MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 7

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Gu Yunqi grabbed Mu Chen’s hand. “Master, don’t you think it’s not appropriate to hang here?”

Mu Chen gimmick, puzzled: "Where is it wrong?" This thing should always be raised with its own spiritual strength, certainly not into the space ring. People say that good things are hidden in the heart of the heart to be the safest. Besides, this bell is full of vermilion, and it is also pretty good to hang in the neck.

Gu Yunxiao said with helplessness: "Master, I can let it recognize the Lord."

"There is a spirit, if it does not want to recognize you, it will hurt your bones, wait until it is familiar with your spiritual power." Mu Chen's attitude is very tough, he has always been my own way, and does not give Gu Yunxi a rebuttal. Hanging your neck and hanging up, while hanging, said: "You don't want to hit your ass, you better lick a little." Saying that he also glanced at the small whip on the table, the threat is very obvious.

Gu Yunxi bowed his head and admit defeat. After thinking about this, he must return it. One day, he must also scare the neck of the teacher and scare: "I don't want to hit your ass, the teacher is best to lick a little." Think of this picture, Gu Yunqi feels that it is quite interesting to deceive the ancestors.

Hanging a bell around and running, the picture is really beautiful. Gu Yunqi was meditating all afternoon, because the bell rang when he was on the move.

The mirror is very envious, excited around Gu Yunyi circle, let him take it off and wear it for a while. Gu Yunqi still did not speak, Jing Ting flew over and kicked his brother to fly, chased out and dragged away with his collar. Gu Yunxiao shook his head helplessly, no one noticed, and he confessed the soul to the Lord that night.

In the middle of the night, I felt that Mu Chen had already settled, and the Yanyang Palace was quiet and quiet. Only the sound of the sand blowing from the bamboo forest was taken. Gu Yunqi took out a message and checked the beginning and end of Mu Chen’s protection of the soul bell. The more Shen, the teacher does not give him anything else, but give him a guardian bell? Although I was puzzled at first, I thought it was a coincidence. I didn't expect it to be Mu Chen and the head.

In combination with the time when Mu Chen appeared, Gu Yunxiao had an idea in his heart, but he felt unbelievable. He could be born again because of his refining magic, what did Mu Chen do now, and why? If he knows what is going to happen in the future, why not kill him directly, but be so good to him?

Can't think about it, Gu Yunxiao raised his brow and asked the opposite person: "What is the cave master doing now?"

The other party respectfully said: "Reinventing the flesh."

"When he succeeds, kill him, do a clean job, don't involve Yanyang Palace." The other side will be abolished, and will definitely hate Mu Chen. He will be dealt with in the future. The hand should be clean forever.

"Less Lord, will this extra-budgetary branch destroy the task that the Lord has given us?" The person who was in the communication did not trust the question.

Gu Yunqi gently twirled his lips, revealing a kind smile, but this smile made the other person tremble, lowering his head lower, and dare not let any emotions in his heart leak. He knows how terrible this five-year-old child is. A small body contains a terrible demon. The spirit may be higher than the prince, and the ambition is better than the prince. On the way to the mainland, his soul was taken out by Gu Yunzhen, and life and death were completely controlled in the hands of this child. The only thing he can do now is obey.

Seeing the other side showing weakness, Gu Yunxiao chuckled: "Remember who your host is, don't make me unhappy."

The other party sighed and quickly responded: "I understand it, then I will arrange it."

Gu Yunxiao didn't have a slight temperature. "You don't have to worry about my father," Gu Yunyu paused, and his smile was a lot brighter. "He has to wait until he has time to manage me. ”

In the morning, Mu Chen, who was meditating in the bed, felt that the enchantment he set up was shaking. When he opened his eyes, he saw the little apprentice rushing to run over himself. He shouted excitedly: "Master!"

Mu Chen quickly reached out and caught it. I saw the smile of the little apprentice in the morning, and I was in a good mood.

"Master respects you!" Mu Chen saw Gu Yunyi put the bell in the palm of his hand, and the white light of the guardian bell flashed, gradually becoming transparent, until it completely melted into Gu Yun's body.

"How did you do it?" Mu Chen was surprised to pull the apprentice's little hand, although he knew that the young apprentice would let this thing recognize the Lord. I didn't expect Gu Yunxiao to do it only at the age of five.

"It volunteers to be the mainstay."

"Voluntary?" Mu Chen was in a good mood to hold the little apprentice in his arms, patted the other's skull and seriously praised: "You are a genius."

Gu Yunxiao laughed, his voice was crisp and full of innocence. It is very simple to let the artifact recognize the Lord. It is his instrument to protect the soul bell in the last life. He knows what the dry bell wants most, and the things that have spiritual knowledge have weaknesses. He just puts the humanity very thoroughly.

The eyes swept in Mu Chen’s room, and Gu Yunyi couldn’t help but grin. The young master’s life has been so boring for so many years. This life seems to have been so simple, simple to the room’s furnishings for a hundred years, poor Not a minute. Gu Yunqi inexplicably wants to throw all the things in the room, and give the young master a new luxury, luxurious and perfect thing worthy of the identity of his master!

By Gu Yunqi, such a trouble, Mu Chen did not continue to practice cultivation, the immediate thing is to first adjust the body of the apprentice.

I have to say that Gu Yunxiao's small body is too weak. He was a premature baby. He was not well cared for after his birth. He was not hurt by physical injury. He was also seriously malnourished. Mu Chen is not rich in natural resources. Dare to use it for him, for fear that Gu Yun can not stand, the body is directly supported by the spiritual force to collapse.

What if the medicine can't be eaten? Tonic!

As long as the effort is deep, the food supplement can also make up the fat!

At breakfast, Mu Chen held the little apprentice in his arms and personally picked up a large bowl of Lingmi. His face was very gentle and he fed Gu Yunyu. Gu Yun squatted and ate his mouth. Mu Chen picked up a piece of spirited beast, Gu Yunyu opened his mouth again, very well-behaved.

Mu Chen is more happy to feed, the more cute the little apprentice, the more beautiful the eyebrows, the beautiful eyes, the taller nose, the thin lips, the delicate little chin, the sweet and lovely smile, so cute. Chen felt that the softest place in his heart was poked, and he couldn’t help but pinch Gu Yun’s face and gave him a soup.

The teacher and the apprentice were happy, one was happy, and the other was tacit and tacit. The servant standing on the side looked at Mu Chen and was very shocked. All of them doubted that Mu Chen was not good. Who could think of this? Cold people, he likes children! Mu Chen likes to bring something with hair. They know it. Look at the monster in the back hill and know how much he has smashed. If you lick the child again? The mirrors of the temper that everyone asks for help, you can stop it, right?

The mirror is blinking, and the face is blank: Hey?

Gu Yunxiao's smile on the face, but the belly is somewhat supportive. The teacher has no intention of stopping. He has taken a mouthful and a mouthful. He hasn't seen Master so happy for a long time. He doesn't want to refuse. He feels that he has been eating this way and he is satisfied. .

Or the mirror court can't stand it any longer, and looked at Gu Yun's stomach. The mirror eyes are especially complicated. "The palace owner, if you eat again, it will break down, you... let him go."

Gu Yunxiao touched his stomach and smiled: "Master."

Mu Chen put down the chopsticks and felt that the little apprentices had "less", but it was still somewhat disappointing. I took the puppet in the waiter’s hand and wiped the mouth of the little apprentice. Then I took a bottle of medicinal medicine from the space ring and pulled out the plug to pour out one from the inside. The surrounding area was full of fragrance and urged: “Eat Drop it."

"Master, what is this Dan?"

"Children's snacks." Mu Chen faint.

Gu Yunxiao smiled and went over, holding Mu Chen's hand, putting the medicinal medicine into his mouth, and the lips felt the warmth of Mu Chen's palm, and inexplicably made him practical. The entrance of the small medicinal herbs was instant, and there was still a faint fruit tree fragrance. Then Gu Yunyi felt that the body was light, the stomach was not supported, and the dark wounds in the body did not hurt.

The small teacher respects the fruit and has a unique talent for alchemy. Even the medicinal herbs can be made into the taste of children's snacks. Thinking that Mu Chen was so careful for him, Gu Yunxiao’s heart was like being opened by honey, sweet and warm.

Just want to confess to the teacher, the playful words have not yet reached the mouth, I saw a little dwarf ignoring the enchantment of the Yanyang Palace, rushing in and rushing in, ran and shouted: "Shi Bozu! A special shocking and violent Exciting things!"

Gu Yunxiao's face is cold, this voice is very familiar to him, a stinky face does not stick to his own master, but instead runs every day to stick his master's rice bucket!

Mu Chen listened to his voice and his face was filled with deep helplessness. He could call him the teacher of the ancestors. Only the disciple of Liu Hanzhi, the owner of the Hanyang Palace, was a thousand pairs, a foodie!

Qian Qianshuang is a pro-disciple of Liu Hanzhi. Liu Hanzhi and Mu Chen were together from an early age. Later, the two of them came to Chongyunmen, and the Hanyang Palace and Yanyang Palace were close neighbors, so there was nothing to do with Muchen. There is nothing else to come, look for food.

褚 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双Behind a long sword, a large gourd hung on the hilt, running up the sleeves and flying, and the gourd followed.

Seeing Gu Yunxi in Mu Chen’s arms, Qian Qianshuang’s wacked surprise. “Is this my little teacher?”

“Legend?” Gu Yunxiao shook his bottle and smiled and asked, “How do you say that?”

褚 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双 双Obviously, Yue Mingze blocked the news of guarding the soul bell. The outside world did not know that this instrument was on Gu Yunze’s body. "Those disciples are desperately practicing, waiting for the door to compare the life." ""

Mu Chen saw that the little apprentice did not speak, thinking that he was afraid, and quickly touched his hair. "What did you just say?"

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