MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 96

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Taking away one's soul, Gu Yunjue has done a lot in the past, but he has been stared at by Mu Chen in this life, and he has put his hands down on things like this that have a tendency of "long crooked", even if he has to go behind Mu Chen's back Do it, and it is much more restrained than the previous life.

Now that Mu Chen said that he didn't smoke well, he quit himself. Gu Yunjue immediately gave up his playfulness and patted Mu Tong's head. Are you going to be lonely? This joke is not funny at all.

Pointing his finger on Mu Dong's spiritual platform, Gu Yunjue carefully sensed the divine consciousness inside. Mu Chen felt right, there was indeed a small divine consciousness gradually merging with Mu Dong. Seemingly fragile, in fact it implies a crisis.

Mu Chen nervously looked at Gu Yunjue's face, and seeing his rare seriousness, he walked over and put his palm on the other's back, passing on his spiritual power.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a matter of having spiritual wisdom." Gu Yunjue reassured him, and the demonic consciousness approached that spiritual consciousness tentatively. After the matter of Demon Venerable, he had already verified that the law is the law, even if it arises Wisdom is just a law.

Grabbing that divine consciousness suddenly, Gu Yunjue felt its violent resistance, like a blood-sucking leech, attached to Mu Tong's weak divine consciousness, desperately drilling into it.

The sleepy Mu Tong grunted painfully, his face flushed red, Gu Yunjue looked at it, his eyes sank, and he winked with Mu Chen. The soul-guarding bells came out from the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and the golden light was flourishing, and the two senses of the light stopped for a while.

At this moment, the Soul Cultivation Demonic Art suddenly rose to its peak, grabbed the little divine consciousness, and left a little gap with Mu Tong's divine soul. Protect it.

Qian Ling immediately covered the consciousness and isolated it from Mu Tong, only to hear a violent crashing sound from inside. Mu Chen's face was already pale, and his nervous palms were covered in sweat. If he was a little careless, Mu Tong would be swallowed up, or his consciousness would be damaged, turning him into a fool.

Gu Yunjue also breathed a sigh of relief, the Xiaoyanyang Palace was in this space, he simply hung the dry bell on the cold incense tree outside the window, and let the spiritual consciousness toss in it, the bell rang.

Mu Chen glanced at him worriedly, Gu Yunjue explained: "It's okay, only the nature is left." Then he shoved the silly hair ball with no IQ, and smiled: "It's urgent to toss. Maybe it will be attached to it.”

The corners of Mu Chen's mouth twitched, and he was unable to intervene any more. He always felt that this stupid apprentice just wanted to play a prank. Forcing the divine sense of heaven to get into the body of a monster at the bottom, the opponent can't grow IQ, let alone grow a strong physique, it is better to refine it directly.

Mu Tong's complexion gradually returned to normal, whose face was getting heavier and heavier, and whether he was injured or not, we don't know for the time being. However, the two spiritual senses had already been partially merged before. When the spiritual sense was pulled away, it naturally brought with it some of Mu Tong's memory, which would definitely have some influence. What it will become, we can only talk about it when Mu Tong wakes up.

Mu Chen picked up the child, his face was a little ugly, "If something happened to this child, how should I explain to the Mu family."

"If this child is stupid, Master will give birth to one of his own. Anyway, it looks like you." Gu Yunjue glanced at Mu Chen's stomach with a smile.

Seeing that he was still in the mood to joke, Mu Chen knew that Mu Tong's problem should not be a big deal, so he glared at the other party angrily, and said coolly, "If I want to give birth to you, I can afford to give birth to a few of you."

Gu Yunjue snorted, the little master's mouth has been much sharper recently, and he was not soft at all when he attacked him. It's alright to make him a kid, okay? I don't have that ability!

Taking Mu Tong out of the space, Gu Yunjue saw that Mu Chen wanted to put the little guy on their bed, and with a dissatisfied face, he prepared a small bed, indicating: That place is my exclusive!

Mu Chen was helpless and could only put Mu Tong on the soft side. He felt that the stupid apprentice still hadn't grown up, and was as naive as when he was a child.

Bai Yi looked out of the window and saw that the two of them were staring at a child in a daze, not doing anything that could not be disturbed, so he walked over and stood outside the window, smiling: "Pavilion Master, there has been a lot of information these days, you Want to take a look?"

The enchantment between the Immortals and Demons has not been repaired, but the situation on both sides is relatively stable. Because the Demon Venerable had passed away, Gu Yunjin took the opportunity to regain the opponent's power, and had no time to go to the fairyland to find trouble.

Moreover, Gu Yunjin is good at forbearance, if there is no complete grasp, he will not take action against the fairy world.

Now the other party wants to control the entire demon world in the palm of his hand. It can be seen that the ambition is not small. If there is no way to contain the other party, it will always be a hidden danger for the fairy world.

If you say who is closer to the fairy world, it can only be said that Mu Chen is in the devil world. Yue Mingze sent someone to send a letter, wanting to ask if he could join forces with Gu Yunjue to achieve a short-term balance of power.

Bai Yi simply finished the story, and showed the letter that Yue Mingze had sent to the two of them. After reading it, Gu Yunjue didn't say anything, Mu Chen laughed angrily, "Yue Mingze has grown a lot in the past few decades, and he has learned to test!" Two slender fingers poked on the table, stunned to stab the table two out. There is a hole, and there are traces of being burned by the flames around. Looking at Mu Chen's icy face again, Bai Yi touched his neck, and suddenly felt that the fate of the little head was worrying. However, Yue Mingze's words did mean to test Mu Chen.

As a sect master, and standing in the immortal world, Yue Mingze's actions are understandable. But Mu Chen took good care of Yue Mingze when he was a child, and even saved his life. The previous relationship was very close, and Mu Chen really treated Yue Mingze as his son and nephew. Now being tempted by Yue Mingze, it is inevitable that he will become angry.

"When Mu Tong's matter is resolved, let's go back to Chongyun Sect." Mu Chen crushed the broken residue on his hands and said lightly.

Gu Yunjue laughed, "Okay, you have the final say."

"Ahhh!" Yue Mingze, who was trying to repair the Demon Suppression Pillar, suddenly shivered, feeling a cold air from his heels all the way to his forehead, and his scalp exploded.

"It's over!" Yue Mingze slapped himself on the forehead with a look of regret. At that time, he wrote such a letter because his brain was hot. He should express his thoughts directly and directly, and directly ask Mu Chen what he thinks of this matter. As far as Mu Chen's mind is concerned, the most annoying thing is trouble and temptation.

Mo Jinyang and Bai Xunrong looked over at the same time, with a bit of schadenfreude in their eyes.

"Senior brother, I think Uncle Mu must be very angry right now, maybe he's thinking about breaking you into five pieces, hanging it on the stone pillar outside the mountain gate to dry, then putting it back together to save the life, and then tearing it down to save it, Save the demolition until you are no longer angry!" Bai Xunrong gave Yue Mingze a helpless look, "Take care!"

Yue Mingze swallowed. In his mind, Mu Shishu was already very terrifying when his face was cold. He didn't expect that in the hearts of others, Mu Shishu was this image, which was even more terrifying.


Three days later, the Demon World, Ronggu Peak.

"Master, when you return to Chongyun Sect, what should you do first?" Gu Yunjue asked with great interest.

"Pull Yue Mingze out and beat him." Mu Chen replied with a cold face.

Gu Yunjue showed such an expression as expected, and just as he was about to speak, he found that Mu Tong, who was sleeping on the slump, turned over and rolled directly from the slump.

Mu Chen's thoughts moved, and a ray of spiritual power swept over, and lifted Mu Tong up. He gave Gu Yunjue a dissatisfied look, and when he saw Mu Tong fell, he didn't even mean to catch it, it was bad!

Mu Tong sat up, blinked his eyes in confusion, seeing the "unfamiliar" environment, his eyes were somewhat defensive.

Mu Chen's heart suddenly felt a little bad.

Looking at Mu Chen, Mu Tong tilted his head and thought about it, and cautiously called out, "Father?"

Mu Chen twitched the corner of his mouth, the child's memory was still affected, but the affected area gave him a headache.

Having lost part of his memory, the child's actions are entirely based on intuition. Mu Tong's first reaction was to get closer to Mu Chen, and since the two looked alike, he naturally thought he was his father.

He jumped off the soft couch, walked to Mu Chen's side, looked at Gu Yunjue, and frowned slightly, not sure what to call him.

Mu Chen corrected: "I'm not your father, don't scream."

Mu Tong blinked suspiciously, and said intelligently, "Then you are my brother?"

Mu Chen breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

Mu Tong grabbed Mu Chen's sleeve and leaned over with a smile, "I know, Daddy is afraid that the child will delay you from going out to do bad things, so that's why he didn't recognize me on purpose."

Mu Chen: "I'm really your brother."

"Yes, yes, you are my brother."

The corners of Gu Yunjue's mouth moved, and he couldn't help but want to laugh, Mu Chen didn't admit his identity before, but now he does, the child doesn't believe it.

Mu Chen held his forehead, his head hurt a little.

Mu Tong looked at Gu Yunjue again, and noticed that the spiritual consciousness of the two was connected. He raised his face and thought about his memory, but he did not find which woman Mu Chen was with. He has been free-ranging since he was born. His grandfather took him for a few days and his eldest brother took him for a few days. He had little contact with his mother and was not impressed. The only impression is still missing. After watching Gu Yunjue for a while, he leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Are you my mother?"

Gu Yunjue rubbed Mu Tong's head with a smile, and said slowly in a bewitching tone: "I am your father, he is your mother, your mother is rather shy, and you are not allowed to call me casually in the future."

Mu Tong held his face in shock, the story was so bizarre, it was completely different from the bedtime stories in his memory, and his head was a little unacceptable.

Mu Chen raised his leg and kicked at Gu Yunjue, a little angry, this scoundrel started talking nonsense again! Looking at Mu Tong again, it was obvious that he believed it, and he was still shocked.

Mu Chen snorted angrily, stood up, turned around and walked out.

Gu Yunjue picked up Mu Tong and followed closely, watching Mu Chen crush the last puppet left by Mu Qing, the person had already left the Ronggu Peak, obviously heading towards the Immortal Realm. He smiled and explained to the child in his arms: "When he gets angry, he goes back to his parents' house. It's not good for him."

Mu Tong looked at Mu Chen who had already flown out all the way, then looked at Gu Yunjue, and suddenly asked suspiciously, "Why is my surname not Gu, but Mu instead?"

Gu Yunjue: "Because I am married."

Mu Tong: ""

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