MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 401 pickup

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Before hanging up, Li Xu already regretted it.

An international student is an international student, but with Du Yingxue's family affairs and personality, and her usual career with a knife, there is a high probability that she won't play as fancy as she thought!

To find a leader, it is best to be a wealthy male international student who can play, love to play, and play with flowers!

Don't waste your time crossing the ocean, come here for a visit!

However, I have already contacted Du Yingxue. If I give up halfway, Du Qingyun will definitely laugh at me!

Forget it, it's time to go out to meet relatives!

As for some thoughts on Du Yingxue?

Ever since he knew she was playing with knives, Li Xu decisively gave up the idea of ​​teasing each other.

According to her style of being a big radish, if she finds out, she will give herself some sleeping pills, and Kacha twice, it will be an empty system, and it will not help!

This kind of woman, it is better to keep a distance.

I walked around the campus for a while, looked at the exotic scenery, and used the last sign-in for today.

"Sign in!"

"The host has successfully signed in, congratulations to the host for obtaining 100,000 US dollars in cash, please pay attention to the host!"

When Li Xu heard the feedback from the system, his brows were filled with joy. One hundred thousand dollars is more than sixty thousand Chinese dollars!

I don't know if it's only this time rewarded in US dollars, or if it will be rewarded in US dollars in the future.

If all use US dollars, this can be equivalent to an increase of more than 60 times in disguise!

Don't panic if you have money in your pocket.

Li Xu returned to the dormitory in a good mood.

In a foreign country and unfamiliar place, the white people on campus will not take the initiative to strike up a conversation with an Asian.

This feeling of being "under the fence" is not good.

Perhaps because of the jet lag, Li Xu ate something casually, then went back to the dormitory and fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Professor Prior took him to receive a series of procedures and documents such as a work certificate, a primary laboratory pass, and so on.

From this moment on, Li Xu is also half an MIT student.

According to the plan, a week later, Li Xu will have a report meeting, mainly to report on his paper.

The rest of the time is to discuss related issues with several professors, and assist the professors to conduct further research on the topic.

Overall, time is very free and free!

When he returns to China, he will be considered a person with experience studying abroad!

After arranging the work, Li Xu followed Purell to meet their graduate students and doctoral team members.

Looking at this group of energetic "young people", Li Xu raised his brows and said all day long to win over talents. Isn't this ready-made!

Since I came to the United States to engage in scientific research, it would be a waste of an opportunity to bring a few experts back without spending some money.

Well, another task has been added!

Thinking of this, Li Xu started a check-in.

"Sign in!"

"Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for obtaining a copy of the advanced violin skills, please pay attention to the host to check it!"

Hearing this prompt tone, Li Xu was slightly taken aback, how could he sign up for such a skill?

Could it be that there are things or people related to the violin here?

Many of these students are non-Americans, and it is not too surprising to see a visiting scholar.

After all, this kind of thing happens too often!

Everyone simply said hello and other greetings, and they were busy with each other!

Li Xu observed the individual's reaction and kept it in his heart.

According to pragmatism, scientific researchers of theoretical physics cannot use it for the time being.

The target should be placed in the categories of computer information, material science, equipment manufacturing, and biomedicine!

These are the most important talent reserves at present. If he has technical talent reserves such as Google and Intel, even if he does not have a system, he can be at the level of Douyin at worst.

Of course, this is another story, and now he does not have the strength to recruit such talents.

After familiarizing myself with the basic process of school work with Professor Prior, Li Xu has completed the basic steps of entering the school.

After a busy morning, Li Xu regained his freedom in the afternoon.

He first went to the local driving school to apply for a local driving license.

After all, it is very inconvenient to not have a car, and luxury cars are cheap here.

The system just gave 100,000 dollars, what concept?

The concept is that you can consider a second-hand GTR or a big cow here!

And the latest Ford pickup is just over $60,000.

It's definitely impossible to say no.

The American driver's license test is much looser in China, not only the theoretical requirements are not high, but even the road test is much simpler.

In China, there are many links such as reverse parking, side parking, ramp start, etc. In the United States, you only need a road test.

The road test also only tests your driving habits, or driving quality.

It sounds like a joke.

In this case, Li Xu happily spent fifty dollars to get the qualification to take the exam.

Li Xu's visa is still very powerful, at least some of the daily life hurdles can be released.

"Hey Asian, where are you from?"

A middle-aged uncle with a nose of wine lees saw Li Xu and came over to say hello.

"I'm from China!" Li Xu replied

"Really? Hua Guo? I know, you are jagfu, hehe!"

Hearing his words, Li Xu rolled his eyes, what age is it, and it's still jacked up, why don't you Bruce Lee?

"No, I'm not Jack, I don't know martial arts." Li Xu smiled, and it was quite boring when he was waiting. There was a foreigner who volunteered to chat with him, and it was not bad.

Too bad it's not a big blond beauty.

There are too many types of women in the United States. In addition to the different skin colors, even the face shape and facial features are all strange.

Various races, various mixed races, have long been the diversity of women's culture here.

I remember that in the 1960s and 1970s, although American actresses also had high nose bridges, deep eye sockets, and hair of various colors, they looked youthful and beautiful, especially eye-catching.

But now, there is a group of women who don't know whether they are mixed with black people or how they came about. Their facial features have thick black lips, exaggerated cheekbones, sunken eye sockets, and messy hairstyles.

The whole person feels like a white black man.


And the exaggerated hips and bust, the whole thing is a deformity.

In the past, American girls were also thin and slender.

Li Xu never understood what was going on.

When I arrived in the United States, I realized that it was really the reason for publicity.

There are long-legged girls everywhere.

Even a hundred kinds of old ladies who are fat are just fat.

It is rare to see such a distorted face and body.

On the contrary, it is seen a lot in black people.

It is also the first time that Li Xu understands what is public opinion and what is mainstream values.

"Oh, that's a pity, you know, I really liked Jack Cheng when I was a kid, and I still have a lot of his treasured videos..."

It seems that this is the first time I have met a Chinese person. This old man is very good at chatting. He even talked about his experience of going to Huaguo to learn kung fu when he was a child.

Li Xu couldn't help but smile. It's a good thing this guy didn't go, or else he would be tricked into going to a certain monastery or Taoist temple and used it as a propaganda material for international friends to come to China to learn martial arts.

Li Xu chatted with him for a while about Chinese Kung Fu and movies, and then asked curiously, "Are you here to test your driver's license?"

Drunk nose shook his head and said, "I came with my son. He is eighteen years old this year. I agree with him to come and get a driver's license."

American 16 can get a driver's license and can drag it to 18. Obviously, this guy is either from poor family conditions, or he really doesn't want his children to touch the car prematurely.

Just as he was talking, a tall and thin young man came over and said to the lees nose: "Dad, I got the license. You promised me that you will drive that old Toyota to me later."

"Yes, Mike, you should say hello to my new friend first." The lees nose pointed at Li Xu and said.

"Excuse me, I'm Mike!"

"Li Xu!" Li Xu replied.

"lixu? Well, can I call you li?" Mike felt a little awkward about the Chinese pronunciation.

"It's okay."

After a simple exchange, Li Xu also knew the name of the lees nose, George, Brown, a worker in a nearby factory.

It is considered to be the lower middle class in America.

Of course, it is only relative to the lower middle class.

They still own multiple cars and own a single wooden house of their own.

After chatting for a while, George felt that he had a special affinity for chatting with Li Xu about kung fu, so he invited him to his house for two drinks.

Li Xu never thought that just the name card of Kung Fu could make two people of different races become friends very quickly.

He also had a good impression of Drunken nose, so he readily agreed and left a phone call with each other.

Not long after George and his son left, it was finally Li Xu's turn to play.

This little bit of pediatrics is too simple for Li Xu.

But after a while, he easily passed the exam.

The driver's license is in hand, and the rest is to buy a car.

The next day, Li Xu started his big plan to buy a car. First, he checked the prices of various models on the official website, and then called a nearby dealer to compare the prices.

After he was busy for a while, he remembered that he still had a sign-in system.

So he decided to go to a local car dealership in Boston and sign in to see if he could sign one. If he could sign in, he wouldn't have to pay for it.

Taking a taxi, Li Xu went straight to the nearest Ford dealership.

The staff in the store saw Li Xu coming, and with a fluent American accent, asked Li Xu what he could do for him.

Li Xu looked at the various pickup trucks in the exhibition hall, slightly dazzled.

All are tall and mighty.

Li Xu likes the atmosphere and burly of pickup trucks. He feels that he should drive such a car here to be considered a gallop.

Laomei didn't talk about the concept of 4S stores here, they generally talked about dealers.

Li Xu casually looked at the many models, and then silently activated the sign-in system.

"Sign in!"

"Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for getting a modified version of the Ford pickup F450. All information has been registered, and the host can use it freely."

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao actually rewarded a pickup truck, Li Xu was a little overjoyed and saved 100,000 US dollars.

The car has arrived, so what else to buy, Li Xu decisively made an excuse and left the store.

When Li Xu was in a remote place and took out this Big Mac, his heartbeat became fast.

Too big, too majestic.

Immediately jumped into the cab and started.

The huge figure galloped on the suburban trail, rolling up smoke and dust.

This legally modified car has a more aggressive appearance, more off-road tires, and even the interior has been updated and upgraded.

Proper mechanical punk style!

Li Xu walked back and forth several times on the empty road, and finally figured out the rules.

(The content below will be revised tomorrow morning! Sorry)!

At this moment, the system suddenly activated automatically: "Please sign in the host in time."

Li Xu was stunned for a moment, what happened?

Yes, you have taken the initiative to sign in, can I still sign?

"Sign in"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in, and reward the host with a speedy experience card, which can be used once. During the experience of the speedy experience card, all external signal records are blocked. The duration is 20 minutes. Please activate the host immediately, and reward the host with 100 cash after activation. Ten thousand yuan. Start the countdown to ten or nine…”

Damn, what's going on?

Based on his trust in the system, Li Xu glanced at Tian Yuan and said, "Grab the handle, hurry up!"

Tian Yuan was stunned, "What's wrong?"

Li Xu shouted, "Just hurry up."

As soon as Tian Yuan grabbed the handle above the co-pilot, he felt a surge of recoil. UUkanshu leaned against the seat involuntarily, and the Mercedes-Benz was like an arrow off the string. Speed ​​up.

"Li Xu, what are you doing!" Tian Yuan was so frightened that Hua Rong paled.

Li Xu took a deep breath, and after raising the speed to one hundred and fifty, his whole body and mind seemed to fall into a fantastic state, and the frequency of his eyes recording light-sensitive information was gradually increasing.

The speedometer keeps climbing, one hundred six, one hundred seven, one hundred nine, two hundred, two hundred and one...

As the speed increased, the orange-red sports car that appeared before gradually appeared in front of Li Xu's eyes.

The distance is still increasing.

When the speed reached two hundred and three hundred, the other party's speed swish, and it increased a lot, and the distance was gradually opened again.

Tian Yuan was sitting in the co-pilot at this time, his heartbeat was thundering, and there was no blood on his face.

The hand tightly grasped the handle, and the sound of the mouth can pierce the sky.

"The system prompts that the experience time is about to close, please reduce the speed of the host."

Hearing this, Li Xu breathed a sigh of relief, but he still secretly said, so cool!

As an old revolutionary base, Yizhou has always been given the image of a backcountry. When it comes to Yizhou, apart from the classic song, there is only the impression of poverty.

However, the present Yizhou has not been what it used to be. Thanks to the vigorous development of the small commodity market and the logistics industry, it has driven a group of people to get rich first.

Therefore, the most important thing in Damei Yizhou is all kinds of BMW and Mercedes-Benz.

Even sports cars are commonplace.

No, Li Xu got up for a run early in the morning and met a Porsche 911 sports car behind the community.

Looking up and down, it's really beautiful, but it's not very practical.

Just when Li Xu was about to leave, he saw that the cab door was opened and a young man with sunglasses came down.