MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 392 blossoming

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The video Ji Xiaoxi showed him was a display of a top luxury RV.

The exquisite decoration inside, luxurious furniture, all show the luxury.

With such a car, it can be compared to a mansion!

Li Xu was stunned when he saw it. People who came from a small place didn't know that rich people could play so well!

Ji Xiaoxi said triumphantly: "It's amazing! Envy it! Dad, you have to work hard to make money. Otherwise, you can't even afford this car."

Li Xu rolled his eyes when he heard it, the little girl actually looked down on me.

Okay, when you actually sign in this luxury RV, you don't want to take a ride.

Gu Bingsheng drove very steadily, and everyone sat in the back, eating fruit and playing with their mobile phones, very comfortable.

Especially Li Xu, it is rare to travel far away without having to drive by himself, so naturally he should enjoy it.

It's been a few months since I left home last time, and I haven't gone back. I just took advantage of the holiday and went back to stay for two days.

I heard my father Li Lianbo say that the family's old house has been built.

Just looking at the photos he sent is pretty good, but I don't know how it actually looks.

Li Xu still had doubts about his father's ability.

But he didn't get involved in the whole thing. The house itself didn't cost a lot of money, and it was built in the village.

Li Lianbo would definitely not be happy if he meddled with his own business.

The distance from Jeju to Yizhou is not too far. It took about three hours on the highway to arrive at Yizhou.

Li Xu first reserved a table at the Blue Ocean Hotel, and then called his parents and asked them to drive over to meet.

It's too hot to cook at home on this hot day, there are so many people, it's not worth it.

As soon as Wang Guixiang heard about Blue Ocean, she complained to Li Xu, because this Blue Ocean is a famous five-star hotel in Yizhou.

A set table for a wedding banquet costs one or two thousand dollars.

Really not cheap.

What Li Xu can say, he can't tell his mother that the money your son earns is more than enough to buy the Blue Ocean Hotel.

Arriving at Lan Hai, Li Xu got out of the car with a few people and walked into the hotel lobby.

Gu Bingsheng stayed outside and did not follow.

First, the above-ground parking spaces in Blue Ocean are relatively narrow, and parking takes time.

Besides, this is a family banquet, and it is inappropriate for him and a driver to join in.

Li Xu didn't have these futures, but he couldn't help Gu Bingsheng care.

No way, Li Xu let him go to the Blue Ocean Cafeteria for a buffet!

For Gu Bingsheng, eating with the leader is not as comfortable as eating a buffet by himself.

And the buffet isn't cheap either!

As a famous hotel in Jeju, the atmosphere of Blue Ocean is still good, whether it is decoration or dining and entertainment, it is still relatively high-end.

Li Xu chose a private room, and then asked Ji Xiaoxi and the others to order.

Chen Xiaojie said: "Wait for my uncle and aunt to come."

"No, what you order is, pick up what you like." Li Xu refused with a smile.

It's not that Wang Guixiang cares about money, but they have little contact and don't know what's delicious and what's not.

As long as the kids have their meals ordered.

After a while, Wang Guixiang and his wife walked in.

As soon as they entered, Ji Xiaoxi quickly threw herself into Wang Guixiang's arms, screaming like a grandmother.

Wang Guixiang and Ji Xiaoxi have been very happy together since they came to live here for a while during the summer vacation.

Who doesn't like such a beautiful little girl, Wang Guixiang hugged her, smiling from ear to ear.

She likes this kind of lively child, and is close to people.

Just like Cheng Miduo who had been to the house before, she was cute, sensible, and would make herself happy.

Thinking of this, she glared at her son.

It's not that she is dissatisfied with Chen Xiaojie.

But, Chen Xiaojie belongs to the type of living at home, honest and kind.

A little introverted in character.

It may be related to family environment and life experience.

There is less of the agility of girls from rich people or wealthy people!

When they get along with each other, they are more peaceful and hard-working.

You can see it from the entrance.

If Li Xu came back with Cheng Miduo at this time, Ji Xiaoxi would definitely not come to hug her alone at this time!

People, how can there be perfect!

Wang Guixiang patted Ji Xiaoxi's hand, turned her head again, and chatted with Chen Xiaojie for a while.

After all, this is a genuine daughter-in-law and can live a good life.

No matter how you choose, Chen Xiaojie is better.

"Dad, take us to see the house tomorrow!" Li Xu poured water into Li Lianbo's teacup and asked with a smile.

"If you want to see it, just go and see, who is stopping you!" Li Lianbo said with a sip of tea.

Li Xu shook his head, with this attitude, it is estimated that the father must be afraid of what he will say.

He will care about this now, even if it is a tofu **** project, the big deal is to smash it and rebuild it.

Not much money to spend.

"Grandpa, last time you said you were going to take me fishing, when are we going!" Ji Xiaoxi thought of fishing and asked.

"The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I'll make an appointment with a few people, and I'll take you there for a whole fish feast!" Li Lianbo has also learned to fish now.

I met a few fishing friends, and basically I went to the tributaries or reservoirs around the Yi River to go fishing when I had time.

The craftsmanship is not good, and the enthusiasm is not small.


Ji Xiaoxi nodded vigorously.

What does it mean to stay at home? In addition to looking at my phone, I go to the supermarket.

Coming to Li Xu's hometown is different.

Accompany grandma to go shopping in the vegetable market, dance the square dance, and chat with each other for a short time.

Go fishing with grandpa, take care of the vegetable garden, and find old friends for a barbecue.

How comfortable!

The food was served quickly, and everyone chatted while eating.

While eating, Li Xu also specifically opened a video call of his sister Li Yijing to show her off!

"If you don't come, you won't be able to eat the delicious food!"

Li Yijing snorted coldly in protest.

"Nizi, is the money enough? Not enough, Dad will give you two thousand more!" Li Lianbo said distressedly when his daughter was deflated.

Hearing this, Li Xu smiled bitterly: "Dad, do you know how much Jingjing's living expenses are in a month, you give her the money back!"

"Isn't it four thousand?" Li Lianbo asked suspiciously.

"Four thousand?" Li Xu's voice increased: "Li Yijing! How did you tell our dad!"

On the other end of the video, Li Yijing's face collapsed. Everyone is cheating, but Li Lianbo is better, cheating on her daughter!

"Brother, that, I've kept it all!" Li Yijing's voice was somewhat trembling.

"Okay, really!" Li Xu hung up the phone angrily.

"What kind of temper are you making! Talk about something!" Li Lianbo glared at Li Xu.

"Dad, I'll give her 10,000 living expenses a month!" Li Xu said helplessly.

"How many?"

Li Lianbo couldn't close his mouth in shock.

Wang Guixiang was also stunned, and then looked at her wife: "Are you going to pay her 2,000 for a month!"

Li Lianbo took a deep breath and eased his mood.

12,000 living expenses a month.

What standard is this?

"Xiao Xu, how can you give her so much!" Wang Guixiang complained.

"Mom, it's not about more money and less money, it's about her asking you for money! 10,000 a month isn't enough to spend? Even if you ask for it, don't hide it from me!" Li Xu felt angry when he thought of this. Make a call.

"This girl, what's the matter. No, I have to go to her school to see, don't study bad!" Wang Guixiang was a little excited.

"Mom, don't worry. It's not that serious!" Li Xu hurriedly comforted his mother.

He still understands his own sister.

Two minutes later, Li Yijing's video call came over.

Li Xu calmly answered the phone.

"What do you have to explain, if not, I won't give you the living expenses, you can figure it out for yourself!"

"Don't, brother, brother! I was wrong! Well, I bought a car!" When Li Yijing talked about the car, she was already talking like a mosquito.

"Buying a car? You..." Li Xu sighed, not knowing what to say.

"Brother, it's not expensive, I paid the down payment for a scooter of hundreds of thousands. Brother, I was wrong, but I already bought the car, and I still need a monthly payment!" Li Yijing looked at Li Xu aggrievedly.

small book booth

"I'm too lazy to care about you! After dinner, I'll talk about it later. Remember, your brother, I'm very angry!" Li Xu closed the video after he finished speaking.

Seeing that Chen Xiaojie and the others were present, Wang Guixiang couldn't talk about Li Yijing, so she shut up and stopped talking about it.

Seeing that the scene was a little cold, Chen Xiaojie reached out under the table and held Li Xu's hand.

Then winked at him.

Li Xu let out a long breath, sighed, and said, "Okay, Mom and Dad, I'll take care of my sister's affairs. Come, try the dishes here!"

Seeing that Li Xu's expression had returned to his natural state, everyone laughed and talked again.

I don't know since when, this family has begun to learn to see Li Xu's face.

In ordinary matters, Li Lianbo might even reprimand him a few words, but when it comes to big things or when Li Xu is angry, he doesn't say a word.

After all, in this family, Li Xu is the real earner. His son has grown up, so the mainstay of the family naturally turns to his son.

This is family!

The meal was over after an hour of eating, and there was no drinking, just eating vegetables, and naturally eating quickly.

Just as everyone walked out of the private room, a middle-aged man's voice rang from behind.

"Old Li?"

When Li Lianbo heard the words and looked back, he saw that it was his section chief, Wang Zhiqiang.

"Senior? Such a coincidence!"

"Yeah, what, Lao Li, are you?" Chief Wang asked with a smile.

"Oh, my son is back, come over for dinner."

After speaking, Li Lianbo asked Li Xu to come over and say hello.

"Hello Uncle Wang!"

"Oh, hello, hello, I have long heard that Lao Li's son is promising, and seeing him today is indeed a talent!" Chief Wang said with a smile.

"Where to eat! Uncle Wang, are you here?" Li Xu asked.

"Dinner with a few friends!  …"

The two sides exchanged a few words, then said goodbye and separated.

When he reached the lobby, Li Xu asked everyone to go first, then walked to the service desk and said, "Help to settle the bills between the Zhong Ding Tower Food Room and the Food Room."

The waiter asked, "Are there two private rooms?"

Li Xu nodded.

After the bill was settled, Li Xu left the hotel, got into the business car, and went straight to his home in Nanfang New District.

Half an hour later, Section Chief Wang came out with a group of friends.

At this time, a friend walked up to the bar and said, "Check out the delicious food!"

The beauty at the front desk looked at the bill, and then smiled: "Sir, your bill has been settled!"

"It's settled?"

The man looked back at the group of rickety friends and asked, "Who did you marry?"

Everyone shook their heads when they heard it.

"It can't be a mistake!" The man grumbled.

At this time, the waiter said, "The person at the checkout said that I will have a drink with Uncle Wang another day!"

"Uncle Wang?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the two people surnamed Wang in the crowd, one of them was Wang Zhiqiang.

Wang Zhiqiang sighed in his heart, do you have any friends in the hotel?

I don't seem to have met a boss?

"What do you know, Wang?" The man looked at the beauty at the front desk again and asked.

The beauty looked at the message book and showed a professional smile: "It's Mr. Wang Zhiqiang!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Wang Zhiqiang.

"Old Wang, yes, there are people who are rushing to pay the bills wherever you go! I've agreed that I will invite you today, yes, I got your light!" The man said with a big smile.

Wang Zhiqiang was very confused in his heart, but his face showed a disapproving expression, and said, "Hey, who is different, why do you guys care about this! Okay, the account is settled, let's go!"

"Pharaoh is open and bright!"

"Brother Wang, this network!"


A group of people walked out of the hall talking and laughing.

When Wang Zhiqiang found a substitute driver and got into his car, he began to wonder who paid the bill.

After thinking about it for a I didn't expect any big boss I met today.

After thinking for a while, he finally remembered that he had met Li Lianbo and his son just now.

Could it not be Lao Li?

Thinking of this, he dialed Li Lianbo's number.

"Old Li, what are you doing, spending a lot of money! You can't do this in the future!"

Li Lianbo had heard his son talk about this for a long time.

Then he smiled and said, "Senior, look at what you said, if you don't pay for a meal, I can't even ask you for a meal! It's a coincidence today!"

"When will the eldest nephew leave? Well, tomorrow night, I will be the host, and my boy will be back. Let's get together." Wang Zhiqiang said with a smile.

"That's a good feeling!"

The two exchanged a few words and hung up the phone.

Li Lianbo let out a sigh of relief, this is the section chief!

I've seen people who have to be respected before.

Now, I can have an equal conversation with myself!

Just when Li Lianbo sighed, Li Xu and the others had already taken the lead and rushed home.

As soon as he entered the door, a white poodle rushed over and shook his head at the crowd.

"Oh, Duoduo!" Ji Xiaoxi crouched down happily and teased the puppy.

"Duoduo?" Li Xu was a little confused and looked at his mother.

Wang Guixiang coughed lightly and said, "It's called Beibei! Duoduo was started by Xiaoxi herself!"

Li Xu suddenly realized that, looking at Ji Xiaoxi who was teasing the puppy, he secretly said, "When your little mother Cheng Miduo enters the door, you will cry like this again, and you will have some good fruits to eat!"

Thinking of this, Li Xu's mouth couldn't help but have a smile of watching the excitement.

In order to see this scene as soon as possible, you have to sign in as soon as possible and make money as soon as possible!

Shenhao's life is still too far away from him, and the days of polygamy are still far away.

The road ahead is long, and we still need to move forward!

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