MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 146 Master Born Again

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On the third day, Emperor Xing's law enforcement police force entered the Marshal's Mansion fully armed.

[When Ling Yuandu signed the armistice agreement with the representatives of the Earth Fortress and the Federation of the Earth, he deliberately leaked the confederacy of the Empire ’s frontier defense to the Federation, but was found on the spot but refused to plead guilty. Now that the evidence is conclusive, the royal family has also issued a judgment. According to Article 3 of the Empire Law, anyone who leaks the secrets of the Empire is aristocratic or civilian ...]

Reading the charges of traitors, proclaiming the book of slaying, freezing and confiscating all the property in the family of Ling, expelling all servants in the house, arresting the so-called related associates ... everything, exactly as Ling Aixiu remembered the scene.

This was the case in the last life. When he was lying down to support his injuries, everything in the Marshal's House turned upside down. He didn't respond to anything. From the son of the Field Marshal whom everyone admired and beloved, the future Duke became the son of a sinner and a civilian. Everywhere he walked, everyone called the street mouse.

"It's impossible!" When he was caught by the law enforcement team at that time, he shouted so loudly. Ling Aixiu shouted loudly, trying to restore his unbelievable and sad collapse. "My dad won't do this kind of thing! He's not It is impossible to betray the empire! Even if our Ling family is betrayed to the royal family, it is impossible to betray our own loyal country! "

At that time, he really did not know at all. He would have become more miserable because of the last sentence, and the awakening ritual of abilities that nobles and civilians alike could participate in the empire was directly deprived. It may not be enough to directly break him into a strong one, and even want to destroy his heart directly. After all, the Ling family has always guarded the empire. Although Marshal Ling is a sinner, his last blood is innocent. Yes, if they were killed directly, even the royal family and nobles would be subject to the chill and suspicion of the people of the country.

Once again, he still shouted. Destined to anger those people again, but this time they thought about it again ...

The people in the Marshal's House are planning to push the entire Ling family into the dust at one time. Therefore, the event of Marshal Ling's betrayal of the empire's guilt and death has also mobilized all media resources, and all channels on all planets across the country directly inserted into the venue. All imperialists using media tools saw follow-up to the case.

I saw countless large screens on the streets, private brains, and even some mobile advertisements. All of them were the same live news, and even pictures of Marshal Ling ’s "preparing for betrayal" were shown on the screen a few years ago. Until the time when the armistice was signed at the edge fortress, some accompanying soldiers took a picture of him secretly handing a golden chip to the Federation with everyone on his back, and then he found the secretly shot soldier. He changed his face and stopped when he looked for the soldier.

The video, which was said to have been sent by the soldiers accompanying him before his death, caused an uproar among everyone above and below the empire. There were those who could n’t believe it, as well as those who were grateful.

The Internet is full of noise.

[It turned out that the rumors were really true. Marshal Ling really betrayed the country. Did he secretly trust the Earth Federation so early? 】

[Well, since thirteen years ago he ignored the opposition of so many imperialists and insisted on taking a federal woman as his wife. I knew he had a second heart for the empire! Said that the Empire and the Commonwealth shared the same source five hundred years ago and should not hate each other. In order to promote peace between the Empire and the Commonwealth, he must lead by example in the name of Marshal and let the people of the two countries love each other. In fact, he has long been a federal dog. Right! 】

[That's it! I see that he has been revenge, otherwise how can the federal woman who married marry five years before conceiving a child, and then it is difficult to give birth! 】

[The Empire and the Federation have been fighting for almost four hundred years, and the truce and the agreement have been torn apart. I do n’t know how many times. How can the **** hatred between the two be counted? To me, even without this, the Ling family is not suitable for marshal commanding emperor team! 】

Of course, there are die-hard fans of the Ling family.

[I, I still do not believe that the Marshal will betray the empire. He is such a good person that he has never said to the people and the soldiers under his opponents. I believe that the Marshal said that he wanted peace. He must have misunderstood it. 】

[I'm tired of always fighting, Marshal is right. He used to advocate that, why are you so excited now? 】

It is just that such remarks often come forward and are killed. Nationals have always had zero tolerance for such high-level betrayals. Besides, the authorities have now published evidence before them. What else can be washed out?

After listing all kinds of evidence on the live broadcast to win all the nationals, it was natural to question the Marshal's Mansion. The law enforcement police team saw a series of actions in the Marshal's Mansion by the citizens of the country. Naturally, the ex-junior When the duke was arrested, the words shouted by the people were also heard in the ears, and the original indignation filled with surprise suddenly.

Yes, the Ling family has guarded the empire for more than 100 years. So far, it is only the Marshal's Mansion where only the Ling family who died in battle did not surrender. Now they say that the Ling family betrayed ...

Just then, the live broadcast suddenly changed from the law enforcement scene, jumping into a video showing the time in the lower right corner three days ago. In an dimly lit room, an old man in a tuxedo was hiding in the corner. Secretly contacting anyone secretly, no matter how complexion or tone.

Didn't you say that the plan is foolproof? Why did Master Ai Xiu come back safely? Didn't you take care of everything and laid an ambush on all the routes they would flee, be sure to let him die by accident?

... this is not the same as the plan says! You said that when the Marshal died at the frontier, you would do something to the young master, what now!

Although he could not hear the voice of the party contacted by the old man, the information he disclosed in the conversation had surprised everyone.

... you make me think of a way? This is impossible! After Master Ai Xiu was attacked this time, the people around him will only be more cautious. I ca n’t find a chance to let him die by accident without flaws!

Do not! You cannot speak without faith! Over the years, I have secretly cooperated with you to forge many false testimonies of marshals who want to betray the empire. Now it is impossible to dismantle the bridge over the river!

The video in less than two minutes stunned the Empire.

[That's Brent Housekeeper in Marshal's House? Isn't he the most trusted person in the field? How to cooperate with people and want to kill their little master? 】

[Why is a steward who lives in the capital of Emperor Xing supposedly unaware of the situation of the frontier star for three days before the news that Marshal Ling has died? 】

When these two subconscious questions came out, many people reacted.

[Some people want to frame Marshal's House, and want to use it to bring down the entire Ling family! 】

After the reaction, before the time was up to anger, the picture jumped again, this time directly into the video of the station on the Alpha Star, and the picture was followed by a video of the marshal who had previously captured the marshal's golden chip for the federal personnel.

Wait a minute, Liver, you misunderstood. I didn't give any confidential files, this is just a video player.

The marshal in the camera stopped the other person, unfolded the golden chip in the palm directly, and gently pressed it, and a scene of daily life with his lover who had died long ago popped out-it was not a chip at all, but A mobile projection that cannot be changed once it is made.

The soldiers who could record the video did not expect the apologies from the audience, but sneered.

Sir Marshal, none of your explanations are necessary, all I need is just the picture of the chip that you just talked to your federal friends.

The marshal on the opposite side changed his face immediately. Although he realized that he was being calculated, he was still a step slower.

I'm sorry Marshal, although you are a strong patron saint of the people of the empire, but it is too obtrusive for other adults. One hundred years is too long, and you and your Ling family should disappear. The Empire does not need a Field Marshal who wants peace!

When the picture was put here, it was suddenly cut off. All the screens were completely black. After a few seconds, it was restored to the original programs of the major channels. However, the impression of the people is still in the scene where Marshal Ling is surrounded by many masters. Although the video has not been finished, everyone knows the ending.

Looking at the video of the song and dance life in front of them, the people first became silent, and then burst into extreme anger that was fooled.

[Hand over the real killer! 】

[Released Marshal Mansion! Also Ling family is innocent! !! 】

[Behind the scenes the murderer must not die! !! 】

[Abominable nobles, hand over the murderer who killed the marshal! 】

Previously, the marshals across the country learned how angered the admired marshals had betrayed them, and at this time they knew how high the rally was. The grief of losing the patron saint and the anger of the marshal who killed the marshal caused riots of various sizes across the planets of the empire.

Travel, protest, banner, sit-in, demonstration, even violence ... The people are doing everything they can to demand an impartial judgement from the official empire.

Under such terrible pressure, let alone the major institutions, even the nobles and the royal families, have to temporarily retreat.

In the imperial palace of the Emperor's Capital, there were also some people who were in rage and thundered.

"Waste! A bunch of waste!"

"Why was the entire Empire-wide media hijacked for a full five minutes? Not only did you not be able to regain control, you also let the other side broadcast such a picture! Finally, do n’t say who is trying to figure out who is at fault, but you can only cut it off by force The Internet way to stop each other, what good is it to me to keep you waste! "

All the kneeling men and women were trembling. Only after the vent on the throne was finished, did they dare to look up carefully.

"But Your Majesty, now that the people of the whole country are dying because of Ling Yuandu's death, what should we do?" Someone asked carefully, and immediately received the same cold eye as the blade.

"You know what to do in this situation. Why bother asking me?"

In a word, the tone was set, and the people involved in the operation lowered their heads again, but their backs were full of cold sweat.

When the imperial government was obviously begging to hide something, although it was always at the bottom, but the largest base of the population was not idle, many folk masters cooperated with each other and began to track and analyze all clues and brainstorm based on the information in the video. The answer was quickly found, and all the clues pointed to someone.

"Find it! The man who killed Marshal Ling is found! It is the Archduke of Canble!"

As they rushed to the murderer's house with boundless anger, they received the news that the Grand Duke had taken poison and committed suicide in the bedroom.

The entire galaxy empire is now duke, including Marshal Ling. There are only three of them. The Archduke of Canble is also a high-weight existence in the entire aristocratic circle. The strength is second only to the Marshal himself. The Ling family's affairs were revealed. In order to quell the anger of the people and to keep the family behind him, he also made an immediate decision and made a choice.

Such decisive responses are fierce towards others and themselves, but the shocked people do not know what to say.

Within a few days, the two dukes died one after the other, and when the matter was lost throughout the country, the royal family moved quickly.

When the public pardoned the traitor who had been wrongly convicted before the Marshal's Mansion, and released the Duke and other related personnel back to the house, all the property of the Marshal's House was also returned, and a large amount of compensation was given in order to express apologies.

Of course, the Grand Duke of Kamble did not let go of his death because of his death. The family behind him also gave a large amount of compensation to the Marshal's House. The other's family heirs also apologized in public when the funeral was held at the Marshal's House. .

Everything went in the direction that was beneficial to the Ling family. The Marshal's House kept it. Although Ling Aixiu had not even awakened his powers, he was already a sealed duke. If the potential is sufficient, he will still be the commander-in-chief of the imperial emperor team. Marshal of his father. Compared with the last fall, he was a great victory.

But the boy was not happy.

Marshal's Mansion, which belongs to the Duke's confidential study room, is a dull figure sitting on the oversized chair.

The imperial family is obviously the one who wants the Ling family to disappear. In the end, all the evidence points to a dog under their seat. In the end, the royal family is innocent. It's a good idea to abandon Che Baoshuo. He really underestimated the family means that have held the top of the empire for hundreds of years.

Just then, the door of the study was knocked gently.

"Master, the European-style milk tea and ancient French almond cake you have prepared."

The gentle and sweet female voice sounded outside the door, and the calm tone of eagerness and calmness made Ling Aixiu's expression stunned, his expression turned in a complicated direction.

What surprised him most about this assault was that, except for the royal family picking themselves up so quickly, it was Melo, the maid.

She did it. In a short period of three days, she used part of the resources of the Marshal's House he gave, not only to find out who the murderer killed his father, but also to get a complete video in the hands of the enemy. Under the permission of the major media in the country, when the royal family wanted to defeat the Ling family, she calculated that the housekeeper would co-operate with the outsider to betray the owner, and released the whole process of the father's innocence and being framed. After that, the Ling family had everything. There is no need to do it. People from all over the country have their own ups and downs.

The people who hated him and scolded him because of his father's stigma in the last life, this time turned around and screamed for him, and it was really stupid. It was really stupid. No wonder the nobles have been playing around for hundreds of years . The father died for these talents, and it was ridiculous to think about it.

After resurrection, Ling Aixiu didn't plan to think about these fools like his father did. He just wanted to get revenge and then live only for himself.

"Come in." Many thoughts only circulated in a few moments, and the boy shouted aloud.

Soon, the door was opened slightly, and the girl wearing the uniform of the maid in the marshal's house pushed in the small dining car. The maid opened the lid of the plate elegantly, put the beautiful snack on the desk, and then poured the beautiful milk tea in the exquisite bone china tea cup. Instantly, the sweet milk and cake aroma permeated the entire study.

The maid's movements are elegant and beautiful. If nobles who like elegance are present, it will certainly be greatly appreciated, but at this time only an eight-year-old child is watching.

Ancient European-style milk tea, ancient French almond cake, these are refreshments of the ancient earth era, and now only aristocracy or rich civilians can afford it. Ling Aixiu looked at these dim sums a little bit, and vaguely remembered that his favorite was before eight years old. Melo deliberately sought out a master chef who learned this.

"Master, aren't these what you want?" The maid asked when he was in a trance. "Then I'll do it again for you, please wait ..."

"Wait, I don't dislike it." Interrupting Mei Lu's move to take back refreshments, Ling Aixiu quickly snapped the ear of the bone china cup to a mouthful. The rich milk taste was sweet and smooth, making him originally Some distant memories became clearer, and my eyes were slightly wet.

The maid thought he was scalded to the point of nervousness immediately, and Ling Aixiu, who was interrupted by memories, cried and laughed and couldn't explain.

Seeing that the girl was satisfied with only his focused eyes, Ling Aixiu's mood was complicated, and he said something like shifting the topic: "Next year, the empire ranked No. 1 at Plaida College, and I will go to Plaida Star to participate The awakening ceremony goes to school incidentally. Where are you going, sister Melo, will you stay at Marshal's House to help me manage the house or go to school with me? "

She has passed his test, so now no matter which one she chooses, Ling Aixiu has no opinion. He has now lost the ability to trust people, but he is willing to let go of Melo who has not betrayed him in this past and present life.

Brent, the original housekeeper in the Marshal's Mansion, was sentenced to death. The royal family and nobles could not let him reveal his secrets alive, so without his existence, everything in the Marshal's Mansion was piled on his master. He had never been in contact with this area for a while, and he subconsciously called the personal maid to come and help out, and before long everything became calm. The other party easily sorted and summarized all the cluttered things that seemed to him. When transferred to him, Ling Aixiu often only nodded or shook his head, and occasionally used his brain to consider how to make careful decisions.

The maid used it so smoothly that it was so surprising that Ling Aixiu was surprised that if she chose to stay in the Marshal's House, he would directly appoint her as the new housekeeper in the House and manage everything for him.

Of course, if she is willing to let go of her right, choose to go to college star with him ...

"I'll go where the young master goes." The maid didn't want to answer directly.

"Okay, then you go with me." Ling Aixiu also didn't want to nod his head immediately. After returning to God, he felt a bit frightened that he was afraid of the maid's remorse.

The other party immediately showed a bright smile, seeming to be very happy with him, and after pushing for a ceremony, he pushed the small dining car and left.

Ling Aixiu stared at the gently closed door and fell into a speechless voice. He raised a small fist and knocked on his forehead in annoyance. What did he feel happy about? Sure enough, because this maid is so easy to use, is he reluctant to let go?

Sitting on the elevated master chair, the little boy raised his hand to pick up the brochure of the Plaida Academy resting on the right side of the desk and turned it over and over. In the last life, he and this school lost hands. He never officially attended school, and all the things he learned on the escape road were wild roads. This time, he can finally go to a regular school.

Halfway through, Ling Aixiu remembered something.

Like the daughter of the Shen family, Shen Mengqiu, who had exchanged life with Mei Lu at that time, is also studying in that college star, and is now a senior student.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Tan Yueying Shutong, Yueyingzhumeng, Yuetang, sjun;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

20 bottles of Moon Shadow Building Dream; 10 bottles of autumn cherry blossoms, 2 bottles of 2-3; !!, warm and warm, Tan Yueying Shutong, 1 bottle of Pinellia glass;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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