MTL - The Dark King-v8 Chapter 1252 : 弑亲

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When the three men stepped out of the imperial palace, the rainy sky also stopped.

The rain stopped and the dark clouds were still there.

On the promenade of the court, the father led the way in front, and the mother walked alongside Du Di'an, telling the interesting things between the princes and princes, and came to the palace gate unconsciously. The carriage had already been prepared.

With the power of Du Di'an today, riding a carriage is no longer a way to hurry, but a manner and leisure.

Eight horses and thunder horses dragged the luxury horse to the extreme, and ran on the spacious avenue. The passers-by were all known. This is the emperor's seat.

"Children, you experiment all day, and now you are not too young. Is it true that this girl is not a girl?" In the carriage, the mother took Du Di'an and married.

Du Di'an can't help but smile. Even if he is an emperor, he still has to be married. Perhaps in the eyes of every parent, the marriage of his children will always be a top priority. He has no resentment. Instead, he feels warm and shook his head: "Mother, you know If it weren't for her, there would be no me today. When I first came out of the freezer, my body was weak and it was raining heavily. If I met her, I might have been killed by the rain."

This sounds funny in the old days, but it is very normal here, the cold will not go wrong, but it is raining to catch a cold, for a poor ordinary person, it is very likely to cause life and worry.

However, today the dynasty unified resources, the federal medical standards are strong, such things will not happen in the slums, most prosperous cities will not appear.

"She saved me more than this time. Her family abandoned her, deprived her of her status as a saint, and bitten for me. If I don't find her, no one in this world will care. A person has existed." Du Dian said to the mother's hand.

"Hey! I know that people have a life-saving love for you, but you can't delay your big things!" The mother sighed.

The father on the side also interjected and smiled. "Your mother is chanting all day, wanting to have a grandson."

Du Dian smiled and said: "If you want to say grandson, you can treat you as your granddaughter. She is my child."

"Nonsense!" The mother did not sigh: "We don't want such a big child, we have to hold the child in our hands, and then say, God is God, we dare to treat her as a child, you are not allowed to be too If you are arbitrarily arrogant, no one can block her in this world."

Du Di'an smiled and said: "Oh, God will not be angry, she can be embarrassed."

"You!" The mother gave him a white look and said: "Your sister is about to talk about marriage, and you have to hurry up."

"Yes, yes..." Dudian smiled.

The father said: "If today's Taiping, the traces of the gods and the devils have disappeared. I want to come to the original emperor. Most of them have already left the earth. Someone has seen a beam of light in the South China Sea through the sky. Maybe it is the emperor. Find out which spaceship buried in the ground has left the earth, and I don’t know if the wilderness will be completely destroyed, and will not come back again."

"The father does not have to worry. According to the information I got from the information of the wild spaceship, the number of the gods and the family is scarce. In the end of the war, many of them have been damaged. Now most of them are left with some remnants. When I am free, I will definitely Got them out," Dudian smiled.

"The gods and the worms must be completely obliterated, otherwise they will sneak into the solar system in the future, and slam the earth from space. We all have to die." His father showed a dignity in his eyes.

Du Dian nodded: "From the perspective of the technology of their spacecraft, it is not possible to attack the moon from the long-range detection of the moon. It is estimated that it will take at least a hundred years of development. After another ten years, I will be blasphemy. Go and see for yourself, annihilate early."

"Things don't catch up late, since you decided to go, why not go ahead?" The mother next to him couldn't help but ask.

Du Dian shook his head and said: "This is a long way to go, at least for a few years, I want to find her as soon as possible, but also crack the corpse virus, dragging a day to hope less."

"Children, this is all about the life and death of the entire planet. You can't play it!" The mother couldn't help it.

Du Di'an's eyes looked at her face for a while before she moved away. "The whole planet, what do you do with me, people can't regenerate when they are gone, I can recreate them if they can't be born."

"This..." The two looked at each other and all stunned.

After a while, the carriage stopped in a densely populated square, and there was a huge sculpture standing on the square, which was exactly what Du Di'an looked like.

In the middle of the square is a dragon's head altar, like a faucet sticking out from the ground, looking up to the sky, quite spectacular.

"That's it." The mother took a look at the curtain and smiled. She turned to Du Di'an and said, "Your sister has been waiting for a long time. Let's go down."

The three men came down from the carriage, and the aristocrats and rich people who were shopping around saw the emperor's car. They had already avoided it, and they were full of joy and curiosity, and wanted to see the world's master.

Du Di'an soon sensed his sister's breath and ate tea in a restaurant next to the square. This restaurant is the top building in Wangcheng. Many of the ladies of the aristocratic family want to come to eat and eat. They have to make an appointment in advance.

When he perceives his sister, his sister seems to have sensed him and moved over here.

Soon, Du Di'an saw a young girl full of youthfulness, holding a small food box in her hand and walking quickly from the crowd.

"Dad, Mom." Duane's pace was brisk, and she quickly came to the front of the three people. The crowds around him were crowded, but there was a big vacancy in the vicinity of the three people standing. The people who were shopping at random also stopped looking at it. I looked over.

"Brother." Duane looked at Du Di'an in front and smiled. "Look at what I brought to you. This is the best lobster bag in Xiangmanlou. Try it."

Say, hand the snack box to Du Di'an.

Du Di'an smiled and opened the lid. A scent of scent came in. There were five exquisite buns inside. From the sense of smell, he had already smelled the ingredients inside. He was ready to raise his hand and take a taste. .


Underneath the food box, a sharp blade was shot and stabbed to Du Di'an's chest.

At the same time, two haze of coldness hit the back, piercing the clothes on the back and plunging into the flesh, but the first time the pain appeared, his body instinctively hardened several layers of extremely tough keratin. Hyperthyroidism, resisting sharp objects.

This change is very abrupt and very rapid!

In front of Du Di'an, Du Anni, who smiled in Yan Qiao's face, suddenly changed her face, and her eyes flashed a faint color.

"This buns are good." Du Di'an seemed to have no idea what the sharp things on his body were. He still picked up the buns in the food box. The next row of sharp edges was suddenly placed outside the body, and the sharp edge grew out from his waist. Open his teeth and open his mouth, suddenly pushing Duane and the parents behind him, and he also sent the buns into his mouth and chewed it gently.

"Brother, you!" Duane looked at him slyly. When she retired, the abdomen shattered back into a black shadow, but she didn't get into the body, but the blood on the black shadow stayed on the surface of the clothes, as if Injury is normal.

Du Dian slowly swallowed, and the faint smile on his face slowly disappeared. He sighed and looked up at the sister in front of him. He turned and looked at the parents behind him. His voice was bitter and bitter. "Why is that?"

The previous assassination of the attack came from his closest parents and sister!

This assassination is extremely abrupt, without warning, and the position of the attack is all his heart position, the purpose is to kill and kill it!