MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 33

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Gu Yunqi’s performance on the first day showed his extraordinaryness to the fairyland. Mu Chen also showed his love for this apprentice, and he provoked a layer of envy and hatred for the apprentice. In particular, Fu Xiaolong, who is known as the pride of the sky, is abhorrent to Gu Yunzhen. He vows to defeat Gu Yunwei and prove that he is the most talented person of that session. He must let Mu Chen know that he has not been chosen. It is his fault.

Contrast, Mu Chen knows nothing, or he doesn't care if he knows it, because after seeing the first day of the test, Mu Chen trusts his apprentice fans - my disciples will never lose!

Early the next morning, Jing Ming hurriedly ran, excitedly, "Miyaz, my brother wants to go out!"

Mu Chengang came back from the cold fragrant woods, heard the words throwing the branches, and blinked to the mirror closed. I saw the aura of the sky gathered, and it was funnel-shaped and poured into the cave. The violent air around it gradually calmed down. In a few moments, a white giant wolf with a height of two meters rushed out from the retreat. The blue hustle was filled with cold cold light. When I saw Mu Chen, the white wolf flashed white light and turned into a white hair. Handsome young man. A mother compatriot, the mirror court has been half a head higher than the mirror, and the repair is even more pressing the mirror to a realm. However, the mirror still has no heart and lungs, "Brother!"

Jingting raised his hand and touched his brother's head. He looked at Jingming's happy smile and his face was mild. Then he respected Mu Chen and said, "I have seen the palace owner."

Mu Chen gratifiedly patted the shoulder of the mirror and said: "Grow up."

After listening to the mirror, Shen Sheng said: "Thank you for the acceptance of the palace for these years!" After he finished, he paused, as if he had made a decision early. This moment, he was absolutely undecided, and he took the mirror, "My brother two." When people are homeless, they are taken over by the palace when they are chased by the enemy. The great grace of these years, the mirror is remembered."

Mu Chen's face gradually calmed down, and he also knew that the mirror was leaving.

Jing Ming also understood the meaning of his brother. After all, Jing Ting had mentioned it to him. He lowered his head, his face gradually faded, and his expression was even awkward. He is reluctant to be here. Here is his home. After he escaped from the demon world, he lost all his memories. His parents and hatred are all gone. The only thing left in his mind is that he has only grown up in the Yangyang Palace for decades. He is like a father, and he is confused about the future after he leaves.

Jing Ting earnestly said: "I want to bring the mirror back to the demon world. After the things I have done, if my brothers and two have a life, they will definitely return to the palace and live around the palace."

Mu Chen whispered: "I know, you will always leave." He smiled. It was originally that they had a good coat color. This was a thought, and they came back. I didn't expect them to become human figures and stay with him for so long. Suddenly leaving, it really made him reluctant. "Since today, you are the disciple of my Mu Chen, no matter if you are a demon, wherever you go, they are disciples of my Yanyang Palace." Mu Chen patted his head and said, "I am a teacher." Waiting for you to come back."

The mirror raised his head in surprise, but the mirror was a twilight sinking. In the blue-eyed scorpion, it seemed to contain something. After the painful struggle, he raised his lips and closed his eyes and bowed respectfully. "Appreciation Master."

Mu Chen licked his head, just like when they were young.

In order to make the mirror and mirror clear on the road, Mu Chen took out all the stocks in the alchemy room and distributed more than a dozen space rings.

"The money is not revealed. After you go out, you must remember this. No one, besides yourself, don't believe it." To the mirror, the hidden evil medicine, the youth in front of him has become black and black, Mu Chen is still not assured. "Oh, Ming Ming must listen to my brother's words. Don't eat anything that strangers give, can't, always follow the mirror, don't run around."

The mirror is in the corner of the wall and looks sad.

Jingting looked at Mu Chen to prepare their things, clenched their fists tightly, and made the bones white, and could not say a word.

Gu Yunqi took the sign and came back. He saw this scene at the door, and laughed. The young master was inevitably too worried. In the last life, these two little things stirred up the demon world, and the mirror court was the five major forces in the demon world. A generation of demons. Later, because he reneged the teacher's door, he found a lot of trouble for him.

However, after Mu Chen’s accident, Gu Yunxi gave his subordinates a strict order before coming to the fairyland. If he had an accident, let them listen to the mirror. Because he knows that if Mu Chen is in trouble, the mirror will subvert the fairy world with the demon and the two worlds. When the three circles are in chaos, countless creatures will be buried with them.

He believes that the two little wolves must be able to do so in order to give countless kind of affection.

Mu Chen glanced at the apprentice and asked: "Who is today's opponent?"

Gu Yunxiao smiled and said: "Today, the luck is good, the wheel is empty."

Mu Chen’s mouth provoked slightly. “The luck will not only follow you, you can’t relax.”

"The disciple understands."

"You two have seen the master brother. Since you want to go back to the demon world, you don't have to register in the martial art." Mu Chen is also afraid that if the two people are leaked, they will bring trouble to Chongyunmen. Anyway, in his heart, these three are all His apprentices have no internal and external points, and those who are vain are not worth mentioning.

Gu Yunqi looked at the ugly expression on the face of Jingting and Jingming, and the smile was even more brilliant.

"Master, obviously we are bigger than him." The mirror is not satisfied.

"I am getting started earlier than you." Gu Yunqi walked over and took the squeak of the back of the mirror. The smile was meaningful, and the brothers were reluctant. If you let the teacher call you, is there any opinion?

The mirror was reluctant to call the voice brother, and felt that he was unlucky. He was beaten by his brother for more than ten years, and he had been carrying the pot for more than ten years. This is a daily routine.

The mirror is in a hurry to go, as if waiting for more than one day, waiting for Mu Chen to finish things, in the evening, pulling his brother to go.

Jing Ming reluctantly, holding Mu Chen's sleeves and not letting go, Jing Ting is also hard-hearted, carrying the mirror's back collar, hard to drag the mirror away. The vestment that the knife and the gun did not enter, was finally pulled down by a mirror and grabbed four claw marks.

Gu Yunxiao sighed: Xiaoyue Sirius's invincible little wolf claws, really worthy of the name.

Over the city of Qiyang, the mirror was red-eyed and yelled at his brother: "How do you feel so worried, staying for one night is not good?"

Jingting looked at the direction of Chongyunmen, and his face finally showed a trace of reluctance. He whispered: "The longer you stay, the more reluctant you are, the better you can go."

The mirror wipes the tears, but it doesn't talk. The two brothers stood in the direction of Chongyunmen for a while, and Jingting said coldly: "Let's go."

The mirror nodded, and the expression on his face was very firm and tenacious. "When we stand firm in the demon world, we will take the teacher to the door - to live for a few days."

Jing Ting thoughtfully nodded, the two brothers just wanted to go, they felt a familiar spiritual fluctuation, Gu Yun’s eyes on the flying sword went to the two people, holding the three-tailed The white fox, smiled and said: "It comes from the demon world. It is better than you to understand the situation there. It can save a lot of trouble with it." He said that he handed the imprisoned white fox to the mirror court. The servant contract, so that it is obedient."

"Thank you." Jing Ting accepted the white fox, hesitated, or solemnly said: "The Master will be handed over to you."

Gu Yunxiao nodded and smiled. "It should be."

After returning, Mu Chen stood by the window and looked at the bright moon outside the window. His face was faintly faint. Gu Yunqi walked over and hugged his waist from behind, comforting him: "They will be fine, teacher. Don't worry."

Mu Chen pulled the arm wrapped around his waist and did not pull it. He said helplessly: "Speak well, don't be spoiled."

"The taste of the teacher's body is so sweet." The person behind him pressed all the weight on his back. There was no meaning to let go. Mu Chen suddenly felt a headache. Where did he raise it? Good children develop this way!


The next day, the mentor and the teacher arrived at the test venue very late. Mu Chen was dressed in a white robe and wide-sleeved in the wind. The fairy stood in front of his seat and looked at him.

Two days ago, his seat was no different from that of others. The black wooden chair was engraved with moire, simple and atmospheric. Today, his chair is more than twice as big as normal. Sitting on two people is more than enough. The back of the jade-colored glazed chair is inlaid with a few stone jade hearts. It is a flock of scorpions, and it also has a white suede that is more than one meter wide. Cushion, two beautiful Taoist children behind the chair, holding a white brocade in one arms and a large umbrella. The people around you look at this posture, and the eyes that envy hate are more obvious. How rich is this, in order to put the spirit stone jade heart on the back of the chair, the luxury is simply no friends!

Yue Mingze coldly pressed his face and suppressed the justice of the road: "Yesterday, Gu Shidi greeted the seat, and Mu Shishu was busy with alchemy in recent days. Some of them were tired, which gave him a big change for the elderly." Gu Yun He just told him to change the chair of a bigger point. Who knows the so-called big, can extend so much meaning, Yue Mingze feels the heart of the stuff, but he has already promised, and can't say anything.

Everyone looks at the beauty face of Mu Chen that Zhang Qingjun... the old man?

Liu Hanzhi, who was sitting on the side, got up and sat a little farther, and his expression was somewhat disgusting. Sitting in the distance

Mu Chen’s stunned, cold and screaming Gu Yunyu, what are you going to do?

Gu Yun blinked and smiled. He took Mu Chen on the chair and took the brocade in the hands of the Taoist priest and put it on Mu Chen. He smiled and said: "The disciple wants to sit with the teacher, this chair is right."

Mu Chen felt a faint cool air bag on his body. It was like a good medicine for him who was unsolved by fire. His soul was cool, and then the material of this brocade was like glue. He was puzzled. Q: "This is..."

"I found it from the treasure chest, I looked good, and I took it to the master."

Mu Chen licked his eyebrows. Is there such a thing in the treasure chest? The skin of the deep sea dragon, the thing in the water to the cold, if there is such a thing to restrain the fire, he should have found out before.

Gu Yunqi did not interrupt Mu Chen's thinking. Anyway, with his teacher's memory, he did not know what was in the treasure house. He was not afraid of him.

After setting up Mu Chen, Gu Yunqi went to draw the lottery. The opponent that was drawn this time turned out to be a petite and lovely female repairer of Yan Yangmen. Similar to Gu Yunxiao, they are all sixteen or seven years old.

Standing on the stage, Gu Yunxiao cold face, a white fluttering, handsome and chic, a pink carved jade, delicate and moving, like a pair of jade people.

When the other party’s teacher saw that Gu Yunxiao was also relieved, this person was very young, but his shot was extremely measured. His disciple was a woman who was like a flower, and should not be injured.

At this time, Gu Yunqi looked cold and stunned, and in the eyes of the crowd, he came to the girl and lifted his legs. Hey!

A 16-year-old girl with a beautiful appearance and a delicate face was shackled by Gu Yunyi on her waist. Like a broken kite, her body was uncontrollable and she was squatted down than the bucket. Yan Yangmen The man rushed to catch up and watched Gu Yunxiao’s eyes and hate to swallow him. If you lose in the fight, it’s a shame!

This time, I don’t need to remind the host, the results are clear at a glance.

"...Chongyunmen Gu Yunhao, win!" The tone of the host was very shocked.

Mu Chen also had a complicated face, and he did not know how to take the girl off the stage.

Gu Yunqi sat down next to Mu Chen, a pair of scared appearances, nervously licking Mu Chen's waist, whispered: "It's terrible."

Mu Chen looked at him with a puzzled look.

“The teacher said that the face is red and bones. When I saw a beautiful woman, I felt like I saw a beautiful dress! It’s terrible!”

Mu Chen: "..."

The apprentice originally understood the pity and jealousy of jade. As a result, he said a few words to himself, and he had such a psychological shadow on the woman... Mu Chen helped the amount, how can I find a lover in the future! Where did he teach the wrong, how can a good child become like this!

In addition to being a girl by Gu Yun, the morning game was smooth, and more than a dozen of them were carried out at the same time. The progress was also very fast.

In the afternoon, it was an accident. A disciple of Bodhi Gate wounded a disciple of Chongyun. Unexpectedly, the magical power was exposed, forcing the game to be interrupted. The person who was poisoned was also shot dead on the spot.

The injured disciple was taken away for treatment, and the woman behind him caught the attention of Mu Chen. "Is that the daughter of Zheng Xuansu?" He turned to ask Gu Yunxi, who was just around the corner. A sneer, Mu Chen frowns, "Do you know?"

Gu Yunying said: "There was a little holiday before." Raising his hand and swearing, his attitude is very sincere. "Not for girls!"

Mu Chen: "..."

Fortunately, in a few days, the injured disciple returned to the original, and unfortunately in the draw, he took the same door Gu Yunxi. The first one killed the same door and fell to the head of Chongyunmen, so that Yue Mingze couldn’t help but sigh. This luck is worse!

The disciple is an introductory disciple of Zheng Xuansu's new collection. He is distinguished from the outsider's disciplinary test. He is named Ming Mingan. He is only twenty-four years old and has been in the middle of Jindan.

Listening to others praised the talents of Chongyunmen, the genius is numerous, Yue Mingze is not happy at all, because these two talents must consume one internally today, which undoubtedly reduced the other three to a very strong competitor.

Gu Yunqi seems to know that this time the opponent is not easy to solve, no longer arrogant with a hand knife to solve the other side, but a happy sword. A sword was smashed, and the sword in his hand instantly gave off a sword like a dragon. The sound of the thunder, Gu Yunqi’s sharp swords continued to climb, and the young monks who were close to each other felt that the internal organs were affected by this The sword is crushed, and the forehead faintly reveals cold sweat.

"Golden Dan later!" Zheng Xuansu on the elders exclaimed, and then felt that this sentence appeared to be too big and fussing, detrimental to the identity, and quickly turned around and smiled: "Mu Shidi is a good eye, can be described as a teacher." ”

Mu Chen's cold face swept the other side, his eyes were cold, like a knife, he was scratching on the other's face, apparently not waiting to see each other, even if he was not willing to pick up. When his apprentice was so small, he introduced him to his daughter, stinking!

After being swept away by Mu Chen, Zheng Xuansu’s face was not good-looking. He sat in a chair and gnawed his teeth, but he did not dare to offend Mu Chen. He said that he could not directly turn his face and cut the sword and cut him. Ten years ago, the picture of Mu Chenjian’s Ji Qingyuan was still vivid. He knew that his own weight could not be picked up. He could only hope that his apprentice would beat Gu Yunxiao down to fight for himself. A few face. The same master, he has been stabilized by Mu Chen, and his heart is also full of breath, want to put Mu Chen on the soles of his feet, and raise his eyebrows.

Less than a few, more than the fog on the platform, the moment of isolation of the outsider's line of sight, Yan Mingan is the root of water, the use of water vapor fog is very skilled, I can see that the combat experience is very rich.

Mu Chen's face was stretched, obviously worried, Zheng Xuansu looked good, how about Jin Dan later, but a doll that has never seen blood!

Outsiders only saw the sword in the middle of the sword, but did not know that inside is another scene.

Gu Yunqi carried the sword, the color gradually became red, and the killing in the eyes did not hide. "I said, if you dare to extend your head, I will cut it for you."

The other side stepped back, and the expression on his face changed. He changed his face. A pair of passionate peach eyes were slightly hooked, and Gu Yunqi was like a glimpse. He said: "When you are a brother, you must be so ruthless? ”

This person is the man who reminded Gu Yunyi to be optimistic about Mu Chen in the past, and the man who is not lost, is also the big brother in the name of Gu Yunhao, named Gu Yunjin.

It is a pity that the two brothers did not meet their brothers and sisters, but they secretly guarded themselves. They all had the meaning of trying to get rid of each other. If their father sees this scene, he will be very pleased.

Because what he wants to see most is that his sons are killing each other, the weak meat is strong, and the one left is what he wants most!

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