MTL - The Cultivation Of The Maid-Chapter 12 Leng Gong's Palace Concubine

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De Hai's treasure hunting has been successful, and the authentic paintings he purchased are extremely loved by his Majesty, and he has won a lot of rewards if it is nothing. Then Mr. Liu, who is about to return to his hometown, also expressed his appreciation to him. The meaning of this message is even more important.

In the harem, there is an **** in charge. In addition to always accompanying his Majesty, he is also in charge of all the big and small things in the inner palace. This position is the peak of the eunuch's career. His reserve is the eight deputy chief executives below, who are responsible for helping the chief supervisor to share the responsibility pressure. He is the most powerful competitor of the **** and the next chief eunuch.

The palace princesses did everything they could to climb up, and the palace people did not bother to let it go. The sword light sword shadow inside only saw De Hai almost turned over the ditch this time and knew that the risk was not low at all.

"I heard that if Director Liu retires, is it most likely that Dehai is in the top position?"

The news came from the Kun Kun Palace, and Shen Rong asked her female officer a little bit of sweet and sour snacks. Since the morning sickness was cured by Mei Lu, the concubine lady has evolved into a tortoiseshell cat to eat, as long as she wakes up and doesn't have a bite in her hand, she feels very weak.

"Should." The female officer responded with a smile, "German Duke is a man of good manners and rules, and now he is admired by his Majesty, and the queen mother also likes to observe the rules. Wanting to come to the father's ability will not let it fall."

"Then he should thank me for letting you go to help." The concubine wrinkled her nose, a little proud, "otherwise this time he will die if he doesn't die."

"Mother-in-law, De Gong came to thank me a few days ago, did you forget it?" Looking at her master with a smile, the female officer gently reminded, "What you eat now is a rare confection that is hard to find."

"... Yeah, look at my brain. Sure enough, just like my mother said, pregnancy becomes silly." After a while, she knocked on her head in annoyance, and she has lived a happy life since playing Lenggong, even more so after pregnancy. No one dares to provoke it. There is nothing to worry about every day except to worry that the tummy is getting bigger and bigger and it is difficult to walk.

No, there is still one, but it is not a goal that can be achieved overnight.

"Well, Melo. See how good Degong is, this time he has escaped a calamity and has taken it to the next level. He must have worked hard these days to get revenge on those who digged in front of him and jumped to him." Eunuch The eyes are usually very small, and whoever provoked them will remember you for half a lifetime, even if it ’s a big fart. Besides, at this moment of the hatred, it is found out who the culprit is. The other party will definitely be bad. “If my family can be like him, It would be nice to deal with the Jiang family like that. "

Shen Rong's current wish is to revenge the Jiang family for revenge for his father. To this end, he also discussed with his elder brother a few times, but without the "sir", he only relied on the pregnant silly and his elder brother who had more muscle than his brain. It is impossible to accomplish such a difficult goal.

In the end, they reluctantly came to the conclusion: each of them stayed honestly until she gave birth to the child safely, and then they discussed how to go next.

The female officer didn't speak, and the concubine didn't care, but went on to herself and said to herself: "If you can't bring down the Jiang family, at least you must let Jiang Yan subdue it. This pit killed so many soldiers and the black-hearted old man in Bianguan It's too harmful. "

"Madam, it's time, you should go out and exercise." Seizing the fruit plate in Shen Rong's hand, Merula got up.

As soon as I heard that I was going to move, the lazy princess lady didn't like it, and she muttered, "Isn't it possible to walk? How hot is it outside, shall we lie down for a while?"

Mei Lu's smile remained unchanged: "It's okay for slaves, but mother, you don't want to move now and want to take a few steps, and the fetus will learn something from your mother when you give birth."

This, this doesn't work!

Concubine Rong, who had seen such a scene far away, immediately turned pale, and did not want to be a member of the dystocia party. She immediately obediently joined the exercise program for pregnant women.

Shen Rong's opinion of the Jiang family is just casually speaking, if Jiang Yanxiang, an old man who stood for half a lifetime, is really easy to be overthrown, then it is called a ghost, so he just leaves behind. Another half a month is the birthday of the queen mother. As an emperor's woman, she has to go to Heshou even if she has a big belly. It is more practical to think about how to deal with those women who are sour.

But what she never dreamed of was that in just half a month, the situation in Chaotang had undergone an earthquake-like change.

Jiang Yan is out of business!

The cause of the incident was not small or small. It came from the **** Dehai, who was almost killed.

As Shen Rong said, the **** who has been slow to breathe cannot revenge. He tried to find out who the culprit was through the original painter's efforts to find the culprit. He did not expect to find out the Jiang family. On the head.

It turned out that the authentic paintings that had been deliberately burned before were the Jiang family's earlier collections. In order for Dehai to capsize the other **** in the Jiang family union palace, he gave him a set, and the newly appointed **** chief was also the Jiang family. The power of Queen Jiang in the palace can be imagined.

If you only eat a little bit of Dehai, you may be able to bear it. The prime minister's house can't afford it, but it almost made him impossible to swallow him to death.

He swears that he really just wants to give some color to see. After all, it is impossible to overthrow the Prime Minister's office as an **** in his palace, so he can only make a little trouble, such as handing over some small evidence that is true The officials of the other faction who did not agree with the uncles made him say upwards that a certain official privately embezzled and accepted bribes and so on ... It made His Majesty suspicious, and also made the Jiang family feel uncomfortable. The **** was very clear, none of these civilians were under the **** It is clean, as soon as you check it, you can see that the stolen money is more and less.

No one had expected that such a piece of false news would finally dig up such a corruption case that shocked the public.

Starting from the fact that a certain clerk confessed to accepting a bribe under the iron certificate, he sent a person to the house to search the house, and found several copies of the full book of corruption and bribery, involving many officials. There are dozens of people, all of whom have names and names. The rich and wealthy history is written in a clear and detailed way and can be traced back easily.

The sheer number of gold and silver treasures combined in several books led to the siege of the patrol prince to hand it to the emperor's desk for the first time.

This is no longer a case that any official can take over. Only the country's only master has the right to decide how to deal with it.

Unsurprisingly, the emperor was furious when he saw these books and confirmed that none of the above was true.

In fact, any host family became irritable when they found that the long-term workers raised under his hands had been stealing his money, and the amount had reached four or five times his master's deposit, and the emperor's irritable results were even more bloody.

All officials involved in corruption were dismissed and investigated. Among them, the main criminals led by the Jiang family were sacked, and the Prime Minister ’s office, which was filled with power, was razed to the ground overnight. .

Only one queen Jiang saved her life on the grounds that her queen was about to spend her birthday and it was not appropriate for her to spend much time in the palace.

"I said that each year, the money allocated by the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Households for disaster relief and food aid was huge. Why did the people die so much in the disaster year? You have to find locals to borrow land for farming to live a life. This is the case! This is the case! "

"The taxes collected from the people, as well as the money in the treasury, all support such a group of resident insects. Can you raise your fat and ears to die with the uncle!"

"No, if it wasn't for Shen Jiajun who had blocked Yuntu Country's iron hoof before defeating him, maybe he would kill the dying king alone and die. Those blood-sucking and drinking things would have been kneeling outside the palace gate to welcome the new emperor! "

In the palace of Jin Mao, Qi Huang, who had beheaded a group of officials, did not feel relieved. He sat on the dragon chair and yelled at each other, saying a lot of words. However, all the ministers who knew the king was angry did not dare to say a word, they all knelt down in place and bowed their heads. Except for the military officers who were always suppressed, they had no money on hand and were not afraid to check them. The remaining civilian officials were OK. Few dared to say that they had a clean air with two sleeves, and managed to escape it. It was no longer wanting to join the beheaded luxury package.

The more he scolded and the more hesitant, the more angry emperor raised his hand to the servants around him: "Liu, companion! I want to abolish the prince!" Just think about the Jiang family since his father's generation. He was disgusted when knocking on the bones of the royal family. He didn't want to see anyone related to the Jiang family at all, even if it was his wife and son.

Everyone looked up in disbelief, but lowered their heads again when they touched the king's cold and cold eyes. If Shen Rong was present, she would probably sneer. She had seen this kind of look, and her Majesty was like this, annoying him that he would not even consider whether someone else was innocent or not. It would be kind to save you a life.

Love desires its life, evil desires its death. This is the emperor born and killed.

However, she didn't know that she was far away in the harem. When she heard the news about the post-apocalypse, the two pieces of combo, she scared the watermelon slices in her hand.

"Is this too cruel?" Let her own lady clean her hands and wipe her clothes, and Rong Rong looked stunned. "Anyway, it ’s a couple who have been married for years and a son who has been petting for 5 years. It's really worse than me. "

"Is the mother-in-law sympathizing?" Mei asked in a voice.

A shocking spirit, Shen Rong immediately shook her head: "I sympathize with her? A woman who can brutally miscarry other people and almost let me die in the cold palace, her father killed my father even more, I sympathize with her. If Jiang Hui is fine this time, Later, I reborn a boy. I don't think Qi Yulin, the little prince, will be kind to his younger brother. "He will definitely be taught by his mother to be very vicious and very bad.

It's a good thing to lose it. There is no enemy who has a beam. Don't worry about Jiang Hui and her son when they grow up. Don't be too comfortable.

After thinking about this floor, Princess Rong heard what the former queen pulled her son to kneel in front of the emperor, what made him cry so hard to make him care about husband and wife, even the queen mother came out for her After the news that the grandson pleaded, but His Majesty wasn't moved at all, that was to continue to eat melon and soup, heartlessly, and the Buddha lived.

Niang and Meilu have said that what she has to do now is to raise her baby well, and it is most important to take care of her body.

The Jiang family fell, and the Empress Jiang was also abolished. He moved away from Kuning Palace with the prince, and found another solitary palace to live in. It was similar to the scene when Princess Rong was sent to Jingxi Palace. Everything here became quiet again, and even the queen mother who deliberately took care of her life later could not save the quietness just after the **** shuffle.

"This house is probably quiet for a while." When he closed the door, Xiaolinzi sighed and sighed to his righteous father. "Goddaddy, this time is really dangerous."

As one of the people who led to the cause of the corruption case, Xiao Linzi followed the godfather to help the Jiang family, but he never thought that things would turn out like that! Scared to death, he was really scared to shake his liver!

And the **** who was the master conspirator did not speak. He lay on the rocking chair, fanning the fan in one hand, and holding two jade walnuts in one hand. It seemed that his eyes were closed and his spirit was shaking.

Even if he didn't deliberately look at it, he heard a lot from the familiar population. Every head in the tumbling crowd at the entrance of the afternoon had his part.

This is no coincidence.

Dehai knew very well that someone must have secretly borrowed his power, so that the foot he had originally wanted to care about was not directly converted into a murdering butchery knife, and nearly a thousand souls returned to the sky.

What a fierce and deadly blow, it was so fast that the old fox like Jiang Yanxiang had no time to maneuver and took his relatives Dang Yu together with the army.

There was a few days of blood splattering at the door of Noon for a few days, but no one touched the person behind the scene, and the other side was clean from beginning to end.

who is it?

The **** was thinking in his mind. He combed all the influence divisions on the court. He didn't find a positive answer. Although these people have some means, they have absolutely no ability to make such a precise and detailed account book. . Unable to find a suitable candidate, he simply worked harder to remember what people he had contacted during those days when he planned to retaliate.

A personal figure passed by, and unexpectedly, a small face with tears and moles appeared in front of him. The smile is light and soft, and the temperament is clean and clear.

Is Dagong going out? Be careful when you go out, it's going to be troublesome.

The **** opened his eyes suddenly, his whole body was stiff, his back was wet directly, and his face was in shock.

No way? impossible! But it was a little maiden who was trapped in the harem ... Is it too much experience these days that makes him wonder?

Xiaolinzi over there is still ignorant, just after he had a big vote, he is now looking forward to the low dispatch day, and he has a saying in his mouth: "I hope the palace can be so quiet in the future. Godfather will be promoted to become the director. "2k novel reading network

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