MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 5 Leng Gong's Palace Concubine

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Finally walking out of the small courtyard and out of Jingxi Palace, Shen Rong only felt as if he had passed away.

After a year, she finally saw the man who thought she would never see it again in her life.

"Ronger, you are suffering." The most honorable man in this dynasty's dynasty is still in a dragon robe as impressive as his memory. The handsome appearance and supreme power are concentrated on him, letting Shen Rong and Gong The other women in the same place lost their hearts as soon as they met. At this time, they stood in front of the gate of Jingxi Palace, and reached out to her with respect and dignity when a group of palace people and magnificent imperial crows descended. That made you suffer so many grievances in vain. I have made her banned by the queen, and will not be able to go to the palace for a month. When you return to the Kun Kun Palace to settle down, I will let Defei take the second child to apologize to you. "

The tone style, with peace of mind, is the tone often used by the emperor to coax his consort.

Huh, that's because your brother is still fighting in front of you, and you still need the Shen family to guard the gate for you, so you can make a gesture for the General Mansion, right?

Shen Rong, who had been in the cold palace for almost a year, was almost ill. Now she will no longer be blinded by this gesture and soft words. How cold and cruel the man was when she was ordered to send her off, but she can remember it in her mind. Clearly, the sneer face in his heart suddenly turned red.

"Don't grudge your Majesty, the situation was also misunderstood." There was no grievance on the lips, but the lowered head and the clenched hands of the subconsciously held back the emotion.

The concubine Rong, who was only out of the cold palace, is a pure palace gown. Although the clothing is better than ordinary people, she is not worthy of the concubine level. Her thin clothes are blowing in the snow and her eyes are red. The bowed and forbearing gesture looked thinner and thinner, with some pale delicate face, like a pandan that was trembling in the snow and snow.

When the emperor stepped forward to say something, this "weak and delicate vanilla" suddenly changed its style and rushed to hug him. He buried him in his arms and started crying: "Why did you come? Woo! I'm going to succumb to staying here! I said I was wronged, why have you been rehabilitated to me now! I hate you! Woohoo! "I cried and stretched my fists. Sting his chest.

Her unbridled behavior saw the people behind the palace frightened. The blamed emperor softened her expression, hugged Shen Rong and even lightened her voice: "It was wrong, it was wrong. Ronger was wronged, and the kind Ronger will definitely give you the opportunity to compensate him, right? "

The beauty in her arms raised her head, crying with a red nose and still muttering her mouth as a complaint. Shuiyingying's beautiful eyes glared viciously: "I don't want your compensation, as long as you don't wrong me again!" Her Majesty's failure to believe me was more sad than your punishment for a year in the cold palace! "This sentence is definitely from the heart, and she hates being wronged most.

Shen Rong's response made the emperor stupefy, and smiled even more immediately: "No, there will be no next time." Holding Shen Rong's waist, he led a person towards Yuxi, "It was freezing cold Rong'er carefully, let's go back to the palace together. "

There were also some resentful newly-concubine concubines struggling lightly and found that they had to sit with the emperor on the emperor's bed after finding that they could not make it.

The palace people immediately lifted the cymbals and lifted the thick and large sedan cymbals deep into the palace courtyard.

This departure means that the situation in the harem has officially opened up new changes.

The emperor who has a lot of opportunities naturally has no time to stay in the harem, especially when the concubine Rong moved into the Kun Kun Palace, everything was not cleaned up, and there was no condition to receive and serve the emperor, so she sent Shen Rong to her destination to make a full gesture. The others left.

Concubine Rong stood in front of the gate of the new palace and watched the emperor's imperial driver leave with a snowy face. Even if she had done enough, she would still love her Majesty's lover after setting up, and closed the door to her house. The little maid changed her cold face.

"Let Jiang Hui ban his feet, and then let Yu Shiqi bring her child to apologize, even if this thing passed? Qi Haocang really wanted to be beautiful!"

Calling the names of the queen and De Fei directly wasn't counted. Shen Rong even called out the emperor's name, and she was full of disdain. When she was about to leave Jingxi Palace, she was afraid, but when she saw the emperor's face, she found that she could play better than she thought, and hated him more than she thought.

Shen Rong has never been stupid. She came from the gate. Although her daughter is not as obsessed with martial arts as her elder brother, she is also full of poetry. After being swiftly worn away in the cold palace to admire the emperor, she also thought a lot about the return of IQ.

First, her father, General Shen, was defeated and died suddenly. The brother who was still in Beijing rushed to Bianguan and said that he avenged his father for revenge. Then she was framed by the queen. When De Fei almost gave birth, she happened to be by the side. Into the cold palace.

This series of incidents happened too quickly, not more than half a month before and after, and it was too fast for people to react to the general government's direct defeat. Said that no one was making trouble, Shen Rong was unbelieving.

The family behind the queen, the Jiang family, had to deal with the Shen family, and Qi Haocang might also be happy about it. He wanted to suppress the general's house and push the boat directly.

And Defei ... Think about her because the original incident directly caused the congenital deficiency of the second prince, Shen Rong narrowed his eyes. If there is also one of her, then Shen Rong can only say that the second prince really did not share a good one. Mother.

Nowadays, the peak turns. Firstly, his brother who was always reprimanded by his dad and just a reckless husband suddenly opened the door. Not only did the leader win the battle, but her injustices were inexplicably resolved. The royal family had the current scene to stabilize the Shen family.

Promote her concubine to a bigger palace, and apologize for the banning of the offender. It seems that after soothing things, it can be revealed. The emperor really did a good job.

"Come to Japan, let's see."

No longer thinking about these things, Shen Rong stood up and looked at the quietly standing maid, with a smile on his face: "Meilu, come, the servant who is here to be served in the palace should wait outside, Let ’s take a look together. From now on I will take care of this Kun Kun Palace! ”

The hierarchy in the palace is strict, and the concubine configuration of each level of concubine is also different. Shen Rong was just an ordinary concubine, and her elders were served by 10 eunuchs and 6 maids. Now she is promoted to be a concubine, and four more servants are to serve. As a matter of course, as a confidant of Rong Guifei, Mei Lu, who was just a little palace girl, has become a high-ranking female officer and is also the aunt in charge of a palace.

"This is Mei Lu. From now on, you can ask her to be the master of all matters of the Kun Kun Palace!" When summoning the 20 palace men into the side hall, it was considered a master-servant meeting. Everyone announced loudly, "In the Kun Kun Palace, what Mei Lu said was what I said. Did you hear it?"

"Yes!" All eunuchs and court ladies immediately respected and responded.

"There are not many rules here at the Kun Kun Palace. There are only three. This palace will only talk about it once here. You'd better keep it in mind." Looking at these people's stance, Shen Rong remembered those who abandoned her directly when she was in power. The white-eyed wolves went colder and colder, "Don't lie, you can't break your mouth, and you can't tolerate betrayal! Whoever commits these three, don't blame this palace for being ruthless."

For a moment, the people of the palace, who were standing with their heads bowed, bowed their knees to the ground, guaranteeing that they would never be afraid.

Shen Rong didn't care about their verbal loyalty. She just wanted a deterrent effect. Of course, if she was obedient, there would be other means. After speaking, she just let go of her hands and delegated the management to Mei Lu. During her time in Jingxi Palace, her trust in her ability to serve as a servant was probably higher than that of herself.

The lady-in-law left, and the palace man who was left behind was surprised by the aunt who was standing in front of them. No wonder they are so. The other is too young, but the fourteen-year-old girl is wearing a female official costume that is only qualified to be doubled in age, looking more and more immature.

Some people even feel that the concubine is too messy, how can such a little palace girl directly take the position, even if she has been serving in the cold palace before, she can't compare Jingxi Palace with Xi Kun Palace. But no matter how whispered in their hearts, everyone didn't show up, hiding all jealousy and doubts in their stomachs, and shouted "Aunt Mei Lu" respectfully.

Aunt Meilu, with a small face, looked at everyone with a quiet face. There was no sense of field fright in front of the people in the palace, and her voice was more gentle and gentle: "I still need someone to serve, so I won't waste time, now Give everyone a job. Zhaoxiu and Minglan are in the ranks. You were in charge of cooking and decoction in the Changchun Hall. Now you are the same; Xiaoyuanzi and Xiaofangzi are listed. Coal-fired pyrotechnics, then the job of burning fire to the main hall's fire dragons is left to you; Zhaoyue and Changming, the department of clothing said that you are good at making clothes and calculating. "

The palace people are surprised every time they tell the history of a person. They knew very well that they had been transferred to the Kun Kun Palace no later than the concubines, and it was just before and after the concubines got their list. In such a short amount of time, has this little court maiden written down all their history?

By the time Mei Lu finished reading all the names and assigned all the work, the people in the palace also knew that she had written down the faces of everyone at the same time—it was impossible to write down the history of twenty people in such a short time. No, no one thinks she can't even do that.

"I believe you should have inquired before you came. The mother's temper is well-known in the palace. As long as everyone does not commit her taboos and work hard, I believe that everyone can get more than expected." Young The aunt in charge said to everyone, the tone was sweet and gentle, "Now, each has his own role, go to work."

"Yes!" The palace people responded in unison, a little more respectful than the original respect.

It takes some time to get familiar with the new environment. After confirming that there is no need for the concubine, Meilu also followed these newly-arranged palace people around the Kun Kun Palace. Compared to Jingxi Palace, only a slap is needed. For large courtyards, it is not so easy to extend the map to the Kun Kun Palace, which requires attention in all aspects.

And just as everyone was busy, a group of palace people ushered in outside the palace gate—the **** Dehai, walking in with a bunch of rewards sent by the emperor.

"His Majesty has rewards-appreciate 10 kung pao big silk river silks, 10 gold silk satin, 10 silk silks, two corals from the East China Sea, one ivory carved Manjushri tower, and two blue jade Ruyi art ... "

A series of treasures and orbs are sent into the Kun Kun Palace like flowing water. The palace people who can empty their hands help to send things into the house with joy, the more the concubines are favored, the more they live. Better.

In the main hall, Shen Rong, who is no longer pure but wearing Zhu Cui and re-graceful, is also happy with De Hai: "I did not expect that it was De Gong who came here in person, it really made me happy."

"Why did the slaves not come when they moved? The gift-giving job was still snatched by the old slaves." De Hai smiled at her with a low gesture.

Shen Rong smiled and said with a smile: "Donggong need not do this. Mei Lu and I can live to this day. Thanks to your original shot, I will never forget your kindness. Father-in-law, please sit down. Good tea for you. "

"Oh, how can this be made!" Dehai didn't expect Gui Rong to remember her so much, and she still kept his attitude towards him, and afterwards unexpectedly refused, "Well, you, mother, you just said Mei Lu?"

"Ah, I forgot to tell you what you said to De Gong. It was Su Yu. After moving into the Kun Kun Palace, she was renamed Mei Lu, and now she is the lady in charge." Shen Rong did not conceal at all, "What did De Gong think? ? "

Watching Concubine Rong waiting for her maid to look like she was in Jingxi Palace, the **** certainly followed her to boast.

The exaggerated object was standing at the door of the Treasury, directing the palace people to send in the treasures that the emperor had given them piece by piece. Keep these things for the time being, and then wait for the mother to speak before deciding whether to display or use them.

"Aunt Mei Lu!" A palace girl who waited in the main hall ran over. "Mother-in-law wants you to pass."

"I see." Melo replied immediately, commanding the treasury girl next to her, and as soon as she turned to leave, she heard an exclamation from behind.

A maiden holding the box was tripped on the threshold. The box opened in midair, and all the pearls poured out from it, and rolled in the storeroom.

"What are you doing! You can't make a box!" The maid of the special coffers immediately changed her face and yelled out.

And the maid who directly committed the crime did not care about the bruises on her body and knelt down with a pale face, shaking her head and begging for mercy against Mei Lu: "Aunt forgive me! Aunt forgive me! Slavery is not intentional!"

This matter can be big or small, and the first day after moving into the new palace, this kind of leak was really disappointing. All the palace people carefully looked at their highest talkers, their faces were full of embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter." Their aunt in charge said so, both in complexion and tone. "Two hundred and seven East beads are in the storeroom. You can find them carefully. I'll get them here first, let me first Go to your mother. "

There was no punishment or even a scolding, which made the palace people who had seen too much cold affairs look at each other, but what was more surprised was what she said just now.

Dongzhu 207?

"Is it on the list?" Some **** asked subconsciously, "No, it seems that Aunt Melo didn't hold the list?"

The palace girl standing by the door immediately took out a book from her arms: "I have been here with me, my aunt has never seen it."

Everyone quickly opened it, looked for it, and soon saw one of them: Dongzhu, 207 capsules.

Just one glance cleared the number of hundreds of pearls poured out, and witnessed the scene, the door of the storehouse fell into a dead silence after all. After a while, all the people in the palace bent down and bowed their heads, and started searching around for pearls. Put it back in the box.

One by one, as if all those ambitions and crooked minds who had just arrived with them were all cleaned up.

Mei Lu went to the main hall of the main hall, and spoke with her **** and Dehai **** for a few words. She soon retired from her previous work and returned to the storehouse. The people in the palace were holding their packed pearl boxes, and their faces were pale.

"Aunt, aunt." The maid of the house who had fallen before was panicked, and she was about to cry immediately. "Only, only 206 ..."

"Is that so?" The other party was a bit surprised, then smiled, and pointed directly at the west corner of the Treasury. "Then you must not look there carefully."

Immediately after her words fell, several **** palace ladies rushed towards there, and several people turned around, and finally found a round and full pearl in a depression in the corner of the cabinet.

At this point, there are 207 East beads, one is not missing. 2k novel reading network

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