MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 57

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People who come here are not others, that is, people who plant medicine for Mu Chen in Houshan. Because he didn't know what he was calling, he only knew that his surname was Li. The people who had been in the Yangyang Palace for a long time called him Li Dashu, or Master Li. Mu Chen generally calls him Li Shen, because the other party is not a person in the Yanyang Palace, naturally no need to rank.

Mu Chen was stopped and a little surprised. This person can look at the fate of life and count what is right. Of course, because God gave him a power that no one else had, he still closed his window, his eyes were blind from childhood, and he could have no medicine.

The **** counted the cold incense tree outside the window where Mu Chen was, and clap his hands, watching Mu Chen's eyes tangled.

Mu Chen looked at each other's face inexplicably and had a bad feeling. "Are you still counting what? Not good?"

"It's not bad to say, just feels a bit strange." Lao Li smiled and said: "I suddenly couldn't see your life in 18 years ago. I have been studying it in recent years and finally found something."

Mu Chen grabbed a black egg without a word, and this person regarded him as a research object.

"I recently found out that you are covered with a cloud of red clouds on the top of the red comet. It seems that there is a peach robbery. I am careful about going out this time." When he said this, he was also somewhat uncertain. After all, Mu Chen was such a temper, these years women were against him. Just appreciating, but I don't want to agree with each other, because no woman is willing to face a cold face every day, but also look back and consider him.

Mu Chen stunned, "...Peach Blossoms?" Then he wanted to laugh. "When I was a teacher, mysterious teacher said to my master, I am a lonely star, and I will not have any relationship with any woman in the future. This peach blossom does not know where to come from."

"Then I can't even come out." Lao Li smiled and smiled. "Don't be a good day, goodbye."

"You want to go?"

"Yeah, and the fate of Chongyunmen has been done, you have to take care." If he had a deep look at Mu Chen, some words even if he understood, because of the constraints of the heavens, he could not say straight. Did not say yes The fate of himself and Chongyun Gate, or the fate of Mu Chen and Chongyunmen, the opposite of Mu Chen is foggy.

Then the eyes with no focal length looked in the direction of Gu Yunxi. He hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, still did not say anything, shook his head and left.

Gu Yunqi looked at the back of the other person, could not help but blink his eyes and commit peach blossoms. This future is really a look.

The black egg that is combing the hair feels the mood of the owner, and the inexplicable shakes.

Mu Chengang’s hand fell on the black egg and felt the other’s “avoidance”. The dissatisfied pull over and smashed a pass, and grabbed a hand. Mu Chen suffocating: What kind of master has any spiritual pets, using the sitting way to see the black eggs, this black hair is also abnormally dissatisfied, these two bastards!

As for what a peach robbery, he does not care at all, the soldiers will block the water to cover the earth, peach apricot flowers, pear flowers, willing to spend what flowers.

I want to stop Muchen to prepare a kind of pigment and brush the black egg into white.


Three months later, the mentoring and the two finally arrived at Shuangyu City.

This city is the only way to go to Syracuse. After passing this city is the ridiculous mountain of Wanli. Gu Yunyu means to stop and take a break, and inquire about some news.

Mu Chen naturally had no opinion. Since he came out, all the things were taken care of by Gu Yunzhen. The other party fulfilled his childhood agreement perfectly. When he was a child, he raised him and grew up to raise him.

This raises, but also pays extra attention.

This time the two did not go to any inn restaurant, but went directly to the branch of Wangchen Pavilion. Wangchen Pavilion opened a medicine court in Shuangyu City, where the drug was sold. Even if someone recognized Mu Chen, he would not say anything.

Now that the two of them are standing together, they cannot see that they are masters and apprentices. When Gu Yunxiao’s cold face doesn’t talk, he feels even more dangerous than Mu Chen. Originally, because the two people were too outstanding, they inevitably attracted others to look at them. As a result, they were shocked by Gu Yunqi’s momentum.

Just as there was a selling hat on the roadside shop, Gu Yunqi took Mu Chen’s sleeve and didn’t speak. Mu Chen colded his face and “buy yourself to wear it!”

"That will eat a good capacity Dan." Gu Yunxiao's face is getting more and more ugly. I think that people on the road look at Mu Chen's eyes, and hate to dig the other's eyes, and then hide Mu Chen.

Mu Chen is speechless. Since the **** operator said that he has a peach robbery, this **** apprentice has been hostile on this road. Now he is used to Gu Yun’s attitude. As long as he does not say the rumors, his resistance is also Not so big.

After all, in Mu Chen's view, Gu Yunqi is a big vinegar, and whoever is close to him feels that he is robbing himself. If you don't think about it, it will be similar to the previous model. However, Gu Yunqi grew up, and also involved the "pre-existing" of the previous world. Mu Chen saw that he was particularly nervous, for fear that he would pick up **** hurricanes.

The masters and the apprentices came to the drug court, Gu Yunyi put the token forward, and the head of the department quickly greeted him.

Mu Chen listened to them to arrange a room and raised an eyebrow.

Responsible management thought that they looked away, watching the two of them intimate, no one in the eyes of the exchange, he thought it was a pair of Taoist, watching Mu Chen's face, he was somewhat uncertain, so he carefully watched the two Face asked: "Would you like two?"

Mu Chen shook his head, faintly said: "One is enough, by the way, lay a blanket on the ground." This mixed apprentice, he decided to put him under the eyes, if he dares to go out for heaven, he will shoot He died to kill the people.

Gu Yunqi poked Mu Chen’s waist and succumbed: “Would you like to add a bed?”

Mu Chen cold channel: "No, too crowded."

Gu Yunxiao was crying and laughing, and realized that Mu Chen was still angry with him, and he wanted to toss him when he found the opportunity.

One room, one bed, and a fox blanket with a length and width of two meters. Mu Chen sat by the window, holding a brush to adjust the paint, the black egg standing on the window sill, looking out the window to find a delicious soul, while Ren Muchen brushed its hair into white.

The owner said, as long as the young master is happy, full!

So, don't say it's white, brush it into powder, it's all wood! What can you eat?

Gu Yunxi was sitting aside and sorting out the information he received.

Mu Chen asked while brushing: "How is Chen's family now?"

Gu Yun’s dissatisfaction is: “Because Dancheng united with the medical valley, it has always been against Chen’s family. Chen’s family is now afraid of it. After all, working with Chen’s family is to offend Dancheng and the medical valley. In short, Well done."

"What about Chen Mo?"

Gu Yunxi said seriously: "Walk with the white clothes to go to the devil world, it is said that the mood is good."

Mu Chen looked back at him and his eyes were clearly said: lying!

However, Chen Mo does not like the position of Chen’s family. The other party likes to run around and live freely. As long as the other party is doing well, he has nothing to worry about.

Gu Yunhao read the information and smiled. "It's very interesting. It is said that the city owner of Syracuse is a man."

Mu Chen reached out to the window, and a red plum petal fell from his fingertips. He looked at the texture of the flower and asked faintly: "I used to be a woman?"

He looked at Gu Yunqi, looked at the other side and stood up. He walked over and sat across from him. He sighed and blew his plum blossoms. Mu Chen raised his brush and tried to brush his face. .

Gu Yun’s head escaped and took the opportunity to explain: “The lords of Syracuse’s dynasties were all succeeded by the saints. It is rumored that every generation of saints has snow-protected women, and the snow-girl’s tears will turn into ice-beads, and the millennium will not change.”

Mu Chen was teased. He took out the red potion and painted the black egg's mouth in red. He said: "What is the difference between the tears of the millennium and the tears of the monks? It is nonsense."

"Whether it's true or not, we went to know it. When we can, we can catch the city owner and lead the snow girl. Let her cry for three days and three nights to see if she can shed tears."

"I still don't want it," Mu Chen did not pity the other side, but some disliked. "Do you not feel dirty?" It is enough to think of other people's tears into a drug.

Gu Yunxiao nodded obediently. "The teacher said it makes sense."

Mu Chen was satisfied, and felt that the little apprentice was still very familiar with this moment, so he happily painted a yin and yang gossip on the black protein white belly.

The black eggs lie flat and full of minds are all told by Gu Yunxiao. It’s a good thing for the young master to eat enough.

The teacher and the teacher said a moment later, the management of the drug court knocked on the door and stood outside the door: "Two adults, small things have a false accusation."

Gu Yunxi did not reveal his identity, and he thought that the two of them were elders sent from Wangchen Pavilion, and their attitude was quite respectful.

Gu Yunxiao received a smile, Shen Sheng: "Come on."

Inviting the door to come in, carefully closed the door. "It is said that there is a green valley in the 3,000 miles outside the city. There is a secret inside the Qinghong Valley. It will open in two months. If the two adults are interested, Go and have a look."

After the management was over, the courtesy retired, and Mu Chen was immersed in meditation, "Qinghonggu... a familiar place."

Gu Yunxiao smiled and took out a black sword and placed it on the table.

Mu Chen suddenly realized, "Don't leave the sword!" Calculating the time, the last time Gu Yunqi got the smashing sword is probably this time, this bastard, this time is also a good calculation.

Gu Yunqi took out a few snacks in front of Mu Chen and smiled. "We just passed by there. I also lacked a weapon for the hand. When the teacher can wait for me for a month, I took the sword." I will come to you."

"No, I am with you." Mu Chen is iron-hearted and will never let Gu Yunqi run alone.

Gu Yunxiao nodded, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was somewhat dangerous. "The Master must be tight. If you are not with me, I don't know what I will do."

Mu Chen is unwelcome, and he has a walnut in his mouth, the kind of shell.

Since I decided to go to the secrets first, the mentor and the disciples decided to buy some standing herbs from the city. Haven't been here, Mu Chen doesn't want to listen to one person's words. In a vigilant mentality, he does not believe in the side of the management, so he plans to buy medicine himself, and listen to the secrets.

There are a lot of medicines in the medicine cabinet. When Mu Chen sees Gu Yun's Lingshi, there is always the illusion that the left pocket is pulled out and put into the pocket.

Gu Yunqi just turned around and saw the little emotions occasionally revealed by Mu Chen’s cold shackles. He couldn’t help but risk being beaten and sighed. “We will buy some fruit seeds in a while.”

The warmth of the nose hit the face, with a familiar taste, and some strange mature man, Mu Chen licked his eyebrows, slightly incompetent, "What do you buy for seeds? Do you want to drink porridge?"

Gu Yunxiao smiled faintly. "The teacher listens to me, it is useful."

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