MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 74

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Gu Yunqi and Feng Jiuli played a battle. The powerful fire spirit melted several hills outside the snowy city. Mu Chen was still worried that it would cause an avalanche. The snow here has accumulated for tens of thousands of years. These two spiritual powers fluctuate, and the snowfall may have buried Syracuse and hurt the people in the city. Unexpectedly, the two men not only cut the mountain, but also left the **** without melting, and evaporated directly to the sky.

The two people were hard to find, and the outsiders couldn’t get in the way. Mu Chen stood in the distance and looked at it quietly. Now he doesn’t mean to help Gu Yun’s. Feng Jiuli seems to be injustice, and the action is equally fierce and determined, but in the process of hands-on, you can also see that it is a gentleman.

Mu Chen’s prejudice against Feng Jiuli also changed. Feng Jiuli and Gu Yunqi’s exercises were equally evil, but they all consciously avoided the Syracuse people. It’s not a bad person to see each other. He doesn't care if the other person is a fairy or a demon. This is just a different skill. Abandoning the practice and seeing it as a human being, as long as he does not hurt his own private desires, he feels that the other party is a good one.

In front of the flash of fire, Mu Chen Yang added a layer of enchantment, blocking the flames of two blushes, a crisp phoenix in the fire, straight through the clouds, a huge figure in the fire pulled out from the fire, feet Stepping on the raging fire, wearing a colorful cloud, the colorful color covered the noon of the sun, the blue sky was dyed red.

Gu Yun's mouth was hooked, and the stupid apprentice actually forced Feng Jiuli out of the body, showing that he was not lazy.

After the appearance of Feng Jiuli's body, Mu Chen felt a sigh of emotion in Gu Yun's spiritual pet bag. His mind moved, and the black egg was released from Gu Yun's spiritual pet bag. The black egg scarlet scorpion smashed and saw the huge phoenix in front of him. It was instantly violent: "I am! Really! Is the phoenix!"

Mu Chen picked up his eyebrows. The Phoenix is ​​known as the king of birds. He has a kind of pressure on his body. Not to mention that the birds have seen the decapitation, and the soul of the beast will be trembled. This black egg is not affected at all, and can be swearing! Mu Chen cold face, holding the neck of the black egg, regardless of the species, swearing will pull out the duck tongue!

The black egg licks a scorpion, and the two wings hold Mu Chen’s hand, hoarse and scorpion beg for mercy. “The palace owner is forgiving, it’s not worthwhile to raise me for so many years!”

Mu Chen’s mouth was pumped, and he loosened his hand, but he did not withdraw it.

The black egg didn't care about holding a hand on the neck. All the eyes were on Feng Jiuli's body, patted the wings, and raised a war. If the phoenix represents auspiciousness, it is right, then the three-legged Jinwu, who swallowed the soul and was born in the abyss of the demon world, is the representative of evil. When these two species meet, there will definitely be a sense of competition. After the black egg swallowed countless evil spirits, it has now entered the juvenile period. It is the time of fighting. It is pressed by Gu Yun on weekdays. It has not revealed its nature. Now it has seen the natural enemies, and the whole duck has risen in warfare!

Found that the black egg is abnormal, Mu Chen raised his hand and threw it into the air. The black egg instantly ignited a black flame, and the body shape gradually elongated. The fat black duck instantly turned into an abyss demon, three-legged Jinwu!

Mu Chen flashed a bit of anger in the eyes, this gangster, there are still things to glare at him!

After a long time, after the two people collided with the spirits, they finally got the winners and losers. Feng Jiuli became a human figure and looked helpless. "I lost."

Gu Yunqi took the sword into the sheath and chuckled. "If he didn't start, he helped me. It's hard to say the outcome."

"Winning is winning, losing is losing, no reason." Feng Jiuli made a snap to Mu Chen's direction and smiled: "Syracuse is yours, we will see you again in the future."

Mu Chen nodded, did not speak, although cold, but the attitude was much milder than before, at least not arrogant.

Feng Jiuli’s screaming voice, “You can change this attitude. You are also interesting.”

Mu Chen gave a cold look to the other side, and took out the golden egg from Gu Yun’s spiritual pet bag and threw it into the air. The sly squatting still braved the black gas and wanted to provoke Feng Jiu Li but could not get a response. On the black egg, he directly smashed the black egg into the snow and pulled out a deep pit. He couldn't see it when he buried it in the snow. Then he waved his sleeve and turned away.

The gangster, who would not follow up to explain clearly, let him go to the door and squat!

Gu Yunqi smacked his mouth and quickly caught up. The stunned black egg picked up the small tail of the golden egg, and also swayed and chased it. After flying a few steps, he slammed the golden egg shell. Falling off from the body, straight down to the snow, in order not to get into the snow to find the shell, the golden egg quickly flew over, with the back of the turtle shell, carrying a golden egg like a snake, fluttering wings and chasing.

Feng Jiuli looked at this scene and revealed a meaningful smile. He said to himself: "No matter what the creatures, I want to be close to him, and there is a heavenly blessing... Hey, it is a blessing or a curse. How to say it."

I thought that my destiny was also divided into that range. Feng Jiuli’s mouth was provoked, but some of them were fortunate. Fortunately, there was a Gu Yunyi who broke all the arrangements. If he likes a person himself, he can go and rob him. He doesn't like to be deliberately arranged a Taoist.

Originally wanted to kill Mu Chen, now... In fact, it is not impossible to challenge the ice beauty, but the other party is obviously not interested in himself. Hard grab is not his style. Feng Jiuli felt hesitant when he touched his chin. He felt that it was boring to play again. It would be better to find something interesting to do.

As soon as the red figure swayed, Feng Jiuli left the Syracuse field as agreed.

Mu Chen looked back and added a bit of goodwill to the other's promise. Gu Yunxiao’s dissatisfaction relied on the past, and he slammed Mu Chen’s waist and sweared: “How does the Master look at others? The disciple is better than him.”

Mu Chen raised his hand and poked the apprentice's brain. I really don't know how such a big person would be so spoiled. How can it be that there is no pressure to sell Meng? It is just like schizophrenia. In front of others and themselves, the two people who live apart are really not. Know how he did it.

Gu Yunxi was trying to say something more. At this time, the air suddenly slammed, and a purple thunderbolt opened the sky. A powerful pressure was released and the eyes of both of them were attracted to the past.

Mu Chen smashed his head and looked at Gu Yunqi, always feeling that this lightning is very familiar.

It is rare to see thunder and lightning in the snowy area. It is already a simple common sense. It is just a clear skies. Now this thunder is not a change of weather. Is it not a treasure?

This thought has not yet fallen, a blue figure blinks into the top of Mu Chen’s head, sweeping his head down, seeing Mu Chen holding his head and looking at him, the other person’s eyes are bright, he’s flying over, wanting to come A passionate embrace, a look of surprise, "This is definitely the son of Sanshu, can't be wrong!"

Mu Chen licked his eyebrows and took a palm to the other's head. There was no meaning for mercy. Even if the skill difference is so much, so close to the distance, Mu Qing still dare not resist, quickly stepped back a few steps, was swept by the nine Yang Ming fire, and immediately smelled a burning smell.

Mu Qing touched the top of his head and knew that there was no baldness at the top of the hair. This was a sigh of relief. He grabbed a handful and smiled. "You are really ruthless, I am your brother!"

Mu Chen sneered, "Oh, my mother gave birth to me."

Mu Qing quickly corrected: "I am your cousin!"

Mu Chen picked up his eyebrows, and his attitude was somewhat cold relative to the other party's enthusiasm. "Don't recognize this early, isn't the family going to say something else?"

Mu Qing smashed his hand. His uncle's character was very warm. He didn't expect Xiaotang's brother to be an ice thorn. He was very embarrassed and didn't know how to communicate with Mu Chen. The enthusiasm was ruined. He only noticed the smell of Mu Chen. Then he looked at Gu Yun from the waist behind him and never let go. He was shocked and asked: "You already have a Tao. ?!"

The soul of Mu Chen has already signed a contract with Gu Yunqi, and Mu Qing suddenly changed his face. "Noisy! I just don't know how to live!"

Gu Yun rubbed his eyes and held Mu Chen tighter. He smiled and said: "My people are already masters. If the master is not responsible, it is the person who has lost the heart after the beginning of chaos! !"

Mu Chen took a deep breath and stunned his face. This gangster started to talk nonsense again!

Mu Qing also took a deep breath, watching Mu Chen's eyes faintly mad. "You have already taken him ... you ... you ... rumor!"

Mu Qing, you have been watching for a long time, looking at Mu Chen’s face, and finally did not say anything heavy. He looked at Gu Yun’s eyes but faintly murdered. In order to save Mu Chen, he did not care to kill Gu Yunqi. Even if Mu Chen hates him, he has to keep the blood of the Mu family.

Mu Chen felt the other party's killing intentions. The murderousness suddenly rose, and Gu Yunyu was behind him. The sound was cold like this snowy mountain ice. "Do you touch him and try?"

Mu Qing had not lifted his palm and had to pinch his fist. The lightning flashed in his hand. It was obviously a real killing. He sneered at his resentment and said: "Oh! It’s a rumor! It’s not sure if you have a reincarnation. How dare you marry someone? You have to follow your father's footsteps!"

When I heard the words I wanted to hear, Mu Chen interrupted the other party’s words. "Speak clearly, my father, what is it?"

Gu Yunqi also caught the word and asked: "What is the reincarnation?"

Mu Qing took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He said to Mu Chen: "You go back to see my father, and I will tell you carefully. We are not able to ask the three worlds unless there is a big mess in the three worlds."

Mu Chen taunted and asked: "If you don't say anything, you want me to go with you? Are we sure we have a blood relationship?"

Mu Qing took out a jade slip with a Muzi word, and said with no anger: "Your soul lamp has been ignited, you are my son of Mu family!"

Mu Chen fixed his eyes and found that it was the piece of blood that he had confessed to the Lord before, and he silently pulled up Gu Yun’s hand. He turned and left. “My father also said, I hope that I will not enter the Mu family in this life, you are not Say I will leave, you are free."

Mu Qingqi grabbed her hair and took Mu Chen. There was no way. Because Mu Chen was out, he also felt that he owed him, and he could not bear to move to him. In desperation, he could only follow up. "You are this person." Why are you so embarrassed! You go back with me, I rely on you!"

Mu Chen immediately stopped and looked back at the other side. "That is clear."