MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 50

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Mu Chen looked at the table of Yu Rongzhi and the five-color flower, and gradually fell into meditation. These two drugs came too much.

Gu Yunxi suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted Mu Chen’s thoughts. “Three flavors of medicine, but also the last ice cream beads. I checked in the book, the ice beads are in the hands of the snow woman, we need to go to the snow city in the future.”

Mu Chen naturally knows that the ice-beads are in the ice city. He has already found out that the ice-beads are in the last life, but he has not yet taken it, and he was besieged by the people of the fairy world. He didn't know who was in the hands of the iced bead.

This is the clue that the little apprentice has read through many books.

"Where does the teacher think it is wrong?" Gu Yunyi asked like an unintentional question. Seeing Mu Chen's face relaxed, finally stood up, came over and buckled the two boxes, and grievances to catch Mu Chen's hand, "leg pain ""

Mu Chen kicked a kick on his calf, Gu Yunqi stood still, let him pull out a footprint, Mu Chen was dissatisfied: "I know that after the pain, I will pay attention to it, then dare to talk nonsense." leg!"

Taking Gu Yun's current cultivation, the meaning of breaking the leg is probably for a decade or so. This threat is very powerful.

Gu Yunqi quickly cooperated to show that I was very scared. Mu Chen pushed him away and said with relief: "These two drugs are too simple, and some teachers are not at ease."

The five-color flower is exchanged for a few beautiful herbs. This is no different from the white one. Yu Rongzhi is thrown into the hand halfway, and it is also white, and the ice-bead will not walk in him. When is your head?

If it is luck, it is also better.

Putting these two herbs together, Mu Chen is faintly worried. If it is not luck, then someone is helping himself. Who is that person? This jade Rongzhi, is it the piece that Wang Chenge bought?

Who is this boss of Wangchen Pavilion? There is a faint thought in Mu Chen’s mind. He always feels that he has neglected something, but he can’t catch it.


In the middle of the night, Gu Yunxiao fell asleep with Mu Chen, and went alone to Wang Chen Pavilion. He looked at the information that Bai gave him, and raised his brow.

White is cautious: "The Nebula is in the 800 miles south of the city, as if waiting for something."

Gu Yunqi raised his eyebrows, "Wait?"

"Yes, yes."

Gu Yun’s color is sinking. “I haven’t heard of any different treasures in the vicinity. The purpose of the other party is nothing more than the alchemy conference in front of him. He has to wait until after the end of the alchemy conference, catch the Dan teacher!”

The white clothes nodded a little, and I was a little worried. The look was a little anxious. "The nebula gods personally shot, showing the other side's fancy to Dan, according to reliable news, the demon has been retreating, only to see each other's nebula. This shows that the other's body can't hold back. But our roots in the devil world are still not stable, and it will take at least ten years to compete with other forces."

Gu Yunyu coveted, his eyes faintly calculated, white did not dare to disturb, got up and went to make a cup of tea, personally come up.

Gu Yunqi took it, took a sip, and suddenly laughed. The unscrupulous killings flowed out in the eyes, with a bit of malicious interest. He said slowly: "Now the power inside Dancheng is mixed, positive It’s a good time to use it, either don’t do it, or play it once, killing people by knife and leaving his life.”

Bai was surprised: "The owner, it is said that the nebula is already a repair of the fit period, unless it is a recluse, it is not his opponent."

Gu Yunxiao smiled slightly and said: "I am not afraid, Gu Yunjin has someone."

There is a chill in the words, and anyone can hear the danger. If Gu Yunjin is obedient, he does not mind being the only one. According to his observations, his brother may not have such a big heart to let him develop. He wants to make him a porcelain doll that is arbitrary, and he has to be prepared for the painful bleeding of the porcelain doll.

When he left, Gu Yunqi suddenly remembered, "Is the waste that sent Yu Rongzhi disposed of?"

The white rushed to the body and said: "I have already dealt with it. It is not good for the subordinates. Please punish the owner."

Gu Yunxiao said coldly: "First solve the problem in front of you. Recently, he has a vigilant heart. He may come to an unannounced visit. You should pay attention to it and hide the possession."

After Gu Yunxuan finished, the figure disappeared instantly in the same place, and the white clothes looked up and thought about hiding the possession. He immediately reacted and asked the next person to order: "Give Chen Mo a place to live! Strictly guard, don't let people run!"


Gu Yunjin, who was calculated, is also calculating at this time. Removing the Nebula will naturally make his own power more stable, but it is not easy to get rid of it. The repair of the other party is obviously not a dish. If you want to leave, you will leave.

"The master, there are people who should be more anxious than us." The old man in black appeared behind Gu Yunjin and whispered.

The man in Chinese costume chilled his mouth and smothered it. "It is true that the Nebula will come to Dancheng at this time. It can only wait for the end of the alchemy conference and catch a few Dan teachers who can use it. This time. In addition to Mu Chen, who is the popular candidate for the Alchemy Conference? He is a descendant of Danyangzi."

The old man in black is this: "With the skill of the other party, it is very likely that the target is Mu Chen. After all, Mu Chen is already an incarnation, and his status is not low. Yunjin’s face, the old man proposed: “At that time, we use the nebula to kill Gu Yun’s power and rule him.”

"No," Gu Yunjin's twilight slightly reveals blood. "I regret it, I should kill him."

In the face of Gu Yunqi, he is becoming more and more uneasy. He always feels that he must be a back-to-back problem. Now he is not afraid that he will not be able to get rid of him. There may be no chance in the future.

The old man in black was relieved with a slight sigh of relief, and his face was bright. "When you listen to the master, the subordinates will immediately arrange it."


Gu Yunqi, who did not know that he also became a target, returned to his footing, and Mu Chen was still asleep. Because alchemy consumes a lot of mind, sleepiness can not be recovered in a short while. After all, eating medicinal herbs relies on foreign objects, or is not as good as self-recovery, so it is necessary to sleep.

The bed under Mu Chen is like a big white shell. It is the best defensive weapon made from the Yuan Ying period. It has reached the level of the spirit. Surrounded by countless colorful gems, it radiates soft white light and shines on the sleeping Muchen, which is soft and quiet.

Feeling that someone came, the shells were instantly buckled, leaving no gaps, and there was a chill in the surrounding killings, revealing a deadly murder in silence.

After Gu Yunqi approached, he received the squad, and the shell sensed the master's breath. This opened the shell again. Mu Chen just turned over and his face was facing outwards. He slept very well.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, gently depicting Mu Chen's eyebrows with his fingertips, his fingers across the good-looking cheeks, and moving down the white neck, all the way to draw a meandering curvature. Gu Yunxiao laughed, thanks to the refining spirit function, it is easy to control the soul of others, and this person can sleep in front of him so smoothly. If he is awake, he must be jealous of him to slay his ancestors and let him go to the wall to punish him.

Fingertips fell on Mu Chen's chest, Gu Yunyi stopped moving, looked at Mu Chen's unprepared look, hooked his mouth and reached out to unravel Mu Chen's coat.

Refering to the delicate skin is like burning a finger, Gu Yunzhen moves a meal, feels that the throat is itchy, take a deep breath, he has to warn himself to hold back, it is not the time!

The eyes fell on Mu Chen's chest, and the nine-petal lotus had the last mark left. As long as he absorbed it, he could return to the skill of the previous life. Although Mu Chen has been raising his body with elixir for many years, he has already refined his meridians more than ordinary people, but now it is still absorbed earlier.

The handle fell on Mu Chen's chest, and Gu Yun's color gradually deepened. Since the nebula of the nebula came to the fairy world, he always felt a sense of not being practical. This sensitive nerve had made him swim on the edge of life and death countless times. Go, this time he chooses to be prepared.


When Mu Chen woke up, he found that the apprentice sat next to him and meditated. He saw the appearance of the other party at this time. Mu Chen was shocked. Gu Yunqi’s face turned red, and his clothes were wet with sweat, revealing a layer of blood. . Mu Chen hurriedly pulled up Gu Yun's wrist and touched it. He suddenly changed his face and his veins had broken fine lines.

This **** is carrying what he did!

Mu Chen didn't have time to think about it. He took the spiritual power into Gu Yun's body. Both the teacher and the teacher had the same function and the same spiritual power. The effect of treatment was twice the result with half the effort. Spiritually walked along the cloud of Gu Yunqi, and gently eased the injury of Gu Yunqi. Mu Chen immediately made a black jade barrel, poured the water from Lingquan and threw it into it. After the water became green, I felt the endless life of the air. This took Gu Yun’s clothes and soaked people into the water.

Gu Yunxiao frowned and his muscles were tight. Mu Chen looked at him and asked: "Would?"

At this point, Gu Yun blinked and his mouth slightly picked, "No."

Mu Chen glanced at him, his hands kept moving and he began to dispense medicine.

The medicine is like a knife, how can it not hurt? Once Yue Mingze was also thrown into the potion by him. At that time, the other party had already thrown the shelf of the head, and the pain was screaming.

This little **** is quite tolerable.

Feng Hua Dan, Xiu Dan, Ning Hua Dan, and bone-growing muscle spirit jade cream are all the top-level medicines for repairing the meridians. If you want to sell them, one can sell a thousand top-grade spirit stones, or there is no price. city. In particular, the alchemy division of this class, Mu Chen, can sell a bottle and sell it at a high price.

Now, they are not like money, they are poured into a jade bowl by Muchen, and they are mixed and adjusted into a paste.

"I won't hurt immediately, and I will bear it." Mu Chen took out a white jade bucket and poured it into the water to melt the ointment. Mu Chen licked his mouth and didn't believe it. He could not cure him!

It is clearly a fire power, but it is better than the doctor's medical skill of the group of woods in the Valley of Medicine. Mu Chen is also forced out. Danyangzi once did not know what was irritating. When he mentioned the doctor's anger, he slammed the table and said, "Who said that the alchemy teacher could not have medical skills?" If you learn well, you don't have to ask for the grandson!

Mu Chen took Gu Yunxiao out, a simple touch, can hurt the bones, see Gu Yunzhen just frowning, Mu Chen worried: "Does it really hurt?" !

Gu Yunyi opened his eyes and leaned on Mu Chen's arms and bite his teeth: "Pain!"

Mu Chen was relieved. "I won't hurt immediately. I will cure it and explain to me what is going on?" Mu Chen suddenly remembered that Gu Yun's voice seems to appear every once in a while. In this case, it is like suddenly absorbing a strong external force and exploding the spirit. When he was young, he thought that the other side's body was poor. After absorbing the spiritual power of Lingshi, it could not be absorbed. It seems that this is not the case.

It’s no coincidence that too many coincidences come together.

Mu Chen coveted, covering up the strange emotions in the eyes, do not want to, do not dare to go deeper.

There is a lot of confusion in my mind, but there is an abnormally clear line, which is automatically sorted out in my mind, so that he can't ignore himself if he wants to deceive himself.

The line that has not been caught for a long time, because Gu Yunxiao's pulse is injured, suddenly clear, Mu Chen suddenly stunned, and then his face was white.

The person who knows what medicine he lacks, only Gu Yunhao!

In the last world, Gu Yunxi was the head of the inner door of Chongyunmen in his youth. In his twenties, he became the leading figure in the new generation of the fairyland. The 50-year-old immortality subverted the three realms and turned his hand into a cloud. For the rain, relying on one's own strength to turn the land of the two circles of the fairy and the devil. How many people were used by him and killed each other, only because he was very thorough in human nature, and everyone became a **** in his hands.

Gu Yunxiao’s heart, he knows.

However, in this world, Gu Yunxiao was raised by his childhood, and he could not see a slight anomaly. He also relaxed his vigilance against a child and even forgot all the previous ones. He hopes that his apprentice is still the child who holds his legs sweet and shouted when he was a child, the soft-skinned child who needs him to feed and needs him to dress.

In the last life, Yu Rongzhi as a prize, according to the development of the matter, will not come to his hands now, but now, Yu Rongzhi was bought by Wang Chene, and he appeared in his hand, Yu Rongzhi Herbs are rare, who is behind the scenes of Wangchen Pavilion?

Wang Chen, is this Chen Zi, is it related to himself?

Behind the development of this power, there must be some support behind it. The demon statue allows Gu Yunqi to lurk in the fairy world. It is impossible to let him destroy a demon column. If there is a power station that has extended to various sects and towns... ...Mu Chen can't think.

In the last life, there was no Wangchen Pavilion.

In this world, Yu Rongzhi is from the Wangchen Pavilion.

Five-color flowers, from the devil world.

Gu Yunxi is from the devil world.

Wang Chen Pavilion, Gu Yunhao, Devil!

The relationship between the three has come to the fore, and Mu Chen bit his lip, and his heart is cramping.

The author has something to say: Finally, smashed the vest of the small attack! !

I am not particularly thick today, the 30cm invincible state of the fresh and sigh of more than four thousand, you quickly praise my general attack!

These two days are watching ghosts blowing lights, ah ah ah ah ah ah horrible in the middle of the night, have you seen it? I saw the scorpion picking up the black hoof from his mouth and instantly replenishing the scorpion mentality: Nima! Not fragrant, not fresh, not fresh, there is hair and a simmered egg taste, not much meat, the bones are not crisp enough, take this fool? Bite you! !

Thanks to the mine thrown by the little angel, love you~~~~yoyo melon money~~~~~

Small fresh throws a mine to throw time: 2017-01-0815:57:01

The blank small transparent throws a mine to throw time: 2017-01-0909:38:36

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