MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 42

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"Master, I..."


"Mu Chen? Are you there?" With a few knocks on the door, Bo Xiyu stood in the doorway and looked at Liga.

Mu Chen looked at the door, his face cooled for a moment, and the brown sugar came again!

Gu Yunxiao said that half of the words were interrupted, kneeling on Mu Chen’s shoulders, and screaming like a slap in the face, "Master, don't look at other people!"

Mu Chen helplessly dragged the large baby behind to open the door. Bo Xiyu saw the posture of the master and the apprentice, and apparently groaned. Then he noticed the cold face of Mu Chen. He took a horrified look and said awkwardly: I came to apologize. Because of a misunderstanding, my brother did do a bit too much. Now I have already said it to them. No one will ask you for trouble later."

He said that he took out a piece of jade and handed it to Mu Chen. "This is my identity token. I can buy it in Dancheng and I can get discounts. There are no restrictions on going out and going. There is... forget it, anyway. Just say so much, don't bother you to rest, goodbye!"

When he spoke, Bo Yiyu threw the token to Mu Chen, and he was not willing to wait for more than a second. The stride of the stride went out, and while walking, he stumbled and stepped on the stairs.

Gu Yunxiao took the jade card and looked at it. He was absent-minded and asked: "How does the teacher look?"

Mu Chen snorted, "I don't look good." The little apprentice seems to have lost his spirit from the beginning, so that he could not help but reach out and touched the apprentice's brain, suspecting that he was not feeling well.

Gu Yun smashed his palm and smiled: "I want to ask Master to think about this young master."

"Pure soul is pure, but it is a person who can be handed over, but it is not pleasing to the eye." Mu Chen gave a very subjective evaluation.

"Why does the teacher look at him and he is not pleasing to the eye?"

"I don't know." If you are not pleasing to the eye, you will not be pleasing to the eye. For Mu Chen, there is no reason at all.

"Bo Yuntian is old and has his son in the palm of his hand. Several brothers also regard him as a pearl. The person born in this family can still maintain the pure heart now. It is obvious that he was born with thousands of pets and was loved by his family. Very well guarded." Gu Yunqi looked at Mu Chen's face and said it one word at a time, and she saw that there was a hint of concealment in Mu Chen.

He sighed at the bottom of his heart, and his heart said that he really cares about his origins. Anyone who has experienced such a childhood will think about who his father is. When he is wronged, he should also expect the other party to appear. After the expectation and despair, the heart has already left a deep scar, just He will not think about it himself, and he does not want others to expose it, and he deliberately avoids it.

However, since I saw Bo Yuyu, there is inevitably a flaw in my heart that I can't easily detect.

Thinking of this, Gu Yunxiao suddenly remembered that regardless of past and present life, Mu Chen always taught him: no matter what kind of predicament, when desperate, look at the future, don't give up.

This sentence should also be his own personal experience, because knowing the hardships of living alone after desperation, will count on looking forward to the future and let yourself continue to be strong. His young master, strong, makes him feel bad.

Holding Mu Chen’s arms more hard and tight, this made Mu Chen withdraw his thoughts from the repressed thoughts just now, thinking that the little apprentice remembered his own life. Mu Chen wanted to touch the head of the apprentice and found out how Feeling awkward, uncomfortable swearing, "Let go! Come to the front!"

Gu Yunyi moved his position according to the words, and saw Mu Chen open his arms, waiting for him to send his arms, the expression: to the teacher's arms, do not ink, fast!

Gu Yunxiao smirked and slammed up, fell in Mu Chen’s arms, and praised him with a serious look: “The arms of Shizun are particularly broad and safe.”

Mu Chen was cold and arrogant, his face was not changed, the little apprentice actually said stupid things, his mind has always been so broad, so safe, but the younger brothers grew bigger and bigger, so it was a little hard to start holding, shoulders When did it become so wide?

Recalling that the younger brother of the last generation was taller than himself, Mu Chen’s mood was somewhat subtle. He always felt that looking up the apprentice would weaken the majesty of his mastery. From tomorrow, he would not give the apprentice a meal, let him be shorter? I want to stop him and I can’t bear to shake my head, and the temperament makes my body temperament hot and cold.

"What did you want to tell me?" Mu Chen suddenly remembered.

Gu Yun blinked. I feel that if I say this at this time, Mu Chen, who is still emotionally unstable, may have to make a temper. If he can only stop his mouth, "Nothing, say it next time."

Mu Chen did not ask again. The mentor and the teacher both grinded and smashed until the afternoon. When they left, Gu Yunhao placed a killing line outside the room, and indicated on the door: the hacker died!

Mu Chen is not clear, but also helplessly knocked the apprentice's head: "Naughty!" It is so childish to play a game that scares people so big!

The mentor and the apprentice first went to the registration office of the alchemy conference to report the name, and then strolled around the street, Gu Yunxi is the personal shape of the stone transmitter, as long as Mu Chen took a look, immediately paying, buy all Buy and buy.

At this time, Mu Chen’s residence welcomed a familiar guest.

Chen Mo stood at the door and looked at Gu Yunqi’s brand that “Do not enter, swear to die”, hesitated to pause at the door, and finally smiled helplessly and turned away.

Here, Mu Chen came to Shangbaolou, a place specializing in selling treasures. The things inside are more complicated, from weapons to medicinal herbs to decorations. As long as you give money, you have everything.

Mu Chen stood under the plaque about six meters long. He looked at the sign of the Wangchen Pavilion and was curious. Who is behind the scenes, can actually build such a big force in the fairy world in such a short period of time, if the other party has nothing? The purpose, no one will believe it.

"Master is curious about the boss of this Wangchen Pavilion?" Gu Yunqi stood at the door and smiled extremely tenderly.

Mu Chen nodded. "Liandan City has their own industry. In recent years, this power has developed too fast, and it is inevitable that people will be curious." Moreover, there is no such thing as a chance in the last life. He will definitely care a few points.

"It is said that the boss here is an infatuated species. In order to protect his lover, this is the establishment of the Wangchen Pavilion. I only hope that in the first year of life, I can live with the people I love, and I will not be disturbed by the outside world." A familiar voice rang out after the red body. Chen turned back and turned out to be Bo Yuyu. "This statement is the most popular in Dancheng. I don't know what else to say."

This time, the other party was with a woman. Looking at the two people's eyebrows is very similar. Mu Chen recognized the identity of the other party. It is not good to put a face on Bo Xiyu. He nodded and said with a courtesy: "Thin Madam, polite."

Mrs. Xiao smiled slightly and said: "I heard that my child went out to make a good friend this time. Today, I saw that it was really a dragon and a phoenix. I didn't lie, and I finally got a good look."

Mu Chen’s mouth was pumped. Just wanted to explain it. Seeing that Bian Yuyu was asking for help, he squeezed his eyes. Mu Chen could only pick up the other person’s words, friends or not, they are not!

"I heard that new products came today, I will accompany my mother to see if I want to be together?" Bo Yiyu quickly changed the topic.

Mu Chen refused coldly. "No, we still have things, change the day."

Bo Xiyu asked politely: "I want to give me a refining of a medicinal herb for a birthday. Can you help me?"

Mu Chen: "..."

The other side is like a firecracker wearing a red dress. When he blows up, he can still swear with each other. Now that Bian Yuyu suddenly becomes so clever and polite, Mu Chen is a bit embarrassed and does not know how to refuse.

There is a kind of person who is like this. On weekdays, when he is cold and clear, he will turn his face. When he is angry, he is like a hedgehog. Whoever provokes him, but when the other party is gentle and smooth to him, he does not know how to parry. The cold is just the appearance, not the heart, maybe it is the kind of person of Mu Chen.

Seeing that both the teacher and the teacher are walking away, Bo Yuyu shook his mother's hand and smiled. "The mother said that you are right, and this kind of person can't be hard."

Mrs. Bo looked at Mu Chen’s back, thoughtfully, “This person is very like a friend you are, not right, age is not right. Change your day to ask your friend to come home and let you see one side.”

Bo Xiyu nodded, and if he felt good, Mu Chen should promise.

Mu Chen went back to eat something, fell on the lazy reading book, and suddenly came a white paper crane outside the window. Mu Chen raised his hand. After the paper crane fell to his palm, a word gradually appeared: Furnace! Help!

Mu Chen: "..." stupid! Why are so many people in the family looking for help?

In the heart of the abdomen, Mu Chen will not be cold-blooded. Regardless of the protection of the teenager sitting on the bed, Mu Chen will follow the paper crane. Turning to the private alchemy room that Bian Yuyu just built, Mu Chen felt the agitation of the alchemy furnace and the aura of explosion. He lifted his foot and hurriedly wanted to save himself. He raised his hand and powerful spiritual power to destroy the dead. The trend is to suppress those auras, the strong kneading together, the injection of the fire, the melting of the medicine and then refining, a wave of sleeves, Ling Dan released.

Yingbai's fingers poked out, pinched the three medicinal herbs, and threw them into the sapphire plate. Muchen looked at Bo Yiyu with a sigh of relief. "What are you doing this refining?"

Bo Yuyu is still in shock, "How are you so fast? What fire are you using?!"

Mu Chen picked up a medicinal herb from his own self, sniffed, and said that the tone of the dragon has no ups and downs: "Dragon and Phoenix Fruit, Xuan Lingzi, Xuanzang, and Green Glass Wing, these drugs have the role of reminder Among them, dew grass is still spawned. This kind of grass has no special effect on normal growth. If it is promoted, it will also produce aphrodisiac effect. The efficacy is more overbearing than other flavors," he said. Despise, blame has to dare to ask for help with the family, this lantern demon actually hides here to refine the reminder | love Dan, or such a hegemonic reminder | love Dan, this is to want to put the overlord tough bow? "Do you want to let the other person die, or do you want to let yourself die?"

"Don't misunderstand!" Bo Yiyu quickly explained, "I am going to sell it. The employer opened the Danfang, I just did it! I just want to change some Lingshi to buy some medicine, give me a refining system." Make a birthday."

Mu Chen’s face does not believe, and Bo Yuyu’s anxious stumbling. “I am the list that I received today at Shangbaolou. I successfully refining these ten medicinal herbs, and I will give three top grades of Lingshi, and I can change what I like. ”

"You still lack these pieces of spiritual stone?"

"No shortage, but the meaning is different. The difference between the family and the one you earn is very different!"

Mu Chen snorted, but he sent a letter of 80% to the other party's words. He looked around and saw that Bian Yuyu had prepared a lot of herbs, and he tickles for a moment: "What list did you pick up?"

Bo Xiyu pointed to a few sheets of paper on the table.

Mu Chen took it and looked it up again. "It's too much trouble to refine the refining. Let's make it together!" He said, throwing a herb into the alchemy furnace, and Bo Yuyu couldn't stop it. Mu Chen simply put a jade pot in one hand. Directly pour in, Bo Yuyu is shocked, this is alchemy, this is porridge!

Who does alchemy not calculate the weight of each medicine? Mu Chen, this is simply a violent thing! And will fry the furnace! With so many mixed auras in a small Dan furnace, this is absolutely unbearable!

However, Mu Chen did not control the face of Bo Yuyu. When Jiuyang was in the fire, all the elixir began to melt instantly. The silky fragrance was surrounded by the entire alchemy room. It was better to have a thin face, just want to sigh Mo Chen. It turned out to be so powerful, and then I felt that something was wrong.

This alchemy furnace was the one who confessed to his blood. After he noticed the abnormality, his nerve reflexes immediately dismissed the confession, and then he discovered that his alchemy furnace melted together with the medicinal herbs!

The topware of the product was actually burned out by Mu Chen!

"My stove!" Bian Yuyu rushed up, and did not dare to be touched by Mu Chen's flame, anxiously stomping. "This is the adult gift that I sent to me! I have used it for decades!"

It turned out that not all the stoves were as strong as the one left by Danyangzi. It turned out that his fire could melt the alchemy furnace. I didn’t know it before.

After realizing this, Mu Chen’s cold face showed a trace of sorrow. The hibiscus stood in the same place, his face was reddish, and he was a little helpless. He broke the other’s baby. How can this be good?


After Gu Yunqi’s meditation ended, he found that Mu Chen was not there, and his eyes flashed a sigh of anger. The young master was really disobedient, and he was alone here!

Cold face hit a ring, a shadow suddenly appeared in the void, can not see the body, only from the shadow to see that the other party should be a young man, "I have seen the owner!"

Gu Yunhao’s face is not good: “What about people?”

"Returning to the master, just now the palace owner was called away by Bo Yiyu's help for paper cranes. Now the two are in the alchemy." The other party reverently reported Mu Chen's every move to Gu Yunqi, kneeling in the same place, waiting for instructions.

Gu Yunxiao has eased his face. "Alchemy? Send someone to protect him, don't be aware of him."

"The subordinates have already commanded it, and the second is responsible for tracking."

"Not bad," Gu Yunqi praised, and continued to ask: "Let you check the man named Mu, can you find his identity?"

"Please ask the master to make a sin," the shadow stumbled lower. "The news about him was not found in a small one."

"Isn't you still able to find it?" Gu Yun snorted and snorted. "Continue to check, don't make a surprise."

"Yes, there is still something to report to the owner. We have found Wei Huaitong's trace and found that he has had contact with the great emperor."

Gu Yunqi stood up and smiled. "This is a coincidence. Check who is in contact with him. Give your head down and give it to my respected big brother. Remember to pack it carefully. By the way, tell him that Wei Huaitong’s life is fixed. And let his people stay away."

"The following is recorded." The shadow of the shadow of Gu Yunxiao waved, the figure gradually disappeared, and the night outside the window blended into one.

Gu Yun narrowed his eyes and looked out at the stars outside the window. His eyes were dark and unclear. At this moment, a murderous murder suddenly locked in his body. The silver mask of the other side reflected the light of Sen Han, and the hoarse voice said slowly: "You are the most important person of Mu Chen. If he is told to see you killed by murder, what would he look like? I am looking forward to seeing it. ""

Gu Yunxiao lazily lifted his head and lazily held up his chin and chuckled: "I am looking forward to it."

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