MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 79

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Mu Chen frowned and looked at those hairy ears, a little uncertain, so it is not necessary to pretend? Very troublesome and very mentally retarded.

Gu Yunqi made persistent efforts. "I remember that the last Master was injured in the demon world. Why?"

As soon as this Mu Chen was cold, the group of demons were crazy, and whoever saw him wanted to bite him! Simply inexplicable!

Gu Yun took the cat's ear and gave it to his eyes because you didn't disguise it.

Mu Chen was still hesitant with a cold face and raised his eyebrows and asked: "When the reed chicken does not work, he can't see that he is a demon."

Gu Yunqi took his crown and watched his long hair docile on the waist. He couldn't help but touch it. He felt the delicateness of the hair with his palm. He smiled at the bottom of his eyes, gentle. Explain: "That is when he went to the fairy world and had to become like a person."

Mu Chen's face is getting colder and colder, and the enchantment has closed. The gangster is still worried about this worry. After a while he has to tear it away by hand, it is a waste of spiritual power!

Gu Yun took the opportunity to pick out a pair of cat ears and hid it at the top of Mu Chen. The cat's ear has been refining by him. He can be controlled by the spirits when he wears it on his head. His mind is moving, and the ears of Mu Chen's head move.

Mu Chen frowned, raised his hand and touched his head, impatiently asked: "Well?" This stupid apprentice is really childish!

As soon as he looked up, he saw Gu Yun’s deep and deep, and could clearly see his current appearance. Mu Chen’s face was ugly, and the black cat demon? Nine tails are still nine lives?

Gu Yunxi saw him picking it, and quickly grasped Mu Chen’s hand, a serious way. “The Master respects it. In the depths of the demon world, there are nine dead cat demons, where the ghosts are gone, the cultivation is very high, and several demons. When the emperor saw him, he didn’t dare to make it. If he was dressed as a teacher, he should have no one to dare to investigate."

Mu Chen smashed his head, and his cold face showed some doubts. The beautiful phoenix glimpsed slightly, and even the long eyelashes trembled. "Black hair? Why is it not white hair?"

Gu Yunqi’s throat was moving, and he felt that his breathing was hot. “This,” Gu Yun’s son flashed, and he said: “Where is the land of the wild, if the coat is too bright, maybe it’s weak. Has been killed."

"It makes sense." Mu Chen nodded and reached out to pick a pair of fox ears. "You wear this!"

Gu Yunqiu hooked the hook, took out a cloak, wrapped Mu Chen tightly, and saved it from being seen by others. He reminded Mu Chen: "The teacher is in the demon world, but don't expose the ears easily. The province scares those. Little demon. If you are in trouble, don’t use your shot, everything has me."

Mu Chen frowned, some impatient.

Gu Yunxiao smiled and smoothed his hair. This took the fox ear in Mu Chen’s hand and put all the space ring into it. “Is the master respected? The two circles of the demon have no enchantment, and the magic is not unusual in the demon world. This thing can't be used."

Speaking of his spiritual transformation, the magical spirits linger around, the scorpion turns red, a white vestment, turns into a black robes, raises his hand, evokes Mu Chen’s fingers, and Jun’s face provokes a sinister smile. "Master, don't come innocent."

Mu Chen was shocked and wide-eyed. At this moment, he saw the last generation of Gu Yunqi, the same appearance, the same smile, the same tone... After the shock, Mu Chen grabbed Gu Yun’s neck and saved him. A fist punched in Gu Yun’s stomach and said with anger: “You talk!”

Gu Yunxiao helplessly licked his stomach, and the mouth of his mouth was soaked and smothered. This time, I really turned my face.

Mu Chen let go of him, snorted, once again smashed the enchantment, and stepped forward, still a stomach, this gangster!

There is only one enchantment, the fairy and the demon are not different, the same sunny, the same birds and flowers, forests, this is more suitable for the demon life, so the air is more fresh than the fairy world.

The black eggs hiding in the bag of the pet can't hold it, and they want to come out. Mu Chen puts the other party out and sees the black egg flying in the air, and the golden egg is also picked up.

As a result, the golden egg was narrowing his neck and sleeping, and Mu Chen stuffed it back.

Under the feet, the insects kept on, and the black eggs flew in a circle. They fell to the ground and pulled them two times. They found a bug from the grass and picked it up to give it to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen disliked his face. "What is this?"

The black egg said excitedly: "The locusts are very crispy when fried." There is a good thing to give to Mu Chen, and the smart black egg knows who can get more benefits.

Mu Chen stepped back and waved his hand. "You keep it yourself, I don't want it."

Black eggs see Mu Chen really do not, they also throw.

Mu Chen raised his eyebrows, don't you yourself?

The black egg explained: "This is especially cheap in the demon world. A piece of the next stone can buy a large plate, or a sugar-coated sesame."

Mu Chen’s inexplicable vomiting felt that it was necessary to hang up the black eggs and educate them.

At this moment, my arms were sinking, and Gu Yunqi did not know where to catch a fluffy ball. It felt soft and soft, and there was a pair of big round eyes on the flat face. It looks very special.

Mu Chen squinted at Gu Yunying with a cold face. What is this?

Gu Yunhao honestly said: "I was wrong."

Mu Chen touched a hair ball and accepted the other party's apology. "It is a burden to carry it. Let's release it."

Gu Yunxuan quickly threw the ball of hair and grabbed Mu Chen’s waist. He said: "The teacher is reluctant to give birth to me, and the teacher is most concerned about me."

Mu Chen sighed, how could there be such a person, let him see how they think that the other side of the whole body is full of stinking problems, and even can not pick a little advantage. However, it is to let him not let go, can not be separated, a blind eye can not help but hang on the stomach, a little hurt will make his distressed hate can not be replaced by the body.

I am afraid that the other party is too lonely, I want him to go out to travel, and he is afraid that he will be taken bad by others and be robbed. Staying with me is not at ease, and I don’t feel relieved when I let go. Mu Chen doesn’t know what happened to him.

This kind of person, he guarantees that only one of this life is enough, and there is no interest in other people.

Just thinking, but seeing Gu Yunying looking to the East, some doubts have been embarrassed.

Mu Chen took his mind and turned to ask: "What happened?"

Gu Yunxiao smiled. "Kun Ling should be in the East. The bell is like some reaction."

Mu Chen doubts, can this be sensed?

Gu Yunxiao smiled and explained: "Kun Ling is the other half of it. It is naturally inductive, just like wherever you are, I can find it."

Mu Chen’s disliked slap on the head of Gu Yun’s head, and by the way, covered the pair of peach eyes that were directly flashing at him, and covered the bitter tears of the burning man. “Stand up, hit you again. ”


Fairy world.

Chongyunmen finally relied on Mu Chen’s proposal to drive Gu Yunqi out of the division. Mu Chen’s identity was retained and he said that he was missing.

The relationship between Chongyunmen and Wanjianmen is irreversible, and they all intend to maintain Muchen. The two great Xianmen join hands and push the blame on Gu Yunhao. However, a few days of sunshine, Gu Yunxi became the murderer of "murdering" Mu Chen. The sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects The talented Dan teacher. Of course, are there any other ideas, and only they know it.

However, no one knows Gu Yun’s whereabouts, and even if he goes to Wangchenge Hualingshi to buy news, he can’t buy a letter.

The most annoying thing is that someone actually ran out to take care of Gu Yunwei. After all, Gu Yunxuan is the son of the devil. The purpose of coming to the immortal world is to cherish the sorrow. Together with the whereabouts of Chamuchen, many people have been run by these fake Gu Yunqi, and the fairy world is a bit chaotic.

At this time, I don’t know where to send a message: Mu Chen and Gu Yunqi have already become a Taoist, and have now returned to the Devil with Gu Yunxi.

Like the fire of the original, this news came out, immediately caused an uproar in the entire fairy world.

Yue Mingze looked at the news sent back from all over, and his face was a bit gloomy. "It seems that some people don't want to let Mu Shishu go back to Chongyunmen. This news is really the time."

Yu Tianqi thought a little, Shen Shen said: "All kinds of clues can be seen, the owner of this Wang Chen Pavilion is Gu Yunhao, this news should be released by him."

If Yue Mingze heard this statement before, he would definitely laugh. Now he is somewhat uncertain. He shook his head and sighed: "This younger brother, I can’t see through it. We are all cheated by his warm appearance. Now Uncle Shi is with him, I am worried about his safety."

"Mu Chen's safety is definitely no problem. Gu Yunyu waited for Mu Chen's attitude. You also saw it. He just wanted to tie Mu Chen firmly to his side. This is really hot." To keep the beloved. At the side, I will not hesitate to break the other's wings and break off all the retreats of the other side. How can Gu Yunqi’s mentality, Yu Tianqi, not understand? Because he had thought about it before, but love did not reach that point. He was a rational person and could not do such crazy things.

Looking at Yue Mingze’s worried look, Yu Tianyi continued: “What I am worried about is what Wangchen Pavilion will do in the future.”

Yue Mingze nodded. "Yeah, Wang Chene is now firmly rooted, and people have to guard against it." After he finished sinking, the front turned. "That, nothing, you don't have to go to Chongyunmen all the time, too far. inconvenient."

Yu Tianyi nodded faintly.

Yue Mingze flashed a trace of undetectable loss, and did not say anything, turned his head and looked away. At this time, I listened to the human body next to me: "In order to facilitate the exchange of the two sects, I intend to build a transmission matrix."

Yue Mingze sneaked a little, then nodded, and said: "Then trouble the lord."


In the direction sensed by the dry bell, both the master and the teacher have been eastward. Along the way, Gu Yunqi’s body is full of magic, and people are retreating.

The demon world and the devil world live in the same way, and the four characters of the strong are the best. The people of the fairy world are afraid of punishment, self-cultivation, and may also consider face problems before they commit evil. The demon world is different, you are weak, you should be bullied.

Gu Yunhao did save a lot of trouble by doing this. Mu Chen saw the unfettered appearance of the other party, and he sighed in his heart. The little apprentice seemed to be comfortable in this environment.

Just thinking, I heard a scream from the street below. Mu Chen looked down and saw a fox boy cut off his tail by a man with a fierce face. He licked his neck and walked away. A blood mark.

The guests at the side of the inn did not even have a shot to help, but there were a few scornful laughter, watching the lively drinking, so lively.

Mu Chen colded his face and pinched his fist.

Gu Yunxiao knew that his heart was soft and he held Mu Chen's shoulder. He said softly: "This is the way of living in the two worlds. You saved one and saved all beings."

When Mu Chen thought of Gu Yunxiao’s childhood, the skinny appearance, the scars of that body, and the days when the other person was sure to have been a child, also understood why the mask on the other side always had a mask with a smile. . If the mind is simpler, he is not likely to survive.

Gu Yunqi patted his shoulder and proposed: "Let's go down and eat something?"

Mu Chen nodded and looked down at Yun Yun.

Gu Yunxi will know what to do, and the strong man will give a shot, and a magical force will hit the other side, and the person will fly directly out. The voice is not high but the murderous decisiveness, "roll!"

The strong man knew that Gu Yunxiao was not irritated, and he was beaten and did not dare to resist. He immediately rolled away.

When I saw someone helping me, the Fox youth was also very surprised. I thought I was escaping, but I didn’t want to be helped by outsiders. I was lucky enough to escape. I picked up my tail and glanced at Gu Yunyi with gratitude. .

Mu Chen’s face in his hood is a bit worried. In his heart, Jing Ming is similar to this fox boy, and the mirror is a typical representative of an idiot. He is very worried that the other party will be in trouble when the mirror is invisible. It was peeled off and the wolf skin was hung on the flagpole.

Gu Yunqi took a pair of jade cups from the space ring and placed them in front of Mu Chen. Through the hood, he quietly touched the cat ears on his head. He said: "In fact, there is something, I have been staring at you. ”

Mu Chen crushed the jade cup that he just picked up. How many things did the gangster still squat?

Gu Yunyi handed him a jade cup and wiped the residue from Mu Chen's hand. A serious saying: "As their teacher, I naturally pay more attention to their safety."

Mu Chen raised his eyebrows, teacher?

Gu Yunzhen’s face is not changed, and the doubts are over, isn’t it a teacher?

Mu Chen snorted, this gangster!

Gu Yunqi continued to be right: "In fact, I have always had contact with Jing Ting. I have left people before the Devil. I will help them when they need help."

Mu Chen's face was slightly relaxed, and as a master, he was still qualified. It’s not quite right to change his thoughts.

Gu Yunqi established the Wangchen Pavilion in the fairyland. The secret forces have even been able to compete with the four sects. They are not right or wrong, and the style is very different. Some people in the fairy world dare to touch their heads. Before the other party also mentioned to him, in the devil world has built up the forces, has been able to fight against the demon statue, Gu Yunjin, even if he returns to the devil world, he can protect the safety of both of them.

Mu Chenben thought that Gu Yunxiao had done enough in secret. This kind of heart machine he sighed, and he began to plan from the rebirth. The five-year-old body has done this step, which has already shocked him.

But now, the other side has mixed in the demon world, and where is this person can not count?

If Gu Yunyi wants these three realms, he will definitely get into the bag early.

Seeing that Mu Chen has been jealous of himself, Gu Yunqi can't guess what he thinks. He smiles and pinches Mu Chen's fingertips and explains: "I don't care about those powers, and I don't have such big ambitions. Now only I want to be with you, and what I have done is just to make you feel more comfortable." In these three realms, no matter where he is, he must let his heart be happy, no one dares to provoke, "so from You don't have to do anything after this, just laughing is enough."

Mu Chen was easily relieved by a slap in the face, and he also had a feeling of laughter. In short, he suddenly felt that he was pleasing to see what he saw. He also followed Gu Yun’s words and said, "So, I saved the world?"

Gu Yunqi smacked his mouth, and his throat was scarlet. He seemed to add a bit of evil. He looked like a joke: "Without you, I might feel that life is boring and I want to find something for myself."

The so-called find something to do is to make the three worlds tossing, and he watched the movie. Mu Chen snorted and his mouth was slightly hooked. "I should tie the rope to tie you up, hang it on the hilt and become the sword ear. Where to bring it."

"Where do you want to tie? If you like it, you can do it anyway, I promise not to resist." Gu Yunyi extended his two hands and continued to tease him. "Would you like to tie your hands and try?"

Mu Chen was teased and wanted to marry him. He listened to a familiar voice outside and shouted for a long time: "Master! I finally found you!"

Mu Chen looked over, and after seeing the other party, he stood up in surprise, "Mirror!"

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