MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 367 man

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Wang Guisheng is not a fool. He can go from an ordinary farmer to an all-powerful entrepreneur in Deyang County. A mediocre person can't do it. How could he not notice the change in his mentality.

But this thing is a change in his mentality and psychology. There is no change in his body. He just feels relieved when he sees a man, and when he sees a woman, he has a strange sense of alienation from the same-sex exclusion.

This subconscious mentality made him unconsciously want to get close to Song Huaqiang, the handsome man he saw for the first time when he woke up.

There's nothing wrong with him!

Originally, Song Huaqiang was the driver who had been with him for a long time, but now he wakes up even more close.

As for his attitude towards his wife, it was pure disgust from the bottom of his heart. Originally, he was already tired of this old and beautiful woman. After threatening so many young girls, to the lecherous him, this old bangzi had no good feelings at all.

Now that there has been a 180° change in mentality, it is natural to feel uncomfortable seeing his wife.

However, after such a long time, he still felt something different.

In the past, when he saw a beautiful woman, he would feel a little impulsive in his heart, but now, when he saw the beautiful female nurses who came in and out, his heart was not disturbed.

Instead, it was the intern male doctor who followed the director to round the room, which greatly increased his affection.

This is a little strange.

It didn't take long for the director of the hospital's department to rush over.

"Director Zhao, you are helping me do a comprehensive examination!" Wang Guisheng did not know where to start, so he could only ask the doctor to check it first.

"Mr. Wang, what's wrong with you?" Director Zhao tried to determine the situation first.

"I can't tell." Wang Guisheng said ambiguously, he couldn't say that I found that I was not interested in women.

In less than a day, all Deyang County will know.

It's a pity that during the time he was hospitalized, because the news spread was too bullshit, and most of them were watching the fun, so no one dared to tell him the news that was circulating outside, otherwise he would not be so cautious.

"That's it!" Director Zhao happily arranged a full-time nurse and took President Wang for a comprehensive inspection.

The results showed that there were no major problems other than old congestive injuries to the heart and brain.

Wang Guisheng breathed a sigh of relief, thanked Director Zhao, and secretly said, maybe the reason for the coma once, it will be fine after a while.

Three days later, Wang Guisheng was finally discharged from the hospital.

A group of relatives and friends came to welcome the old man's return. At this time, the scene of talking and laughing at Yan Yan was hard to think of when Wang Guisheng was in a coma before, when everyone was fighting for power.

The first thing Wang Guisheng did when he recovered and was discharged from the hospital was to send someone to look for Song Huaqiang, and then he reprimanded his wife fiercely, scolding him for nothing, making things out of nothing, how could he like a man like a big man.

That's what he said, but when he returned to his study and found a video recording the girl he had threatened before, a sense of disgust appeared in his heart!

Angrily, he hurriedly threw the mobile phone that recorded the video into the drawer.

Just when he dropped his phone, Li Xuzheng, who was far away in downtown Jeju, saw all this through the **** board.

Li Xu used a drone to project monitoring equipment into Wang Guisheng's villa. As long as there is movement, he can receive information.

He just didn't expect such a coincidence, let him see the place where the video is saved.

Li Xu immediately dialed someone's phone.

Li Xu didn't want to delay the matter of Wang Guisheng any longer, and now he was just relying on the power of the fox and the tiger to frighten him on the bright side, presumably he didn't dare to take the initiative.

But if this old thing can't stand it, he will secretly attack it for a while. Li Xu is naturally not afraid, but the Qi Mengyun sisters can't guarantee it.

Now as long as the evidence is obtained, it is time for Li Xu to completely turn him over.

Just an hour after Li Xu finished the phone call, Song Huaqiang was found by Wang Guisheng's younger brothers and taken to the villa.

Li Xu knew it was time to act.

Time flies, and three days have passed before you know it.

This afternoon, Li Xu drove to the county seat, and got from a man what he had been looking forward to for a long time - the video phone in Wang Guisheng's hand that was used to threaten girls.

With this thing, Li Xu is not afraid that Wang Gui's life and death will be broken.

At the same time, the news of Wang Guisheng's preference for fishery in the county town became more and more intense.

It even reached Wang Guisheng's ears.

This time, he was really angry, and he looked everywhere for who spread it.

If you don't look for it, it's okay, as soon as you look for it, you will directly become three hundred taels of silver here.

Besides, many people have photos to prove it.

Wang Gui was so angry that he knew that he was becoming more and more homosexual, and now he has no interest in women at all.

But men can't touch it.

But he was originally such a strong person, otherwise he wouldn't have so many troubles.

It must be uncomfortable for a long time.

And Song Huaqiang, who was originally found, disappeared without a sound, which made him even more annoyed.

Depressed and hot, Wang Guisheng directly asked his subordinates to drive him to Jeju.

Where to go is self-evident.

What money can't buy?

A ridiculous night, Wang Guisheng was lying on the bed, looking at the handsome man next to him, he let out a sigh of relief, feeling as comfortable and comfortable as soaking in a milk bath!

It's just that a certain part is a little painful!

Turning around and wrapping his arms around the other party's strong and strong arm, Wang Guisheng's heart was agitated for a while, secretly thinking that he would start funding projects in the future, instead of looking for those hideous women, he should specifically look for some handsome and sturdy guys.

Thinking of m, Wang Guisheng's body shivered involuntarily, and his body was closer to the man in front of him.

Just when he slept for less than five minutes, a hurried knock on the door and the sound of opening the door came in.

Wang Guisheng woke up suddenly, sat up, looked out, and suddenly fell into an ice cave.

Here comes the law enforcement and county reporters!

Two hours later, the entire government and business circles in Deyang County were boiling, and Wang Guisheng prostituted a man!

Contact the previous video of touching boys again, and the answer will come out soon!

Wang Guisheng likes men!

There is nothing more explosive than this. The more the gossip spreads, the more mysterious people's after-dinner conversations become!

Not long after, news about Wang Guisheng's tax evasion and corporate environmental pollution came out one after another.

At the police station, Song Huaqiang walked into Zhengwei's office with two girls and a mobile phone!

A careful plan around Wang Guisheng and the protective umbrella behind him is unfolding rapidly with thunderous momentum!

As for the ending, it's already pre-ordered!

All of this has nothing to do with Li Xu, he has been busy with the preparation of the new company in Deyang County!

After so many days of research and design, the equipment manufacturing plan has been reached, and the next step is to wait for the equipment manufacturing company to produce samples for online testing.

For the construction of the factory, Li Xu also found a large regular company in Jeju City to prepare for planning and construction.

It was the beginning of August, and the construction of the new company finally took shape.

Li Xu is in a good mood!

Once the company was established and the products were launched, he, Li Xu, was no longer a petty boss.

When others introduce him, he can be called Deyang County Entrepreneur!

As for the entrepreneur in Jeju City, that's fine. He is not qualified. To achieve that title, he must have at least 18 billion in assets and create hundreds of thousands of jobs.

The general direction of the company's side has been determined, and Li Xu handed over the remaining supervision process to Xu Yan.

The Mercedes-Benz v260 commercial car is not for her to drive for nothing, she has to work!

The company's affairs have come to an end, and the end of Wang Guisheng's affairs has also been decided.

Li Xu rarely regained his identity as a street scumbag.

After explaining the work to Xu Yan, Li Xu drove to the rural commercial bank.

At this time, Zeng Wenjing had already returned to work. Because of Li Xu's relationship, she was seconded to the field and became a credit assistant!

You don't have to stand in the lobby all day serving incoming and outgoing customers.

Li Xu arrived at the bank, went to the second floor first, and sat down with President Luo.

Since the last time when Zeng Wenjing escaped due to President Luo's reminder, Li Xu has a good attitude towards him.

President Luo knew that Li Xu's energy was not small, and he naturally became more enthusiastic when getting along with him.

"Lao Luo, I really don't need the loan you mentioned, but since you have spoken, I will definitely help with this." Li Xu said with a sip of tea.

President Luo hurriedly moved his chair across from Li Xu, and said excitedly, "Thank you. Are we going to the old place at noon today?"

"Don't be in the same place, I have something to do at noon! Let's go another day!" Li Xu laughed.

"This, that, another day."

After sitting for a while, Li Xu got up and went downstairs to pick up Zeng Wenjing from get off work at the door.

Looking at Li Xu who was leaving, President Luo sighed for a while. Anyone with a discerning eye would know that Li Xu's handwriting must be indispensable for the incident in the county seat, but look at others.

Such a big thing, just like no one else, how can he see that he just sent a big old man who has been in Deyang for so many years!

Sure enough, low-key talents are the most terrifying, and President Luo is also glad that he made the right choice at a critical time.

Look at Ma Qiang again!

Although the old man didn't say anything, he never took the initiative to talk to Ma Qiang after he came, and the loan for the top mission was settled long ago.

Although they greeted each other when they met, everyone with discernment knew that Ma Qiang didn't seize the opportunity, and this classmate was at most just a classmate.

President Luo sighed with emotion, shook his head, and turned upstairs.

In front of the business hall, looking at the slender girl in a white shirt and black trousers with high heels, Li Xu coughed lightly. Although he had already tasted it, it still looked so tempting through the clothes!

"Li Xu, aren't you busy today? Why are you free to come to see me at noon?" Zeng Wenjing was in a good mood, because she heard that Wang Guisheng had gone in, and she could finally rest assured about her sister's affairs.

"I'm busy, but no matter how busy I am, I have to meet my beautiful beauty!" Li Xu laughed.

"I hate it, at the door within the range!" Zeng Wenjing said angrily.

"What are you afraid of, old husband and wife, who doesn't know about your unit!" Li Xu laughed. Having said that, he still started the car and left the business hall of the rural commercial bank.

In a farmhouse restaurant more than ten kilometers away, Li Xu looked at Zeng Wenjing who was eating with relish, and said with a smile, "I'm going to Shangdu in two days, and there will be fewer opportunities to meet every day in the future!"

When Zeng Wenjing heard this, she looked at Li Xu in surprise: "Are you going to stay for a long time?"

"Well, about two or three years!" Li Xu said with a smile.

"Ah!" Zeng Wenjing was stunned and asked hastily, "Are you going to settle down? Why did you go for so long?"

She was in a dark mood. Could it be that Li Xu's home was actually in Shangdu, and he was going back? Then what are you?


Seeing this, Li Xu nodded and said, "It can also be said to be settled!"

"Oh! Are you trying to break up with me?" Zeng Wenjing asked directly, not wanting to hide it.

"Break up? What break up? I go to school!" Li Xu smiled.

"go to school?"

"No talent, a new graduate student from Tongji University!"


Zeng Wenjing looked at him with an expression of disbelief, then shook her head and said, "Why do you remember going to graduate school?"

"Because I study well!"

Zeng Wenjing glanced at him blankly when she heard the words, she wanted to ridicule him, but when she said it, she realized that she was the scumbag!

The two had a meal, and after they were full, Li Xu sent the girl back to the bank.

This can be considered an early vaccination!

After leaving the bank, Li Xu was about to go home. Han Ying called and told Li Xu about the download data and word of mouth of the game in the past few days.

Both word-of-mouth and downloads are on the rise. At present, 70,000 to 80,000 people have downloaded this life game.

And with the passage of time, this kind of casual game of life will definitely have a lot to do.

Li Xu was also very happy to hear it. This new game was not presented by the system, but was conceived and designed by the employees of Mengli Water Township Company.

The success of this game indicates that Li Xu, a game company, has the ability to independently develop new games!

After hanging up the phone, Li Xu drove straight home.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard Li Yijing sitting on the sofa talking with her sister Chen Xiaojie about her "work-study" work.

"Come on, tell me, what have you been doing all day?" Li Xu saw that she was very interested in talking about and went to the living room to look at his sister and said.

Li Yijing let out an "uh", and she didn't know where to start, her eyes kept turning round and round.

"If you don't tell me, let me tell you." Li Xu glared at his sister and said, "Look at your phone, chat, drink, and shop!"

"Is there a leak?" Li Xu said displeasedly.

Li Yijing smiled a little embarrassedly, but did not dare to speak.

"I really convinced you. I asked you to do an internship and experience life at work. You'd better go to be the old man." Li Xu said, "From tomorrow, you will go to work at Rising Sun."

"Ah, no, brother, I'm your sister, it's definitely not appropriate to go to your company!"

"Then you don't need to worry about it, but this time I have a word in advance, don't tell anyone that you are using a younger sister!" Li Xu said sternly.

"Oh! I see, brother, you are so annoying!" Li Yijing pursed her lips and responded helplessly.

Before Li Xu asked Tianyuan to take Li Yijing to work for a few days to hone and adapt.

It was not bad at the beginning, and Tian Yuan often reported the situation, and now it is basically a decoration!

As a result, after a few days of getting used to it, it was surprising that she turned into an old fried dough stick!

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