MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 60

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The apprentice spoke to himself in this "rogue" tone. The line named Muzhi in Mu Chen’s mind was directly broken, and he wanted to fight if he raised his hand. However, he did not call the person in front of him, and his wrist was caught.

When Mu Chen moved, he didn’t even open it. He immediately became annoyed. "You have to mess around again!"

"Just kidding, and moving." Gu Yunxiao helplessly pulled Mu Chen's hand, and asked: "How to be like a little hedgehog, I don't know how to serve softly."

"The gangster!"

Mu Chen was panicked by this tone, and it was discovered that Gu Yunxiao teased him. The inexplicable heart was relieved, but his mind was blank. Except for his own heartbeat, he couldn’t hear anything. This strange feeling surprised him.

Suddenly the chest sank, Gu Yunxiao took his hand, has fallen on his chest, the two palms are covered together, avoiding inevitable, but also inexplicably added a thick sense, feeling the heart due to the drum At the place, the feeling is more obvious.

The two men crossed their foreheads, Gu Yunxiao whispered: "Master, your heart, chaos."

Mu Chen stunned, I don’t know what it stands for, or I don’t dare to think about what it stands for.

"I have said that my position in your heart is irreplaceable. Since it is inseparable, let us stay together forever, but the relationship will change." Gu Yunxiao’s voice is like a magical magic. Like a stunned succubus, Mu Chen is a little dazzled.

Forever together, just change the relationship...?

"In the future, we will get along with this. No matter where I go, I will accompany you." Gu Yun's words are gentle, gently swaying the messy hair of Mu Chen's forehead. "You are still my teacher, respect you." Love you, as long as you don't push me away."

It is undeniable that at this moment, Mu Chen has some intentions.

Later, Mu Chen was annoyed, and the gangster used magic power to him!

Just want to change his face, Mu Chen reacted again, no, they are now suppressed by spiritual power, but they are ordinary people. He has this kind of thinking because he cares too much about the people in front of him and cares about throwing his own principles.

Then Mu Chen began to entangle.

The little apprentice said it makes sense.

But still feel that something is wrong.

What is wrong?

Gu Yun blinked his eyes, as if a top hunter waiting for prey to enter the net, carefully crafted a love net for more than 20 years, and now slowly gathers until the prey is tight and he can’t get rid of it. Own your own tooth decay and taste it slowly.

At this time, the surrounding area gradually lighted up, Mu Chen was interrupted the idea, and immediately raised the vigilance.

Gu Yun snorted and was interrupted. He still needs another dose of medicine.

On both sides of the wall, the jade crystals are engraved with murals, and their location is a picture of a monk rising into a fairy.

Going forward, it is still the scene of this monk, the four seas.

The picture was then changing. The monk sat on the snow, holding a **** person in his arms, and his expression was painful.

Going forward, in a big battle, the two protagonists are different positions.

"Is this going back?" Mu Chen snorted in amazement, and instantly discovered the difference in the picture. He took a few steps back and looked at the two pictures just now, and he saw that the face on this person was very lonely. If it is exactly, this is life without love.

Just now, he had a sense of disobedience. It turned out to be the eyes of this person.

Flying up the gods, the eyes are like a pool of stagnant water, the original is lost and loved.

After reading the rest of the pictures, Mu Chen connected in a row and understood the meaning. Two people in different positions fall in love, one is dead for the other, and the rest of the rising gods are more than sorrowful.

Mu Chen’s expression was awkward. He didn’t know what he thought. He looked at Gu Yun’s eyes in a complicated way and couldn’t hide his heartache.

Gu Yunqi was watching the painting of the corpse at this time, and his face was also ugly. When your most important person gradually becomes a cold body in your arms, and you can do nothing to help you, that kind of despair can make people crazy.

"Go, don't read." Mu Chen suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted this dull atmosphere. I didn't expect a sudden blast from the top of his head. Mu Chen was pushed a shackle and his body turned back uncontrollably.

Gu Yunyan's eyes were fast, and he saw a black hole suddenly appear behind Mu Chen. He couldn't think too much. He rushed over and hugged Mu Chen's waist, and kept the person in his arms, and both fell into the black hole.

After landing, Gu Yunqi first checked the person in his arms and asked nervously: "Is there nothing? Where is the pain?" Seeing Mu Chen just staring at him with no eyes, this is a relief.

This sudden situation made him somewhat confused. When he entered here in the last life, he did not come here. After accepting the inheritance, he was taken out.

Mu Chen was cold-faced and moved from Gu Yun’s arms, and found that the other side was tight, and he did not fight. “You are a gangster, let go!”

"Do not let go! It’s hard to hold it." The person behind him even sneered, and kissed him on his neck.

Mu Chen’s body is stiff, “You, you a gangster!”

"Master, why don't you ask what I did after you died?" Gu Yunqi's tone suddenly fell a lot, becoming more dull in this closed environment, each word can be tapped on Mu Chen's chest, The one that I have never touched in my heart is so painful.

Looking at his reaction, Gu Yunxiao smiled. "This world, as long as I don't die, I will pester you. If I am dead, I will take you with you. I will not let you go when I am reincarnation. Ready."

Mu Chen: ", gangster."

Gu Yunxiao looked at his red ear tip and couldn't help but sneak in and kissed him.

Mu Chen shrank his neck and shouted anger at the person behind him.

Then the atmosphere became silent, and the master and the apprentices held this position for a long time, and they were all immersed in the picture, and they could not extricate themselves for a long time.

Finally, Mu Chen sighed. "What do you think about it." He also tossed Gu Yunxiao enough. This person is more jealous than him, and he is crazy than him. In any case, put this **** on the side and take care of it. As long as you don't repeat the mistakes of the previous world, what he said is what he said. As long as you keep the bottom line, you don't have to go one step further, and it's no different from before.

In his view, it is to give Gu Yunqi a reason to bind, let him be obedient around, do not run around. Anyway, where is his master and apprentice, Gu Yunyi will still call him a master, or follow him everywhere. Gu Yunxi also said, and nothing has changed before. In this case, he has nothing to tangled.

Gu Yunqi lived Mu Chen's arm tightened, smiled and put his chin on his shoulder, Shen Sheng: "Master, no matter why you agree, I believe you, you will not lie to me, right? ”

Mu Chen was dissatisfied with pushing his head on his shoulder and said with pride: "The teacher never lie!"

Gu Yun’s deep voice said: “I naturally believe in you.”

Mu Chen is somewhat dissatisfied with Gu Yunqi’s current reaction. Shouldn’t he be very happy at this time, like a sweet gift when he was a child, shouting at the teacher’s face? What are you doing so deeply?

I don't want to marry this unaccustomed apprentice. Mu Chen looked up and looked around. Since the environment became unknown, I could only take one step. I feel that the spiritual power inside □| has gradually recovered. It seems that only one road is repressive. He pushed the person behind him and began to meditate to restore his power.

After an hour, Mu Chen opened his eyes first, and the spiritual power in the body has returned to the original.

He looked at the people who were meditating around, and his eyes were a bit complicated. This person, even without hesitation, jumped with him, still without a trace of spiritual power in the body.

Inexplicable, my heart is a little sweet, anyway, the apprentice is still very filial.

Waiting for Gu Yunzhen to restore his spiritual power, Mu Chen immediately converges his emotions and stands up and said coldly: "Go, go find the sword."

This is a stone room, there is no exit in all directions, they are transferred by the formation, and they can only rely on themselves.

Mu Chen felt a little around and found that there was no place for spiritual fluctuations. He took a good-looking brow and lifted his feet. Hey!

With a bang, the wall was pulled out of a big hole!

Mu Chen licked his sleeves and blew away the unsightly dust. He said proudly: "Follow me."

Gu Yunxiao’s catching up, holding Mu Chen’s hand, seriously said: “I’m afraid of losing.”

"Hurry up, lost and not looking for you."

"I remember where we are," Gu Yunyan looked at the scenery around him. "There are medicines, Danfang, weapons hall, Lingxiang Pavilion, refining room. I was curious at that time. It seems like a fairy here. palace."

Mu Chen was shocked by Gu Yunwei, you have to go to the backyard of your own house. "Have you been there?"

Gu Yunxiao nodded.

Mu Chen sank a moment. "If this is the case... we will take it all away."

Gu Yunxi said seriously: "Well, a grass is not left for others."

Mu Chen: "..." In fact, there is no need to do so clean.

In front of the three forks, Gu Yunzhen decisively chose the leftmost one. After turning a corner, he smelled a faint medicinal fragrance. After walking a few steps, there was a piece of medicine in front of him. There are countless herbs, but strangely Each plant does not exceed one thousand years.

Gu Yunxuan explained: "This secret environment, once opened in the millennium, will be like this." This voice fell, the soul of the soul came out, where the golden light passed, the medicine was not born, and an organ did not touch .

"This..." Mu Chen was speechless, the young apprentice was a real fan, and he had been rich for so long, but he had not left a grass.

"Let's go to the next one." Gu Yunqi also had some accidents. This guardian bell seems to be very familiar with it. From the moment he was excited, he was so excited that he was so active.

The soul guard bell is sensible, but because of the lack of Kunling, its consciousness is damaged.

To be exact, this is a mentally retarded bell that can only follow instinct.

The sorcerer’s bell excitedly continued to fly forward after a round of in-situ, and slammed along the way, and the ripples visible to the naked eye. All the places that have passed are involved in their own space, nothing left!

Mu Chen has no words to see the apprentice, financial fans!

"The teacher said, a grass does not stay." Gu Yunyi still feels awkward.

Mu Chen: "..."

The mentor and the teacher followed behind the guardian bell, saw that it had taken away the weapons library, and rolled up a room of the drug. If it entered the uninhabited territory, and did not touch an organ, they looked at each other strangely: here Sure enough, it is related to Qiankun Guardian Bell!

Just then, there was a fight in front of him, and Gu Yunxi grabbed his waist from the back of Mu Chen. "Master, don't go."

Mu Chen picked up his eyebrows.

"I am afraid!"

Mu Chen took a deep breath and wanted to beat someone.

"Going to find a sword, life and death have a number of lives. Since you have come here, you must be prepared to die." Gu Yunxuan changed his face and was upright.

Mu Chen was swayed, only a faint sigh. He is not a must. There are some disciples who are worried about Chongyunmen. Now it seems that they think more. If they meet, they will help. If they don’t meet it, they will help them. It hurts them.

The teacher and the teacher just turned around and listened to a crisp girl’s surprise: "Gu Shixiong!"

Mu Chen just stepped out of the foot and took it back.

"I didn't expect to meet Gu brothers so quickly." The person is an 18-year-old girl, a white long dress, holding a pink guqin in her arms, gentle temperament, a pair of apricot eyes big and bright, the eyes are like hiding. A spring water. Especially after seeing Gu Yunxiao, the face is shy and sly, a small mouth is scornful, and I want to say that I still have a rest.

Mu Chen pinched his fist and his face gradually cooled down. What did the gangster do when he retired?

When I saw Mu Chen, the woman immediately guessed the identity of Mu Chen, and immediately Ying Ying, "Yan Yangmen generation disciple Luo Qing, met Mu elder."

Ha ha! They hooked up to Yan Yangmen, and he is a good means!

"Free." Mu Chen will not be angry with a girl. After the body is finished, the person has disappeared in the same place, looking for the direction of the guardian bell to leave, chasing the past.

Gu Yunxiao was in a tight heart and rushed to catch up.

"Gu Shixiong!" Luo Qing grievances shouted, Gu Yunxiao listened to a while irritated, there is a kind of desire to pull the sword to cut the woman's impulse. Mu Chen was awkward, and he finally loosened his attitude, which turned his face again. He simply can't remember who this woman is! It’s a flawless disaster!

"Master! Wait for me!" When Gu Yunqi catches up, Mu Chen's face has returned to normal. "What do you do with a donkey? It's not a child."

"I am afraid that the teacher will misunderstand..."

“What can be misunderstood?” Mu Chen interrupted Gu Yun’s words. “The girl was born in a famous way and looked dignified. You don’t like it.” Mu Chen did not see that because of his own words, Gu Yunqi Changed his face and said to himself: "If you are as usual, you will be prepared for the teacher, and you will go to Yan Yangmen to give you a kiss. But you are better now... oh..."

Gu Yunqi's face is gloomy, his eyes are dark and dark like ink, and he doesn't see the bottom. He squats in front of his eyes, and kisses the chattering mouth unknowingly, almost swallowing the whole person in his arms. , smashed and combined with oneself, in order to resolve the depression and grievances in the heart.

The lips and tongues intersected, until they tasted the **** taste of Gu Yunwei and let go of the person in their arms. Obviously, Mu Chen stunned and did not know how to resist. On weekdays, a pair of ruthless phoenixes stunned at this time, and looked at him with shock, his eyes clear and clear, no impurities. Like the white jade's face, the color of the twilight is a little bit smudged, adding a touch of color to this stunning face, fascinating.

Gu Yun's color is getting deeper and deeper, and the voice is a little dumb. This moment is even more affectionate. "The teacher has just promised, how have you forgotten it? It seems that you are not very familiar."

The thumb gently rubbed the blood of Mu Chen’s mouth, and even the gentle one felt incredible. “Besides the Master, I don’t want anyone.”

Mu Chen’s squatting, this gangster, what is in his mind?

Gu Yunqi fingers crossed Mu Chen's mouth and provoked his chin. Although he was laughing, his eyes were suppressing a violent anger. "Why should the master respect himself, you are jealous, why don't you dare to face it?"

"You are awkward... oh..." Once again, Ms. Chen Chen raised his hand with awkwardness, but his wrist was caught. The spiritual power was not working properly. A strong force came in front of him and he was pressed against the wall in a flash. The tip of the tongue is slightly numb, and the pain in the mouth is also reminding him of how the heart is moving under the calm appearance of the person in front of him.

For a long time, the lips are divided, Gu Yunyu let go of Mu Chen, a layer of red around the pupil, the magic of the body surging, the tyranny that can not be suppressed.

Mu Chen’s shocked eyes wide open, and the scene in front of him is familiar. Gu Yunxi, who completely fell into the magic road in the last world, is like this.

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