MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 408 White girl (modified tomorrow)

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America is an emerging country with a mix of multi-racial and multi-national populations.

It does not have its own unique dining culture and history, but because of this, it has another cultural feature.

That is, you can eat food from most countries here, such as Chinese food, French food, Indian food, Japanese food, Korean kimchi and so on.

The Italian restaurant on Garden Street is an Italian restaurant run by pure Italians.

Li Xu has not been here for a long time, and he has not been to many restaurants, so this is his first time.

According to the appointment time with Wang Bo, Li Xu arrived here on time.

I don't know who I want to meet, so Wang Bo asked him out of school.

Entering the restaurant, Li Xu looked around, and soon saw Wang Bo sitting in the seat, and there were two white girls opposite him.

Because his back was facing him, Li Xu didn't know what he looked like. Looking at the back, it was not bad. He was the kind of slender and soft type.

After walking two steps, Li Xuchong greeted Wang Bo as he approached.

With a smile on Wang Bo's face, he stood up and shouted, "Li, you are finally here!"

At the same time, the two white girls also looked at Li Xu and said generously, "Hi!"

It was only then that Li Xu could clearly see the appearance of the two of them. They were very good. They belonged to the kind of appearance that conformed to his aesthetics. The facial features were correct and not exaggerated.


Li Xu said hello, then took a seat inside and faced one of the girls face to face.

Then Wang Bo introduced the two parties.

Li Xu was still a little confused after listening to the introduction. The two women were both MIT undergraduates, that's all.

"Li, are you an athlete?"

Sitting opposite Wang Bo, the girl named Anna looked at Li Xu curiously and asked.


"But you threw the football really high!"

The girl said with a smile.

Li Xu was a little stunned, it turned out that he had seen him the last time he watched the game.

"It was just by chance!"

Li Xu is not good at dealing with foreign girls. As for in-depth communication, he has not tried it yet, so I don't know the depth!

"I've heard that you Chinese people are humble, and it really is."

Li Xu smiled embarrassedly, he was really not humble, it was because of the use of skill cards, and the number of times was not too many, of course it was accidental.

It is simply impossible to expect him to be as explosive as Lao Hei.

The two chatted without a word.

On the other hand, Wang Bo lowered his head shyly, stared at the food on the plate, occasionally raised his head secretly, and glanced at the beautiful girl in front of him.

He looks like a young "old" teenager who has never been in love!

I haven't talked about it, and Li Xu doesn't know either, but if he can get into MIT to study abroad, he shouldn't be a boy, right?

Li Xu couldn't let go of chatting with the two white girls because he was unfamiliar and had grudges.

Originally, I expected Wang Bo to ease the atmosphere.

It turned out that he was even more useless, as if the party was not organized by him.

Nerds no doubt!

Li Xu had to try his best to cater to the curiosity of the two girls and tell some interesting Chinese stories.

Taking advantage of the girls' time to go to the toilet, Li Xu asked Xiang Bo in Chinese, "What are you doing? You made an appointment with the two girls, and you made me chat awkwardly."

"Is this the friend you were talking about?"

Wang Bo blushed and nodded: "She and Mei, didn't you notice?"

"Beauty, beautiful bubbling, why did you call me here?"

Li Xu asked in confusion.

"It was Anna who said she wanted to meet you, a powerful person!"

Wang Bo glanced into the distance, and when he saw that the girl hadn't come back, he said in a low voice.

Li Xu shook his head, and was speechless to Wang Bo, this guy, it's okay to do scientific research.

What do you mean by wanting to meet a person of infinite power like me?

"Okay, do you like this guy named Anna? If you like it, you'd better prepare yourself!" Li Xu didn't understand when he saw him like this.

"What's the preparation?" Wang Bo's eyes lit up suddenly, and he was full of energy!

"First of all, are you rich?"

Wang Bo shook his head: "I am an exchange student, not at my own expense!"

"Do you have any specialties?"

Wang Bo shook his head, Li Xu knew as soon as he guessed it, and was about to speak when he suddenly saw Wang Bo blushing, and said in a low voice, "My specialty!"

"Pfft!" Li Xu almost choked on the juice, you slutty bastard, I thought you were a pure and honest person!

There is a saying how to say: "The bird in the sky is the highest, the eyes are the most coquettish on the ground!"

"You slutty bastard!"

Li Xu glared at him, but the kindness was obviously much more.

Compared with the nerd he thought at first, he was more willing to be friends with Wang Bo, who revealed his nature.

Because he is also a scumbag.

"I'm talking about sports, vocal music, etc.!" Li Xu cleared his throat and hurriedly brought the topic to the fore.

Although we are abroad, we also have to have some basic social skills! In public, it is better to talk less about "specialties".

Wang Bo shook his head.

"With no money and no specialties, what did you rely on to attract her?"

Wang Bo's expression suddenly darkened.

"Of course, maybe people like you! But foreigners discriminate against Asian men a lot!" Li Xu took a precaution in advance.

When Wang Bo heard this, he nodded mechanically. He actually knew it, but he was just being greeted by the girl, and he was a little distracted.

Li Xu doesn't think that Wang Bo's appearance alone can attract beautiful white girls.

Not sure what the picture is.

After a while, the two girls came back from the bathroom and said sorry, and then the four continued to gather for dinner.

During the meal that followed, Wang Bo seemed to be stimulated by Li Xu's words, and there was obviously more interaction.

The atmosphere is finally not as awkward as it was at the beginning!

It was the first time for Li Xu to chat face-to-face with a white girl for so long, and it felt quite fresh.

After half an hour, the four of them finished their meal and were ready to return to school.

When I asked, I found out that the two of Anna came by car, and Wang Bo came by taxi.

(It is still rectification tomorrow morning!


There is something to delay today, so I can't write it completely! Excuse me. )

(It is still rectification tomorrow morning!


There is something to delay today, so I can't write it completely! Excuse me. )


Open the car window and look at the college students who are sweating not far away.

Once upon a time he was one of those guys, and he basically played in the afternoons three or four days a week.

Every time she plays, Xu Lili will sit quietly on the side of the basketball court with a bottle of water, watching herself play.

Then when she rests, she will hand over a tissue and a bottle of water.

I miss the past so much!

As a nostalgic person, it's not that Li Xu can't let go of his ex-girlfriend, it's just that he misses the past.

The breakup with Xu Lili at the beginning was a breakup after a mutual run-in, which can also be said to be a personal incompatibility.

Xu Lili is too strong, and Li Xu is too casual, without any big ambitions, and later she was admitted to the bank, and it was time to talk about marriage, but Li Xu could not give her a stable promise.

Shaking his head, Li Xu kicked these sentimental emotions out of his mind, then opened the trunk and took out a brand new pair of basketball shoes.

Since he has a car, he has put a pair of sneakers, a basketball, and a set of jerseys in the back of the car. This is the life he has imagined countless times.

After putting on his shoes and carrying a basketball, Li Xu came to a basketball hoop with five people.

"Dude, add one!"

Li Xu shouted at them.

Add one on the basketball court, as long as it is not crowded, basically everyone will agree.

So of course played 3v3.

In the hot summer, when the sun was at its most poisonous, Li Xu was already sweating and panting in less than ten minutes.

"I'm getting old!" Li Xu couldn't help but sighed. He hadn't exercised much for more than three years, and his physical fitness had regressed a lot.

"Xue Yongqiang, stop playing, come here to help, and call your classmates." Several people were playing, and a female student with a ponytail trotted over and said to one of the players.

The boy named Xue Yongqiang heard the words and stopped the basketball in his hand, and said to the others, "Okay, stop playing, the minister has spoken, let's go to work."

Immediately, the original five people in the field picked up the clothes on the ground and prepared to leave.

"Which department do you belong to? You go too, today is the school student's activity!" The girl pointed at Li Xu and asked.

Li Xu looked around, then pointed to himself and said, "You mean me?"

"Yes, it's just you, you can go too, one more person will do it faster." The ponytail girl said.

"Cough cough." Li Xu was secretly delighted, it turns out that my brother is so tender!

"That I'm not your student, you have mistaken someone." Although he was very happy to be praised, he was not willing to be a free labor force.

"Ah? I'm sorry!" The ponytail girl blushed a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, it's okay." After Li Xu finished speaking, he picked up his basketball and practiced shooting.

The ponytail girl blushed and ran away.

After playing for a while, seeing that the weather was too hot, Li Xu packed up his things and returned to the car.

Changed the wet jersey, then took out a bottle of mineral water, and sat in the driver's seat drinking water and resting.

A bottle of water immediately felt a lot cooler. Li Xu just wanted to take out his mobile phone to watch the video when he received a call from Gao Min.

Li Xu listened, thought about it, and said, "Okay, if you drink, don't drive when you come back at night."

"Got it. Thank you." Gao Min thanked him.

Since he couldn't go to Gao Min's house in the afternoon, Li Xu didn't have to leave in a hurry, he planned to stroll around the campus, have dinner and then go back.

When the sweat was almost dry, Li Xu Shi Shiran closed the car door and walked into the school.

The entire campus of Jeju University is long and narrow, with the main pipeline extending along the river to the teaching building.

Li Xu took a walk on this street. It is better to say that he is walking in the sun.

It's not that Li Xu didn't want to walk faster, but that his legs were a little sore after playing the ball for a long time.

After a few minutes, he found that he had reached the place where he used to take the experimental class.

This is good stuff!

Li Xu remembered that he seemed to have two check-ins that he did not receive, and immediately became interested.

Thinking of this, he stepped forward, ready to go in and have a look, and sign in by the way.

Students of the Department of Physics, especially those majoring in optics, the experiments are mainly light reaction experiments. The diffraction of light, particle properties, holographic imaging and other well-known phenomena have been done by Li Xu when he was in school, and there are resonances at higher endpoints. Experiments, grating experiments, optical sensor experiments, etc., have also been in touch.

But at the time, it was a lot of fun. After graduation, it was basically returned to the teacher. After all, there were still a few people who really liked and had the ability to study this aspect.

Walking into this low-rise laboratory building, Li Xu was quite impressed. There is no sophisticated equipment here, after all, the school's size is there.

Really good stuff isn't for undergraduates either.

Li Xu randomly picked a nearby laboratory, just outside the security door, and looked inside. It seemed to be a relatively large optical sensor measurement device. What is it called and what it is used for, he has forgotten to Java.

"Sign in!"

"Sign in successfully, reward the host with a set of pdr photosensitive sensor production equipment procedures. Please view and use the host on the system interface."

When Li Xu heard the sound, he lost interest. The photosensitive sensors were all rotten. What's the use of making this?

"Lonely Step into a Fairy"

Besides, I don't have the money to do such a complicated thing!

Sure enough, the blunt sign-in always lacks practicality.

Li Xu thought about it for a while, and felt that some things were not practical and depended on the environment.

Just because he doesn't understand it doesn't mean it's useless. Thinking of this, he signed in again.

Sign in!

"Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining a mechanics textbook, please pay attention to check the courier."

I know it will be like this. Other systems can't sign in repeatedly. You're good. You can sign in, but it's no different from not being able to.

I'm missing a mechanics textbook for you?

Seeing that there was no benefit, Li Xu did not stay outside the laboratory, and strode out of the laboratory building.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I met a group of cool guys carrying tables, chairs and benches, and a short girl carrying a plastic bag.

It looked familiar, it turned out to be a student who played ball before.

As for the little girl in the back, it's obviously the student council officer who admits the wrong person.

The little girl may have forgotten what happened just now. She glanced at Li Xu, turned her head, and concentratedly lifted the plastic bag that did not seem heavy with both hands.

Can you help?

Li Xu couldn't bear to see her walking like a tortoise, staggering and carrying a heavy load.

He stepped forward and said, "I'll help you with it."

The girl had big eyes, a long ponytail, and a few strands of hair scattered on her forehead, looking a little cute.

"Ah! Thank you!"

The girl looked flattered, let go of the plastic bag in her hand, and raised her hand to brush the broken hair on her forehead.

"Hey, who are you? I seem to have seen you before. It looks familiar, classmate, which department are you from?" The girl opened her eyes as if I knew you.

Li Xu can't laugh or cry, I just changed my clothes, so I don't know him anymore.

"In the stadium, you recognized the wrong person! Just now."

The girl shook her head, frowning slightly, as if thinking deeply.

"Oh, are you the one who is particularly handsome at the management academy?"

Li Xu gave up the explanation and said, "Forget it, you should concentrate on walking. By the way, what are you doing?"

"The Youth League Committee of the school held a talent show meeting, and our department was arrested as a strong man!"

"Oh!" Li Xu lost interest after asking!

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