MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 385 do you have time at night

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The nerdy type of good baby is best to "deal with".

Of course, the so-called countermeasures in the girl's mind did not mean doing bad things, but how to gain his favor.

She is the yard flower of the School of Physics and Engineering, a true yard flower. She has been promoted for three years and postponed for three years. She is a well-deserved yard flower.


Because there are too few beautiful women in the School of Physics and Engineering.

There are five or six precious golden flowers in each class, all of them are ordinary-looking girls. Occasionally a good-looking girl pops up, which is a blessing for the whole academy!

And she, Wang Yufei, needs to have a good appearance and a figure. Even if she is placed in an art school or a foreign language school that is full of talents, she is a top-notch beauty.

What's more, there are only three melons and two dates in the School of Physics!

Therefore, other people's title of courtyard flower may have moisture, but hers absolutely does not. She is the veritable courtyard flower of the School of Physics and Engineering of Tongji University!

I don't know how many boys in this hospital will be so emotional late at night because of a black silk photo of her, and it's hard to fall asleep for a long time!

Seeing Li Xu's serious reading, Wang Yufei's brows flexed slightly, and she felt helpless. Although these nerds are easy to fool, they are really boring and have no mood at all.

He has a big beauty here, and he is still in the mood to read books.

Alas, how can it be so difficult to find a boyfriend who is good at scientific research and has a flair!

Sighing lightly, Wang Yufei decided to go out and make a phone call first, and then find a suitable opportunity to ask Li Xu's name and major.

After all, this is what Professor He "arranged" to do when she was about to leave!

With such talents, although Professor He may not necessarily be a good professor who cherishes talents, he still has to express it on the scene.

Li Xu didn't know that he had been identified as a nerd by a beautiful woman. At this time, he was reading with relish.

Every new knowledge is like a delicate beauty, giving people an infinite desire to explore.

When you suddenly become enlightened, understand the principle of this knowledge, and master its usage, it is like a man who finally got what he wanted and fell asleep to the goddess of his dreams.

After reading like this for a while, suddenly there was a loud noise from the door.

At this time, there were originally two couples' classrooms. Because of the arrival of the professors just now, they have all gone.

So he was the only old man in the entire classroom reading books.

Disturbed by the noise, Li Xu frowned and looked over.

I saw the black-haired hostess who I had seen before facing the classroom with an angry face and said, "How many times have I told you that I didn't fall in love when I was in college."

"I know, I, I heard that you like flowers. I picked fresh ones specially in the greenhouse! It represents my heart!" At this moment, a boy walked in and replied sincerely.

"I understand your thoughts, please, please don't disturb me anymore, I really don't want to fall in love!"

Wang Yufei wanted to cry but had no tears, why can't she meet a good man, this kind of thing is like a fly smelling cake, no, this analogy is not appropriate,

Just like a bee smells flowers and a cat smells fish.

I have already euphemistically said that I don't want to fall in love, but this one called Gao Yi is always entangled.

He tried his best to chase after himself.

Just when she was tired but helpless, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Li Xu who was sitting in the seat.

Immediately, he had an idea.

And Li Xu, who looked up, also knew what happened at this time.

It turned out to be a courtship scene!

Li Xu felt a bit of Coke and waited with great interest for the development of the plot.

On the university campus, you chase me, I chase you too much.

All of them are young boys and girls. At the age of the beginning of love, tens of thousands of people gather together. This is inevitable!

Li Xu was just watching the fun.

Adjust the boring study!

But after listening to a few words on and off, he sighed and shook his head.

This boy is too self-aware.

All the girls have said this for the sake of it, and you are still chattering and pestering, saying that if it is serious, this is sexual harassment!

While he was still waiting for the next step of the plot, Li Xu was surprised to find that the black silk hostess turned her head and glanced at him, and then walked straight towards him.

When the girl approached, he took his arm in his slightly surprised eyes!

What are you doing! !

"Let me tell you, this is my boyfriend. Why didn't I leave? I was going to accompany my boyfriend to study. Please don't harass me again." The boy said impatiently.

"You, you lied to me, he is not your boyfriend!" The boy's voice trembled.

Li Xu frowned a little, this was letting him take the blame!

Although this guy is really annoying.

But we don't know each other well!

Li Xu lightly twitched his arm, and when he found it was soft, he didn't want to twitch it, so that people would say he was a hooligan.

There is a song that goes like this: "Scrub, rub, rub on this smooth **!"

In order to avoid suspicion, he tried his best to move his body back!

Feeling his movements, Wang Yufei turned her head and glanced at him. Seeing that he was avoiding a snake and scorpion, she was instantly annoyed.

When did your charm become so weak!

"Beauty, people who borrow me will be charged by the minute!" Li Xu glanced at the shocked boy in the distance and whispered to Wang Yufei.

To allow a woman to use such a bad street, at first glance, it is a means of fooling people, which shows that the man in front of him is really disgusting.

"Yu Fei, I know you lied to me! Look, you guys are not a couple at all!" The man was still obsessed with himself!

As soon as these words came out, Wang Yufei was a little puzzled, and then glanced sideways at Li Xu, and saw that Li Xu was stretched out, 20 centimeters away from her.

Which couple would embrace like this.

When Li Xu heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed: "My brother, I have never known you before, but you are so generous. Your generosity is truly grateful!"

At this point, in order to prove that they are a couple, the girl must not give him a kiss to show that they are really a couple.

This is the usual routine on TV.

It's okay to look at the beauty of this woman, especially the pair of black silk, which adds a bit of charm. If you really kiss yourself, it doesn't matter if the boyfriend takes the blame.

Just be a good person!

At this moment, Wang Yufei stepped back and directly pinched Li Xu's arm beside her, and then her whole body was attached to his side.

A soft touch suddenly spread to Li Xu's brain along his arm.

Q bomb, there is material!

Thinking of this, Li Xu coughed lightly and said, "Brother, although you are chasing my girlfriend, I'm very angry, but I don't blame you for thinking of you so infatuated. We two are really lovers, or I will let her kiss Me!"

After hearing this, the hostess was stunned and looked at Li Xu with an incredible expression.

Is this guy a nerd?

I'm afraid this is not a rogue!

Wang Yufei only felt her heart twitch fiercely, and a feeling called inhumanity came to her mind.

She glared at Li Xu fiercely, then let go of the arm that was holding Li Xu, no longer pretending to be a couple, and said loudly to the boy who was pursuing her:

"Are you annoying! Can't you understand? I just want to find a passerby as my boyfriend, and I don't want to talk to you! Can you have a face! Stay away from me in the future! I don't want to see you anymore! "That's a bit of a torn face.

When the boy heard it, he was ashamed and annoyed, no matter how thick-skinned he couldn't bear to say it, especially the sentence that even if he found a passerby, he didn't want to ignore him!

100% damage crit bonus!

The boy's face turned red and blue for a while, and finally, panting heavily, he ran out.

After the boy left, Wang Yufei let out a long breath, but she was obviously in a bad mood.

Li Xu didn't feel embarrassed to move for a while.

Wang Yufei calmed down and was about to leave when she suddenly remembered that she had to ask Li Xu for information, so she stopped.

Immediately remembering what Li Xu had done just now, he turned around and said displeasedly, "Which college are you from? What's your name, what major, and what level."

Li Xu was stunned for a moment, isn't it? I'll just say it, and I didn't kiss you. I've helped you too, so I won't come to you, right?

With some guilty conscience, he said, "I'm not from your school, I'm from Shangdu University of Technology. My name is Ni Ge, Zhi Ge's Ge!"

Hearing this, Wang Yufei snorted coldly, glared at Li Xu, then stepped on high heels and walked out of the classroom with her jet-black hair.

Li Xu smiled with a guilty conscience. He was too embarrassed to continue reading. He packed his schoolbag and left the classroom.

Although it was just a prank just now, there was still a bit of a man's bad intentions in his bones.

This Li Xu admitted.

But it was just a joke. I never expected this girl to be so angry.

As for the girl who blamed herself just now.

Li Xu actually doesn't agree.

I'm afraid she won't understand how much harm a beautiful woman does to a diaosi.

If the person who pursues her is powerful and powerful, then this diaosi will most likely be beaten for nothing!

If this diaosi begins to fall in love, he may fall into the dream-like scene created by this girl and affect his outlook on life and values.

If this boy falls in love with this girl, and then is despised by the girl, there is a high probability that he will be hurt or something.

So it seems a bit selfish for a girl to do this kind of behavior!

It was almost twelve o'clock when he left the classroom, and Li Xu rushed to the nearby cafeteria to settle the meal.

Time flies, and before you know it, a week has passed.

Li Xu is either in class or self-study every day. At most, he accompanies Cheng Mi Duo to visit the campus and go shopping.

Life was full and simple.

As for what happened to the professors last time, Li Xu didn't take the initiative to make a phone call, and they didn't contact Li Xu either, as if it had never happened.

As for Miss Heisi who had a "skin relationship", Li Xu has never seen her again. I don't know if the fake name played a role, or if the two of them weren't fated enough.

You know, this week, Li Xu's life was very dull, even a little boring!

However, this is only temporary. When he gets over the initial discomfort, he will definitely slowly return to society.

He's not really a scientific maniac.

I just want to stay in the lab.

Because of his hard performance during this period, Xu Jiansheng's impression of him has become very good.

Even regarded him as a good student who was diligent and studious!

And specially arranged some small experiments, let Li Xu try to operate the operation.

Li Xu also took the opportunity to sign in to get a card with the bonus of experimental hands-on ability. Combined with the various bonuses he signed in before, his hand-eye coordination ability has been greatly improved. Some experimental steps can basically be repeated at a glance. .

Of course, you still have to hide your clumsiness in front of outsiders.

On this day, as soon as he came out of the laboratory, he received a call from the Jeju company, saying that the new equipment has been successfully tested and can be shipped for assembly and online debugging at any time.

This is great news, and Li Xu is naturally very happy.

After the factory building is completed, the equipment can be transported to assemble and debugged, and then the trial operation can be carried out.

In this way, the official start of production is not far away.

But now is not the time to go back. He plans to go back when the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are coming, so that he can have a long vacation.

This week, he also got his wish to sign in a piece of information technology knowledge. Although it is not very advanced, it is enough for him to write a small paper in the three districts.

With the foundation of this thesis, his postgraduate life will be much easier and his graduation will be smoother.

After answering the phone, Li Xu heard someone calling him from behind, so he stopped and found that Han Xue called him.

Then he asked, "Han Xue, is something wrong?"

Han Xue chased after him out of breath and said, "The welcome party will be in a few days. The school said that our graduate students should also do it. This time, we are going to do it together with the School of Physical Oh! Alright!" Li Xu responded, not understanding what this had to do with him.

"Well, I want to sing a song with you!" Han Xue said with some twist.

"Huh?" Li Xu's brows became chuan-like.

"Well, I don't have a tone, so it's better not to be ashamed!"

Han Xue was a little disappointed when she heard it, but then she said with a smile, "I heard that my brother and the others are going to form a group to perform sketches. If you don't sing with me, they will probably drag them to play sketches!"

After convincing this group of six old men, why don't you do research when you have nothing to do?

"Well, I thought about it just now. Although I am insufferable, I still have to contribute my own strength to the activities of our hospital!" Li Xu immediately changed his tone and said.

"By the way, what song are you going to sing?"

"Is it okay to sing Love in the Rain?" Han Xue said blushing.

"Love in the rain?" Li Xu was taken aback, this is a popular love song before!

"How about we never break up?" Han Xue and Li Xu continued to say shyly with a surprised expression.

"At the welcome party, let's sing cheerfully, let's sing two little bees!" Li Xu said solemnly.

"Senior brother! How can you sing this." Han Xue said angrily.

"Okay, okay, let's go for the first one, Love in the Rain, I can still hum it." Li Xu thought about it and chose this song.

"Hmm! Hmm! Then, do you have time that night? Let's find a place to practice our songs!" Han Xue blinked with big eyes and looked expectant.


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