MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 179 The host's whole family is haunting

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Last night when the eldest daughter Huihui took several elementary school students including her son home together to rest, the couple of Zhou family was startled. In the face of parents' doubts and questions, Zhou Tianhui politely dumped the pot on his younger brother, only to say that it was Zhou Tianjun, the stupid boy who lost the game with his classmates. The losers had to take other classmates to their homes overnight Something, and then these little farts were too crazy. When she brought people home, she fell asleep one by one, which was a temporary mess.

Originally thinking about how to round up these ghost words in the future, the next day these little ghosts woke up and forgot about the horror game. Impressed people such as Junjun thought they had a nightmare, Even the foolishness of running to the Zhoujia Villa for the night was ignored and no one cared.

For these elementary students, compared to reminiscing about the game nightmare of playing games and going crazy yesterday, whether the homework to be handed in on Monday is finished is the most horrible thing at present. They are human.

The children talked about going to school while eating a delicious breakfast, and then they were taken aback by Dad Zhou who suddenly exploded.

"What! Someone jumped off the building last night !?" This sudden call also caught Zhou Jianhua by surprise, and his voice was amplified. "What's going on?"

There was no sound at the table, and Zhou Dad, who realized that he was dying, quickly put away the shock on his face, left the restaurant with a cell phone, and went outside to continue to answer the phone.

Mother Zhou, who was equally shocked by the news, wanted to listen to the situation, but with so many children at hand, some of them showed fear, and she had to stay and put on a smile to appease the young classmates.

But Zhou Tianhui dropped her chopsticks and got up to chase after her.

Unlike Xiao Junjun, who is only nine years old, Huihui, who is 16 years old, has been to Dad's company many times. When the little ghosts slept loudly last night, she never managed to sleep well.

In the horror game, the ol girl who committed suicide by jumping off the building in the gray block became more and more familiar with it. Zhou Tianhui finally remembered that the female employee was the person in the father's company. The impression is that she is a very capable sister. She is already a young supervisor at a young age. Dad takes her seriously, so Zhou Tianhui remembers that face deeply.

Remember her name ... What's her name ... seems to be a surname ...

"You said Ji Congrong jumped off the building !?" In the corner of the living room, the dad who was still answering the phone lost his voice in a terrified voice. "How can it be Xiaoji? How could a child who was so motivated and so hard work ... yesterday in The company jumped from the top of the building after working late into the night? The body was discovered by sanitation workers in the early morning? "

Zhou Tianhui, who was hiding behind her head and listening, couldn't help but cover her mouth. When Dad said the full name of the suicide, she remembered that person!

The gray figure who jumped off the building in the horror game yesterday was completely different from the enthusiastic smile she saw in the company in her memory. When the person lay on the ground motionless, his eyes were full of dead despair.

Why did this happen? What does that weird horror game herald?

Zhou Tianhui's mind was chaotic, but when he saw his dad picking up his coat, he went out, and immediately wanted to keep up: "Dad, I'm with you!"

Someone jumped off the building and committed suicide. Naturally, Zhou Jianhua, the boss, could not stay out of the matter. Besides, the deceased is still a young backbone who is optimistic. After accumulating one or two years of experience, he also wants to promote this capable employee to the next level. .

But just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by his daughter. Dad Zhou frowned immediately: "What are you going to do with this kind of thing? After dinner, go to school quickly."

"Dad! I saw someone jump off the building yesterday!" Zhou Tianhui grabbed Dad's hand and said anxiously, "Is it a sister with short hair and a shirt and trousers on her body? Is there a rope braid on her left wrist?" Bracelet? "

"How do you know?" Zhou Jianhua was surprised, and her daughter described exactly how the employee Xiao Ji was dressed yesterday, but the two had never met each other.

"Would you take me first?" Zhou Tianhui didn't know how to say, "I'll go with you. I'll explain it to you when I have time."

The father and daughter greeted the family, and then left the house in a hurry, leaving the worried mother and seven dazed radish face to face.

"Xiaolu, what the **** ...?" I only heard that someone in the company committed suicide last night but didn't know the specific cause, but I saw that my daughter could also go to the company with her husband to check it. When the child brought home for the night, realizing that there must be something unclear about her, she looked up at the housekeeper who was serving at the dining table.

"My wife doesn't need to worry. The situation is not as serious as you think." Another pot of milk was added to the table, and the steward's voice was still mild. "And it is more important than sending them to school first. "

The family background of these little farts with Xiao Junjun playing games is no worse than that of the Zhou family. Some of them are even more than one. Do n’t send people to school safely and report them well. Do n’t make friends at that time. Cause trouble.

Think of it this way, where would the hostess of the Zhou family dare to neglect, and arranged the car and driver to do a good job of escorting the children to school.

When the elementary school students were sent to school, the father and daughter of the Zhou family also went downstairs of their company.

The police had already blocked the area where the deceased had fallen and was conducting investigations for evidence. Naturally, the boss of the company, Mr. Zhou, was inevitably questioned.

Zhou Tianhui was always on the sidelines to watch. The dead body had been cleaned up and taken away by the police. Only the area enclosed by the yellow line had a humanoid outline drawn by the powder line when the deceased crashed. The posture and her look in the game It's exactly the same.

This is not only. After confirming the identity and interpersonal relationship of the deceased, the police found a diary in her home, as well as some texts posted on the Internet account, and found that the deceased's mental state during his lifetime was very bad.

Zhou Tianhui did not see the diary of the deceased, but she and her father saw some of the content that the other party had put on the Internet in recent years.

The deceased, Ji Congrong, female, 27 years old. The parents are alive, there is a younger brother and a younger sister, and the economic situation of the family is generally low.

She has achieved excellent grades since she was a child, but when she finished high school and entered a good university, her parents refused to allow her to continue studying, citing the need to feed her brother and sister without enough money to stop her from giving birth. I hope that her sister will be satisfied with a high school education, and go out to find a factory to work, even if you can't add assets to the family, don't increase the economic burden.

Where Ji Congrong was willing, when her parents cut off all her expenses, she left the original town with her admission letter, worked part-time to raise tuition fees, and successfully went to college.

In the four years of college, I didn't give a penny from tuition to living expenses, but I gave some food symbolically to show that I didn't lose my daughter. After the daughter successfully graduated from college and found a very good job in a big city, her parents' face changed again. One by one said that the family would rely on her eldest daughter in the future.

Faced with his parents' attitude, Ji Congrong was bitter and aggrieved, but whoever let her be the parents who raised her in the first place, besides silence, there is only silence.

Because of family relationships, Ji Congrong cherishes her work and has always been diligent. Her rigor, earnestness and outstanding ability have been appreciated by Mr. Zhou, the boss, and she was soon promoted from an ordinary employee, and the salary naturally increased accordingly. After the rise, Ji Congrong Province saved money, part of it was sent to the home, and the other was used to save money to buy a house.

She doesn't buy cosmetics, bags or beautiful little skirts, and she has become a man like a man. The biggest wish in her heart is to have a small house of her own in this city.

This wish became less and less a dream under her continuous efforts. When it seemed that the down payment would be enough, the family called and asked her to go home for a blind date, and then quit her job here to settle in her hometown.

Ji Congrong of course refused for the first time, violent quarrel with his parents.

They said, I'm not young anymore, it's time to marry, and a woman buying a house by herself is sick. If I listen to them now, it doesn't have to be so hard to find a man to get married, as long as they get married, the house has everything.

But what do other people's houses and cars have to do with me? In case of divorce, don't I have nothing?

What's the future of staying in a small town? Why is there no one at home thinking about it for me?

After repeated disputes, the parents finally said that they had missed it. It turned out that they knew that she had hundreds of thousands of deposits. They wanted her to make a wife for her brother. Knowing that the eldest daughter is capable, and afraid that she will never return outside, I want to tie her home under the name of marriage in my hometown. In this way, whether they or a pair of siblings will have this boss photo in the future.

I transferred the money and told them that when I bought the money, I had broken the relationship with my family. My love for them finally disappeared and exhausted again and again. I have no energy to give them any response, even if it is abusive and crying.

So tired, really tired.

Why am I so desperately alive?

These words written by Ji Congrong are placed in his own cyberspace. Zhou Tianhui can clearly see that a girl was born in a family that is not rich, and desperately wants to have a good life, but is dragged down again and again. History.

Probably because of the impact of this incident, the always cautious female executive made a major omission in a project planning, even if the positive remedy afterwards caused a lot of losses to the company.

Ji Congrong feels guilty and desperately wants to work overtime to redeem his mistakes.

Different from her fierce work performance at work, during this time, the text she typed on the Internet were all trivial life chores.

I got off work a little early today. There is a dessert I like near the company. I hurried over and the last one was bought by someone in front of me. Just a second, I spoke a second later than that person, and it was gone.

The inventory in the refrigerator is cleared. Takeaway is expensive and you don't want to spend money, but your stomach is really hungry.

I see there is an egg in it, boil it and eat it.

The egg dropped as soon as it was peeled. I was about to feed it into my mouth, but it fell off and rolled to the ground. Looking at this egg, I suddenly couldn't help crying.

Why? Not just an egg, what am I crying for?

Life is in a trough, but one humble little thing after another is like layers of spider webs wrapping up struggling people, choking bit by bit. Some people have smiles on their faces, looking energetic, but they are already barren with scars.

Why am I alive?

What did I get after trying so hard?

so tired……

After reading all the written records, Zhou Tianhui was in tears. If you saw the person who fell in the game yesterday, she just felt that there was no vitality and color on her body, and then she saw the words she wrote. How one's despair arises.

This person could not see the hope of life, could not find the reason to continue to struggle, and even lost his motivation to survive. Then, at the end of the night after working overtime again, the limit was reached, and a snoring sound ended it.

The matter is very simple here. After the exploration was completed, the police quickly identified the case after consulting all relevant personnel. The deceased could not bear the dual pressures of family and work, coupled with a long-term depression but a strong state of concealment and suppression. He was overwhelmed and chose to resign.

After understanding the cause of this incident, other employees also expressed their emotions, including the boss, who was very sighing. Director Ji usually looked so positive and outgoing. The family background was hidden behind her, but she had to stay strong But forced himself to death.

But are there fewer people like this in this society?

In fact, there are many, but everyone always feels far away from themselves.

With the official characterization, in addition to a mess at the beginning, the company resumed its original schedule after organizing familiar employees to participate in the funeral of the deceased.

But after a few days, many employees who worked overtime till late at night cried and said that after seeing her ghost on the original desk of Director Ji, the Zhou family began to be calm again.

"It's true! President Zhou! We really saw it!"

"Director Ji's ghost is sitting at her original desk and knocking on the computer! Many people have seen it!"

"We didn't lie to you!"

It's dazzling to say this alone, but when several people say so, everyone has to believe it.

In the original company, people who jumped off the building did not have much influence. Now many people have resigned because of haunted things. Even if it is a new era and a new society that pays attention to science, the Chinese people ’s fear of ghosts has been carved into the blood. . Now this weird phenomenon is around, saying that I am not afraid that I will not believe it.

Zhou Dad, the boss, of course, ca n’t let the employees lose like this. When the decision is made, let the employee get off work and stop working overtime. Then, he quickly contacted the professional master who helped him to solve the trouble of the night running doll and asked them to send them away. An outstanding employee who died but refused to give birth at night.

After seeing two spiritual events one after the other, Zhou Jianhua had to believe that the things his father had thought about during his lifetime were true.

The author has something to say: Wraith employee: I want to work overtime! I want 007!

Boss: No no no! No overtime! The company will be 955 in the future! Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: 1 sjun;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

29 bottles of Yun Yu; 4 bottles of folded ears; 1 bottle of Moliu;

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