MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 136 Shi Yan was a Tianjiao girl

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If, on the sacred pond, he fumbles a little, so that the owner of this fairy fairy has been unconscious and can only rely on the sacred pond to continue her life, will she stay in Leiyin Temple for Zongmen?

This idea was inexhaustible as soon as it appeared. It grew wild in Huiguang's mind like a weed. Slowly, it almost overturned the elders' best wishes.

"Master Mei, there is a knot house half a mile away from the holy pond, so that you or your servants can take a close look at this donor." How do you think about it, Ke Huiguang's face is still respectful, "Here is behind the gate It ’s a bit inconvenient to get in and out of the mountain, and it ’s a bit colder than the bustling of the Majestic Palace of the Former Mountain. Chamber. The place to be cleaned is no more prosperous than elsewhere, please forgive me. "

The talking Luo Han's face was compassionate. He lowered his head and folded his hands, his words were gentle and methodical. The gentle temperament of a Buddhist family was very attractive. At least the four monsters behind Mei Lu were quite satisfied with the arrangement of Leiyin Temple. They did not speak to restrict their freedom because of the relationship between the holy pond and the restricted area. They also arranged two residences in front of and behind the Zongmen, no doubt telling them In the ten years they have stayed at Leiyin Temple, they come and go whenever they want. Monks have no opinion, and they are delicious and entertaining.

"There is a master Lao Huiguang." The girl standing in the first position also folded her hands with a gift. "In the next ten years, our masters and servants will all rely on your temple."

"Amitabha, I dare not be taken. This is a fair trade and is the righteousness of my temple." The other party responded politely, and then it seemed to remember something, "Yes, Master Mei. Only before the Tianfeng business sent a letter to Leiyin Temple. , Say that there is another client from Wanbaolou asking for a custom-made instrument, how do you respond? "

The opportunity to make money follows! The eyes of the four monsters behind them suddenly lighted up. In the half-month before staying at Wanbaolou, they had seen too many good things, but unfortunately they stayed for too long and thought it was overwhelming.

"It's a problem for your temple." Mei Lu, who had expected such an apology, said, "I have already negotiated with the commercial bank, and the commercial bank will screen the guests according to the requirements I have specified. At that time, someone will send the materials directly. In front of Leiyin Temple, I will send someone to pick it up. Try not to affect your temple. "

If you do n’t say yes to the Tianfeng Commercial Bank, you also say that only the commercial bank ’s hands are eligible to request refining. Master Mei's front foot followed into the Leiyin Temple, and the mountain gate at the back door of this big gate will be stricken by everyone. The Fang Renma was so blocked that it could not be cleared up, and it was necessary to pay for customization, and then the clean place of Buddhism could immediately become dark.

Hui Guang was naturally clear. He just wanted to lead another purpose: "For such small things, there is no need to let Master Mei's people run around. I will arrange for Sha Mi to go back and forth in time. It's important, just leave everything else to the poor monk. "

"This way ... then there will be labor." The other side hesitated and agreed, "The little girl has the skills and ability to make a few pieces of dagger, but if Guigui doesn't hate it, as long as the little girl has I don't quit in my spare time. "

"Amitabha, good and kind." A smile appeared on Hui Guang's face, "This is the honor of this temple."

After leaving Meilu and his party, Huiguang monk left Lianhua Shengchi and returned to the apse. Many people were waiting for him there, not only his brother Huizhi, but also abbot abbots and other senior officials.

"How's it?" As soon as she saw Hui Guang, Hui Zhi immediately asked.

"Fortunately, no shame." Hui Guang first offered a gift to the elders before answering the question from the elder brother. "Master Mei promised not to pass through Tianfeng Commercial, and was willing to go over them to make a tanner for Leiyin Temple."

"Okay." Many monks were excited.

Fifty sets of refining materials are very difficult for many monks, but they are not much for the gates. The consumption of a day in the gates is unremarkable. Fifty sets of materials make fifty people together. The preparation cost is very thin, but if it is all finished products of superior or even perfect appearance, then it will really make a big deal. The most important thing is that they don't want Tianfeng Commercial to know how many perfect artifacts and elixirs have been obtained here. Of course, this kind of strategic information is that the fewer people you know, the better.

"Huiguang, you are doing very well." The abbot Master nodded approvingly. "You have always been very good at receiving people. It is true that it is right for you to contact Master Mei this time and continue to be friendly. The fairy is not a thing in the pool. She has clear eyes and a gully. Even if she is now under the rule of Tiandao slave seal, she will be able to get rid of it easily in the future. I am afraid that the achievement is not under that emperor. Blessed. "

At the first glance, the head of the temple of Leiyin Temple was so poisonous. At a glance, he saw the root cause of Master Mei's slavery. At this time, Yin Yin told his disciples to pay each other well.

"Yes, abbot, Hui Guang will take good care of him, and will never neglect Master Mei." Hui Guang leaned down to take the lead, but his heart had already dismissed Master's words.

No matter how great the future is, as long as you hold on to the lifeline, even the evil spirits who are against the sky will be subject to obedience. Just like the legendary congenital stone monkey, he was invincible in heaven and earth, and was eventually crushed by the Buddha's five-finger mountain.

Leaving the side hall, Hui Guang's determination was more firm, and his hands hidden in the monk's robes were clenched tightly. Everything is for his ancestral gate, for Leiyin Temple!

By the side of Lianhua Shengchi, Meilu and the two demon monsters lived very peacefully.

From the moment he was caught and engraved with a slave seal, the four demon had never thought of his life after becoming a demon slave. Although the ten-year wandering on the Tianhe River often encountered wind and waves, it was still smooth because of the master's powerful life. The first stop behind the shore, Tingyi, was so exciting from the beginning. The master Qiya ’s secret place was the first. After getting the treasure, he was pursued and pursued by everyone. His blood was turned into rain and he became a prestige. They went to Wanbaolou to make a stunning appearance. Their master is now the first person to be recognized as a dagger, and even these demon slaves are taken up by chickens and dogs everywhere.

In general, the four demon must have drifted long ago, but if the master following is a demon who is too calm anytime and anywhere, it is different. She has a dull response; she has a lot of spirits, she treats them as leisurely; all parties are attracted and even at all costs, she still just smiles and refuses easily, keeping only her original intention in her eyes-taking care to become The miserable Wei Gongzi, regardless of the downfall or the scenery, has never changed his focus on the original intention, so that the four demon who are gradually bewildered by the bust also wake up and remember his original intention.

"The master is really amazing." When talking in private, the fire demon Chiyan looked with emotion.

"Yeah, if I have such ability, I may not be able to maintain my original heart." Jin Yao Mo Lei nodded and echoed. "This kind of master is probably rarer than the perfect-looking Dan."

Although strictly speaking, the unconscious Wei Gongzi was their master, but the master admitted in the heart of the four demon was only Mei girl who claimed to be the servant. In the view of the four demon, the father of Wei was lucky enough to accidentally hit the girl, so she took care of it so desperately.

Looking back on the series of events that happened after meeting her, Mo Lei can clearly draw a line. She paid for them on Tianhe, first using Hua Rong and Bai Yu's ability to suppress the injury of the boy, and then using him With Chiyan's ability to learn alchemy, this period is both a running-in period and an observation period. When they are completely trustworthy, she has used up all her resources only to improve her own strength. Later, Tingyi's mainland conquered the mystery and gained the treasure. During the transaction with the three major gates, it was easy to kill the refining virtual realm. Finally, it took out the anti-level dagger technique to solicit money to recover the capital to continue the cycle of cultivation and promotion.

And all she did was just to wake the young man in the pool, heal her wounds, and regain the possibility of cultivation.

If there was a demon beside him who could spare no effort to help him when he was in Huacang mainland, maybe he would not ...

"Speaking of them, Huarong and Baiyu will only see each other except for changing positions, and they are usually not seen. Where did they go?" Chi Yan's words interrupted Mo Lei's thoughts.

"Don't you know?" Mo Lei glanced at him. "Here is the gate of Buddhism, the place where Brahma originated. Bai Yu's bliss bird was naturally listening to bliss, except for a small number of wild birds. Some of them are supported by human beings, and many of them are attached to the gate of the Buddha, which is a good place to improve their strength. Huarong, for this healing sacred flower, the lotus pond is the best place to practice. It's good to sit next to Julian. "

"The two boys are really good!" Chi Yan was jealous. They were staying at Leiyin Temple for ten years, which meant that the two monsters had been improving every day in the past ten years. Jealous.

"What's so jealous of you?" Staring at the red eye pupil of the fire demon, Mo Lei was out of breath, "You only need to swallow different kinds of different fires to be promoted. There is a master, and you haven't eaten much during this time. Waiting for the different fires, those people Xiu are rushing to send you different fires to splurge in order to knot you, on the strength is the highest of the four of us, are you jealous? "

"Uh, this seems to be the case, hehe." Chiyan suddenly felt embarrassed as she was scratching her head. Now he is no longer the little demon who was caught at the beginning, and is about to face the demon after consuming many kinds of strange fires. Move closer, "The master said that I have been eating too fast and can no longer eat. I must digest for a few years to continue. Finally, I will use a different fire to refine some of the concentrate to serve you as food."

"Then I would like to thank you." The practice of the Golden Demon is considered to be the most difficult of the Four Demon. Although it can also evolve by consuming the same kind as the Fire Demon, the requirements are much higher than the latter, and the purest meta-mine must be obtained Only otherwise, letting trash impurities enter the body will reduce the quality of self-cultivation, so Mo Lei's promotion these days was either by the owner buying yuan ore or letting Chiyan refine the crude ore for him to cultivate.

"Don't use it, the host also said that my different fire must be used often to be stronger." The other side waved his hands and showed a big white tooth, a dumb and white handsome sunshine figure, "We have been partners for so long, help you It ’s like helping me. ”

Mo Lei laughed immediately when he heard the words, and stretched out his hands and patted each other's shoulders: "Good brother!" At the same time, he felt a little worried, but what Chiyan did when he left the host, I was afraid he would be arrested and sold. .

A few months passed, Lianhua Shengchi had a peaceful and peaceful life every day. When the four demon took turns to look after Wei Yangjie, they gradually relaxed their vigilance because of their trust in Leiyin Temple. For Huiguang, who had been watching, Represents the coming of opportunity.

Master Mei went out, and there was only a simple bliss bird guarding over the holy pond. With the raptor's natural closeness to Buddhism, Huiguang slightly tricked him out of the holy pool.

Standing in front of the Houshan side hall, watching the bird demon boy was taken away from the holy pond by a small sand, but Hui Guang's mouth was narrowing his eyes.

Clenched the storage bag containing the array that changes the path of the Holy Pool's aura, Huiguang pretended to walk to the secret place if there is no fact, the prohibition of the Holy Pool is in sight, as long as you open it, you can see a towering plant The giant lotus is blooming there, and the water under the lotus pond is full of vitality.

Only in the light of Huiguang's mind appeared the appearance of the holy pond, but behind him was a sound of unhurried footsteps. Huiguang, who was planning to do a small movement, turned around subconsciously, and saw the girl covered with veil slowly coming. .

"Master Huiguang? You also encountered Bai Yu on the road, so don't worry about coming over to see it?" The girl's voice was soft, but the content that could be raised made Huiguang jump.

"Amitabha, this is not the case." He restrained his expression and made his tone behave as normal. "The poor monk did not know that Bai Yu had left, but just wanted to come over to see the situation in the secret place, and also wanted to ask Master Mei at the holy pond There is still a need. "

"That's the case, you have a heart." The other side smiled, but did not mention the matter of Shengchi, but the Feng Feng turned to mention other things, "Speaking of which, I have been living in your temple for almost a year The teachers in the temple all took more pictures of us, and even allowed Bai Yu to listen to the Brahma to participate in the chanting, and they have always been ashamed of taking care of them. "

Her sudden change of subject made Hui Guang's heart feel a little unexcusable for no reason. Before she could figure out why, she listened to the female voice again.

"Little girls often travel around your temples these days. The guardian array of your temple is very delicately arranged. Eighteen Arhats are constantly rotating the array. Once activated, they can not only resist the invasion of powerful enemies, but also show up. The eighteen Lohan incarnations attacked the enemy externally, and automatically sucked the aura between the heavens and the earth to actively maintain the operation of the formation to reduce the consumption of those who maintain the formation. It can be said that it is a very good class of defense.

Huiguang stared at her at this moment. The Leiyin Temple's mountain guard array has been opened only once since its ancestral gate, and it has been improved from generation to generation. It has not been the way it was when it first started. The enemy, for example, the formation method can automatically absorb the heaven and earth aura to replenish itself ... but these secrets are easily spotted by the people in front of them. The other person's words were not over.

"But the shortcomings of this big array are also very obvious. The eighteen pillars that support the big mountain array are not easy to transfer. As long as you find one, you can easily determine where the other seventeen are hidden. Let me see I looked around and found that the protection of those columns was very weak. If someone was messing with the array, there was no need to try to destroy the array's eyes, and they could easily break the game by just using hands and feet against the column. Master Huiguang, can I make a mistake? "

Huiguang had already turned pale and sweaty, and he could not pretend to be calm. He knew that his mind had been exposed in the other person's eyes, and he could only ask dryly: "Master Mei ... what is it? You know about my temple formation? "

The other party frowned and heard: "Although the little girl now relies on helping people to make a dagger, but she has been majoring in matrix formations. Qiya secret realm believes that Master Huiguang has also been there, then he will definitely understand that For example, no matter whether you are playing or playing chess, you can't escape the word calculation. As long as you find the clue, it is easy to follow it.

Hui Guang finally left in despair.

Three days later, the abbot of Leiyin Temple brought him to Lianhua Shengchi to take charge of the crime. He Huiguang was expelled from Leiyin Temple and concluded that Huimen would give Master Mei an explanation.

I realized afterwards that the elder Huiguang, who was very generous and meticulous to them, had always harbored misfortunes. The four demon were very angry. Not only did they feel angry when they trusted and been betrayed, but they were extremely frightened.

If their guards are unfavorable, and the host has not found any clues, then the situation of Wei Gongzi ... the host is likely to be really forever trapped in Leiyin Temple and cannot leave!

"Well! What kind of monk do you count, you count people into your bones!" Hua Rong first jumped up and cursed, "The slaves of Tianfeng Commercial Bank are not as good as you!"

"Master Huiguang, how can you do this?" Bai Yu was about to cry. "If the father-in-law had an accident, how could I take care of him at the time and face the master? I respect and trust you so much ..."

"Human insidiousness and deceit is really in the bones, even if it is a Buddhist practice," Chi Yan also spurned along with Hua Rong, "Well, are you a monk?"

Facing the scolding and accusations of the demon slaves, Hui photovoltaic, who had been repaired and sentenced to death, was only kneeling in silence, only waiting for them to release the ground before touching the ground: "Yes The sinner ’s fault, the sinner motivated evil thoughts and committed greed, lied and deceived others to make a mouthful, and even guilty of prejudice against the fairy, rebellious teacher stubbornly saw his own behavior and almost made a big mistake. The sinner is indeed not worthy of Monk, today came to confess to Mei Xianzi, only to ask the fairy to take the initiative to admit wrongdoing to the monk, and don't anger the Leiyin Temple. Everything is on the monk's own initiative and blame.

He squinted his head every time he said something, until he was full of blood in the deep pit that was smashed, let alone those monks in the temple who do n’t want to look too far, even the four demon who were very angry before also faced Unbearable.

Until Huiguang couldn't bear it, he fainted and fell to the ground. The scene was silent. Hui Guang, who voluntarily surrendered himself and confessed his mistakes, sincerely repented and guarded the temple, no one could refute. Such people are hateful and pathetic at the same time, they feel respectable.

In the silence, Melo, who never spoke, turned to look at the four demon behind him: "Are you still angry?"


The four demon stunned, and Bai Yu could not help but stuttered and asked, "Master ... May, Mei girl, aren't you angry?"

"Why should I be angry?" The other person asked with a tilted head. "Master Huiguang wanted to know what I wanted to do very early, but he didn't stop me from doing it before. Is it necessary to be angry for what is impossible? "

At this moment, not only the four demon stunned, but the monks such as the abbot of Leiyin Temple were also petrified.

So such a horrible come out ... was just to let them go?

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who cast [mine]: s Jun, Zhan Yunhun, and dumplings;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

70 bottles of myich; 30 bottles of Liang Yishu; 20 bottles of Lebei, Fengta, and cats; 10 bottles of Mimi ^ w ^ 10; 5 bottles of gentle and gentle heaven; 4 bottles of Mu Ke; , 1 bottle warm;

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