MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 405 Bio sign-in rewards

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Li Xu didn't stay in the Typhoon Theater for too long. It's not that he was afraid that he couldn't hold it, but that these "beauties" really didn't fit his aesthetic.

It is a kind of beauty to be able to hold it, and it is also a kind of beauty to be firm and round, but what kind of beauty can you have with a balloon that is filled with water and drooping?

That big butt, I am afraid that it will not be able to sit the Mississippi River into two tributaries!

Li Xu watched the excitement and left after a while.

Knowledge is enough!

Leaving here, Li Xu did not drive, but strolled in the urban area at night. He specifically asked the locals to know which places can be fattened, and which places are best not to go alone.

After enjoying the street performances and the city night view for a while, I drove slowly back to the hotel.

The next morning, Li Xu had breakfast at the hotel, then took out his mobile phone and called Du Yingxue.

"Beauty, what's the arrangement for today?"

"Call me sister!" Du Yingxue was as cold as ever.

"Uh, don't care so much, the name is just a code name!"

"Okay, brother!"

Li Xu was dumbfounded, yes, he didn't call his sister, the other party directly called his brother, which added an "ethical" shackle to their relationship!

Although he didn't want to do anything with Du Damei, he always felt that his self-esteem was a little hurt.

Alas, inflated, thinking that with the system, any woman will fall in love with herself.

Forget it, let's do business!

Li Xu laughed at himself, then put away his cynical attitude and asked, "Can I still go to the laboratory today?"

"Why do you want to go to the laboratory so much? I start to doubt your purpose!" Du Yingxue frowned.

"Sister, I am also a graduate student now. Are you not interested in these high-tech technologies of Laomei? It's rare to come here once, so I have to see it!" Li Xu said half-truth.

"I've really convinced you. I think you have money and idleness. Wouldn't it be good to live your life as a drunken lover?" Du Yingxue said speechlessly.

"Who told you that I am rich? I am a poor man in front of you!"

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I have something to do in the morning. Let's do it at two o'clock in the afternoon. A friend of mine has an experimental project exhibition. Come with me!" Du Yingxue was stubborn and soft-hearted. After thinking about it, he agreed. .

"Thank you ma'am!"


"Eldest sister, what's the matter with your brother?"


When it comes to angering women, Li Xu definitely prides himself on not being weak in his life!

After hanging up the phone, Li Xu looked at the clear sky outside and was in a good mood. He stepped out of the hotel and bought a few changes of clothes on the bustling commercial street in the city.

Of course, those who want to buy a brand have gone abroad. Who cares if they are extravagant or not!

Wandering aimlessly until after one o'clock in the afternoon, Li Xu couldn't wait to drive to the University of Pennsylvania.

"Big sister, I'm here!" Li Xu sat in the car and called Du Yingxue.

"It's still calling!"

"Haha, didn't you make me your brother?"

"Are big sister and big sister the same? Sophistry! Wait for me." Du Yingxue hung up the phone after she finished speaking.

Ten minutes later, Du Yingxue dressed in a short-sleeved T-shirt and jeans appeared in front of him.

"Let's go! Don't talk nonsense when you get inside. You are not allowed to take pictures and videos, you know?"

Li Xu nodded, he still understood the rules.

Besides, we don't need such a low-level method to steal technology. Now it's the "system" era, who still takes pictures!

It is still the previous experimental area, but this time the security has been significantly strengthened!

Li Xu also showed his work permit at MIT.

Fortunately, he had this, otherwise Du Yingxue would not have the ability to get him in.

In the final analysis, this society is still an elite society.

After entering the passage, Li Xu followed behind Du Yingxue, and walked in slowly with a group of guests who looked like researchers.

On the way, I heard people chatting with each other from time to time. Many of the words Li Xu didn't understand were words that Li Xu could not understand. Most likely they were professional terms in biology or medicine.

Li Xu's CET-8 level can at best be able to communicate with foreigners on a daily basis.

As for some rural slang or professional terms, you can only stare blankly!

Soon, a group of people arrived at the place where this experiment was displayed through the long corridor.

A laboratory that looks quite tall.

Compared with the ones Li Xu saw yesterday, the protection level is obviously much higher.

After changing into disinfectant protective clothing in the outer compartment, everyone waited for a minute or two, and a middle-aged man in his fifties walked to the front desk with a woman wearing a mask and a white coat.

"Everyone is welcome. As an important part of biology, genetics has always been the focus of my research..."

The middle-aged man introduced the general situation of this experiment.

Li Xu only understood common words such as biology and the human body, and some key words. He was confused.

But at this time, everyone was attentively listening to the middle-aged man's explanation, so he was embarrassed to ask Du Yingxue.

I plan to sign in to the system in advance.

"Sign in!"

"Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining a share of Ohio Sun God Biopharmaceutical Company, accounting for 30%! Please pay attention to the host to check."

shares? Haven't signed in for a long time.

I don't know how this Sun God Biopharmaceutical Company is operating. The system will most likely dig a hole for him in the company.

I hope it is not already listed, and it is also preparing for bankruptcy and liquidation!

The foreigner would not be polite to him, and he might confiscate his ownership.

Just when Li Xu guessed the situation of the Sun God Company, the middle-aged people in the scene stopped talking.

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand and introduced the female assistant beside him wearing a protective mask and dressed as a researcher.

"Dr Klein, my right-hand man, she will recreate the experimental process for everyone! Now, let's wait and see!"

With a burst of applause, Dr. Klein put on a heavy protective suit and entered the transition area through another compartment.

Then she saw her figure appear behind the thick transparent glass in front of everyone.

There are already five people residing in it.

When Dr. Klein entered, the five people immediately started the equipment.

As the cameras on the big screen switch from time to time, people outside finally see the experiments going on inside.

They injected a drug into the body of the mice, and then through a variety of experimental methods, they were in a hyperactive stage, and then put them into a special experimental cabin.

After a series of procedures, they extracted biological material from the mice through the instrument.

After that, it was a bunch of professional operations that Li Xu couldn't understand, and what was finally presented to everyone was a squirming little meat!

Yes, it's a little meat foam that is almost invisible to the naked eye.

Li Xu couldn't understand, what's the point of this, why make it so complicated, it's better to cut the benefits directly from the little guinea pig!

But he doesn't understand, doesn't mean others don't understand.

With the presentation of the experimental results, the crowd burst into applause.

In the applause of the people, the female assistant was disinfected, changed clothes, and reappeared in front of everyone.

"Dr. Klein, I have to say, your idea really surprised me, and the results were incredible."

"Professor Bruce, I think it's time for a drink with you!"


Seeing a group of people exclaiming in admiration, Li Xu asked Du Yingxue in a low voice, "This experiment is very powerful?"

"Resurrection from the dead, do you understand?" Du Yingxue glanced at Li Xu and said solemnly.

When Li Xu heard this, he felt a sense of incomprehension.

I hurried to sign one, and I was shocked!

"Sign in!"

"Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining the expression of the Rapadel gene fragment! Please pay attention to the host to check it!"

What the hell?

gene expression?

Li Xu has a big head. Signing these tall things is good, but it's a bit brain-burning.

However, at this time, it was not suitable for him to check too much. After signing in, he returned to the laboratory.

With the success of the experiment, the entire visit process was successfully concluded.

This group of people is equivalent to witnesses.

Witnessed the success of this experiment.

Then came the questions and opinions of some experts and scholars, and then Professor Bruce and Klein explained.

At this time, a visitor asked: "What is the current survival time of somatic cells in white mice?"

Upon hearing this, Klein replied, "It's a pity that we only have ten minutes."

As soon as these words came out, the middle-aged people nodded, obviously they knew that ten minutes was an acceptable and expected time.

If the time can exceed twelve hours or even longer, then I am afraid that they are not the witnesses.

This technology is not a concept with cell survival in vitro.

This technology is more like magic, it can revive dead white rat cells, and maintain vitality and division ability.

Li Xu saw what they said with relish, and could not leave in a short time, so he signed in for the third time and used it.

"Sign in!"

"Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for getting one gram of bayer cell vitality, please pay attention to the host!"


Not Melissa?

Li Xu suddenly thought of the question and answer of the few people just now.

Could it be that this vitality element was signed in because of this experiment?

As you can see from the name, it improves cell vitality!

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

However, this is just a guess. He is not stupid enough to show such important information and items to the scientific researchers in Laomei.

The time for questioning passed quickly, and the entire experiment was successfully completed, achieving the established goal.

With the end of the event, everyone began to leave the venue in an orderly manner.

After everyone had finished, Du Yingxue did not leave the experimental area, but waited at the door with Li Xu.

"The friend you're talking about, is that the old man? Or the female doctor who couldn't see her face the whole time?" Li Xu asked curiously.

"Guess what?" Du Yingxue was rarely mischievous.

Li Xu was happy, and was about to tease him when he heard someone in the distance greet Du Yingxue.

Hearing the sound, I saw a slender, slender, fair-skinned Caucasian woman with three-dimensional and delicate facial features walking over with a smile.

This woman's appearance is very iconic, of course, according to Li Xu's standards.

There is absolutely no strange blood stained with the old black.

The woman has long wavy brown hair and small eyes, looking quite intellectual.

Just when Li Xu was looking at each other, the woman had come to Du Yingxue's side.

Du Yingxue said with a smile, "Klein, you did a great job just now. I love you so much! I really hope that after I graduate, I can do it with ease."

Klein kissed Du Yingxue and said, "Xue, you have to believe in your talent and hard work."

Du Yingxue nodded, then pointed at Li Xu and said:

"Hey, Klein, this is my friend Li Xu. Li Xu, this is Klein, you've met before."

She has already introduced both parties.

"Hello! My name is Li Xu, nice to meet you!"

"Klein, me too!"

Li Xu naturally has to act like a gentleman when facing outsiders, especially when he is facing foreign girls.

The two shook hands lightly, and Li Xu took a close look at the girl.

The skin is not as white and tender as imagined, and there are a few freckles on the cheeks.

But it has little effect on appearance.

"I heard that you are interested in biology, are you also in the field of biology at MIT?" Klein deserves to be engaged in scientific research.

When I came up, I went straight to the "topic" and talked about what she was interested in.

As one of the top universities in the field of science and engineering, MIT is a very important business card both in the United States and in the world

"I'm sorry, I was only there to study physics." Li Xu spread his hands and explained.

"Oh, that's a pity." Klein expressed his regret slightly.

Li Xu had no regrets.

To say regret, he still regretted not being able to take out the vitality element.

Who is this stuff best for?

It must be Professor Bruce and Klein.

The two of them were studying the issue of cell life and death. If they could study the permeabilization hormone, it would undoubtedly be of great help to their experiments.

However, Li Xu doesn't have such a noble scientific sentiment, so he will benefit himself and others!

Science has no borders, but genes have borders!

It would be great if Klein could be dug back to China.

While warming the bed, doing scientific research.

Both are correct!

After thinking about it for a while, Li Xu quickly recovered his mind.

At this time, Du Yingxue and Klein were almost talking.

Then the two hugged each other again and kissed each other on the cheek.

"See you later! Snow!"

"Okay, Klein!"

When Klein left, he waved and said hello to Li Xu.

After the people left, Li Xu said dissatisfiedly: "Sister Xue, you are not being kind, come to greet foreigners, why can't you say hello to me like that!"

Du Yingxue's eyes narrowed, and a murderous aura suddenly spread out.

"Okay, let me use a knife to clean the garbage for you first!"

Li Xu felt his **** tighten, and said embarrassedly, "Just kidding, women are more beautiful if they smile often!"

"Haha!" Du Yingxue sneered back at him.

Half an hour later, Li Xu waved goodbye to the slender beauty, like a snow lotus blooming in the wind, and set off to return to MIT.

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