MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 168 The host's whole family is haunting

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Master Liu quickly completed the diagnosis of the five dolls brought by Zhou Tianhui. The spherical joint dolls may be mysterious and complicated to outsiders who do not know it, but in the eyes of insiders, it is another matter.

"Your five puppets are from different businesses, and the body materials used are all different. It takes time to find all the materials for repair." After a good conclusion, Master Liu said to her, "I said yes before paying first." Repair the deposit, take the goods one month later and pay the rest. "

"A month later?" Zhou Tianhui was so excited when she heard that, she glanced at her puppets and dolls, especially the one who was particularly miserable by Zhou Tianjun's mixed kid, and she just cried, "Thank you, I Transfer now and save money! Come again in a month! "

Compared to the little girl's excitement, Master Liu was very calm. After the mobile phone prompts the bank to arrive, he is ready to deliver the guests directly.

Zhou Tianhui was reluctant to go: "Can I stay and look at your works again?" Especially those large and small portraits of wood carvings are so beautiful.

Master Liu's next sentence froze her: "It's all defective products that I'm not satisfied with. I like to take them away, 10,000 small and 500,000 large."

Uh, if she really moves back to a big one, she is likely to be scolded by her parents, and the small one ...

Seeing the miserable five dolls on the carpenter's table, Zhou Tianhui's face suddenly darkened, and then he bought it and dropped the bunny?

However, the defective products are all at this price ...

"Then, how much is it if it is a perfect finished product?" Zhou Tianhui asked curiously, pointing to a particularly beautiful waiting woman statue placed in the corner of the studio.

Master Liu, who was already organizing the puppets, gave him a glance, and said casually: "Five million. These are the orders placed by a big customer before. They are like a doll-obsessed person like you, but they are holding drawings. I ordered twenty big, fifty small, intact finished products, and the rest were all my failures. "

Local tycoon! Really rich and willful!

It took tens of millions to buy custom-made items. This is the real rich!

Zhou Tianhui came in small bags when she came over, and she was empty-handed when she returned. The empty two hands are still counting with their fingers subconsciously. According to the five-digit pocket money given to her every month by the family, how many years will it take for her to be like this once.


Zhou family.

"Hello, is it Teacher Zhang? ... Hey, yes, I am Zhou Tianhui's mother! Does my child have a very good classmate in the class called Miao Qiuqiu ... hey Yes, it's her! Could you find her if it's convenient, my family Huihui ... what !? She didn't come to school? "

"Hello, Director Wang! I'm sorry to bother you, it's like this, my daughter ran out with her family today ..."

Zhou Tianjun watched the adult walking back and forth in the living room, shrinking on the sofa, with a pale face and crying.

Mom and Dad are madly calling for relationships to find their sister. Even if he is not very young, he now understands that he seems to be in trouble.

Because he broke his sister's baby again, the sister was so angry that she ran away from home, and seemed to be in danger. Mom and Dad were very worried. Sister Meilu had gone out to find someone, and her mother even cried.

No one had come to scold him or scold him directly to make him remember as before, his sister disappeared, and his father and mother just kept talking to people just like he could not see him at all.

This atmosphere made him very panicked. The little boy now regretted it. If he knew that this would happen, he would definitely not break the dolls because the angry sister always hit him but he was so good to those dolls, thinking that this sister would be like before Playing with him can even be so good to him.

"Woo ..." Zhou Tianjun didn't dare cry when he cried, but dare to wipe his tears softly. "Sister, come back ... I'm wrong ... I won't make you angry again intentionally ... Come back soon good or not……"

Even after making several phone calls to find clues, I didn't know what bad luck had gone, but they found nothing. When the Zhou family and the couple suddenly put down their phones, they saw panic and regret from the eyes of their lover.

I regret that I have never been indifferent to the contradictions between the children over the years, so that my daughter has such a big knot, and she is even more alarmed that if something happens to her daughter, the couple will never forgive themselves for life.

Just as they were in a hurry, the door opened.

"Sir, ma'am." The steward who took the initiative to find someone came back with a person behind him. "Miss is back, and she is fine."

When Zhou Tianhui's figure reluctantly appeared, the whole family was excited: "Huihui!"

"Sister!" When Zhou and Zhou hurried to their daughter, Zhou Tianjun was also the kind of girl who was going to pounce on her sister with a small slender leg, whooped and cried in the past.

The little boy's crying hug was avoided by his sister mercilessly, and his face was very disgusting: "Dirty, don't approach me."

Zhou Tianjun, who still had bubbles in his tears and DC nose, was instantly injured by 100,000 points: "Wow-! Mom, sister she said I'm dirty!"

Regarding the complaint that his son had opened his mouth, Jiang Chunlan didn't even bother to pay any attention. He just held her daughter to look up and down, and then let out a sigh of relief after confirming that there was really nothing. Then she yelled, "You Dead child, they did n’t say anything out of the house, do you and I know that your dad and I are crazy? ”Then he reached out and hit his daughter.

Zhou Tianhui's good mood, which was born because the puppet can be repaired, was taken away by most of her mother, but she only saw her mother's face because she was worried about her red and swollen tears, and those dissatisfied swallowed back again, very coldly: "I'll go out What did you do in a trip? "

"You just go out? Your mom and I almost didn't scare you to death!" Dad Zhou looked solemnly. "Those puppets you sent for repair, right? Throw them away, don't take them in the future. Do you know? Know you've escaped? "

"Ha?" Zhou Tianhui didn't understand what her dad was talking about, and was trying to protest why she had lost her baby, and her hand was caught by Dad Zhou.

"Upstairs, I have something to show you."

Father Zhou pulled his daughter to the study, and Brother Zhou wanted to follow along, but was stopped by Mother Zhou and his son was still young. Don't let him see that kind of magical picture, so as not to be scared.

After a while, Zhou's father and daughter walked out of the study. After coming out, Zhou Tianhui's face was pale and frightened, and he went downstairs.

As soon as she got down the stairs, her legs were heavy. She usually looked at the most suspicious brother and rushed to hug her again. She was swollen with a small face after cleaning up, and apologized to her with a crying head: "Sorry, sister I should n’t have broken your doll. I was wrong. I bought you dolls for my pocket money. Do n’t you get angry again, okay? ”

Zhou Tianhui, already aware of the truth last night, heard these words and felt complicated for a while, then looked down at him and said nothing.

Seeing her not talking, the little boy's tears fell again, and the growl was even heavier: "Don't you run away from home, OK? I promise I won't make you angry again."

From the mad attitude of parents before, Zhou Tianjun was also infected with the fear of losing his sister. This panic made the little boy unable to maintain the awkwardness and dissatisfaction of the past, but just kept tearing down.

"I don't hate my sister. I like my sister the most. But you always ignore me, sister. When you go on vacation, you go out and play with other people. When you go home, it is always only good for those dolls. I am very angry, very angry ... Sorry, I will never intentionally break them in the future. "

The deliberate destruction is due to the simple and willful jealousy of the child. The cause of the matter is that simple, but what can be triggered is not so.

"Huihui, my mother also apologizes to you." Jiang Chunlan is also the same. Compared to the younger son who has only intuitively felt the crisis by not knowing it, Ms. Zhou, who knows the truth, knows a lot in this panic that she almost lost her daughter, "You are a big child, but you are also a mother's daughter. You are equal to Junjun. Moms shouldn't always ask you to use your elder's mind to tolerate Junjun's willfulness. It's your mother's fault. I and your father must be Both change. Will you forgive us? "

Zhou Tianhui was also red-eyed. After watching the surveillance video of the dolls running out of the house by herself in the middle of the night, she was very afraid of cold sweats. The dolls were bought back by her several years ago. She never thought that this would happen. If those dolls had a will for her or her family, the Zhou family is certainly not the case today. You know, the limbs and fingers of those dolls are very flexible. They are asleep in the middle of the night, and they want to do evil. For example, he quietly entered Zhou Tianjun's house last night. The five puppets cooperated. It would not be too difficult to kill a nine-year-old child.

It is precisely because of the thought of this layer that the Zhou family has a sense of fortunateness to retrieve their lives. In contrast, the stumblings encountered in life have become trivial matters.

"You have to remember what you said." The girl lowered her head and rubbed her eyes, her voice choked. "Don't count, it makes me happy."

"No ..." Dad Zhou put his hands on his daughter's shoulders, just raised a head, and the son beside his leg was already grabbing him.

"No!" The little boy raised his hand and promised loudly, as if rushing to answer questions in the classroom, "I promise I won't make my sister angry anymore! If you don't count, I ... I, I am a puppy ! Wang Wang! "


Not only Zhou Tianhui, but also Zhou Dao and Zhou Ma were amused by the expression of the younger son. The family stood together and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly harmonious and warm.

Family conflicts were resolved, but the events caused by the puppets' night running did not end.

This kind of thing happened, whether it is school or work, no longer have this mind. The puppets who can run by themselves are now sent out by their daughters, and they are definitely not going to want them to come back, even if the girl is very reluctant and useless.

But the daughter's words were also correct: "We know that the dolls have obvious problems. Is it too much to leave them at Master Liu like this? Parents, we can't just slap a hot potato for ourselves, just pit others."

But who dares to touch such things?

"You don't need to worry about this." Papa Zhou, who is the head of the family, felt that he had to take the initiative to stand up. "Just leave it to your dad to handle it. Huihui, you will be at home and go to school. Go to school, don't just make a fool of yourself. "

Jiang Chunlan raised an eyebrow at her husband, and some understood what he wanted to do. They also do business at home, but most of the bosses who start the company are a little bit superstitious about Feng Shui. Dad Zhou is obviously going to use his contacts to invite some more reputable masters to clean up the mess.

But here she remembered another thing.

"By the way, Huihui, how did you find Mei Lu?" Forgot her anxiety and joy because of her daughter's loss, and now Jiang Chunlan remembers that the girl was brought back by the housekeeper.

"I ran into it halfway." Zhou Tianhui subconsciously replied, "Sister Mei Lu previously surveyed the studio addresses of several well-known carpenters in the city, and then filtered according to my situation to know which one I was going to. It ’s said that I ’m driving a motorcycle and I ’ve analyzed which way I ’m going based on the type of motorcycle I ’m playing ... Mom and Dad, the housekeeper who Grandpa found is really amazing! ”She said in the note to repair the doll There was nothing else, but the steward's sister had directly understood her course.

The Zhou family husband and wife who had previously asked his grandfather to tell his grandma for clues but found nothing: "..."

Subconsciously turned to look out the door. Before the family got together, the housekeeper had already left thoughtfully. Now he is wearing an apron and gloves holding a garden shears, and he is neatly organizing the bush fence planted in the garden.

——It seems that no matter what the situation is, she hasn't said that she has forgotten her responsibilities. For example, now they are returning to their daughters in a variety of introspection and reviewing the emotional ups and downs, while others are seriously performing their work according to their schedule.

After thinking about the trouble, whether it is to find out the truth of the doll's night run or to find her daughter, the key is the hand of the housekeeper. Although they are rushing and jumping, they have almost nothing to do. This effect is embarrassing.

Seeing her parents eating maggots, Zhou Tianhui couldn't help lowering her head and grinning.

When the Zhou family was happy, no one found that when the housekeeper who returned from finishing the garden returned to his room, in addition to changing the gardening suit, he had something in his hand.

Jingle, jingle, jingle--

Again, a few water-silver beads fell into the bottom of the crystal bottle and collided with the original bead.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at the crystal bottle calmly, and the slender eyelashes blinked gently.

"The funeral gate, the linen, the hangman, the blood and the filial piety are all together. It is already very rare, but I did not expect that the situation of this house is more rare. The family house gradually changed from a yang house to a Yin house." A perfect Su picked up the bottle and shook it gently. The beads made a crisp sound inside, "a007, maybe it won't be long before I can fill this bottle."

Yangzhai is the house where living people live. By analogy, what is Yinzhai is obvious.

Father Zhou's words before his death were fulfilled one by one, but the Zhou family who had lived in this house for more than a decade has never noticed.

The next day, Zhou Tianhui, who was in a good mood, went to school in a private car in a refreshing spirit.

But as soon as she entered the class, someone came up to find her unhappy.

"Hey, Zhou Tianhui, did you evade school with Miao Qiuqiu to compare with a motorcycle yesterday? Your mother was scared to death and called to find the head teacher. We thought you were killed in a car accident."

The girl's original cheerful face suddenly cooled down, showing a fierce look and staring at the talking girl: "Kuang Jiani, shut up if you don't speak, and say straight if you want to die, I'll satisfy you! If you hear me back, I can Kindly repeat it again for you. I didn't come to my mother yesterday and took a vacation! "

Seeing her fierce look, the female classmate named Kian Jiani shrank, but soon showed her disdain: "What about taking leave? All day long, mixed with poor students, and fighting with others, thinking that if you take the leave, you can Change the nature of your sister? "

Zhou Tianhui's face suddenly changed. In recent years, she became rebellious because of her contradiction with her brother at home. After going to high school, she changed her old style. She followed her new classmate Miao Qiuqiu to play motorcycles in high school. It is learned that the group has turned into non-mainstream heavy makeup, and it can be regarded as a means of expressing dissatisfaction at home to release stress. However, she was very convergent in school. She looked like a very beautiful female student. Everything was in order, except that her personality was not as fiery as her appearance, and her academic performance was always in the top ten of grade. Very popular among boys.

This is the original sin in the eyes of many girls, especially when she is clearly a top student but not in the same group to play with the poor students. The heterogeneous traits have become the reason for being attacked. After someone took out her privately with a bunch of rich and second-generation moto riders on the weekend, people who saw her as displeased even more, one by one who hated not being able to nail her to a bad girl On the post.

But God knows that Zhou Tianhui just played a motorcycle, and put on a heavy makeup with other fellows, and drove a car on the private track to let himself go. As for the fight, I still went to the toilet once. She saw a group of wealthy women bullying an ordinary family with a good grade and being admitted to the academy of the aristocratic college. However, she could not be persuaded to become a martial art. It is not a matter of minutes that she beats these girls freely.

But after that, her reputation as a schoolbuster who would fight and drive a car came out. Zhou Tianhui herself felt aggrieved, and she made a rumor and moved her mouth to break the rumor, and explained the matter with the teacher. What did people say.

But the only thing I didn't expect was that because of this, she was more popular with boys and made many girls more jealous, such as now.

"I'm sorry, I'm too young!"

Going to his seat, Zhou Tianhui threw the schoolbag on the desk. He wanted to get angry, but at this moment, the gentle grace of the housekeeper sister at home appeared, and the face with the ironic expression quickly changed into With a smiling face, the girl ’s school uniform skirt was slowly seated in a very ladylike posture, and her breath became calm and sweet.

"However, even if I fight with the poor student and take a leave to play motorcycles, I still don't lose my grades. For example, I am ahead of each other by 20 or 30 people. It is easy."

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 1 Tang Wuxiao;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

Fifty bottles of small fish indulging in gold every day; 30 bottles of Tang Wuxiao; 8 bottles; 5 bottles of Zaoxin Muzi, Yuetang, Aq, Youjiao; 2 bottles of jujube and walnuts; 1 small ball and 1 bottle

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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