MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 30

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Mu Chen: "The beautiful female repair is very likely to be changed by Warcraft. Your four sisters can explain the meaning of this sentence for you."

Gu Yunxiao quickly nodded, indicating that the masters are right, and what you said is what I remember in my heart.

The following big man was also shocked by the words of Bai Rongrong, and then turned his face. "I don't fight with women, I only look for Yue Mingze!"

Mu Chen looked at each other's eyes full of contempt, and said: "It is not far from death."

Bai Yurong laughed, the surrounding air pressure suddenly became low, Mu Chen Yang set up an enchantment, Gu Guyu they were guarded by their side, followed by the rich wind and earth two spirits began to entangle together, surrounded by sand and stone, faint Secretly, the stones on the side of the mountain were shattered, forming a turkish dragon. The sound of the bang sounded like a low screaming, screaming, showing the opponents who wanted to kill. The second-generation disciples who did not have any precautions were directly swept by this spiritual power. They ate a mouthful of sand, and there was only a roar in their ears, and they could no longer hear others.

Gu Yunqi, who has never seen Bai Zhengrong, finally understands what Mu Chen said about the meaning of Warcraft, and then sees the petite woman below to sacrifice a machete about two meters long!

The blade is half a meter wide and has a golden body. The yellow one can flash the big copper bell opposite the eye. There are blood troughs on both sides of the blade, which are painted into the shape of a dragon, glittering and murderous.

Bai Zhengrong lifted the knife with one hand and pointed it at the opposite side of the nose. He said: "Look at the woman? My grandson, today my grandmother will teach you how to behave!"

Gu Yunyi just wanted to enjoy music, and felt the warm palms hold their ears. Mu Chen said coldly: "Don't learn to talk to her. This girl doesn't say good things when she fights."

Gu Yunxiao silently grabbed Mu Chen's two hands and put it in his palm. He felt very eager to take a sip.

Mu Chen took the opportunity to explain: "The knives of your four sisters, the name is the soul knife, weighing one thousand eight hundred kilograms, is the top quality."

"It should be called 劈天裂地斩日刀!" Mirror held his chin and moved the words from the small picture book. The other side flew out of the distance, and added something to it: "It’s awesome, every day!"

Mu Chen raised his leg, and his foot slammed the mirror, and his face was cold and his face was punctured. He stepped on the mirror and heard a few sounds. It sounded quite enjoyable. If he is not stepped on and can't turn over, he wants to lie flat and let Mu Chen step on his belly.

Gu Yunqi coveted and looked at the white boots on the back of the mirror. The color of the twilight gradually deepened, and his eyes fixed on the body of the mirror. Without the original, the mirror Ming felt a murderous murder. Mirror Ming looked up and looked around, how could he not find where the killing was, Mu Chen saw that he was not honest, and he stepped on his foot - not learning good things that are not convinced!

Gu Yun was darker and his face was full of warm smiles. He took Mu Chen’s hand and pulled it to his lips. He smiled and said: “The disciples have already remembered, and the women’s repairs are all possible. Warcraft has changed, so from now on, I just have to look at the Master, and even if I have a national fragrance, I am not one of the masters in my heart."

Mu Chen opened his mouth, but did not know how to correct this sentence with a few differences. He originally wanted to remind the disciples not to be greedy for beauty, how it sounded wrong now.

When I was too late to think about it, Mu Chen was dragged by Gu Yunqi, and at the same time, he was wrapped around an arm, and he almost dragged him half and half.

Other people are not strange, Mu Chen has the lawlessness of the disciples, this is the whole thing that Chongyunmen knows, plus Gu Yunqi’s talent, others do not dare to have whispers.

Jing Ming finally got up and wanted to pat the footprints behind her. Why couldn’t it be enough, and rushed to the circle, like a little wolf dog biting his tail.

Mu Chen suddenly asked: "When the mirror is going out, the teacher wants to receive the mirror and the mirror is a disciple. What do you think?"

Gu Yunxiao smiled and clenched his hand, not paying much attention to it: "The teacher is happy, the disciples have no opinion."

Mu Chen was surprised that this possessive desire was so strong that he would look at other people and he would be jealous that he wouldn’t care if he would accept the apprentice again.

Xu is seeing Mu Chen’s doubts. Gu Yunqi’s serious saying: “Is it necessary for Master to let them go out and practice? With the name of Yanyang Palace, they really have less trouble.” And he thought What is needed is no longer a mentoring relationship, but it is not a time to clarify.

Mu Chen nodded. He really thought so. The little apprentice could understand him. It was really good.

The teacher and the teacher returned to the Yanyang Palace, and Mu Chen once again drilled into the alchemy room. Immediately on the four-door ratio, Chongyunmen naturally took out the prizes of the eyes of the disciples, so Yue Mingze called on Muchen to refine a small one. Also Dan.

Mu Chen sat on the couch by the window, glazed at the sun and looked at Gu Yunqi to be able to refine it. You must know that the little apprentice did not have the talent of alchemy at all, stupid to the gods and anger, waste materials!

Gu Yunqi took the herb and could only see Mu Chen's side face. The sun made his long eyelashes cast a fan-shaped shadow on the white face. The poke of the person's heart was itchy, could not help but want to approach, caress Go up and feel the trembling touch.

He walked over and surrounded him from behind Mu Chen. His nose licked Mu Chen’s ear, and his tone was serious and serious: "Master."

Mu Chen pushed the head on his shoulder and twisted his face impatiently. The other person just turned his head and looked at him. The nose touched him together and saw Gu Yunxiao’s smiling nephew Mu Chen suddenly worried: the young apprentice grew up. The eyes and the previous world are somewhat similar.

Suddenly, the face was hot, and the soft touch made Mu Chen return to God. Then he became angry and angry. This mixed apprentice, how many times he said that he was not allowed to kiss him, saying that spoiled and spoiled, he couldn’t tear it up. Can't change it!

Gu Yunqi knows that he wants to be shackled, holding Mu Chen tightly and laxly, laughing: "I like how Master does not know how to express it. How can this be good?"

Mu Chen was cold-faced, and the cold face was smothered with a layer of ochre. Do you like a girl halfway on the road and hold your face? What is the difference between this and rogue?

Look at the apprentice, this face is full of peach blossoms, Mu Chen is not at ease, even if it is a disciple, this face can be stunned by others. If you let go, how much?

I want to stop Mu Chen, not pointing at the herb on the table, cold face: "Go to alchemy!" Good tempering, can not be good.

Gu Yunyi obediently took the herb, and the movement of alchemy was very clumsy. Mu Chen was anxious to watch. This fool can be stupid like this! If you grow up so big, even the Chinese medicine will not be refined. How can you let him go out and practice?

Under Gu Yun's clumsy alchemy technique, after several failures, he finally refining ten small dandans.

Mu Chen looked at the ten dingy medicinal herbs on the plate, his face was a little distorted. "This, why is this shape?" Aren't the medicinal drugs round? Why are the singers out of the grotesque shape, and even a triangular deformity!

Gu Yunqi looked very distressed. He looked at Mu Chen’s waist with a wounded face and put his head on Mu Chen’s abdomen. He whispered: “Master, the child is so stupid, will you dislike me?”

Mu Chen’s hand trembled, and the medicinal medicine in his hand accidentally fell to the ground. He couldn’t wait to pick it up and quickly touched the head of the actor. He comforted: “No.”

The sensitive temper of the young apprentice has been ingrained. The book says that the child of this age is the most likely to be distorted, and he can't say it if he dislikes him. Blame him, before the gangsters were stupid, let the disciples begin to deny themselves, he must pay attention to this after he is a master.

Gu Yunxi trembled a bit, did not get up, Mu Chen cold face and patted the back of the apprentice, some distressed, "I am not afraid, you have a teacher." When the big one goes out to practice, he follows, and never let others Bully him.

I want to stop him from bending over and picking up the medicinal herbs on the ground, and putting them in the dish with dust. These are all made by the little apprentices and cannot be wasted.

I watched Mu Chen put the medicinal herbs into the bottle and put them all into my space ring. I wanted to collect the indifferent face that I would not give. The Taoist boy on the side reminded: "The palace owner, the real person will send people for a while." To take the medicine, let us give it?"

Mu Chen thought for a moment and pointed to the gap between the legs and the flower pot. He remembered that there was a missing one half a year ago, and the effect should be no problem.

The Taoist would like to remove the flower pot, pick up the medicinal medicine and blow the ash, and wipe it from the clothes. Look at the boots printed on it, and the Taoist looked subconsciously at Mu Chen's exquisite white boots. I understand that the reason why this medicinal drug is here is that they have accidentally stepped on their feet, and they are not willing to swear.

I have to say that Mu Chen’s temper is too good to guess.

Mu Chen watched the Tao Tong stuffing the medicinal herbs with the footprints into the bottle, and meaningfully patted the head on his stomach. "You will participate in this competition."

Gu Yunqi still did not speak, Mu Chen continued to pat him on the shoulder, "Give this medicinal medicine back to the division to win back." To the other people who stepped on the medicinal herbs, too detrimental to the reputation of Yanyang Palace, anyway, anyway It is also time to learn the fighting experience. If he looks at it, he can cure it if he can’t die. When necessary, he must be a little bit sloppy to the apprentice. He is a strict teacher.

Gu Yunqiu's mouth was slightly pumped, and he had to try a group of Mao children below the Jindan period. In case of a missed death, the consequences were not very good.

Gu Yunqi’s participation in the four-door ratio is not lost, and it has spread throughout the Chongyun Gate within a few days.

For a long time, Gu Yunqi is a symbol of good life. He has achievements today. Most of the third and fourth generation disciples think that he is a good teacher. Being so favored by the elders of the elders, the resources that others have tried hard to grab are simply commonplace for Gu Yunqi. As long as he wants, Mu Chen is all in front of him and he is chosen. If everyone has such resources, will they be stronger than Gu Yun?

A young man in his twenties looked at the flash of lightning in his hand. The light of the flickering light made his face more gloomy, and he couldn’t hide his eyes. He bit his eyes and hated three words: "Gu, cloud Oh!"

He is the best qualified person in the batch, and Mu Chen has chosen Gu Yunhao! By now, the students are short and Gu Yunying has two generations, and even the repairs have been pressed by Gu Yun. I am desperately earning resources, but the other party is the next generation owner of the Yanyang Palace, fate, why is it unfair!

He wants Mu Chen to know that it is his fault to not pick him!

Gu Yunhao, I am waiting for you!

I still don't know Gu Yunyi, who was being remembered. At this time, my mood was not good. Mu Chen didn't know what it was. He suddenly flew out and went out. Gu Yunxiao looked coldly at Muchen's back, blinking. Disappearing in his sight, like a person who can't stay, can't catch the wind, can only watch him go.

Gu Yunqi’s face has no waves, and even his eyes are not dissatisfied. However, his murder reveals his feelings at this time. He is not chasing, he can’t chase, if he exposes his magical power. He will lose the person he wants to guard. That kind of loss, he can't afford it.

The management who rushed to the spottedly noticed this dangerous atmosphere and stood in the same place and did not dare to approach.

Gu Yunqi regained his gaze, and his darkness was as deep as the ink. It seemed to be the endless black sea. He hid the danger and the murderous machine, and the calmness made people shudder.

Guan Shan was glanced at him and tightened himself. He quickly said: "There are few masters, you have checked them all, and they are here." He said that he held a piece of jade in his hands and bowed his head.

Gu Yunqi took it over and read it in an instant. After reading it, it was still a calm face, and it was a smile on the spot, or the tone of his usual speech, but the killing of the words made the goodness of the side tremble. As you know, the master will be angry when the news comes up.

"It turns out that it is like this." Gu Yunqi crushed the jade in his hand and blinked his eyes slightly. He had previously investigated the relationship between Mu Chen and Chen Jia, and now he finally sent it to his own hands.

The person who was originally held by him at the tip of his heart had such a birth.

No wonder, his little master, the temper is so cold.

Controlling several major forces in the fairy world, divided into four four islands and five people, Chen family, is one of the five. Mu Chen’s mother, Chen Yixin, is the apple of the family of Chen’s family. She was outstanding in her talents and her qualifications were excellent. The family also had high hopes for it. I did not expect that the spirit was destroyed in a training experience, and the unmarried first child gave birth to Mu Chen.

After two years, it was already fragrant.

From the beginning to the end, Mu Chen’s father did not show up, except that he knew his surname Mu, and everyone knew nothing about him.

Chen Jia up and down, both hated Mu Chen’s father, and regarded it as the chief culprit of Chen Yixin. The two-year-old Mu Chen was living alone in Chen’s family after Chen Yixin’s death. If it wasn’t for Chen Mo’s big cousin, he would have been killed by his family. After that, Mu Chen died almost a few times, and the care of Chen Mo made the death of Mu Chen safe to 13 years old. Liu Hanzhi is an orphan who has been adopted by Chen Mo in order to find a partner for Mu Chen. Since childhood and Mu Chen live together, the two are also dependent on each other, not brothers, more than brothers.

Seeing this, Gu Yunxuan thought of the sentence that Chen Mo was interrupted by Mu Chen before. The person who wants to see Mu Chen should be the grandfather in the name of Xiao Shi Zun, the Chen family who failed to break through the fit period. , Chen Xing.

After dying, regret what you have done? Or simply think that Xiao Shi Zun is the only flesh of his daughter, missing his daughter? Still fancy the ability of the master now, want to ask for help? Gu Yun’s mouth showed a cold smile, and he snorted without a word.


On Muchen's side, he opened all the people and concealed his figure and finally came to the back hill of Hanyang Palace. He saw a small thing in the earthen bag arched the leaves and revealed a small head.

Mu Chen was shocked to see the little flower pig hiding in the leaves of the tree crawling out, only the palm of his hand, the seven white plum blossoms on the golden body, arranged in the way of the Big Dipper, shining in the night, looking rich No friends. He immediately recognized the other party, "Little Six?"

褚 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 甩 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆Helpless, fragile, let Mu Chen feel a soft heart.

Mu Chen reached out and let Qian Qian double in his palm. He looked at the little flower pig who had just shunned the enchantment and sent him medicine on his own, and he felt a lot of heart. At the crucial moment, the most reliable thing is the pig, what did you do to make this little guy so trustful.褚 thousand pairs are, Jing Ting and Jing Ming are also, what is hidden in their own body, only to attract this group of simple minded little guys close?

He applied a net body curse to clean the soil of Qian Qianshou. Mu Chen asked him: "What happened?" He suddenly received a distress signal and said that he would not tell anyone, nor can he tell Liu Hanzhi. As for the appearance of a thousand pairs, Mu Chen inevitably thought a little more. "Is your identity exposed?"

Qian Qianshuang shook his head. "Master has long known what I am."

Mu Chen was puzzled and looked at the little golden pig in the palm, waiting for the other party to explain.

"The teacher does not want me, Shi Bozu, the master said not to me!" Qian Qianshuang took the pig's tail, apparently frightened too much, this became the most primitive form to make himself feel safe.

Mu Chen was surprised and wide-eyed. Although Liu Hanzhi was cold and fierce, he was very fond of this apprentice. He has only one disciple. Even though he is naughty, he is very sensible. What did he do to make him so angry?

Squeezing the other's ears, Mu Chen comforted: "I will send you back, there is a misunderstanding and it will be fine."

Qian Qianshuang shook his head and did not dare to go back.

"Then you go back to Yanyang Palace with me?"

"No, I won't go back with you." Qian Qianshuang thought that when he was close to Mu Chen, Gu Yunyi made his scalp numb his eyes, wisely blowing hair in the mountains, not with Mu Chen Huiyang Palace. "Shi Bozu, you help me to respect the teacher, don't chase me away, I promise to listen to him later, and filial to them." Shizun listened to the teacher's words, as long as Shi Bozu spoke, the master would definitely listen. From an early age, Liu Hanzhi came back from the lost Mori, and the feelings of Yu Qianshuang to Liu Hanzhi were not profound. At this moment, they suddenly realized that they were to be abandoned. The whole person was helpless. Hanyang Palace is his Home, the teacher respects him, where can he go?

"They?" Mu Chen heard this, some doubts, how come more than one person? Realizing that this person may be the main cause of the fear of Xiaoliu, Mu Chen took him up and looked at his eyes and asked, "Is it related to your second division?"

Thousands of shocked eyes rounded his eyes, and his eyes have explained everything.

Mu Chen can't smile, the Duanmu style is gentle, but his mind is very delicate. There is something in Liu Han’s heart that always likes to squat, and I don’t like to express anything. In the last world, the two men struggled for more than 150 years. In the middle, because of his relationship, he also misunderstood for more than 20 years without talking, almost the same way. At that time, he did not know that his close relationship with Liu Han would lead to misunderstanding of Duanmufeng. So, the two people have already begun to misunderstand?

"I came back from the second division, and the master was angry. I told me to go to the Fuyang Palace. I don't want me." Qian Qianshuang took his ear and groaned. "The teacher must be too wicked." ""

Mu Chen is speechless and has been eating for so many years. He has not said anything before. Liu Hanzhi is obviously angry with the apprentice.

Gazing at the direction of the Hanyang Palace for a while, Mu Chen suddenly came to the sentence: "Intelligence."

I like it, I don’t say it in my heart, but let the other party misunderstand. Now I am still angry with the apprentice. Is this not a mental retardation?

In the end, Mu Chen went to Hanyang Palace with a thousand pairs.

Gu Yunqi originally had two corners in the room of Mu Chen. The left hand and the right hand played chess. He noticed that Mu Chen’s breath was no longer hidden. He dropped his fingertips and stood up, and he had already left the Yanyang Palace.

When Gu Yunqi arrived, he saw Mu Chen and Liu Hanzhi standing in the air, one in the east, one in the west, and the two did not speak. They looked at each other as if they were two dumb eyes. A cold face and low air pressure can be like lightning and thunder in the next second.

Liu Hanzhi is used to cold, and Mu Chen is very cold when he is angry!

I really don't know how the two people got along before.

The Hanyang Palace looked up and down in the sky and looked at the two people in the sky. They felt that they could fight in the next second. The power could definitely be riddled with the sun and the moon, and the Hanyang Palace seemed to be unable to keep the sense of sight.

Gu Yunxi stood in the distance, not close, but read some emotions from Mu Chen's expressionless face. Mu Chen's face was disgusted, all kinds of contempt, all kinds of stupid.

Liu Hanzhi is a bit embarrassing.

Finally, after a slap of tea, Mu Chen snorted and sighed: "Intelligence!"

Liu Han’s cold face was pumped.

After Mu Chen’s death, he pulled out the thousands of pairs hidden behind him and threw them directly to the opposite Liu Hanzhi. “Fearing a child with such low IQ, you are really good.” The thousand-dollar who was low in IQ was afraid to scream. When Liu Han’s cold face was unreasonable, he began to be afraid. He couldn’t help but shrink his neck and looked very pitiful.

After Mu Chen finished speaking, he came to Gu Yunyi and took the apprentice and left. He had no intention of staying.

Gu Yunxi saw him screaming, and reached out and patted Mu Chen’s back. He asked him in a warm sentence: “Is the Master respected?”

Mu Chen snorted, "Different mental retardation!"

After being shackled, I was so angry that I saw Mu Chen’s vivid expression. Gu Yunqi was laughed at him. His little master, there is magical magic, and an expression makes him enchant.

Mu Chen was in front, could not see Gu Yunxiao's expression, and it was inevitable to see the most intimate people. He said with anger: "People must know what they want, don't be emotional, don't be true, because If you lose you, you don't have to find it. If you want it, you must hurry, don't let it go, don't let it go! Don't let go if you don't want it. If you let go, don't look for it again. Clean and neat!

After catching it, let go and let go and then regret it and then chase it. It is a lack of heart.

If you are away from the true heart of others, then you can go and wave, or step by step, using the feelings of others is the **** scum.

Obviously available, but because the face is tormenting each other, it is mentally retarded!

In summary, mental retardation is not as good as lack of mind and scum, because the former is not thinking about himself. If you like someone in the future, you must speak it out in a straightforward way. Don't wait until you lose it to know that you regret it. Don't be the same as the mental retardation below. ”

The mentally retarded elders look a little green.

After Mu Chen finished speaking, he saw Gu Yunzhen stunned and looked at himself. He spoke with a bad mood. "You may not understand what the teacher said. When you grow up, you will understand."



"If you have someone you like, you will never let go."

Mu Chen frowned. "If people don't want you, you can't use them. It's not what the husband does."

Gu Yunxiao smiled and narrowed his eyes. "The teacher said that it is not strong." With the rob, he looks at him, his body and his heart must be his. If it is not obedient, the tie should be tied to the side. This is the teacher. Respected, if you want to grasp it, you can't let go. His little teacher is so cute, even like he thought.

Back to the Yanyang Palace, Dao Tong was anxiously waiting at the door. Mu Chen saw the other person's hand and his face was colder. Why is it so bad today? !