MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 9

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Unexpectedly, Gu Yunqi was so sensitive, Mu Chen hesitated a moment and said: "It is an old man."

"Who is that old man? The teacher respects a lot of old people." Gu Yunxi is obviously interested in the old man who reminded Mu Chen to miss his sadness and regret. The delicate eyes slightly picked up a beautiful curvature and covered the bottom of the eye. Haze, pulling Mu Chen to continue to ask.

Mu Chen spoiled the back of the apprentice. "The old man is the old man." He didn't mean to talk deeply, but the little apprentice in his arms was not arrogant. "What kind of person is the old man? Does the teacher like him?" ”

"Yeah." Mu Chen was coveted and didn't want to talk.

“Do you like more people, or do you like more people?”

"You." There is already impatience in the tone.

“How much?”

"Yeah." Patience...


"Yeah." Continue to endure...


Mu Chen gave the little apprentice a swearing curse. His eyes were full of disappointment. This little thing is too embarrassing. How come so much?

Gu Yunqi opened his mouth and did not make a sound. He realized that what Mu Chen had done. He was directly laughed at, and he didn't want to listen to him. Reaching out to grab Mu Chen's hair, gently entangle it around his fingertips, Gu Yunxiao smiled, poked Mu Chen's face with his hair, silently said: "Master, laugh."

Mu Chen shunned his head and looked helplessly at Gu Yunxiao, this naughty bear child!

Gu Yunyan looked at the eyes, a pair of delicate peach eyes bent into a crescent moon, while micking Mu Chen, wanting to see his face because of his different expressions, while secretly pondering, the magic has just been determined, It is the refining magic, the young master can not have the opportunity to contact the practice, this magic is so close to his spiritual fluctuations, Gu Yunzhen has doubts at this time, Mu Chen is like himself, the soul Go back a hundred years ago? It also happens to bring his centuries of skill? How do you try it out?

This thought has just risen, Mu Chen directly throws Gu Yunqi into the air, and the palm of his hand rises. On Gu Yun’s body, there is a circular film made of aura with transparency. Under the film, there is a cord composed of aura. Grabbing in the hand, gently glance, Gu Yunyi floating in the air followed his movements back and forth. Mu Chen felt that the little apprentice was naughty and endless. This way of taking him out is the most appropriate.

Forbidden - thrown into the air - put in the aura cover - take it away!

Mu Chen mouth slightly raised a little arc, perfect!

Gu Yunxiao sat inside, looking down at Mu Chen, the little dissatisfaction in his heart was defeated by the smile of Mu Chen's mouth, and his heart suddenly became a spring, as if this person could do anything he could accept. Helplessly caressing the amount, Gu Yunxi secretly swears that he is not crazy, it must be a demon, this state is wrong!


After Yue Mingze took a search in the forbidden area, he found no signs of anyone, immediately ordered the search for Chongyunmen, and did not let go of any clues. A magical period of the fit period came to the fairyland. Is it to find relatives and friends? Who is the letter?

"Is it that the child is wrong?" A black old man touched his beard, and some doubts, "I can't even notice a trace of breath. This is obviously not in line with common sense."

"Ask you ask Mu, you know."

Yue Mingze stunned his eyebrows and said, "I will take a look at this seat."

Another middle-aged Tsing Yi monk with a folding fan smiled and said: "I heard that the doorkeeper of Wan Jianmen wants to be a Taoist with Mu Shidi. The post has been sent to the head of the hand. Do you know if the rumor is true?"

The monk named Zheng Xuan, is indeed the brother of Mu Chen according to his seniority. Although both of them are apprentices of Danyangzi, Mu Chen is a pro-disciple and he is studying alone. Zheng Xuansu is just a famous disciple. He learns ordinary exercises. The relationship is not good, but it is not bad. After all, Mu Chen’s temper, others don’t provoke him, he is too lazy to take care of others.

Yue Mingze’s embarrassing road: “Although the women in the repairing world are less trained, they don’t care about men’s training, but the combination of yin and yang is the right way. Although Mu Shishu’s appearance...can be a man.” Although the elders of Chongyunmen and Wanjianmen The marriage of the doorkeepers can make the relationship between the two sects stronger, but he never thought that Muchen could marry others. Furthermore, it is said that Yu Tianxiu has been in the Mahayana period, and he is one step away from flying up. Mu Shishu is with him... Isn’t he being bullied? Yue Mingze pulled his face. Although he is still unable to hold up the Chongyun Gate, he will not even sell the uncle.

Zheng Xuansu gently tapped the palm of his hand with a folding fan, revealing the look of memories. "Mu Shidi is Dan Xiu. Before the master climbed, he was worried that he would be bullied after he left. He wanted to find a sword to be a Taoist, but At that time, Master Mu was not able to repair the Golden Age. Although Master respected several outstanding monks, but because of the difference between the repairs and the lack of openness, it may be an opportunity now."

Yue Mingze said solemnly: "That was before, now Mu Shishu does not need the protection of others."

Zheng Xuan Su has a hand, and the expression on his face reveals a slight sigh of relief for a moment. He is somewhat dissatisfied with Yue Mingze’s oil and salt. "It is also." Dan Xiu’s attack power is indeed weak, but he saw Mu Chen. In the performance of the trial conference day, no one dared to treat him as an ordinary Dan Xiu. After a short while, his face returned to normal as usual, and continued: "But this kind of thing you refused directly is not very good, or ask Mu Shidi, maybe he has his own opinion."

Yue Mingze's face is not moving, but his heart is a sigh. Zheng Xuansu actually said that he is right. He really has no right to make a decision for Mu Shishu. He can only take a moment to mention it. I think that here, Yue Mingze’s hand hidden in his sleeve sneaked his fingers and counted the chances of Mu Chen turning his face.


After Mu Chen went back, he asked Jing Ting and Jing Ming to take Gu Yun to go out and walk, and set up an enchantment in the room to start healing.

No Mu Chen was in front of him, and the mirror immediately restored the child's heart. He took Gu Yunqi to walk in front and walked around to introduce the surrounding environment. There seemed to be a tail swaying behind him.

The mirror court has been cold-faced, looking at Gu Yunxiao's eyes with a bit of scrutiny and alienation.

Gu Yunxi can only see the mind of Jing Ting at a glance, but his arrival makes the Master respect the peace day. This little wolf dog is afraid of being robbed of the owner.

"This drug is all under the care of Li Shushu. Look, is it very beautiful?" Mirror pointed to the large-scale drug field in front of him, and showed up with Gu Yunwei. "This is brought back by the palace owner when he goes out, no matter Back to what, as long as there is still a trace of anger, Uncle Li can save them."

During the conversation, a middle-aged monk dressed in black smiled gently and came. This person did not look good, even some fierce. The thick eyebrows and the four-faced face, with a long face and a slap in the face, he turned his back and seemed to hold something in his hand.

When the other party approached, Gu Yunxiao discovered that the other person's eyes had no focal length, which means that this person is a blind man.

A scorpion planted a few hundred miles of medicine, and had to be curious. What magical skills did he have?

"Uncle Li!" Jing Ming ran over with joy, his beard smiled lightly, and touched his savvy head accurately. It was a fierce face, and his expression was very pampered. When he was looking at the mirror, his face was soft.

"This is the newly recruited disciple of the palace. His eyes can never be wrong. The boy must have something extraordinary." The bearded man bowed his head and stared at Gu Yunxi with his eyes without focal length, as if he found something. No, he frowned and said with amazement: "A strange life!"

Gu Yunxi is also looking at each other. He was convinced that he had never seen this person in the last life, or that the other party died in the next ten years, or he left. A scorpion that will deduct the fate of life is interesting.

The bearded man shook his head and was no longer true. The things in his hand were handed to Gu Yunqi, which turned out to be a bunch of cold fragrant flowers. This flower is obviously a new one. The petals are still dewy, and the white petals are crystal-like like jade. You can see the shallow golden veins inside the sun. This flower is very special. It is said that it only blooms for people who have a relationship. Even if it has been taken off, it is still a branch full of flower buds.

"Help me to bring you a master, I will not run more." The bearded man finished, waving his hand to the three, turned and left.

Gu Yun squinted his eyes, and the light was like a sword that had been dyed with frost. It was cold and fierce. He even dared to send a small teacher to respect the flowers. Is it a person who is pleased with his master?

After a few steps, he seemed to think of something again. He stopped and hesitated or turned back and looked at Gu Yunxi’s direction: "Kids, protect your master, it is best not to leave."

Gu Yunqi raised his eyebrows, and the killing of the eyes had disappeared without a trace. His master would naturally be inseparable, but the other party’s words also made him dissatisfied. "What does this mean, is the teacher dangerous? ”

"Is not good." The bearded man shook his head in distress. "A **** body is a blessing to him. It is a curse."

This sentence is unclear, and Gu Yunqi’s mood is even more impetuous. Looking at the back of the other party’s departure, Gu Yunzhen’s thoughts of pumping out the soul of the other party thoroughly searched the soul, in order not to provoke Mu Chen’s anger, he endured .

Jing Ming sees Gu Yunxi's "daze" and thinks that he is frightened. He pokes Gu Yun's shoulder and comforts him: "The palace is so powerful, it is absolutely impossible to be dangerous. Don't worry."

Standing on the side of the mirror face is very unsightly, Li Shushu never missed anything, since this must be seen, can the person who can save the palace is this unidentified buns?

Jing Ming pulled Gu Yunqi, and said: "Take you to see the main gourd of the palace. There are seven vines on the vine, orange red, yellow, green, blue and purple, a gourd color, and the attributes are different. Is it particularly magical?"

This action made Gu Yunqi return to God, but also a bit of emotion, the last time I saw someone who fled, and now I am having fun with him. Life is really strange, but I have turned a corner in advance, so that the situation before and after is so different. He refused to shake his head and asked Jing Ming: "This uncle Li, who is it?"

Read The Duke's Passion