MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 148 Master Born Again

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For the nine-year-old elementary school students who have just awakened their abilities, and their use of abilities is blank, there is no combat level evaluation in the entrance test.

But for the freshmen in the middle and higher semesters, this item will never be missing.

Ling Aixiu stared blankly at the ranking above his head.

s +, no wonder ...

This can explain why in the last life, she brought him the burden, but was able to break through the ambush of the imperial family, and blocked all the attacks by one person to save his life.

It turned out that when he was a real ignorant child, Melo, who had become a maid, had never given up his efforts in the years of staying in Marshal's House.

And everyone else looked at the little duke with an envious look after being shocked, and finally understood why the Marshal ’s House dared to let the young homeowner bring only a personal maid to school this time. This one is enough!

The combat effectiveness of s +, all placed in the senior department are the results of top students, not to mention that the other party turned out to be a newcomer to school, and the proper school hegemony is undoubted.

Thinking of this, the surrounding aristocratic children once again embraced the little duke and congratulated them one by one.

In this lively atmosphere, only Shen Mengqiu stared at the first-ranked name with a frown and a suspicious face.

Meilu ... As soon as the name appeared, a face popped out of her mind. The face she hadn't seen a few times before, but remembered, made her sick.

After the person was deprived of the Shen family's surname and changed back to the original family's last name, she was called Mei Lu, and she was sold into slavery by her parents, far away.

It's called Melo, and it happens to be a servant, will it ...

No, maybe just the same name? Maybe it's just a coincidence? The entire Galaxy Empire and even the Earth Confederacy, as long as they are named Mei, there are actually a lot of names for their daughters with exposed letters!

The premonition of guessing in his mind became stronger and stronger, but Shen Mengqiu refused to agree with the guess. She didn't want to see the woman at all, and her face appeared to her only to remind her of her miserable past and some facts she didn't want to admit.

"Yo, Shen Mengqiu, your face is hard to look at!" At this time, Hua Caiyu took a few steps towards her, and the mood of the good show in her tone was completely unmasked. It's the one you think, the one with the last name Mei before and the one with the last name. "

As soon as Hua Caiyu finished speaking, she received the same stare as Shen Mengqiu's evil beast. She was so surprised that she could not help but take a step backwards. What does it look like? This college was n’t run by your family. Shen Lu ... Can Mei Lu come in here and be in charge? If you did n’t show up, they would have been admitted to the school four years ago! ”

The movement of the two attracted the attention of Ling Aixiu, especially Hua Caiyu's words, which made him suddenly understand who the gloomy girl across was.

The style is completely different from the long-haired fluttering Merlo, with short cuts and tall, thin bodies. The standing position is an invisible defensive posture that can respond to sudden attacks in all directions at any time. It is not round and sharp-faced lips Tightly, a pair of eyes looked at everyone with deep defenses. Although he tried to hide it, the breath of strangers almost came out of his bones.

It was probably that his eyes were too straightforward, and the other side cast his eyes on Hua Caiyu, and the two eyes met, and then staggered.

Unlike Shen Mengqiu's fear and avoidance, Ling Aixiu frowned. Although the two generations combined, he saw Shen Mengqiu for the first time, but he felt that he did not like her very much.

At this time, a group of students who took the entrance test at the entrance of the test room also came out, and Mei Lu was naturally among them.

"Master, I'm back." The maid ignored everything around her and walked to Ling Aixiu. The two were next to the performance ranking, and the girl smiled slightly at the little boy. "I didn't give you and Marshal House Shame? "

It ’s more than nothing, is it too long?

A group of audience around them answered directly in their hearts, just looking at the beautiful girl in a maid's long skirt with a gentle and elegant look, who could not imagine that this was a fierce man with s + combat power.

"Um." Ling Aixiu nodded pretentiously at this moment. Just when he wanted to say that he was leaving, Hua Caiyu jumped out at this moment.

"Meilu Meilu, I'll tell you, there is another acquaintance here!" Hua Caiyu, who is not too embarrassed to see the fun, has begun to warmly guide the old acquaintance to the opposite direction. "You can't imagine her without seeing her. Yes, that's right ... what about people? "

Shen Mengqiu, who was still standing there, lost her shadow at this time, and walked neatly, but made Hua Caiyu embarrassed and depressed.

Ling Aixiu was also embarrassed by Shen Mengqiu's opportunity to leave, but he was a little unhappy about Hua Caiyu's anxiety. However, Mei Lu's face next to her did not change, and she still smiled mildly.

"The person Miss Hua wants to talk about is Miss Shen, right?" The maid smiled and embarrassed the other party. "When I just walked out of the exam room, I saw her in the crowd, and there was probably something urgent to go."

Alas, what are the urgent things she can do to wait for the work of the higher aristocracy, but to avoid it intentionally!

Hua Caiyu was embarrassed in her heart, and suddenly found that Shen Mengqiu was not as gloomy and cold as she appeared, in fact she was savvy and savage. Mei Lu was now s + like her, with a powerful Marshal ’s house standing behind her. Suppressing the opponent with the power of the Viscount Mansion as before, it may even be abused in turn. This guy immediately hid when he saw a bad opportunity, and did not even give him a chance to meet, but it was really slippery!

Sure enough, it was raised in a slum, and the weakness in the bones was scared!

"Miss Hua, let's go, too." The young girl's soft voice urged her to leave. "Please take us to the exclusive villa area. I have been busy till now, and the master is tired."

Hua Caiyu, a spirit, quickly led the way. Only this time leading the way, her mood was completely different from before, and she completely lost her sense of superiority to this old acquaintance.

Sure enough, Xueba is still Xueba, even without Miss Qianjin's identity, the mind is still there. Thinking that Mei Lu had the same s + score as Shen Mengqiu's s-level talent with her a-level mental strength and s-level physical fitness, Hua Caiyu couldn't help wondering if Shen Zijue, who was far away from home, would regret it?

When Hua Caiyu led the Duke's master and servant into the villa area, and in the detached villa, he continuously talked about the college's affairs, Shen Mengqiu had already done all her work very quickly, just like her. The hairstyle completely wastes the great opportunity of the lower nobles in the college to please the higher nobles and pull the relationship.

This kind of flattering work is a waste of time in Shen Mengqiu's eyes. I don't know how many people can't ask for it. In case of gaining the favor of a big aristocracy, the benefits to himself and the family behind him are obvious.

But Shen Mengqiu didn't want to, and was even disgusted.

But this disgust is nothing compared to the people and things that happened unexpectedly before.

why! She has sent people away from far away, and this woman can still appear in places that should never appear tens of thousands of light years away!

Thinking of the thief who had stolen her thirteen years of life now, she was so good that she even matched her ability, Shen Mengqiu felt extremely angry and unwilling.

She is not reconciled! Why the thief who occupies the dove's nest has not been punished, and even better! Obviously she has completely changed the fate between them, depreciating her into the dust and serving as a slave, and she will no longer have the opportunity to marry a noble as in the plot of the book!

Yes, in Shen Mengqiu's memory, she found that the world she was in was actually a plot in a book, and she played a small supporting role in this book.

This cognition was awakened along with the power awakening ceremony arranged at the orphanage when she was nine years old. Through those plots, she knew her true life. It turned out that she was not a child of a servant, nor an orphan who lost her parents at the age of six. She was the daughter of a noble family. The couple who had died before was a hateful thief. His daughter exchanged with her so that the other party could enjoy Jinyiyushi, while she followed them struggling to survive on the bottom floor.

According to the original plot in the book, after the awakening ceremony, she will be picked out by the royal prince because of her good talents. After ten years of brutal training, she will be trained to be a top dead man. That's true.

The crown prince ’s power, or the royal family had been fighting with the Marshal ’s Palace at that time, the new Field Marshal Ling Aixiu, who controlled the Emperor ’s team, was a cold, ruthless and cunning evil villain, because the royal family had secretly calculated His father, in order to avenge his father's revenge, he wanted to kill the royal family. The two sides have been coming and going to fight with each other countless times. I do n’t know how many innocent or innocent cannon fodder was involved in the middle.

She Shen Mengqiu is one of them. It is found in the book that her real life is still the power of the prince. The reason why this is checked is because her biological parents, Viscount Shen, voted for the Marshal's House and followed Ling Ai's practice. At that time, Melo, who was the daughter of the Shen family, had successfully graduated from Pleida College, and as soon as she graduated, she married the son of the Marquis who met and fell in love with each other in the college. Marshal's House.

He was escorted by the Marquis's son-in-law and coupled with his own ability to drill the camp. He was soon promoted from Viscount to Earl. He could speak before Marshal Ling Aixiu and even participated in a plot against the Crown Prince.

Because of this, her dead man, who was suddenly found out of his true life, came in handy. Although her biological parents had the common problems of nobles, they really valued their bloodlines. When their looks resembling them appeared in front of them, and they showed their identifiable identities, their parents were really upset. This chaos suddenly showed their flaws and was caught.

Only then did Shen Mengqiu discover that the Crown Prince she worked for wanted to drag her parents and drag the Marshal's House behind them into the water, killing them all at once, without saying that she would let her parents go. However, before she could think of a way to stop it, on the other side of the Marshal's Palace, Ling Aixiu had already started to force her parents to die in an accident.

Ling Aixiu also did not let go of his parents at all. He even thought about what to do if the plan failed, even if his father had done a lot for him before. In this way, her parents died in the plot, and she desperately tried to stop it all in the same way.

The entire Earl's Mansion is the only counterfeit from the beginning to the end. Because of her ignorance, she must have the whole thing in the whole thing. Then she inherited all the property of the Shen family in the name of the earl's only daughter. Her marquis husband lived happily together.

The real Shen family members were all dead, but the counterfeit goods that stole her lived so happily. How can Shen Mengqiu be willing and willing to be so willing!

So after the awakening ceremony, Shen Mengqiu sneaked away. How could she be the prince's dead as the plot, and then the whole family died in the battle of these nobles! She wants to be strong, very strong and strong, and then get everything back for her parents to live in peace!

According to the plot in the book, she carefully walked around the planets and stole all the opportunities she could take at that time. This was the s-class mental strength that surprised everyone at the age of 13 and crushed the counterfeit in one fell swoop. Goods, robbed parents and their identity back. Everything after that is natural, she doesn't want to see this fake product, and will not make the other person better.

Then there was eviction, interrogation, derogation, and sales ... Obviously everything was going as planned, this fake product should not be a good life, it can be regarded as venting her resentment, and everything is so far .

However, Shen Mengqiu never thought that the luck of this fake product was so good that it was bought by the Marshal's Office and became the close-fitting maid of the final villain Ling Aixiu who was overwhelmed by the royal power several times in the future!

"... don't be reconciled, don't be reconciled!" Thinking of the end of his own family in the book, and thinking about the book in this book that remained undead until the finale, but was expelled from the empire, and then transformed into a leader of the terrorist star thief. When returning home, Shen Mengqiu, clutching in a group, grabbed the armrest of the chair gloomily, and scratched deep and long nail prints, "Why! Why?"

Mei Lu, the royal family, Ling Aixiu, are all her enemies!

On the other side, in a luxurious single-family villa that only big nobles are eligible to enjoy, Ling Ai corrects sitting in the garden to enjoy today's rare peace.

Hua Caiyu's shy woman was gone. After her ears were quiet, she even felt better.

The nine-year-old boy's chair leaned on the padded white wooden chair. It was surrounded by flowers of various colors. The young and beautiful features of the young boy were even more delicate under the background of the flowers.

He was trapped in a cushion and closed his eyes. On the white round table in front of him, a pair of plain hands were holding a pot of black tea, and the action gracefully poured tea into a flower-shaped bone china tea cup. Come and feel more and more comfortable.

"The top seven-star summer tea from the agricultural star Ai Yexing Qimen Tea House, this season is just good to drink." The gentle female voice sounded in my ears. I do n’t need to open my eyes to know that the maid will push something else afterwards. "The dessert is chocolate macaroons and red bean cream rolls, pineapple mayonnaise. Would you like to try?"

"Let that go," Ling Aixiu replied with her eyes closed, and said suddenly after the maid didn't respond, "You see Shen Mengqiu today, do you have no idea?"

"What does the young master mean?" The maid beside him asked in confusion.

"Don't you have thoughts about what she did to you?" Ling Aixiu was curious about Mei Lu's always calm mood. It may not be so calm when he meets the other side.

"I don't have any thoughts about Miss Shen." The girl's words opened the boy's eyes suddenly and saw that the person serving at the round table really had no emotional fluctuations. "Standing in her position, I will be resentful against me Too normal. "

"Why? She was innocent at the time, but you, who were also babies, were equally innocent. You did n’t know anything but suddenly took on all your sins. Did n’t you really think her behavior was excessive?” Ling Aixiu asked with an eye-catching experience. If he encounters such a thing, let alone Shen Mengqiu, the Shen family behind her, he won't let a single one go.

The mind was already thinking about how to clean up the woman, how to avenge the return, the response of people around him almost stopped him thinking.

"But I don't think I'm innocent, Master." The maid responded with a smile. "I'm the servant's daughter. It's true. My parents stole the child. That's true. I enjoyed Miss Mengqiu's pride. It ’s true that life in the real world has caused real money to suffer at the bottom, which is an irrefutable fact. "

"Don't you ... feel wronged?" Ling Aixiu was subconsciously tired.

The smile on the girl's face was deepened again: "What can be wronged? I really want to elaborate. In this incident, I can be said to be the only one with vested interests who have taken all the benefits. Even after the incident Because of their kindness, Lord Viscount was not punished in accordance with the nobility law, but was degraded as a servant. Finally, I was fortunate to have come to the young master to continue to live in peace in the Marshal's House. Why should I be wronged? "

"You ..." The boy stared at her with round eyes, and for the first time there was such an obvious shock.

This person regards her unfortunate experience as another beginning of luck, and meeting him is what she thinks is the luck itself. But in fact, from the experience of his last life, it only accelerated her death.

"I ... can't understand." After returning to his mind, he sat upright and straightened his body. He reached for the bone china cup and lowered his head by drinking tea to cover his face. Thoughts. "

Hearing the boy's words, the maid stretched her eyebrows again and stared at him gently.

"That's probably ... after you have nothing, jump out and look at it, but be clearer."

When Ling Aixiu looked up, he saw this picture. The girl laughed as she answered, her eyes were clear like the blue sky above her head, the sky blue and white was clear, and there was no haze.

He couldn't help moving.

Sure enough, find a chance to kill Shen Mengqiu.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: sjun and moon shadow build a dream;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

Wishing pool, 40 bottles as you wish; 2,103,415,120 bottles; undyed, two waters, water and water, moon shadow building dream, the author is handsome and handsome, and those who know me say I worry about 10 bottles; m9 bottles; Su Mengqi, Zheng Taikong 6 bottles; starry · x · t, homework may not finish tat 5 bottles; 桠 white 3 bottles; !!, jujube with walnut 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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