MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 45

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When the hoarse voice came out, the long sword in the hands of Mu Chen was stimulated by the murder of the master, and a long scream was heard. The black robe was added, and the silver mask was covered. Even if the voice had changed, Mu Chen recognized the other party at a glance.

Looking up at the door, the cold and cold killing in the narrow phoenix eyes made the people around me feel awkward, and a large part of the people quietly retired, fearing the murder.

"The person who wants to kill me in the night, is it you, Wei Huaitong!" The cold voice is dyed with a strong murderousness, forming a special texture, and the cold knocking is deep in the hearts of the people. The pressure was unconsciously exuded, and the monks who had been repaired to the low and had no time to retreat had already trembled and could not bear the pressure and trembled.

Mu Chen saw the other side's black robe, and naturally regarded Wei Huai as a person who attacked Gu Yunxi.

Both are him!

Wei Huai’s excitement screamed at the corner of his mouth, thinking that he only knew that he was going to kill him. Mu Chen had this reaction. If he could destroy Gu Yunqi, how much pain should Mu Chen have?

"After another sixty-nine years, my brother is missing the younger brother every moment, and I know that the younger brother has received the disciples, and naturally I have to come and visit." The hoarse voice is difficult to conceal the maliciousness, which is also indirectly recognized. The one who wanted to assassinate Gu Yunxi that night was him. His original intention was to put pressure on Mu Chen, and now naturally he will not deny it.

Looking at the face of Mu Chen because of the angry and cold face, slim body, pale skin, like a delicate doll that can be broken by one hand, the back is straight, let you pressure him to stand in the wind , the world is alone. Wei Huai's excited body can't stop shaking, this moment I want to make a cute little brother into a doll, this will be the perfect collection of his life! No substitute!

Mu Chen licked his lips, but what emerged in his mind was a small face of a young boy who laughed and laughed. The child was called Fuan, the first personal attendant after he came to Chongyunmen. Because the qualifications are not good enough to repair the superior method, only to give people a servant's life, but Fu'an does not accept the fate, he feels that as long as he works hard to cultivate, he will certainly be able to make a head of the people, holding a hard-blooded cultivation than anyone else. He told Mu Chen that his parents were old and that they couldn't do it after they had cultivated the immortals. So they often sneaked down the mountain to send their parents home and supplies. They were a good and filial good boy. However, one day, Fuan never came back after going down the mountain.

Half a year later, Mu Chen found Xiao Fu'an in the underground of Wei Huaitong's refining medicine. A monster that is not demon and not demon, if not the other person's neck is hung with the peace of the old mother, no one knows the mouth. The monster that bites while screaming and seeing people is Fuan.

In order to refine the medicine, Wei Huaitong actually treated a child who was innocent and innocent! There are dozens of innocent disciples who have been killed by his test!

And the other party is now staring at his apprentice, letting the other person live a day, is a threat.

The angry emotions of the red eyes of Mu Chen, Dancheng in order to protect the Dan teacher and set the rules forbidding fighting, was also thrown into the back of Mu Chen, only blood, can wash the guilt of Wei Huaitong.

Wei Huaitong sneered out and walked two steps forward. The pressure revealed by the body was almost the same as that of Mu Chen. He said: "The younger brother is really a thin lover. I just wanted to kill me when I met. People do it, it’s definitely a fight for both, how about making a bet?”

Mu Chen looked at him coldly, his eyes were scornful, his hand holding the sword was tight, his body was not devastating, obviously he did not want to listen to the other nonsense, just want to slash the sword.

Wei Huai’s hand appeared a black town soul stone. Around the stone, a transparent figure curled into a group, but the appearance was clear. Wei Huai’s low-pitched voice is bound to be inevitable. “The soul of the little boy, I have left for you, I don’t want him to reincarnate?”

Mu Chen’s hole shrinks, “Fuan!”

"This alchemy conference, if you lose, I want your body, if you win, my life is for you, and this." Wei Huai fell with this, everyone who heard it sucked cold breath. Directly to the body ... everyone sees Mu Chen's eyes unnaturally revealing a bit of pity.

However, Mu Chen knew that the other party’s so-called body was just trying to make him a shackle, or he wanted to change his body. The cold scorpion is full of contempt and disdain, Mu Chen is confident that he will not lose, but does not believe in Wei Huaitong's character.

"I swear to the sky, if there is a false statement, the soul flies!" The vows are fatal constraints for the monks. If the words are really to be condemned, Wei Huai-tong obviously wants to give Mu Chen a guarantee, as far as he wants to do What, only he knows.

Gu Yunxi hangs his head, and a little bit of coldness is fleeting. The murderous murderousness is only a slight moment, and it will calm down later. The thin lips slightly evoke a shallow arc, Gu Yunxiao looked down at the people below, like watching a dead thing, such a jumping clown, dare to think of his baby.

Wei Huai-tong suddenly felt the cold and bitter killing. He looked up and looked at Gu Yun’s eyes. It was a pair of passionate peach eyes. When he was not laughing, he was as cold as a cold pool. The inside crouching murder resembled a swallow. The devil who is devastated by man. Everything around him suddenly became a void. The rest of the world was only breathing his own breath. Wei Huai and the subconscious stepped back. He looked at the teenager upstairs with horror, but he saw Gu Yunyi reach out to him and made a The action he had done that night, grabbed his throat!

Wei Huaitong suddenly felt that his throat was pinched tightly by a hand. The feeling of suffocation came. He could only grasp the big hand at the neck with both hands, and wanted to get rid of the damaging force. The soul stone in his hand also refused to accept it. From the moment, it falls off from the hand.

I haven’t been ignoring Wei Huai’s finger, and the soul of the soul has reached his hand. Then the person in front of him looks crazy and licks his throat, as if to kill himself. Mu Chenmei Peak picks one. The sword in his hand did not hesitate to stab.

Dealing with this vicious person, when you want to be light and open, he may have killed others, so don’t hesitate to kill it. Don’t talk nonsense first, why do you ill and lick your neck, die right? !

A sword pierces the other's heart, and Jiuyang Minghuo instantly burns the other's chest, even the soul has not let go, directly burning into a transparent color.

"Mu Chen, you..." Wei Huai-hing stared at Mu Chen, and his eyes were splitting. This person actually wanted to kill him directly!

Mu Chen said coldly: "I didn't promise to compare with you. You are too self-righteous." Seeing Wei Huai's eyes in the eyes of killing and unwillingness, Mu Chen said indifferently: "I am the most afraid of trouble, you are a Trouble." So directly kill the peace of mind.

As for the means, huh! This kind of person does not deserve!

Seeing that Wei Huaitong’s remnant soul was left, Mu Chen’s sorrow was heavy, and he had to end him. He did not expect a delicate folding fan to fly in from the outside, directly blocking Mu Chen’s sword, and then watching Wei Huaitong. The place disappeared.

Comes in a purple dress, the Chinese clothing is the crown, the instrument is extraordinary, and the polite question: "Mu Gongzhu, can you give a few faces?"

Looking at the other eyebrows and Gu Yunxiao's eyebrows, there was finally a hint of surprise in the cold scorpion. Mu Chen did not answer, but it was difficult to cover up.

"In the case of Yunjin, the younger brothers have taken care of the Mugong masters in these years." Gu Yunjin opened the folding fan and gently shaken it, the appearance of a son of the family. The wear on the body is not a common product. There is good education between the talks. Mu Chen saw the other side like this. He suddenly remembered the poor appearance of the little apprentice when he first came. He was clothed, and he was skinny and old. He was also a brother. As a brother's mixed look, my younger brother can't even eat enough food, but also go to the kitchen to help! It’s just that!

I think that Mu Chen’s eyes are like watching the scum of the human skin. The face is properly written with rubbish, so I didn’t give the other person a face. I asked the sword directly: “Wei Huaitong? Hand it over! ”

Gu Yunjin smiled and was stiff. He could only look up at Gu Yunqi. The only thing in his eyes was that the two people could understand. "This person is what his father wants. I have no way to help my brother ask for help."

Gu Yunqiu went down the stairs and came to Muchen's side, looking at Mu Chen with pity, as if he was afraid of him getting angry and taking him out, Mu Chen was slightly softened by this cautious look.

Gu Yunqi took a step forward and stood next to Mu Chen. He looked at Gu Yunjin and smiled. "Hand it out, this person is not right, and the father can find another Dan teacher."

Looking at Gu Yunxiao’s eyes, Gu Yunjin’s meaningful question: “Do you have to do this?”

Gu Yunxiao nodded. "This is a traitor to my Chongyunmen. I must clean up the portal."

"He is in desperate need of Dan, you have to know that there are not many people with this level." Gu Yunjin looked at Mu Chen, the hints in the words are already very obvious, without Wei Huaitong, the other party must definitely start with Mu Chen.

Gu Yunxi reached out to Gu Yunjin and there was not much to say.

"In this case," Gu Yunjin took out a guardian soul and handed it to Gu Yunqi. "You are so self-sufficient."

After Gu Yunyi received the hand, the five fingers were close together. Wei Huai, who had become transparent in the spirit of the gods, gave a dazzling white light, which was directly crushed by Gu Yunxiao and successfully disappeared between the heavens and the earth. Mu Chen opened his mouth and made some dissatisfaction with the apprentice's robbing of his own affairs, but did not see Gu Yunhao's space ring flashing a stream of light. With Wei Huaitong disappearing, this was calm.

Gu Yunjin glanced at Gu Yunxiao and left with a smile.

Mu Chen's cold eyes swept around, just to see the back of Ying Li, but the other side has been onlookers, Mu Chen knows. Yu Rongzhi, who he got on this person in the last life, didn’t know if there was any in the other hand at this time. In order to be on the safe side, Mu Chen left a **** when he started to smoke. He planned to put this after the end of the alchemy conference. People caught.

Wei Huai-tong has already been enchanted. He will not care if he kills Dancheng. This person can't move for the time being.

At this point, a moat squad had just received action after being reported by a man, but was stopped by a white book student. The jade in his hand shook and smiled: "This is a private matter of my family. Can you Give a face?"


The scholar seems to be inadvertently squatting, laughing: "Yes, private affairs."

"In this case, we will not bother." The person headed will naturally give the face of Wang Chene, and he will not ask, and return with the original way.

Chen Mo, who is not far away, sinks and is found!


On the side of Mu Chen, after Gu Yunjin left, he glanced at Gu Yunyi. "Go back with me, something to ask you."

Gu Yunqi's face is so clever, just watching Mu Chen's eyes are very greedy.

Mu Chen squinted and refused to care about it for a while. After returning to the house, he closed the door and set up a mute enchantment.

Gu Yun’s eyes lit up, and when he just wanted to come up, he was pushed away by Mu Chen’s shoulder. “I have something to ask you.”

"Teacher asks, the disciples know everything." Still the obedient twenty-four filial piety, the gentle people can't pick up the problem, but I don't know why, Mu Chen feels awkward, he sits in a chair, sternly said: Give a good account of your life, especially your family, which one is it?"

Gu Yun’s darkness finally came to a clear time, but he didn’t know what the reaction would be after the teacher said it.

The author has something to say: Like a cat, this family is not a full-time code, writing can only be said to be a hobby, but please believe in the cat's character, put the anti-theft is not to deceive, I also I can't tell if you are joking with me, or if you really lie to me, after all, there’s a lot of fun on the weekdays...

I usually put the burglar in the early morning, replace it at noon, and definitely send 500+ words when replacing. Don't worry about QAQ.


Thanks to the little angel who thundered, let you spend it~~

The blank small transparent throws a mine to throw time: 2017-01-0312:13:32

SINGLE threw a mine to throw time: 2017-01-0314:29:58

The small fish secluded into the water and threw a mine to throw time: 2017-01-0316:47:56

Su Jiuxiao threw a mine to throw time: 2017-01-0400:10:34

There are too many little angels to irrigate the nutrient solution. You can't thank them one by one. He hugs and hugs, and the cats see you, love you (萌 ̄3 ̄) づ╭?~

Read The Duke's Passion