the Brabunda training base. In a luxuriously decorated office, São Paulo's youth training director Mauro Aperecido da Silva and U18 youth team coach Robert Rojas are talking.

Neither of them smokes, so although the ashtray is on the table, it is just for decoration. Mauro brushed records in a small notebook, while Robert Rojas chewed gum, which is said to relieve stress.

"Ricardo missed training again today," said Robert Rojas.

Kumaro raised his head, his eyes seemed unsurprising: "The little guy has been under too much pressure recently."

罗 Robert Rojas nodded: "But this is not the reason for his absence. He wants to become a professional player, and this behavior is quite unprofessional and must be punished."

Bian Maoluo nodded his head slightly and agreed: "Yes, punishment is proper. What should be done by convention?"

罗 Robert Rojas thought about it, "He has been absent from training for more than 10 times, and by convention, even firing is fine."

Mao Mao shook his head: "Give him another chance."

Robert Rojas disagrees: "Do we still see less talented guys? Mental fragility like him is destined to be kicked out. It is better to use waste and use fire behavior to alert others Lad. "

Ji Maoluo supported his temples with his fingers, and after a long pause of thought, he slowly shook his head: "Give him another chance. He will be temporarily fined for 2 weeks, the team will be warned not to participate in joint training, and if he commits another offence, he will be fired directly."

He has his own consideration. Not to mention anything else, the "Ronaldo" gold signboard is worthy of attention. Ronaldo is already the world's first star, and his reputation is almost beyond that of Bailey. After retirement, no matter he is a business or politics, he must be a giant. Such people cannot offend.

罗 Robert Rojas was unwilling to get into a stalemate with Mauro on this issue, and agreed with them.

他 In his opinion, Ricardo is only a small character. Although he has a superstar brother named Ronaldo, he lacks some things to stand in the professional league. Physical fitness is great, but too dependent on the body, playing without a brain, and too nerve knife, this kind of person will be eliminated by cruel professional competition sooner or later.

He and Mao Luo stand at different heights, and the content of thinking is naturally different.

"Give him a chance then."

The two naturally turned to other topics. To them, Ricardo was indeed a worthless little person.

In the youth team, teenagers with football dreams come and go, and they can really stand on their feet and play professional leagues, very few. If that threshold cannot be crossed, it is not worth paying more attention to.

Uh ...

In the morning, Ricardo arrived in Brafonda training base in advance.

The Brafonda training base was completed in 1988. It is a modern training base with three standard-sized training grounds, a stadium with stands, which can accommodate 4,000 spectators, and facilities such as player locker rooms and referee locker rooms. .

In addition to the gym, physiotherapy room and other training facilities, as well as the administrative building, there are places for players to stay in the training base. The first floor is a large restaurant for everyone, and the second floor is several standard double bedrooms. There are games room, billiard room and so on.

Ricardo could have chosen to stay, after all, his home was in Rio, not a native. However, he didn't like living in the same room with others, and felt that there was no privacy, so he chose to borrow from Uncle Paul's house, and at least he could have a separate room.

One of the three training grounds at the base is dedicated to the youth team. After Ricardo arrived, he trained for a while, and there were more and more small players around. Everyone has a different expression when they see Ricardo, and quite a few of them are malicious. Ricardo was used to it and ignored it. Occasionally, some rumors drifted over. Ricardo focused on training just when he didn't hear it.

Until Rico and other players who have a good relationship with him arrive, he is in a better position.

He and Rick laughed a few words, then saw Robert Rojas slowly entered the venue, and blew the gathering whistle.

Unsurprisingly, Robert Rojas announced the decision to punish Ricardo with no expression. "... In view of the above facts, the club imposed the following punishment on Ricardo: the team issued a warning punishment, fined 2 weeks of salary, and was not allowed to participate in joint training within a week ..."

A few hostile youths laughed at Ricardo.

Ricardo shrugged indifferently, as long as he was not fired, he had hope of turning over. Yesterday I was not what I am today. From now on, he will make these people look at me.

罗 Robert Roxas noticed Ricardo's small gesture and sneered. Did you break the jar? Sure enough, it is difficult to make a big deal.

Although there are many brother legends in football, such as the Neville brothers, the Debor brothers, the Laudrup brothers, the Baresi brothers ... but more is that one of the brothers is big and the other is unknown.

Ronaldo is not only a brother of Ricardo, he also has an older brother. What is his brother doing? Seems like it's on lease?

Ricardo didn't care what the coach thought. Let him practice alone. He will not intentionally offend anyone, and will not deliberately please anyone. Is always shining gold. If he shows superman's ability and potential, the club will naturally say that he will not need to hold the coach's thigh.

What's more, this is just the head coach of the youth team. His goal is for the first team.

卡 Ricardo was quietly doing a personal exercise on the side, UU reading did not participate in joint training. This is punishment, not preferential treatment, so there is no guidance and no supervision.

But he practiced it alone. He is a football lover, whether it is playing against a wall alone or playing with his friends, it is interesting for him.

Uh ...

A middle-aged man in sportswear and pedal shoes slowly walks into this training ground.

His arrival caused a small commotion on the training ground.

罗 Robert Rojas did not stop training, let the boys continue, he greeted himself. "Mr. Osvaldo, why are you free here?" Rojas greeted with a smile.

It was Osvaldo de Oliveira, the head coach of the Sao Paulo first team. At this moment he frowned, even when he smiled and nodded to Roxas, his brows did not loosen. "You know, during the game yesterday, we injured two other generals. Kaka took a three-week break and Ricardo was off for two weeks. Plus the injured Fabiano ... Damn World Cup ... ... "

罗 Robert Roxas suddenly realized that this was a lack of staff in the first team and he planned to transfer from the youth team.

"Need me to arrange a team matchup? It's easy for you to observe." Roxas said.

"Not needed for the time being, I'll take a look at it." Osvaldo did not think that those who had been promoted from the youth team's fire line would have the ability to play for the first team, because he had brought this youth team himself, Know how big the gap between these guys and formal professional players. He would rather choose a few small players who usually work hard in training and promote them to the first team as a reward.

"Who is that?" Oswaldo's gaze rested on Ricardo, who was training alone.

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