MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 89

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When Chen Yu’s family was found, Chen Mo was shocked and then he hurriedly found it.

Chen’s people are hostile to Mu Chen’s father, so that a woman is unmarried and her body is destroyed. In the end, she will not show her face. No matter who she is, she will be disgusted with the man.

Chen Jia up and down the resentment of losing their loved ones on the young Mu Chen, if not Chen Mo was desperate to protect Mu Chen, the young Mu Chen has long been treated as a stain to be secretly executed. Looking back now, Chen Mo’s heart is not without grievances.

Now Mu Chen has grown up. People, no matter what aspect they are outstanding, some people care, and the smooth winds. At this time, my family suddenly appeared. What do I want to do? I think that there is a smothering murder on the face of Chen Mowen, grabbing the other side and letting him slap three heads in front of his aunt, then take the other side out of the ancient peak and let the surname Mu go!

Chen Mo rushed to the Yanyang Palace and found him in the medicine along the breath of Mu Chen. The first sentence was: "I heard that Mu Jialai is here? Where?"

Mu Chen was bowing his head and fiddling with a herb, and was shocked by the violent appearance of the other side. The white fingers of the porcelain trembled and accidentally dropped a green leaf. The aura that is contained in the herb overflows and disappears between heaven and earth.

Mu Chen's face is unchanged, but the bottom of his eyes is a bit murderous. This is the best one in the world.

He is going to refine a bottle of Huo Ling cream to Gu Yunwei. The sword is an ancient sword. Maybe it is killing too much. Even with his **** suffocation, Gu Yunyi will be hurt every time. In the past few days, Mu Chen watched the herb almost every day, waiting for its maturity to see the medicine, and now it has all been destroyed.


Chen Mo also knows that he is in trouble, and he is embarrassed to cough. "That, I will lose you a better one."

"Three strains!" Mu Chen raised his face, his face was cold, and one less would not work!

Chen Mo: "...three plants will be three, I will give it." It is really impossible to go to the white clothes, and he is even more uncomfortable.

Mu Chen slowed his face, diligently dug out the herb, and planned to take it back and wash it, let it cool, and let Gu Yunxiao eat it. It’s been a long time since it’s been raised, so throwing it away is a waste.

"I said, I heard that your family came to you, what about people?" Chen Mo suppressed the anger of the Mu family, and the voice eased.

At this time, Gu Yunxiao had finished the matter and took Mu Hao over. After Mu Chen sensed it, he raised his chin and clicked. "On that small, you can take it if you want."

Seeing Chen Mo, Gu Yunyi also has a bright eye and the best person to take the child!

Chen Mo: "..."


Gu Yunjin picked up the medicinal herbs sent by Gu Yunqi, looked at it, and sneered back into the jade plate. This quality is naturally not refining by Mu Chen. He can't look at this level of medicinal herbs. Gu Yunqi has no sincerity at all. But he also knows that this is normal.

The subordinate who had been with him hurriedly put everything together and looked at Gu Yunjin’s face and asked carefully: "Lord, your injury?"

"I don't get in the way, the other person didn't want my life, and didn't even use much spiritual power." Gu Yunjin licked his eyebrows and said: "The more it is, the more terrible it is. I finally understand that in the fairy world, the demon is How did he lose to him? This person is unfathomable." He paused and suddenly asked with interest: "District, do you say where he came from?"

The land is bowing, hesitating and pointing to the top.

Gu Yunjin narrowed his eyes and said faintly: "This Mu Chen's identity is interesting."

The land is no longer talking, standing respectfully.

Gu Yunjin indulged for a while and suddenly said: "The opportunity to revenge your master is coming."

"If the teacher is a spirit, he will be very happy." The landlord bowed his head and carefully attached it.

Gu Yunjin touched the ring on his hand, and the twilight gradually deepened. "You have seen his means of refining the soul. You said, is there any eyeliner around me?"

The land was smashed, and the hand hidden in the sleeve was tightly squeezed into a fist, and then whispered: "On the Lord, you have to hold it, you can't be left and right."

Gu Yunjin stared at the land and looked at it for a while. He suddenly smiled. He watched the ring on his hand flash a blue glare. He comforted him a little and covered his emotions. He said: "What you said Yes, this tone is very similar to your master, very good."


Mu Chen was also very puzzled. While throwing the herbs in his hand into the alchemy furnace, he asked Gu Yunqi, who was sitting on the side and looking at his alchemy. "Why didn't the man leave?"

Thinking of my place suddenly came to an outsider who did not let myself like, but still did not go, Mu Chen suddenly got a little annoyed, this Gu Yunjin, do not know what to do.

Gu Yun blinked his eyes and said a long way: "He is waiting, he is definitely not in a good mood, he is embarrassed, uneasy, and maybe still afraid."

Mu Chen looked back and saw Gu Yunqi’s chest-like appearance. He didn’t ask again. He took the medicine out and smelled it. He threw it into the jade plate around Gu Yun’s side and asked: “What is this Dan? ?"

Gu Yunqi pinched up and looked at it. Zhangkou came. "The top grade speed Ling Dan, the wind attribute monk dreams of the top grade medicinal herbs, eats can purify the spiritual power. Other attributes of the monks can also prepare one, when using the escape It’s worth it. This one can probably sell a thousand pieces of top grade stone.”

Mu Chen satisfactorily evokes the corner of his mouth. Anything that this gangster is clever can be remembered with only one look, and will be inferior. Before I was pretending to be a stupid person who couldn’t practice any medicinal herbs, I would like to play with him. Now think about it, those little moves before, which one is the child? Gangsters!

Gu Yunxiao smiled and took the medicinal herb as a sugar bean. At the end, he commented: "It is a bit bitter."


"How can the teacher's respectful things be bitter? It's sweet, sweet to the heart."

This said, people have posted the past, Mu Chen instantly felt a hot plaster on his back. When I was a child, I was entangled in it. Now I am even more incredible. When I was a child, I hang it up lightly. Now I am stronger than him. Mu Chen feels that the other party has the meaning of making it bad. It is particularly heavy.

Gu Yunxiao smiled and helped throw herbs into the alchemy furnace. "What do you want to practice? I will help you."

"It's not bad if you don't mess up, go on the side." Mu Chen pushed the person on the shoulder and felt that the weight on his back was lighter. He also hung on the other side and asked the herb while asking: "The fairy side how about it?"

"No problem, the fairy world has sent people to be stationed in the enchantment. If you don't have long eyes, you will definitely be blocked." Gu Yunyan vacated a hand and touched Mu Chen's hair, comforting: "The Master does not have to worry, I have already sent a message to Guan Shan. If it is difficult for Chongyun Gate, Wang Chen Pavilion will help them."

"People is good?" Mu Chen turned his head and stared at Gu Yunxiao faintly. This gangster, how many things he married!

Gu Yunqi just wanted to explain that his mouth was stuffed with a medicinal herb, and the stimulating Gu Yunyu suddenly wanted to vomit. Everything that the young master made would challenge his taste to endure the limit.

Mu Chen raised his eyebrow and asked: "Is it delicious?"

Gu Yunxiao nodded seriously, "It's delicious."

"Then I will eat all of this plate." Mu Chen pulled a plate. This is how he tried to refine the new medicinal herbs. For the first time, he did not control the heat, refining the paste, and not punishing him. Forgetting his identity, the deceiver is to interrupt his legs in other martial arts.

Gu Yunxiao looked at the strange thing in the shape of a blackened heart. He couldn’t help but pump his mouth and eat it all... Is this trying to abolish his tongue?



"I don't want to eat it, I want to eat you."



The enchantment between the two devils and the enchantment is weakened, and the monks above Jindan can easily pass through, which makes many demons eager to try.

The magical revisions are free to do so, and do not care about so many days of condemnation and cause and effect. In their view, the fairyland that has never been set foot has contained countless spiritual treasures, and even if it is dangerous, it is worth a try. Although there is no demon organization, it is only the dispersal of these desperate people that people in the fairy world have a headache. Moreover, the fairyland must also guard against the massive invasion of the Devil World. The five major families of the Four Kingdoms of the Immortal World must be sent to guard the enchantment.

The demon column of Chongyunmen Town was destroyed, and naturally it has to bear more responsibilities. The six elders Liu Hanzhi, who has the highest armed force and the most liked to cut people, led three peaks and twenty cave owners. Of course, with Liu Hanzhi's temper, not only shocks the people of the Devil.

Even if he was expelled from the teacher's door, the news that he had to become a priest with the devil would have caused Chongyunmen to provoke a lot of gossip, and the identity of the mirror was passed to the fairy world, and everyone was amazed and taught. The two apprentices, one demon and one demon, are still powerful. It is said that Mu Chen is fortunate and should say that he is unlucky. If the fairyland breaks the calm because of these two people, Mu Chen is bound to become the sinner of the immortal world.

Liu Hanzhi listened to the gossip, and also had no good face to the monks in the fairy world. No matter who the other party is, he couldn’t speak well. If one eye swept over, he could let the other person shut up, which made the other martial art’s complaints less.

Chen, who originally wanted Mu Chen to go back, is now very fortunate. Fortunately, Mu Chen’s star has not come back. Fortunately, this villain surnamed Mu, and they have nothing to do with them.

Also, he was bought back from Chen’s home to Liu Hanzhi, who was trained by the dead family. Because of the talents of ordinary people and the temperament that was not noisy and noisy, he was chosen by Chen Mo. When he was a child, he naturally did not suffer much. After seeing a few familiar faces in Chen’s team, I couldn’t help but look colder. Every day, I was like a murderous scorpion, for fear that others would not know that he was trying to cut the other side.

It’s not a good day to be remembered.

The most ruined by Chen Jia is the two forces of Dancheng and Yaogu. They send Dan to the sects stationed here for free every month. However, there is no Chen family, want, can, buy! Triple price!

Chen Jiajia’s master took the courage to find Bo Yuntian and asked him why he did this?

Bo Yuntian only returned to his two words and never saw it again: "Guess?"

The Chen family's lord was directly ventilated to vomiting blood. In the past few years, Dancheng and Yaogu joined forces to suppress it. Together with Wangchen Pavilion, they often find troubles. The family power has been shrinking, and the status of the five major families has been precarious. If this battle breaks down a few people, Chen will definitely withdraw from the five major families. There are often icing on the cake, and there are not many people who have given me charcoal in the snow. At that time, they Chen Jia, they can't imagine it.

Mu Chen, who caused all of this, did not know how much trouble he had brought to Chen. He is now sitting on the highest ridge of Rong Gufeng, quietly looking at the direction of the mountain gate.

The white robes and the black hair continued to fall with the mountain wind, and the fairy seemed to be a jade that was carved out by heaven. Anyone who takes a look will feel that this person should be placed in a high temple, and should not be contaminated with human feelings.

He was sitting next to a curious Mu Mu, and he kept looking at the doorway in the direction of the mountain. He occasionally turned his head and looked at Mu Chen’s look. The little child’s eyes showed a deep meaning that people could not understand. Immediately, he climbed Mu Chen's back and grabbed Mu Chen's neck and said: "Two brothers, you said that two big white wolves will come today, one is particularly savvy, one is particularly stupid, where is it? Why not come? ?"

Read The Duke's Passion