MTL - The Daily Life of the Immortal King-v3 Chapter 2130 0 The Demon Lord of the Cave is Awakening (1/86)

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It can only be said that this is Wang Ling's old problem, and this trick always seems to work for him, and he has tried everything.

He sighed inwardly, secretly thinking that Sun Rong didn't talk about martial arts, but his performance was not so obvious, because he had a mask to cover up, he just hesitated for a while.

This could not allow Sun Rong to make a more accurate judgment. After all, they are now being led by a little demon spirit, and they are in the range of the Baidong Demon Lord.

The action of hesitation is very vague, it's just a pause, it can also be interpreted as... alert.

So it's not a real hammer.

However, this still made Wang Ling under the mask feel ashamed, and the sixth sense of a girl in the dark path was really astonishingly terrifying.

At this time, he fixed his eyes on a certain direction, raised his hand, and a huge demon spirit lurking in the tree fell to the ground. It was transformed into [Wood].

"This is... a sentinel around the Baidong District?" Sun Rong was slightly surprised. She didn't expect that this Fuyun Town's previous hesitation was because of this?

She looked at the huge demon spirit that was shot down. There were two mountain patrol demon flags on its back. This is the symbol of the demon sentinel. The ten-hole little demon on the top is too powerful, and it is not a level just in terms of physique.

As a result, this NPC general made a move for a second.

Sun Rong sighed, and her eyes inevitably showed a look of loss. She very much hoped that the person in front of her was Wang Ling... But I didn't expect that the other person was really just an NPC...

With her own shout just now, although the other party hesitated a little bit, Sun Rong was instantly relieved when the demon sentinel in the Baidong District was shot down.

After all, I still made the wrong payment, I thought too much...

Sun Rong doesn't have a clear understanding of the Sun family's brain-boosting ability, but after all, the Sun family is a family of merchants, and they want to deal with people and do business. There are so many traps in the business field, so from childhood to Big Sun Rong was taught by Grandpa Sun to think more about everything.

Only in this way can you be calm and take the initiative firmly in your own hands.

Therefore, Sun Rong has been well versed in this truth since she was a child.

It can be said that some of the Sun family's brain-boosting abilities are innate, and some are purely acquired. This old tradition has lasted for a long time. It can be said that it has continued since the generation of Mrs. Rong Sun's wife and grandfather.

At the same time, on the other side, an invasion warning was issued in the Baidong District at the same time. Just after Wang Ling suddenly burst a sentry, tens of thousands of birds in the jungle were aroused to circle in the air, forming a large black vortex, and the screams were endless. , the entire sky instantly clouded over the city, giving a strong sense of oppression.

Wang Ling's heart has always been calm. The sound effects of this game are too powerful, but after all, he is also used to seeing big scenes. He has seen the scene of the explosion of the planet. Wang Ling has not yet seen the terrifying visual effect caused by this environmental rendering. Completely on the lookout.

In fact, whenever Wang Ling saw these explosion scenes in the game, he still felt some pride in the white scabbard. Other people's sword spirits, sword body + sword scabbard, are just one spirit body, but he himself has two indivual.

Moreover, the two spirits (Jingke + Baisheo) have completely different personalities. Jingke can fight and be cute, and Baisheo can fight and play games... They are all geniuses with both civil and military skills!

"Who, disturbing this seat to rest..."

Soon, a humming sound like the horn of Hongmeng came from the Baidong District.

This was a terrifying sound transmitted from the depths. At the moment when the reverberation spread in the air, the five thousand demon spirits in the entire Baidong District instantly boiled, making Wang Ling and Sun Rong feel like they were surrounded.

At the same time, the surrounding environment is also beginning to change, and the leaves are rapidly withering, replaced by countless crystalline substances that fill every gap in the forest. covered by crystals.

Myriad Demon Crystal Flowers…

This is an environmental phenomenon triggered by the appearance of a powerful monster. When the powerful monster is combined with the spiritual power in the air, this substance called Wan Yaojinghua will appear, like a creeping tiger. It instantly crawls on top of every natural scene, and simultaneously emits a demonic energy to achieve a shocking effect.

This proves that the demon master of the Baidong District is probably stronger than Wang Ling imagined.

But no matter what the blood volume and level are, with the gameplay currently under Wang Ling's control, what he wants is the level difference, and the bigger the gap between the gap and his own level, the better.

This kind of riot also alarmed Mr. Tibetan Fox, who was collecting cherished spiritual plants in the distance. He has collected a lot of spiritual mushrooms that can be used for medicinal purposes. These spiritual plants can be quickly refined into medicines with a constant market value, and they have good sales. qi and blood elixir.

At this moment, he looked up again and felt the riot in the Baidong District in the distance. He had heard the movement there before, but he didn't expect the movement at this moment to be bigger than before.

He heard the screams of countless birds, and such a wave of spirit beasts often indicates that there may be a map boss being activated.

Sure enough, in the next second, in the system channel, an announcement floated by for all players to see.

[System prompt: Baidong District near Fuyun Town, Baidong Demon Lord is waking up...]

Did someone really pick up this boss?

Mr. Tibetan Fox is suspicious.

Although the Baidong District is still in the vicinity of the Novice Village, ordinary players have to upgrade their level by killing the demon spirits in the Baidong District. These demon spirits will be automatically replenished after a few days, and they will never be killed.

But it would be different if you went to challenge the Demon Lord of the Hundred Caves directly. Once the Demon Lord dies, the Demon Spirits of the Hundred Caves will be in a state of leaderless dragons. At that time, the demon spirits in that area will be killed. One less and one will not be automatically generated, indicating that the Baidong District has been occupied by the player.

The game is set like this.

So for many players, the 100-hole area is a place to gain experience. No one will directly challenge the bosses in the 100-hole area in the novice stage, because they cannot beat them.

And after the level is high, you can come back to play, but this is a thankless job, the experience you can get is very little, and the income you get will not match your current level.

It's like a boss with more than 40 levels to kill the 20-level hidden boss in the newbie village. It took some effort, but the equipment he got is still level 20. When the income is not proportional, naturally no one dares to touch this boss. Demon Lord of Hundred Caves.

So after excluding all the above purposes.

There are only two things that Mr. Tibetan Fox can think of, that is, the player who dares to challenge the Baidong Demon Lord, either he is pure and innocent, or he wants to directly kill the Demon Lord to obtain the Baidong District Demon Spirit. control, making these demon spirits their own labor force...

And people with this kind of thinking are definitely not just NPCs.

The opponent should be the city lord of a certain city, or a general...


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Read The Duke's Passion